2020-08-17 16:15:34 +02:00

204 lines
8.2 KiB

{% extends "nopaque.html.j2" %}
{% set headline = ' ' %}
{% set full_width = True %}
{% set imported = True %}
{% block page_content %}
<div class="col s12">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content" style="padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 0px;">
<!-- Query form -->
<div class="row">
<form id="query-form">
<div class="col s12 m10">
<div class="input-field">
<i class="material-icons prefix">search</i>
<input disabled value="{{ query_metadata.query|escape }}" id="disabled" type="text" class="validate">
<label for="disabled">Query</label>
<div class="col s12 m2 right-align">
<br class="hide-on-small-only">
<!-- entire results div/card -->
<div class="col s12" id="query-display">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content" id="result-list" style="overflow: hidden;">
<div class=" row show-on-success">
{% include 'interactions/infos.html.j2' %}
{% include 'interactions/display.html.j2' %}
{% include 'interactions/analysis.html.j2' %}
{% include 'interactions/cite.html.j2' %}
{% include 'tables/query_results.html.j2' %}
<!-- Scroll to top element -->
{% include 'interactions/scroll_to_top.html.j2' %}
<!-- Modals -->
{% include 'modals/show_metadata.html.j2' %}
{% include 'modals/show_text_details.html.j2' %}
{% include 'modals/context_modal.html.j2' %}
<script type="module">
* First Phase:
* document content is loaded and scripts are being imported and executed
import { CorpusAnalysisClient,
SocketEventListener } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.CorpusAnalysisClient.js';
import { recieveSession, recieveQueryStatus,
recieveQueryData } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.listenerFunctions.js';
import { Results, Data, MetaData } from '../../static/js/nopaque.Results.js';
import { ResultsList } from '../../static/js/nopaque.lists.js';
import { queryRenderResults, querySetup } from '../../static/js/modules/nopaque.listenerCallbacks.js'
* Second Phase:
* Asynchronus and event driven code
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the CorpusAnalysisClient
const client = new CorpusAnalysisClient({'logging': true,
'dynamicMode': false});"CorpusAnalysisClient created as client:", client);
// Set up display elements which hare show depending on the client status
const queryDisplay = new CorpusAnalysisDisplay(client.queryDisplay);
// Register those display elements to client
client.setDisplay("query", queryDisplay);
* Initializing the results object holding all the data of a query.
* Also holds the metadata of one query.
* resultsListOptions is set to determine how many results per page are
* shown etc.
* Lastly it contains the object ResultsList which is a list.js
* subclass which handles the visual representation of the query data.
let displayOptionsData = ResultsList.getDisplayOptions('display-options-form'); = displayOptionsData["resultsPerPage"];
let data = new Data();
let resultsList = new ResultsList("result-list", ResultsList.options);
let resultsMetaData = new MetaData();
let results = new Results(data, resultsList, resultsMetaData);
// make results part of the client
client.results = results;
// inits some object keys and values
client.results.clearAll();'Initialized the Results object.')
// init some modals
let deleteOverlay = () => {
let overlay = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-overlay")[0];
client.metaDataModal = M.Modal.init(client.metaDataModal,
{'preventScrolling': false,
'opacity': 0.0,
'dismissible': false,
'onOpenEnd': deleteOverlay});
// saving imported data into client object
const payload = {{ query_result_file_content|tojson|safe }};
// // Initialization of interactionElemnts
// // An interactionElement is an object identifing a switch or button via
// // htmlID. Callbacks are set for these elements which will be triggered on
// // a pagination interaction by the user or if the status of the element has
// // been altered. (Like the switche has ben turned on or off).
// interactionElements = new InteractionElements();
// let expertModeInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-expert_mode");
// expertModeInteraction.setCallback("on",
// results.jsList.expertModeOn,
// results.jsList,
// ["query-display"])
// expertModeInteraction.setCallback("off",
// results.jsList.expertModeOff,
// results.jsList,
// ["query-display"])
// let activateInspectInteraction = new InteractionElement("inspect",
// false);
// activateInspectInteraction.setCallback("noCheck",
// results.jsList.activateInspect,
// results.jsList);
// let changeContextInteraction = new InteractionElement("display-options-form-results_per_page",
// false);
// changeContextInteraction.setCallback("noCheck",
// results.jsList.changeContext,
// results.jsList)
// interactionElements.addInteractions([expertModeInteraction, activateInspectInteraction, changeContextInteraction]);
// // checks if a change for every interactionElement happens and executes
// // the callbacks accordingly
// interactionElements.onChangeExecute();
// // eventListener if pagination is used to apply new context size to new page
// // and also activate inspect match if progress is 100
// // also adds more interaction buttons like add to sub results
// for (let element of paginationElements) {
// element.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// results.jsList.pageChangeEventInteractionHandler(interactionElements);
// });
// }
// render results directly with callbacks because we are not in dynamic mode
querySetup(payload, client);
queryRenderResults(payload, client);
// // ### Show corpus Metadata
// showMetaDataButton.onclick = () => {
// };
// // live update of hits per page if hits per page value is changed
// let changeHitsPerPageBind = results.jsList.changeHitsPerPage.bind(results.jsList);
// hitsPerPageInputElement.onchange = changeHitsPerPageBind;
// // live update of lr context per item if context value is changed
// contextPerItemElement.onchange = results.jsList.changeContext;
// // new insepct event listener makeing use of javascript bubbleing
// let resultsTable = document.getElementById("query-results");
// resultsTable.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// if ("inspect-btn")) {
// const dataIndex ="tr").dataset.index;
// const fakeResponse = results.jsList.createFakeResponse();
// results.jsList.showMatchContext(fakeResponse);
// }
// });
// // scroll to top button if user scrolled down the list
// let headline = document.querySelector(".headline");
// let scrollToTop = document.querySelector("#menu-scroll-to-top-div");
// window.addEventListener("scroll", (event) => {
// if (pageYOffset > 250) {
// scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", false);
// } else {
// scrollToTop.classList.toggle("hide", true);
// }
// });
// scrollToTop.onclick = () => {
// headline.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest"});
// };
{% endblock %}