mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 11:52:38 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import os
import re
import sys
input_files = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".hocr"), sorted(os.listdir(sys.argv[1])))
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ output_file.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' +
for input_file in input_files:
tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(sys.argv[1], input_file))
output_file.write(' <pb n="%s"/>\n' % (input_file.split(".")[0]))
page_number = int(re.search(r'\d+', input_file.split(".")[0]).group(0))
output_file.write(' <pb n="%i"/>\n' % (page_number))
for para in tree.findall(".//*[@class='ocr_par']"):
output_file.write(' <p>\n')
for line in para.findall(".//*[@class='ocr_line']"):
@ -41,4 +43,4 @@ for input_file in input_files:
output_file.write(' </body>\n' +
' </text>\n' +
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# coding=utf-8
@ -19,16 +18,20 @@ from pyflow import WorkflowRunner
''' TODO:
' Implement --end-page: Last page to ocr
' Implement --memMb: Total amount of memory (RAM) available for this workflow. Default: 2048 * nCores
' Implement --rotate: Rotate pages from input (90, 180, 270)
' Implement --split-pages: Split pages in half after possible rotation
' Implement --start-page: First page to ocr
' Implement --end-page: Last page to ocr
' Implement --memMb: Total amount of memory (RAM) available for this workflow. Default: 2048 * nCores
' Implement --rotate: Rotate pages from input (90, 180, 270)
' Implement --split-pages: Split pages in half after possible rotation
' Implement --start-page: First page to ocr
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Performs OCR of (historical) documents utilizing OCRopus for preprocessing and Tesseract OCR \
for OCR. Available outputs are HOCR, PDF, shrinked PDF, and simple DTAbf \
(TEI P5 compliant). Software requirements: imagemagick, ocropus, pdftk, pdftoppm, poppler-utils, pyflow, python2.7, tesseract")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"Performs OCR of (historical) documents utilizing OCRopus for \
preprocessing and Tesseract OCR for OCR. Available outputs are HOCR, \
PDF, shrinked PDF, and simple DTAbf (TEI P5 compliant). Software \
requirements: imagemagick, ocropus, pdftk, pdftoppm, poppler-utils, \
pyflow, python2.7, tesseract"
@ -81,12 +84,7 @@ class OCRWorkflow(WorkflowRunner):
mkdir_job_number = 0
for job in self.jobs:
mkdir_job_number += 1
cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "hocr_files"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "ocropus-nlbin"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tesseract"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files")
cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s"' % (os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"))
mkdir_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="mkdir_job_-_%i" % (mkdir_job_number), command=cmd))
@ -102,20 +100,20 @@ class OCRWorkflow(WorkflowRunner):
cmd = 'convert "%s" "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files", os.path.basename(job["path"]).rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "-%sd.tif" % ("%")))
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "-%sd.tif" % ("%")))
cmd = 'tiff2pdf -o "%s" "%s" && pdftoppm "%s" "%s" -tiff -r 300 -tiffcompression lzw -cropbox && rm "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0]),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf")
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "page"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf")
cmd = 'pdftoppm "%s" "%s" -tiff -r 300 -tiffcompression lzw -cropbox' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files", "page")
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "page")
split_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="split_job_-_%i" % (split_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=mkdir_jobs))
@ -123,95 +121,108 @@ class OCRWorkflow(WorkflowRunner):
# Task "ocropus_nlbin_job": binarize tiff files from previous split
# Dependencies: split_jobs
ocropusnlbin_jobs = []
if (not self.skipBinarization):
ocropusnlbin_job_number = 0
binarization_jobs = []
binarization_job_number = 0
' We run ocropus-nlbin with either four or, if there are less then four
' cores available for this workflow, the available core number.
binarization_job_nCores = min(4, self.nCores)
if not self.skipBinarization:
for job in self.jobs:
ocropusnlbin_job_number += 1
cmd = 'ocropus-nlbin -Q "%i" -o "%s" "%s"/*' % (
max(1, int(self.nCores / len(self.jobs))),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "ocropus-nlbin"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files")
binarization_job_number += 1
cmd = 'ocropus-nlbin -Q "%i" -o "%s" "%s"/*.tif' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp")
ocropusnlbin_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="ocropusnlbin_job_-_%i" % (ocropusnlbin_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=split_jobs, nCores=max(1, int(self.nCores / len(self.jobs)))))
binarization_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="binarization_job_-_%i" % (binarization_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=split_jobs, nCores=binarization_job_nCores))
# Task "tesseract_job": perform OCR on binarized images
# Dependencies: ocropusnlbin_jobs
# Task "post_binarization_job": Normalize file names from binarization
# Dependencies: binarization_jobs
tesseract_jobs = []
tesseract_job_number = 0
post_binarization_jobs = []
post_binarization_job_number = 0
if not self.skipBinarization:
for job in self.jobs:
for file in filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".bin.png") or x.endswith(".nrm.png"), os.listdir(os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"))):
post_binarization_job_number += 1
cmd = 'mv "%s" "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", file),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "page-%i.%s" % (int(file.split(".", 1)[0]), file.split(".", 1)[1])),
post_binarization_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="post_binarization_job_-_%i" % (post_binarization_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=binarization_jobs))
# Task "ocr_job": perform OCR
# Dependencies: waitForTasks
ocr_jobs = []
ocr_job_number = 0
' Tesseract runs fastest with four cores. So we run it with either four
' or, if there are less then four cores available for this workflow, the
' available core number.
ocr_job_nCores = min(4, self.nCores)
for job in self.jobs:
# This list is empty if you don't wait for ocropus_nlbin_jobs to complete
for file in filter(lambda x: self.skipBinarization or x.endswith(".bin.png"), os.listdir(os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files" if self.skipBinarization else "ocropus-nlbin"))):
tesseract_job_number += 1
for file in filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".tif") if self.skipBinarization else x.endswith(".bin.png"), os.listdir(os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"))):
ocr_job_number += 1
cmd = 'tesseract "%s" "%s" -l "%s" hocr pdf txt' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tiff_files" if self.skipBinarization else "ocropus-nlbin", file),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tesseract", file.rsplit(".", 1 if self.skipBinarization else 2)[0]),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", file),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", file.rsplit(".", 1 if self.skipBinarization else 2)[0]),
tesseract_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="tesseract_job_-_%i" % (tesseract_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=ocropusnlbin_jobs, nCores=min(4, self.nCores)))
ocr_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="ocr_job_-_%i" % (ocr_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=post_binarization_jobs, nCores=ocr_job_nCores))
# Task "hocr_to_teip_job": create TEI P5 file from hocr files
# Dependencies: tesseract_jobs
# Dependencies: ocr_jobs
hocr_to_tei_jobs = []
hocr_to_tei_job_number = 0
for job in self.jobs:
hocr_to_tei_job_number += 1
cmd = 'hocrtotei "%s" "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tesseract"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".xml")
hocr_to_tei_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="hocr_to_tei_job_-_%i" % (hocr_to_tei_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=tesseract_jobs))
# Task "move_hocr_job": move hocr files from <output_dir>/tmp/tesseract to <output_dir>/hocr_files
# Dependencies: hocr_to_teip5_jobs
move_hocr_jobs = []
move_hocr_job_number = 0
for job in self.jobs:
move_hocr_job_number += 1
cmd = 'mv "%s"/*.hocr "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tesseract"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "hocr_files")
move_hocr_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="move_hocr_job_-_%i" % (move_hocr_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=hocr_to_tei_jobs))
hocr_to_tei_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="hocr_to_tei_job_-_%i" % (hocr_to_tei_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=ocr_jobs))
# Task "pdf_merge_job": Merge PDF files
# Dependencies: tesseract_jobs
# Dependencies: ocr_jobs
pdf_merge_jobs = []
pdf_merge_job_number = 0
for job in self.jobs:
pdf_merge_job_number += 1
cmd = 'pdftk "%s"/*.pdf cat output "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp", "tesseract"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf")
pdf_merge_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="pdf_merge_job_-_%i" % (pdf_merge_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=tesseract_jobs))
pdf_merge_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="pdf_merge_job_-_%i" % (pdf_merge_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=ocr_jobs))
# Task "pdf_to_txt_job":
# Dependencies: pdf_merge_jobs
# Task "txt_merge_job": Merge .txt files
# Dependencies: ocr_jobs
pdf_to_txt_jobs = []
pdf_to_txt_job_number = 0
txt_merge_jobs = []
txt_merge_job_number = 0
for job in self.jobs:
pdf_to_txt_job_number += 1
cmd = 'pdftotext -raw "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pdf")
txt_merge_job_number += 1
cmd = 'cat "%s"/*.txt > "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp"),
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], job["basename"].rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".txt")
pdf_merge_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="pdf_to_txt_job_-_%i" % (pdf_to_txt_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=pdf_merge_jobs))
txt_merge_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="txt_merge_job_-_%i" % (txt_merge_job_number), command=cmd, dependencies=ocr_jobs))
# Task "cleanup_job": remove temporary files
# Dependencies: hocr_to_teip5_jobs + move_hocr_jobs + pdf_merge_jobs + pdf_to_txt_jobs
# Dependencies: hocr_to_teip5_jobs + pdf_merge_jobs + txt_merge_jobs
cleanup_jobs = []
cleanup_job_counter = 0
@ -221,7 +232,7 @@ class OCRWorkflow(WorkflowRunner):
cmd = 'rm -r "%s"' % (
os.path.join(job["output_dir"], "tmp")
cleanup_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="cleanup_job_-_%i" % (cleanup_job_counter), command=cmd, dependencies=hocr_to_tei_jobs + move_hocr_jobs + pdf_merge_jobs + pdf_to_txt_jobs))
cleanup_jobs.append(self.addTask(label="cleanup_job_-_%i" % (cleanup_job_counter), command=cmd, dependencies=hocr_to_tei_jobs + pdf_merge_jobs + txt_merge_jobs))
def analyze_jobs(inputDir, outputDir, level=1):
@ -259,4 +270,4 @@ def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user