mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 05:00:37 +00:00
Further rework
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,12 +5,38 @@
* the server and recieves them.
class CorpusAnalysisClient {
constructor(corpusId, socket, logging=false) {
constructor({corpusId = null,
socket = null,
logging = true,
dynamicMode = true} = {}) {
this.corpusId = corpusId;
this.displays = {};
this.dynamicMode = dynamicMode;
this.logging = logging;
this.requestQueryProgress = 0;
this.results = undefined; // holds the results object later on
this.socket = socket;
this.socketEventListeners = {};
* Set client into imported mode if SOME THIGN IS INDICATING it
// Disable all console logging. Credits to https://gist.github.com/kmonsoor/0244fdb4ad79a4826371e58a1a5fa984
if (!logging) {
(() => {
let console = (window.console = window.console || {});
'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml',
'error', 'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd',
'info', 'log', 'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table',
'time', 'timeEnd', 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
].forEach(method => {
console[method] = () => {};
// Registers one or more SocketEventListeners to the CorpusAnalysisClient.
@ -31,10 +57,32 @@ class CorpusAnalysisClient {
this.displays[type] = corpusAnalysisDisplay;
* Function that takes one or more query selector
* strings in an array as an input. The function then creates a
* class field in the client object with the query selector
* string as the key. The selector will be converted to a valid JavaScript
* Field name i. e. #html-id-string -> this.htmlIdString
* The value will be the identifed element fetched with the querySelector
* method. MutlipleResults and atattchSomeCallback not yet implemented.
getHTMLElements(arrayOfSelectors, multipleResults=false, atattchSomeCallback=false) {
for (let selector of arrayOfSelectors) {
let element = document.querySelector(selector);
let cleanKey = [];
selector.match(/\w+/g).forEach((word) => {
let tmp = word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
cleanKey[0] = cleanKey[0].toLowerCase();
cleanKey = cleanKey.join('');
this[cleanKey] = element;
* Requests a corpus analysis session via socket.io.
* Opens a loading modal at the start of the request
* Should be a private method if ES2020 is finalized (Maybe?)
requestSession() {
console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Client requesting session via',
@ -48,12 +96,11 @@ class CorpusAnalysisClient {
* Sends the query string to the server.
* Should be a private method if ES2020 is finalized (Maybe?)
requestQueryData(queryStr) {
console.info('corpus_analysis_query: Client requesting query data via',
'socket.emit for the query', queryStr);
// TODO: Display stuff
// TODO: Display stuff ?
this.socket.emit('corpus_analysis_query', queryStr);
@ -1,37 +1,68 @@
// This callback is called on socket.on "query".
// Does some hiding, showing disabling etc.
* This call back is called when the SocketEventListener 'recieveQueryStatus'
* has been triggered. It just gets the incoming status data of the issued
* and does some preperation work like hiding or showing elements and deleting
* the date from the last query.
function querySetup(payload, client) {
// deletes old data from query issued before this new query
// load necessary HTMLElements with selectory syntax and save them as fields
client.getHTMLElements(['#query-progress-bar', '#query-results-user-feedback',
'#recieved-match-count', '#total-match-count',
'#text-lookup-count', '#text-lookup-titles']);
client.requestQueryProgress = 0;
client.recievedMatchCount.textContent = 0;
client.totalMatchCount.textContent = `${payload.match_count}`;
client.queryProgressBar.lastElementChild.style.width = '0%'
* This callback is called when the SocketEventListener 'recieveQueryData'
* has been triggered. It takes the incoming chunk and renders the results in a
* the results.jsList. It can eiterh hande llive incoming data or imported
* the results.jsList. It can either handle live incoming data or imported
* results data.
function queryRenderResults(payload, client, imported=false) {
console.info("Current recieved chunk:", payload.chunk);
if (payload.chunk.cpos_ranges == true) {
client.results.data["cpos_ranges"] = true;
} else {
client.results.data["cpos_ranges"] = false;
function queryRenderResults(payload, client) {
client.getHTMLElements(['#recieved-match-count', '#match-count'])
const renderResults = (data) => {
* resultItem saves the incoming chunk matches as objects to add those later
* to the client.results.jsList
let resultItems = [];
// get infos for full match row
for (let [index, match] of data.matches.entries()) {
resultItems.push({...match, ...{'index': index + client.results.data.matches.length}});
client.results.jsList.add(resultItems, (items) => {
for (let item of items) {
item.elm = client.results.jsList.createResultRowElement(item, data);
* resultItem is a list where
let resultItems = [];
// get infos for full match row
for (let [index, match] of payload.chunk.matches.entries()) {
resultItems.push({...match, ...{"index": index + client.results.data.matches.length}});
if (!imported) {
// update progress bar
// queryResultsDeterminateElement.style.width = `${payload.progress}%`;
client.results.jsList.add(resultItems, (items) => {
for (let item of items) {
item.elm = client.results.jsList.createResultRowElement(item, payload.chunk);
if (client.dynamicMode) {
if (payload.chunk.cpos_ranges == true) {
client.results.data['cpos_ranges'] = true;
} else {
client.results.data['cpos_ranges'] = false;
helperQueryRenderResults(payload, client);
// if (progress === 100) {
// resultsCreateElement.classList.remove("disabled");
// queryResultsProgressElement.classList.add("hide");
// queryResultsUserFeedbackElement.classList.add("hide");
console.info('Result progress is:', client.requestQueryProgress);
if (client.requestQueryProgress === 100) {
* activate, hide or show elements if all reults have been recieved
* also load some new elements taht have not ben loaded before
// resultsExportElement.classList.remove("disabled");
// addToSubResultsElement.removeAttribute("disabled");
// // inital expert mode check and sub results activation
@ -42,20 +73,18 @@ function queryRenderResults(payload, client, imported=false) {
// if (expertModeSwitchElement.checked) {
// client.results.jsList.expertModeOn("query-display");
// }
// }
} else if (imported) {
client.results.jsList.add(resultItems, (items) => {
for (let item of items) {
item.elm = client.results.jsList.createResultRowElement(item, payload.chunk,
helperQueryRenderResults(payload, client);
progress = 100;
if (expertModeSwitchElement.checked) {
} else if (!client.dynamicMode) {
client.requestQueryProgress === 100;
helperQueryRenderResults({'chunk': payload}, client);
if (expertModeSwitchElement.checked) {
@ -65,20 +94,23 @@ function helperQueryRenderResults (payload, client) {
client.results.jsList.changeContext(); // sets lr context on first result load
// incorporating new chunk results into full results
client.results.data.addData(payload.chunk.cpos_lookup, "cpos_lookup");
client.results.data.addData(payload.chunk.text_lookup, "text_lookup");
client.results.data.addData(payload.chunk.cpos_lookup, 'cpos_lookup');
client.results.data.addData(payload.chunk.text_lookup, 'text_lookup');
// complete metaData
// client.results.metaData.add();
// show user current and total match count
// receivedMatchCountElement.innerText = `${client.results.data.matches.length}`;
// textLookupCountElement.innerText = `${Object.keys(client.results.data.text_lookup).length}`;
client.recievedMatchCount.textContent = `${client.results.data.matches.length}`;
client.textLookupCount.textContent = `${Object.keys(client.results.data.text_lookup).length}`;
let titles = new Array();
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(client.results.data.text_lookup)) {
titles.push(`${value.title} (${value.publishing_year})`);
// textTitlesElement.innerText = `${titles.join(", ")}`;
// upate progress status
// progress = payload.progress; // global declaration
client.textLookupTitles.textContent = `${titles.join(", ")}`;
// update progress bar and requestQueryProgress
client.queryProgressBar.lastElementChild.style.width = `${payload.progress}%`;
client.requestQueryProgress = payload.progress;
export { queryRenderResults }
// TODO: Add data to data objekt using its own socket on event?
export { querySetup, queryRenderResults }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {queryRenderResults} from './nopaque.listenerCallbacks.js'
import { querySetup, queryRenderResults } from './nopaque.listenerCallbacks.js'
* Recieves a corpus analysis session via socket.io.
@ -7,13 +7,18 @@ import {queryRenderResults} from './nopaque.listenerCallbacks.js'
function recieveSession(client) {
client.socket.on('corpus_analysis_init', (response) => {
* Check if request for session was ok.
* If OK execute callbacks and hide/show displays.
console.group('recieve session')
console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Client recieving session/or error',
'codes via socket.on');
if (response.code === 200) {
console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Client recieving session/or error',
'codes via socket.on');
console.info(`corpus_analysis_init: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`);
console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Initialization succeeded');
// Handling hide/show of displays
if (client.displays.init != undefined) {
@ -29,6 +34,7 @@ function recieveSession(client) {
console.error(`corpus_analysis_init: ${errorText}`);
@ -40,10 +46,36 @@ function recieveSession(client) {
function recieveQueryStatus(client) {
client.socket.on('corpus_analysis_query', (response) => {
* Check if issued query was ok.
* If OK execute callbacks and hide/show displays.
console.group('corpus_analysis_query: Client recieving query process',
'status via socket.on');
'status via socket.on');
if (response.code === 200) {
console.info(`corpus_analysis_query: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`);
// Handling hide/show of displays
if (client.displays.query != undefined) {
// executing the callbacks
querySetup(response.payload, client);
} else {
let errorText = `Error ${response.payload.code} - ${response.payload.msg}`;
if (response.payload.code == 1281) {
errorText += ' - Invalid Query';
nopaque.flash(errorText, "error");
if (client.displays.query.errorContainer != undefined) {
client.displays.query.errorContainer.innerHTML = `<p class="red-text">`+
`<i class="material-icons tiny">error</i> ${errorText}</p>`;
if (client.displays.query != undefined) {
console.error(`corpus_analysis_query: ${errorText}`);
@ -52,15 +84,21 @@ function recieveQueryStatus(client) {
* Recieves the query data from the request and handles it.
function recieveQueryData(client) {
client.socket.on('corpus_analysis_query_results', (response) => {
console.group('corpus_analysis_query_results: Client recieving query',
'data via socket.on');
console.group('corpus_analysis_query_results: Client recieving or loading',
'query data.');
if (client.dynamicMode) {
console.info('Client recieving query data via socket.on');
client.socket.on('corpus_analysis_query_results', (response) => {
console.info('Recieved chunk', response);
queryRenderResults(response.payload, client);
console.info('Added chunk data to results.data and rendered it with',
} else {
console.info('Client loading imported query data from database.');
queryRenderResults(client.results.data, client);
// export listeners from this module
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ class Data {
// Sets empty object structure. Also usefull to delete old results.
// matchCount default is 0
init(matchCount = 0, type = "results") {
this["matches"] = []; // list of all c with lc and rc
this["cpos_lookup"] = {}; // object contains all this key value pair
this["text_lookup"] = {}; // same as above for all text ids
this["match_count"] = matchCount;
this["corpus_type"] = "results";
this["query"] = "";
this.matches = []; // list of all c with lc and rc
this.cpos_lookup = {}; // object contains all this key value pair
this.text_lookup = {}; // same as above for all text ids
this.match_count = matchCount;
this.corpus_type = 'results';
this.query = '';
addData(jsonData, key=null) {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Data {
let queryFormData;
let queryStr;
queryFormData = new FormData(queryFormElement);
queryStr = queryFormData.get("query-form-query");
queryStr = queryFormData.get('query-form-query');
this["query"] = queryStr;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Data {
// Function to download data as Blob created from string
// should be private but that is not yet a feature of javascript 08.04.2020
download(downloadElement, dataStr, filename, type, filenameSlug) {
console.log("Start Download!");
console.log('Start Download!');
let file;
filename += filenameSlug;
file = new Blob([dataStr], {type: type});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
* HTML for showing infos about the current query or result. Also gives
* the user the abiltiy to access the meta data for the current query or
* result.
const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = `
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/fonts/Material_design_icons/material-icons.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/css/Materialize/materialize.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/css/nopaque.css">
<div class="col">
<h6 style="margin-top: 0px;">Infos</h6>
<div class="divider" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<button id="show-metadata"
type="submit">Corpus Metadata
<i class="material-icons left">info_outline</i>
<div class="col s12">
<slot name="received-match-count">
</slot> of
<slot name="match-count">(to be determined)</slot>
matches loaded.
Matches occured in
<slot name="text-lookup-count">(to be determined)</slot>
corpus files:
<slot name=text-titles>(to be determined)</slot>
<p id="query-results-user-feedback">
<i class="material-icons">help</i>
The Server is still sending your results.
Functions like "Export Results" and "Match Inspect" will be
available after all matches have been loaded.
<div class="progress" id="query-progress-bar">
<div class="determinate"></div>
class InfoMenu extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
// methods that will be used in connectedCallback on eventListeners
showMetadata() {
console.log('Show metadata somehow');
connectedCallback() {
const showMetadataBtn = this.querySelector('#show-metadata');
showMetadataBtn.addEventListener('click', () => this.showMetadata());
disconnectedCallback() {
const showMetadataBtn = this.querySelector('#show-metadata');
window.customElements.define('info-menu', InfoMenu);
export { InfoMenu };
@ -67,89 +67,93 @@
<!-- import modules -->
<script type="module">
* First Phase:
* document content is loaded and scripts are being imported and executed
import {CorpusAnalysisClient,
SocketEventListener} from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.CorpusAnalysisClient.js';
import {recieveSession, recieveQueryStatus,
recieveQueryData} from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.listenerFunctions.js';
import {Results, Data, MetaData} from '../../static/js/nopaque.Results.js';
import {ResultsList} from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
* First Phase:
* document content is loaded and scripts are being imported and executed
import { CorpusAnalysisClient,
SocketEventListener } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.CorpusAnalysisClient.js';
import { recieveSession, recieveQueryStatus,
recieveQueryData } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.listenerFunctions.js';
import { Results, Data, MetaData } from '../../static/js/nopaque.Results.js';
import { ResultsList } from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
* Second Phase:
* Asynchronus and event driven code
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the CorpusAnalysisClient
let corpusId = {{ corpus_id}}
const client = new CorpusAnalysisClient({'corpusId': corpusId,
'socket': nopaque.socket,
'logging': true,
'dynamicMode': true});
console.info("CorpusAnalysisClient created as client:", client);
// Initialize modals which are shown depending on events or client status
const initLoadingElement = document.getElementById("init-display");
const initLoadingModal = M.Modal.init(initLoadingElement,
{"dismissible": false});
// Set up display elements which hare show depending on the client status
const initLoadingDisplay = new CorpusAnalysisDisplay(initLoadingModal);
const queryDisplay = new CorpusAnalysisDisplay(client.queryDisplay);
// Register those display elements to client
client.setDisplay("init", initLoadingDisplay);
client.setDisplay("query", queryDisplay);
* Second Phase:
* Asynchronus and event driven code
* Initializing the results object holding all the data of a query.
* Also holds the metadata of one query.
* resultsListOptions is set to determine how many results per page are
* shown etc.
* Lastly it contains the object ResultsList which is a list.js
* subclass which handles the visual representation of the query data.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the CorpusAnalysisClient
const client = new CorpusAnalysisClient({{ corpus_id }}, nopaque.socket);
console.info("CorpusAnalysisClient created as client:", client);
// Initialize modals which are shown depending on events or client status
const initLoadingElement = document.getElementById("init-display");
const initLoadingModal = M.Modal.init(initLoadingElement,
{"dismissible": false});
// Set up display elements which hare show depending on the client status
const initLoadingDisplay = new CorpusAnalysisDisplay(initLoadingModal);
// Register those display elements to client
client.setDisplay("init", initLoadingDisplay);
* Initializing the results object holding all the data of a query.
* Also holds the metadata of one query.
* resultsListOptions is set to determine how many results per apge are
* shown etc.
* Lastly it also contains the object ResultsList which is a list.js
* subclass which handles the visual reprensetnation of the query data.
let displayOptionsData = ResultsList.getDisplayOptions('display-options-form');
ResultsList.options.page = displayOptionsData["resultsPerPage"];
let resultsList = new ResultsList("result-list", ResultsList.options);
let resultsMetaData = new MetaData();
let results = new Results(new Data(), resultsList, resultsMetaData);
// make results part of the client
client.results = results;
console.info('Initialized the Results object.')
// register listeners listening to socket.io events and load them
const listenForSession = new SocketEventListener('corpus_analysis_init',
const listenForQueryStatus = new SocketEventListener('corpus_analysis_query',
const listenForQueryData = new SocketEventListener('corpus_analysis_query_results',
client.setSocketEventListeners([listenForSession, listenForQueryStatus,
// Session initialization
// Send a query and recieve its answer data
let queryFormElement = document.getElementById("query-form");
queryFormElement.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
try {
* Selects first page of result list if pagination is already available
* from an query submitted before.
* This avoids confusion for the user e.g.: The user was on page 24
* reviewing the results and issues a new query. He would not see any
* results until the new results reach page 24 or he clicks on another
* valid result page element from the new pagination.
let xpath = '//a[@class="page" and text()=1]';
let firstPageElement = document.evaluate(xpath,
} catch (e) {
// Prevent page from reloading on submit
// Get query string and send query to server
let displayOptionsData = ResultsList.getDisplayOptions('display-options-form');
ResultsList.options.page = displayOptionsData["resultsPerPage"];
let data = new Data();
let resultsList = new ResultsList("result-list", ResultsList.options);
let resultsMetaData = new MetaData();
let results = new Results(data, resultsList, resultsMetaData);
// make results part of the client
client.results = results;
console.info('Initialized the Results object.')
// register listeners listening to socket.io events and load them
const listenForSession = new SocketEventListener('corpus_analysis_init',
const listenForQueryStatus = new SocketEventListener('corpus_analysis_query',
const listenForQueryData = new SocketEventListener('corpus_analysis_query_results',
client.setSocketEventListeners([listenForSession, listenForQueryStatus,
// Session initialization
// Send a query and recieve its answer data
let queryFormElement = document.getElementById("query-form");
queryFormElement.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
try {
* Selects first page of result list if pagination is already available
* from an query submitted before.
* This avoids confusion for the user e.g.: The user was on page 24
* reviewing the results and issues a new query. He would not see any
* results until the new results reach page 24 or he clicks on another
* valid result page element from the new pagination.
let firstPageElement = document.querySelector('a.page');
} catch (e) {
// No page element is present if first query is submitted.
// Prevent page from reloading on submit
// Get query string and send query to server
{% endblock %}
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
<script type="module">
import {RessourceList} from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
class InformationUpdater {
constructor(corpusId, foreignCorpusFlag) {
this.corpusId = corpusId;
@ -196,7 +196,8 @@
nopaque.socket.emit("foreign_user_data_stream_init", {{ corpus.user_id }});
{% endif %}
var corpusFilesList = new RessourceList("corpus-files", null, "CorpusFile");
let corpusFilesList = new RessourceList("corpus-files", null, "CorpusFile");
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
corpusFilesList._add({{ corpus_files|tojson|safe }});
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ the selected sub results.-->
id="results-create">Create Results
id="query-results-create">Create Results
<i class="material-icons left">build</i>
<button id="query-results-export"
@ -17,29 +17,27 @@ result.-->
<div class="col s12">
<div class="progress hide" id="query-progress-bar">
<div class="determinate"></div>
<span id="received-match-count">
<span id="recieved-match-count">
</span> of
<span id="match-count"></span>
<span id="total-match-count"></span>
matches loaded.
Matches occured in
<span id="text-lookup-count"></span>
corpus files:
<span id=text-titles></span>
<span id=text-lookup-titles></span>
{% if not imported %}
<p id="query-results-user-feedback">
<i class="material-icons">help</i>
The Server is still sending your results.
<p class="hide" id="query-results-user-feedback">
<i class="material-icons tiny">help</i>
Server is sending your results.
Functions like "Export Results" and "Match Inspect" will be
available after all matches have been loaded.
<div class="progress" id="query-results-progress">
<div class="determinate" id="query-results-determinate"></div>
{% endif %}
@ -150,11 +150,11 @@
var corpusList = new RessourceList("corpora", nopaque.corporaSubscribers, "Corpus");
var jobList = new RessourceList("jobs", nopaque.jobsSubscribers, "Job");
var queryResultList = new RessourceList("query-results", nopaque.queryResultsSubscribers, "QueryResult");
<script type="module">
import {RessourceList} from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
let corpusList = new RessourceList("corpora", nopaque.corporaSubscribers, "Corpus");
let jobList = new RessourceList("jobs", nopaque.jobsSubscribers, "Job");
let queryResultList = new RessourceList("query-results", nopaque.queryResultsSubscribers, "QueryResult");
{% endblock %}
@ -54,180 +54,150 @@
{% include 'modals/context_modal.html.j2' %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/nopaque.Results.js') }}">
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/nopaque.callbacks.js') }}">
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/nopaque.InteractionElement.js') }}">
// ###### global variables ######
var full_result_json;
var result_json;
var receivedMatchCountElement; // Nr. of loaded matches will be displayed in this element
var textLookupCountElement // Nr of texts the matches occured in will be shown in this element
var textTitlesElement; // matched text titles
var progress; // global progress value
var queryResultsProgressElement; // Div element holding the progress bar
var expertModeSwitchElement; // Expert mode switch Element
var matchCountElement; // Total nr. of matches will be displayed in this element
var interactionElements; // Interaction elements and their parameters
var contextModal; // Modal to open on inspect for further match context
<script type="module">
* First Phase:
* document content is loaded and scripts are being imported and executed
import { CorpusAnalysisClient,
SocketEventListener } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.CorpusAnalysisClient.js';
import { recieveSession, recieveQueryStatus,
recieveQueryData } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.listenerFunctions.js';
import { Results, Data, MetaData } from '../../static/js/nopaque.Results.js';
import { ResultsList } from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
import { queryRenderResults, querySetup } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.listenerCallbacks.js'
// ###### Defining local scope variables
let displayOptionsFormElement; // Form holding the display informations
let resultItems; // array of built html result items row element. This is called when results are transmitted and being recieved
let hitsPerPageInputElement;let contextPerItemElement; // Form Element for display option
let paginationElements;
let inspectBtnElements;
let metaDataModal;
let showMetaDataButton
* Second Phase:
* Asynchronus and event driven code
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the CorpusAnalysisClient
const client = new CorpusAnalysisClient({'logging': true,
'dynamicMode': false});
console.info("CorpusAnalysisClient created as client:", client);
// Set up display elements which hare show depending on the client status
const queryDisplay = new CorpusAnalysisDisplay(client.queryDisplay);
// Register those display elements to client
client.setDisplay("query", queryDisplay);
* Initializing the results object holding all the data of a query.
* Also holds the metadata of one query.
* resultsListOptions is set to determine how many results per page are
* shown etc.
* Lastly it contains the object ResultsList which is a list.js
* subclass which handles the visual representation of the query data.
let displayOptionsData = ResultsList.getDisplayOptions('display-options-form');
ResultsList.options.page = displayOptionsData["resultsPerPage"];
let data = new Data();
let resultsList = new ResultsList("result-list", ResultsList.options);
let resultsMetaData = new MetaData();
let results = new Results(data, resultsList, resultsMetaData);
// make results part of the client
client.results = results;
// inits some object keys and values
console.info('Initialized the Results object.')
// init some modals
let deleteOverlay = () => {
let overlay = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-overlay")[0];
client.metaDataModal = M.Modal.init(client.metaDataModal,
{'preventScrolling': false,
'opacity': 0.0,
'dismissible': false,
'onOpenEnd': deleteOverlay});
// saving imported data into client object
const payload = {{ query_result_file_content|tojson|safe }};
// ###### Initializing variables ######
displayOptionsFormElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form");
resultItems = [];
receivedMatchCountElement = document.getElementById("received-match-count");
textLookupCountElement = document.getElementById("text-lookup-count");
textTitlesElement = document.getElementById("text-titles");
queryResultsProgressElement = document.getElementById("query-results-progress");
expertModeSwitchElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-expert_mode");
matchCountElement = document.getElementById("match-count");
hitsPerPageInputElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-results_per_page");
contextPerItemElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-result_context");
paginationElements = document.getElementsByClassName("pagination");
contextModal = document.getElementById("context-modal");
metaDataModal = document.getElementById("meta-data-modal");
showMetaDataButton = document.getElementById("show-metadata");
// js list options
displayOptionsData = ResultsList.getDisplayOptions(displayOptionsFormElement);
resultsListOptions = {page: displayOptionsData["resultsPerPage"],
pagination: [{
name: "paginationTop",
paginationClass: "paginationTop",
innerWindow: 8,
outerWindow: 1
}, {
paginationClass: "paginationBottom",
innerWindow: 8,
outerWindow: 1
valueNames: ["titles", "lc", "c", "rc", {data: ["index"]}],
item: `<span></span>`
// // Initialization of interactionElemnts
// // An interactionElement is an object identifing a switch or button via
// // htmlID. Callbacks are set for these elements which will be triggered on
// // a pagination interaction by the user or if the status of the element has
// // been altered. (Like the switche has ben turned on or off).
// interactionElements = new InteractionElements();
// let expertModeInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-expert_mode");
// expertModeInteraction.setCallback("on",
// results.jsList.expertModeOn,
// results.jsList,
// ["query-display"])
// expertModeInteraction.setCallback("off",
// results.jsList.expertModeOff,
// results.jsList,
// ["query-display"])
// let activateInspectInteraction = new InteractionElement("inspect",
// false);
// activateInspectInteraction.setCallback("noCheck",
// results.jsList.activateInspect,
// results.jsList);
// let changeContextInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-results_per_page",
// false);
// changeContextInteraction.setCallback("noCheck",
// results.jsList.changeContext,
// results.jsList)
// interactionElements.addInteractions([expertModeInteraction, activateInspectInteraction, changeContextInteraction]);
// // checks if a change for every interactionElement happens and executes
// // the callbacks accordingly
// interactionElements.onChangeExecute();
// // eventListener if pagination is used to apply new context size to new page
// // and also activate inspect match if progress is 100
// // also adds more interaction buttons like add to sub results
// for (let element of paginationElements) {
// element.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// results.jsList.pageChangeEventInteractionHandler(interactionElements);
// });
// }
// render results directly with callbacks because we are not in dynamic mode
querySetup(payload, client);
queryRenderResults(payload, client);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize some Modals
contextModal = M.Modal.init(contextModal, {"dismissible": true});
// ###### recreating chunk structure to reuse callback queryRenderResults()
full_result_json = {{ query_result_file_content|tojson|safe }};
result_json = {};
result_json["chunk"] = {};
result_json.chunk["cpos_lookup"] = full_result_json.cpos_lookup;
result_json.chunk["cpos_ranges"] = full_result_json.cpos_ranges;
result_json.chunk["matches"] = full_result_json.matches;
result_json.chunk["text_lookup"] = full_result_json.text_lookup;
// Init corpus analysis components
data = new Data();
resultsList = new ResultsList("result-list", resultsListOptions);
resultsMetaData = new MetaData();
results = new Results(data, resultsList, resultsMetaData);
results.clearAll(); // inits some object keys and values
// init some modals
let deleteOverlay = () => {
let overlay = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-overlay")[0];
metaDataModal = M.Modal.init(metaDataModal, {"preventScrolling": false,
"opacity": 0.0,
"dismissible": false,
"onOpenEnd": deleteOverlay});
// setting some initial values for user feedback
matchCountElement.innerText = full_result_json.match_count;
// Initialization of interactionElemnts
// An interactionElement is an object identifing a switch or button via
// htmlID. Callbacks are set for these elements which will be triggered on
// a pagination interaction by the user or if the status of the element has
// been altered. (Like the switche has ben turned on or off).
interactionElements = new InteractionElements();
let expertModeInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-expert_mode");
let activateInspectInteraction = new InteractionElement("inspect",
let changeContextInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-results_per_page",
interactionElements.addInteractions([expertModeInteraction, activateInspectInteraction, changeContextInteraction]);
// checks if a change for every interactionElement happens and executes
// the callbacks accordingly
// eventListener if pagination is used to apply new context size to new page
// and also activate inspect match if progress is 100
// also adds more interaction buttons like add to sub results
for (let element of paginationElements) {
element.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// render results in table imported parameter is true
queryRenderResults(result_json, true);
// ### Show corpus Metadata
showMetaDataButton.onclick = () => {
// live update of hits per page if hits per page value is changed
let changeHitsPerPageBind = results.jsList.changeHitsPerPage.bind(results.jsList);
hitsPerPageInputElement.onchange = changeHitsPerPageBind;
// live update of lr context per item if context value is changed
contextPerItemElement.onchange = results.jsList.changeContext;
// new insepct event listener makeing use of javascript bubbleing
let resultsTable = document.getElementById("query-results");
resultsTable.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (event.target.classList.contains("inspect-btn")) {
const dataIndex = event.target.closest("tr").dataset.index;
const fakeResponse = results.jsList.createFakeResponse();
// scroll to top button if user scrolled down the list
let headline = document.querySelector(".headline");
let scrollToTop = document.querySelector("#menu-scroll-to-top-div");
window.addEventListener("scroll", (event) => {
if (pageYOffset > 250) {
scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", false);
} else {
scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", true);
scrollToTop.onclick = () => {
headline.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest"});
// // ### Show corpus Metadata
// showMetaDataButton.onclick = () => {
// metaDataModal.open();
// };
// // live update of hits per page if hits per page value is changed
// let changeHitsPerPageBind = results.jsList.changeHitsPerPage.bind(results.jsList);
// hitsPerPageInputElement.onchange = changeHitsPerPageBind;
// // live update of lr context per item if context value is changed
// contextPerItemElement.onchange = results.jsList.changeContext;
// // new insepct event listener makeing use of javascript bubbleing
// let resultsTable = document.getElementById("query-results");
// resultsTable.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// if (event.target.classList.contains("inspect-btn")) {
// const dataIndex = event.target.closest("tr").dataset.index;
// const fakeResponse = results.jsList.createFakeResponse();
// results.jsList.showMatchContext(fakeResponse);
// }
// });
// // scroll to top button if user scrolled down the list
// let headline = document.querySelector(".headline");
// let scrollToTop = document.querySelector("#menu-scroll-to-top-div");
// window.addEventListener("scroll", (event) => {
// if (pageYOffset > 250) {
// scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", false);
// } else {
// scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", true);
// }
// });
// scrollToTop.onclick = () => {
// headline.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest"});
// };
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
{% extends "nopaque.html.j2" %}
{% set headline = ' ' %}
{% set full_width = True %}
{% set imported = True %}
{% block page_content %}
<div class="col s12">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content" style="padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 0px;">
<!-- Query form -->
<div class="row">
<form id="query-form">
<div class="col s12 m10">
<div class="input-field">
<i class="material-icons prefix">search</i>
<input disabled value="{{ query_metadata.query|escape }}" id="disabled" type="text" class="validate">
<label for="disabled">Query</label>
<div class="col s12 m2 right-align">
<br class="hide-on-small-only">
<!-- entire results div/card -->
<div class="col s12" id="query-display">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content" id="result-list" style="overflow: hidden;">
<div class=" row show-on-success">
{% include 'interactions/infos.html.j2' %}
{% include 'interactions/display.html.j2' %}
{% include 'interactions/analysis.html.j2' %}
{% include 'interactions/cite.html.j2' %}
{% include 'tables/query_results.html.j2' %}
<!-- Scroll to top element -->
{% include 'interactions/scroll_to_top.html.j2' %}
<!-- Modals -->
{% include 'modals/show_metadata.html.j2' %}
{% include 'modals/show_text_details.html.j2' %}
{% include 'modals/context_modal.html.j2' %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/nopaque.Results.js') }}">
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/nopaque.callbacks.js') }}">
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/nopaque.InteractionElement.js') }}">
// ###### global variables ######
var full_result_json;
var result_json;
var receivedMatchCountElement; // Nr. of loaded matches will be displayed in this element
var textLookupCountElement // Nr of texts the matches occured in will be shown in this element
var textTitlesElement; // matched text titles
var progress; // global progress value
var queryResultsProgressElement; // Div element holding the progress bar
var expertModeSwitchElement; // Expert mode switch Element
var matchCountElement; // Total nr. of matches will be displayed in this element
var interactionElements; // Interaction elements and their parameters
var contextModal; // Modal to open on inspect for further match context
// ###### Defining local scope variables
let displayOptionsFormElement; // Form holding the display informations
let resultItems; // array of built html result items row element. This is called when results are transmitted and being recieved
let hitsPerPageInputElement;let contextPerItemElement; // Form Element for display option
let paginationElements;
let inspectBtnElements;
let metaDataModal;
let showMetaDataButton
// ###### Initializing variables ######
displayOptionsFormElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form");
resultItems = [];
receivedMatchCountElement = document.getElementById("received-match-count");
textLookupCountElement = document.getElementById("text-lookup-count");
textTitlesElement = document.getElementById("text-titles");
queryResultsProgressElement = document.getElementById("query-results-progress");
expertModeSwitchElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-expert_mode");
matchCountElement = document.getElementById("match-count");
hitsPerPageInputElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-results_per_page");
contextPerItemElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-result_context");
paginationElements = document.getElementsByClassName("pagination");
contextModal = document.getElementById("context-modal");
metaDataModal = document.getElementById("meta-data-modal");
showMetaDataButton = document.getElementById("show-metadata");
// js list options
displayOptionsData = ResultsList.getDisplayOptions(displayOptionsFormElement);
resultsListOptions = {page: displayOptionsData["resultsPerPage"],
pagination: [{
name: "paginationTop",
paginationClass: "paginationTop",
innerWindow: 8,
outerWindow: 1
}, {
paginationClass: "paginationBottom",
innerWindow: 8,
outerWindow: 1
valueNames: ["titles", "lc", "c", "rc", {data: ["index"]}],
item: `<span></span>`
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize some Modals
contextModal = M.Modal.init(contextModal, {"dismissible": true});
// ###### recreating chunk structure to reuse callback queryRenderResults()
full_result_json = {{ query_result_file_content|tojson|safe }};
result_json = {};
result_json["chunk"] = {};
result_json.chunk["cpos_lookup"] = full_result_json.cpos_lookup;
result_json.chunk["cpos_ranges"] = full_result_json.cpos_ranges;
result_json.chunk["matches"] = full_result_json.matches;
result_json.chunk["text_lookup"] = full_result_json.text_lookup;
// Init corpus analysis components
data = new Data();
resultsList = new ResultsList("result-list", resultsListOptions);
resultsMetaData = new MetaData();
results = new Results(data, resultsList, resultsMetaData);
results.clearAll(); // inits some object keys and values
// init some modals
let deleteOverlay = () => {
let overlay = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-overlay")[0];
metaDataModal = M.Modal.init(metaDataModal, {"preventScrolling": false,
"opacity": 0.0,
"dismissible": false,
"onOpenEnd": deleteOverlay});
// setting some initial values for user feedback
matchCountElement.innerText = full_result_json.match_count;
// Initialization of interactionElemnts
// An interactionElement is an object identifing a switch or button via
// htmlID. Callbacks are set for these elements which will be triggered on
// a pagination interaction by the user or if the status of the element has
// been altered. (Like the switche has ben turned on or off).
interactionElements = new InteractionElements();
let expertModeInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-expert_mode");
let activateInspectInteraction = new InteractionElement("inspect",
let changeContextInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-results_per_page",
interactionElements.addInteractions([expertModeInteraction, activateInspectInteraction, changeContextInteraction]);
// checks if a change for every interactionElement happens and executes
// the callbacks accordingly
// eventListener if pagination is used to apply new context size to new page
// and also activate inspect match if progress is 100
// also adds more interaction buttons like add to sub results
for (let element of paginationElements) {
element.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// render results in table imported parameter is true
queryRenderResults(result_json, true);
// ### Show corpus Metadata
showMetaDataButton.onclick = () => {
// live update of hits per page if hits per page value is changed
let changeHitsPerPageBind = results.jsList.changeHitsPerPage.bind(results.jsList);
hitsPerPageInputElement.onchange = changeHitsPerPageBind;
// live update of lr context per item if context value is changed
contextPerItemElement.onchange = results.jsList.changeContext;
// new insepct event listener makeing use of javascript bubbleing
let resultsTable = document.getElementById("query-results");
resultsTable.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (event.target.classList.contains("inspect-btn")) {
const dataIndex = event.target.closest("tr").dataset.index;
const fakeResponse = results.jsList.createFakeResponse();
// scroll to top button if user scrolled down the list
let headline = document.querySelector(".headline");
let scrollToTop = document.querySelector("#menu-scroll-to-top-div");
window.addEventListener("scroll", (event) => {
if (pageYOffset > 250) {
scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", false);
} else {
scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", true);
scrollToTop.onclick = () => {
headline.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest"});
{% endblock %}
@ -83,8 +83,9 @@
var corpusList = new RessourceList("corpora", nopaque.corporaSubscribers, "Corpus");
var queryResultList = new RessourceList("query-results", nopaque.queryResultsSubscribers, "QueryResult");
<script type="module">
import {RessourceList} from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
let corpusList = new RessourceList("corpora", nopaque.corporaSubscribers, "Corpus");
let queryResultList = new RessourceList("query-results", nopaque.queryResultsSubscribers, "QueryResult");
{% endblock %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user