mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 02:12:39 +00:00
Refactor runner and dxvk downloading
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ runner_sources=(
"/dev/null" "https://api.github.com/repos/gort818/wine-sc-lug/releases"
"GloriousEggroll" "https://api.github.com/repos/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom/releases"
# Set a maximum number of runner versions to display from each url
######## DXVK ##############################################################
@ -126,8 +124,9 @@ dxvk_sources=(
"Sporif Async" "https://api.github.com/repos/Sporif/dxvk-async/releases"
"/dev/null" "https://api.github.com/repos/gort818/dxvk/releases"
# Set a maximum number of runner versions to display from each url
# Set a maximum number of versions to display from each download url
# Pixels to add for each Zenity menu option
# used to dynamically determine the height of menus
@ -805,48 +804,48 @@ lutris_restart() {
#------------------------- begin runner functions ----------------------------#
#------------------------- begin download functions ----------------------------#
# Delete the selected runner
runner_delete() {
# Uninstall the selected item
download_delete() {
# This function expects an index number for the array
# installed_runners to be passed in as an argument
# installed_items to be passed in as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The runner_delete function expects an argument. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Script error: The download_delete function expects an argument. Aborting."
if message question "Are you sure you want to delete the following runner?\n\n${installed_runners[$runner_to_delete]}"; then
rm -r "${installed_runners[$runner_to_delete]}"
debug_print continue "Deleted ${installed_runners[$runner_to_delete]}"
if message question "Are you sure you want to delete the following ${download_type}?\n\n${installed_items[$item_to_delete]}"; then
rm -r "${installed_items[$item_to_delete]}"
debug_print continue "Deleted ${installed_items[$item_to_delete]}"
# List installed runners for deletion
runner_select_delete() {
# List installed items for deletion
download_select_delete() {
# Configure the menu
menu_text_zenity="Select the Lutris runner you want to remove:"
menu_text_terminal="Select the Lutris runner you want to remove:"
menu_text_zenity="Select the $download_type you want to remove:"
menu_text_terminal="Select the $download_type you want to remove:"
goback="Return to the runner management menu"
unset installed_runners
goback="Return to the $download_type management menu"
unset installed_items
unset menu_options
unset menu_actions
# Create an array containing all directories in the runners_dir
for runners_list in "$runners_dir"/*; do
if [ -d "$runners_list" ]; then
# Create an array containing all directories in the download_dir
for items_list in "$download_dir"/*; do
if [ -d "$items_list" ]; then
# Create menu options for the installed runners
for (( i=0; i<"${#installed_runners[@]}"; i++ )); do
menu_options+=("$(basename "${installed_runners[i]}")")
menu_actions+=("runner_delete $i")
# Create menu options for the installed items
for (( i=0; i<"${#installed_items[@]}"; i++ )); do
menu_options+=("$(basename "${installed_items[i]}")")
menu_actions+=("download_delete $i")
# Complete the menu by adding the option to go back to the previous menu
menu_actions+=(":") # no-op
@ -856,170 +855,170 @@ runner_select_delete() {
if [ "$menu_height" -gt "400" ]; then
# Set the label for the cancel button
cancel_label="Go Back"
# Call the menu function. It will use the options as configured above
# Download and install the selected runner
# Note: The variables runner_versions, contributor_url, and runner_url_type
# Download and install the selected item
# Note: The variables download_versions, contributor_url, and download_url_type
# are expected to be set before calling this function
runner_install() {
download_install() {
# This function expects an index number for the array
# runner_versions to be passed in as an argument
# download_versions to be passed in as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The runner_install function expects a numerical argument. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Script error: The download_install function expects a numerical argument. Aborting."
# Get the runner filename including file extension
# Get the filename including file extension
# Get the selected runner name minus the file extension
# Get the selected item name minus the file extension
# To add new file extensions, handle them here and in
# the runner_select_install function below
case "$runner_file" in
# the download_select_install function below
case "$download_file" in
runner_name="$(basename "$runner_file" .tar.gz)"
download_name="$(basename "$download_file" .tar.gz)"
runner_name="$(basename "$runner_file" .tgz)"
download_name="$(basename "$download_file" .tgz)"
runner_name="$(basename "$runner_file" .tar.xz)"
download_name="$(basename "$download_file" .tar.xz)"
debug_print exit "Unknown archive filetype in runner_install function. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Unknown archive filetype in download_install function. Aborting."
# Get the selected runner url
# Get the selected download url
# To add new sources, handle them here and in the
# runner_select_install function below
if [ "$runner_url_type" = "github" ]; then
runner_dl_url="$(curl -s "$contributor_url" | grep "browser_download_url.*$runner_file" | cut -d \" -f4)"
# download_select_install function below
if [ "$download_url_type" = "github" ]; then
download_url="$(curl -s "$contributor_url" | grep "browser_download_url.*$download_file" | cut -d \" -f4)"
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in runner_sources array. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in ${download_type}_sources array. Aborting."
# Sanity check
if [ -z "$runner_dl_url" ]; then
message warning "Could not find the requested runner. The source API may be down or rate limited."
if [ -z "$download_url" ]; then
message warning "Could not find the requested ${download_type}. The source API may be down or rate limited."
return 1
# Download the runner to the tmp directory
debug_print continue "Downloading $runner_dl_url into $tmp_dir/$runner_file..."
# Download the item to the tmp directory
debug_print continue "Downloading $download_url into $tmp_dir/$download_file..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Format the curl progress bar for zenity
mkfifo "$tmp_dir/lugpipe"
cd "$tmp_dir" && curl -#LO "$runner_dl_url" > "$tmp_dir/lugpipe" 2>&1 & curlpid="$!"
cd "$tmp_dir" && curl -#LO "$download_url" > "$tmp_dir/lugpipe" 2>&1 & curlpid="$!"
stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' < "$tmp_dir/lugpipe" | \
grep --line-buffered -ve "100" | grep --line-buffered -o "[0-9]*\.[0-9]" | \
trap 'kill "$curlpid"' ERR
zenity --progress --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Downloading Runner. This might take a moment.\n" 2>/dev/null
zenity --progress --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Downloading ${download_type}. This might take a moment.\n" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq 1 ]; then
# User clicked cancel
debug_print continue "Download aborted. Removing $tmp_dir/$runner_file..."
rm "$tmp_dir/$runner_file"
debug_print continue "Download aborted. Removing $tmp_dir/$download_file..."
rm "$tmp_dir/$download_file"
rm "$tmp_dir/lugpipe"
return 1
rm "$tmp_dir/lugpipe"
# Standard curl progress bar
(cd "$tmp_dir" && curl -LO "$runner_dl_url")
(cd "$tmp_dir" && curl -LO "$download_url")
# Sanity check
if [ ! -f "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The requested runner file was not downloaded. Aborting"
if [ ! -f "$tmp_dir/$download_file" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The requested $download_type file was not downloaded. Aborting"
# Get the path of the first item listed in the archive
# This should either be a subdirectory or the path ./
# depending on how the archive was created
first_filepath="$(stdbuf -oL tar -tf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" | head -n 1)"
first_filepath="$(stdbuf -oL tar -tf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" | head -n 1)"
# Extract the runner
# Extract the archive
case "$first_filepath" in
# If the files in the archive begin with ./ there is no subdirectory,
# so we must create one
debug_print continue "Installing runner into $runners_dir/$runner_name..."
debug_print continue "Installing $download_type into $download_dir/$download_name..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Use Zenity progress bar
mkdir -p "$runners_dir/$runner_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" -C "$runners_dir/$runner_name" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing runner...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$download_dir/$download_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" -C "$download_dir/$download_name" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing ${download_type}...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$runners_dir/$runner_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" -C "$runners_dir/$runner_name"
mkdir -p "$download_dir/$download_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" -C "$download_dir/$download_name"
# If a subdirectory exists and has the same name as the archive,
# extract it as is
debug_print continue "Installing runner into $runners_dir/$runner_name....."
debug_print continue "Installing $download_type into $download_dir/$download_name..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Use Zenity progress bar
mkdir -p "$runners_dir" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" -C "$runners_dir" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing runner...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$download_dir/$download_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" -C "$download_dir" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing ${download_type}...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$runners_dir" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" -C "$runners_dir"
mkdir -p "$download_dir/$download_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" -C "$download_dir"
# If a subdirectory exists and has any other name,
# we must create the correct subdirectory
debug_print continue "Installing runner into $runners_dir/$runner_name..."
debug_print continue "Installing $download_type into $download_dir/$download_name..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Use Zenity progress bar
mkdir -p "$runners_dir/$runner_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" -C "$runners_dir/$runner_name" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing runner...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$download_dir/$download_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" -C "$download_dir/$download_name" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing ${download_type}...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$runners_dir/$runner_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$runner_file" -C "$runners_dir/$runner_name"
mkdir -p "$download_dir/$download_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$download_file" -C "$download_dir/$download_name"
# Cleanup tmp download
debug_print continue "Removing $tmp_dir/$runner_file..."
rm "$tmp_dir/$runner_file"
debug_print continue "Removing $tmp_dir/$download_file..."
rm "$tmp_dir/$download_file"
# List available runners for download
runner_select_install() {
# This function expects an element number for the array
# runner_sources to be passed in as an argument
# List available items for download
download_select_install() {
# This function expects an element number for the sources array
# to be passed in as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The runner_select_install function expects a numerical argument. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Script error: The download_select_install function expects a numerical argument. Aborting."
# Store info from the selected contributor
# Check the provided contributor url to make sure we know how to handle it
# To add new sources, add them here and handle in the if statement
# just below and the runner_install function above
# just below and the download_install function above
case "$contributor_url" in
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in runner_sources array. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in ${download_type}_sources array. Aborting."
# Check GlibC version against the requirements of the selected runner
if [ "$contributor_name" = "/dev/null" ]; then
# For runners, check GlibC version against runner requirements
if [ "download_type" = "runner" ] && [ "$contributor_name" = "/dev/null" ]; then
system_glibc="$(ldd --version | awk '/ldd/{print $NF}')"
@ -1029,57 +1028,57 @@ runner_select_install() {
# Fetch a list of runner versions from the selected contributor
# Fetch a list of versions from the selected contributor
# To add new sources, handle them here, in the if statement
# just above, and the runner_install function above
if [ "$runner_url_type" = "github" ]; then
runner_versions=($(curl -s "$contributor_url" | awk '/browser_download_url/ {print $2}' | grep -vE "*.sha512sum" | xargs basename -a))
# just above, and the download_install function above
if [ "$download_url_type" = "github" ]; then
download_versions=($(curl -s "$contributor_url" | awk '/browser_download_url/ {print $2}' | grep -vE "*.sha512sum" | xargs basename -a))
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in runner_sources array. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in ${download_type}_sources array. Aborting."
# Sanity check
if [ "${#runner_versions[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
message warning "No runner versions were found. The source API may be down or rate limited."
if [ "${#download_versions[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
message warning "No $download_type versions were found. The source API may be down or rate limited."
return 1
# Configure the menu
menu_text_zenity="Select the Lutris runner you want to install:"
menu_text_terminal="Select the Lutris runner you want to install:"
menu_text_zenity="Select the $download_type you want to install:"
menu_text_terminal="Select the $download_type you want to install:"
goback="Return to the runner management menu"
goback="Return to the $download_type management menu"
unset menu_options
unset menu_actions
# Iterate through the versions, check if they are installed,
# and add them to the menu options
# To add new file extensions, handle them here and in
# the runner_install function above
for (( i=0; i<"$max_runners" && i<"${#runner_versions[@]}"; i++ )); do
# Get the runner name minus the file extension
case "${runner_versions[i]}" in
# the download_install function above
for (( i=0; i<"$max_download_items" && i<"${#download_versions[@]}"; i++ )); do
# Get the file name minus the extension
case "${download_versions[i]}" in
runner_name="$(basename "${runner_versions[i]}" .tar.gz)"
download_name="$(basename "${download_versions[i]}" .tar.gz)"
runner_name="$(basename "${runner_versions[i]}" .tgz)"
download_name="$(basename "${download_versions[i]}" .tgz)"
runner_name="$(basename "${runner_versions[i]}" .tar.xz)"
download_name="$(basename "${download_versions[i]}" .tar.xz)"
debug_print exit "Unknown archive filetype in runner_select_install function. Aborting."
debug_print exit "Unknown archive filetype in download_select_install function. Aborting."
# Add the runner names to the menu
if [ -d "$runners_dir/$runner_name" ]; then
menu_options+=("$runner_name [installed]")
# Add the file names to the menu
if [ -d "$download_dir/$download_name" ]; then
menu_options+=("$download_name [installed]")
menu_actions+=("runner_install $i")
menu_actions+=("download_install $i")
# Complete the menu by adding the option to go back to the previous menu
@ -1099,45 +1098,71 @@ runner_select_install() {
# Manage Lutris runners
runner_manage() {
# Manage downloads
# This function expects the following variables to be set:
# - The string download_sources is a formatted array containing the URLs
# of items to download. It should be pointed to the appropriate
# array set at the top of the script using indirect expansion.
# See runner_sources at the top and runner_manage() below for examples.
# - The string download_dir should contain the location the downloaded item
# will be installed to.
# - The string "download_menu_heading" should contain the type of item
# being downloaded. It will appear in the menu heading.
# - The string "download_menu_description" should contain a description of
# the item being downloaded. It will appear in the menu subheading.
# - The integer "download_menu_height" specifies the height of the zenity menu.
# This function also expects one string argument containing the type of item to
# be downloaded. ie. runner or dxvk.
# See runner_manage below for a configuration example.
download_manage() {
# This function expects a string to be passed as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The download_manage function expects a string argument. Aborting."
# Check if Lutris is installed
if [ ! -x "$(command -v lutris)" ]; then
message info "Lutris does not appear to be installed."
return 0
if [ ! -d "$runners_dir" ]; then
message info "Lutris runners directory not found. Unable to continue.\n\n$runners_dir"
if [ ! -d "$download_dir" ]; then
message info "Lutris $download_type directory not found. Unable to continue.\n\n$download_dir"
return 0
# The runner management menu will loop until the user cancels
# Get the type of item we're downloading from the function arguments
# The download management menu will loop until the user cancels
while [ "$looping_menu" = "true" ]; do
# Configure the menu
menu_text_zenity="<b><big>Manage Your Lutris Runners</big>\n\nThe runners listed below are wine builds created for Star Citizen</b>\n\nYou may choose from the following options:"
menu_text_terminal="Manage Your Lutris Runners\n\nThe runners listed below are wine builds created for Star Citizen\nYou may choose from the following options:"
menu_text_zenity="<b><big>Manage Your $download_menu_heading</big>\n\n$download_menu_description</b>\n\nYou may choose from the following options:"
menu_text_terminal="Manage Your $download_menu_heading\n\n$download_menu_description\nYou may choose from the following options:"
# Configure the menu options
delete="Remove an installed runner"
delete="Remove an installed $download_type"
back="Return to the main menu"
unset menu_options
unset menu_actions
# Loop through the runner_sources array and create a menu item
# Loop through the download_sources array and create a menu item
# for each one. Even numbered elements will contain the runner name
for (( i=0; i<"${#runner_sources[@]}"; i=i+2 )); do
for (( i=0; i<"${#download_sources[@]}"; i=i+2 )); do
# Set the options to be displayed in the menu
menu_options+=("Install a runner from ${runner_sources[i]}")
menu_options+=("Install a $download_type from ${download_sources[i]}")
# Set the corresponding functions to be called for each of the options
menu_actions+=("runner_select_install $i")
menu_actions+=("download_select_install $i")
# Complete the menu by adding options to remove a runner
# Complete the menu by adding options to uninstall an item
# or go back to the previous menu
menu_options+=("$delete" "$back")
menu_actions+=("runner_select_delete" "menu_loop_done")
menu_actions+=("download_select_delete" "menu_loop_done")
# Calculate the total height the menu should be
menu_height="$(($menu_option_height * ${#menu_options[@]} + $menu_text_height))"
@ -1153,343 +1178,36 @@ runner_manage() {
#-------------------------- end runner functions -----------------------------#
#-------------------------- end download functions -----------------------------#
#------------------------- begin dxvk functions ----------------------------#
# Configure the download_manage function for runners
runner_manage() {
# Set the required variables to manage runners
declare -n download_sources=runner_sources
# Delete the selected dxvk
dxvk_delete() {
# This function expects an index number for the array
# installed_dxvks to be passed in as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The dxvk_delete function expects an argument. Aborting."
if message question "Are you sure you want to delete the following DXVK?\n\n${installed_dxvks[$dxvk_to_delete]}"; then
rm -r "${installed_dxvks[$dxvk_to_delete]}"
debug_print continue "Deleted ${installed_dxvks[$dxvk_to_delete]}"
# Configure the text displayed in the menus
download_menu_heading="Lutris Runners"
download_menu_description="The runners listed below are wine builds created for Star Citizen"
# Call the download_manage function with the above configuration
download_manage "runner"
# List installed dxvks for deletion
dxvk_select_delete() {
# Configure the menu
menu_text_zenity="Select the DXVK version you want to remove:"
menu_text_terminal="Select the DXVK version you want to remove:"
goback="Return to the DXVK management menu"
unset installed_dxvks
unset menu_options
unset menu_actions
# Create an array containing all directories in the dxvk_dir
for dxvks_list in "$dxvk_dir"/*; do
if [ -d "$dxvks_list" ]; then
# Create menu options for the installed dxvks
for (( i=0; i<"${#installed_dxvks[@]}"; i++ )); do
menu_options+=("$(basename "${installed_dxvks[i]}")")
menu_actions+=("dxvk_delete $i")
# Complete the menu by adding the option to go back to the previous menu
menu_actions+=(":") # no-op
# Calculate the total height the menu should be
menu_height="$(($menu_option_height * ${#menu_options[@]} + $menu_text_height))"
if [ "$menu_height" -gt "400" ]; then
# Set the label for the cancel button
cancel_label="Go Back"
# Call the menu function. It will use the options as configured above
# Download and install the selected dxvk
# Note: The variables dxvk_versions, contributor_url, and dxvk_url_type
# are expected to be set before calling this function
dxvk_install() {
# This function expects an index number for the array
# dxvk_versions to be passed in as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The dxvk_install function expects a numerical argument. Aborting."
# Get the dxvk filename including file extension
# Get the selected dxvk name minus the file extension
# To add new file extensions, handle them here and in
# the dxvk_select_install function below
case "$dxvk_file" in
dxvk_name="$(basename "$dxvk_file" .tar.gz)"
dxvk_name="$(basename "$dxvk_file" .tgz)"
dxvk_name="$(basename "$dxvk_file" .tar.xz)"
debug_print exit "Unknown archive filetype in dxvk_install function. Aborting."
# Get the selected dxvk url
# To add new sources, handle them here and in the
# dxvk_select_install function below
if [ "$dxvk_url_type" = "github" ]; then
dxvk_dl_url="$(curl -s "$contributor_url" | grep "browser_download_url.*$dxvk_file" | cut -d \" -f4)"
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in dxvk_sources array. Aborting."
# Sanity check
if [ -z "$dxvk_dl_url" ]; then
message warning "Could not find the requested DXVK. The source API may be down or rate limited."
return 1
# Download the dxvk to the tmp directory
debug_print continue "Downloading $dxvk_dl_url into $tmp_dir/$dxvk_file..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Format the curl progress bar for zenity
mkfifo "$tmp_dir/lugpipe"
cd "$tmp_dir" && curl -#LO "$dxvk_dl_url" > "$tmp_dir/lugpipe" 2>&1 & curlpid="$!"
stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' < "$tmp_dir/lugpipe" | \
grep --line-buffered -ve "100" | grep --line-buffered -o "[0-9]*\.[0-9]" | \
trap 'kill "$curlpid"' ERR
zenity --progress --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Downloading DXVK. This might take a moment.\n" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq 1 ]; then
# User clicked cancel
debug_print continue "Download aborted. Removing $tmp_dir/$dxvk_file..."
rm "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file"
rm "$tmp_dir/lugpipe"
return 1
rm "$tmp_dir/lugpipe"
# Standard curl progress bar
(cd "$tmp_dir" && curl -LO "$dxvk_dl_url")
# Sanity check
if [ ! -f "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The requested DXVK file was not downloaded. Aborting"
# Get the path of the first item listed in the archive
# This should either be a subdirectory or the path ./
# depending on how the archive was created
first_filepath="$(stdbuf -oL tar -tf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" | head -n 1)"
# Extract the dxvk
case "$first_filepath" in
# If the files in the archive begin with ./ there is no subdirectory,
# so we must create one
debug_print continue "Installing DXVK into $dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Use Zenity progress bar
mkdir -p "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" -C "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing DXVK...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" -C "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name"
# If a subdirectory exists and has the same name as the archive,
# extract it as is
debug_print continue "Installing DXVK into $dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Use Zenity progress bar
mkdir -p "$dxvk_dir" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" -C "$dxvk_dir" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing DXVK...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$dxvk_dir" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" -C "$dxvk_dir"
# If a subdirectory exists and has any other name,
# we must create the correct subdirectory
debug_print continue "Installing DXVK into $dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name..."
if [ "$use_zenity" -eq 1 ]; then
# Use Zenity progress bar
mkdir -p "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" -C "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" | \
zenity --progress --pulsate --no-cancel --auto-close --title="Star Citizen LUG Helper" --text="Installing DXVK...\n" 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" && tar -xf "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file" -C "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name"
# Cleanup tmp download
debug_print continue "Removing $tmp_dir/$dxvk_file..."
rm "$tmp_dir/$dxvk_file"
# List available dxvks for download
dxvk_select_install() {
# This function expects an element number for the array
# dxvk_sources to be passed in as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
debug_print exit "Script error: The dxvk_select_install function expects a numerical argument. Aborting."
# Store info from the selected contributor
# Check the provided contributor url to make sure we know how to handle it
# To add new sources, add them here and handle in the if statement
# just below and the dxvk_install function above
case "$contributor_url" in
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in dxvk_sources array. Aborting."
# Fetch a list of dxvk versions from the selected contributor
# To add new sources, handle them here, in the if statement
# just above, and the dxvk_install function above
if [ "$dxvk_url_type" = "github" ]; then
dxvk_versions=($(curl -s "$contributor_url" | awk '/browser_download_url/ {print $2}' | grep -vE "*.sha512sum" | xargs basename -a))
debug_print exit "Script error: Unknown api/url format in dxvk_sources array. Aborting."
# Sanity check
if [ "${#dxvk_versions[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
message warning "No DXVK versions were found. The source API may be down or rate limited."
return 1
# Configure the menu
menu_text_zenity="Select the DXVK version you want to install:"
menu_text_terminal="Select the DXVK version you want to install:"
goback="Return to the DXVK management menu"
unset menu_options
unset menu_actions
# Iterate through the versions, check if they are installed,
# and add them to the menu options
# To add new file extensions, handle them here and in
# the dxvk_install function above
for (( i=0; i<"$max_dxvks" && i<"${#dxvk_versions[@]}"; i++ )); do
# Get the dxvk name minus the file extension
case "${dxvk_versions[i]}" in
dxvk_name="$(basename "${dxvk_versions[i]}" .tar.gz)"
dxvk_name="$(basename "${dxvk_versions[i]}" .tgz)"
dxvk_name="$(basename "${dxvk_versions[i]}" .tar.xz)"
debug_print exit "Unknown archive filetype in dxvk_select_install function. Aborting."
# Add the dxvk names to the menu
if [ -d "$dxvk_dir/$dxvk_name" ]; then
menu_options+=("$dxvk_name [installed]")
menu_actions+=("dxvk_install $i")
# Complete the menu by adding the option to go back to the previous menu
menu_actions+=(":") # no-op
# Calculate the total height the menu should be
menu_height="$(($menu_option_height * ${#menu_options[@]} + $menu_text_height))"
if [ "$menu_height" -gt "400" ]; then
# Set the label for the cancel button
cancel_label="Go Back"
# Call the menu function. It will use the options as configured above
# Manage Lutris dxvks
# Configure the download_manage function for dxvks
dxvk_manage() {
# Check if Lutris is installed
if [ ! -x "$(command -v lutris)" ]; then
message info "Lutris does not appear to be installed."
return 0
if [ ! -d "$dxvk_dir" ]; then
message info "Lutris DXVK directory not found. Unable to continue.\n\n$dxvk_dir"
return 0
# The dxvk management menu will loop until the user cancels
while [ "$looping_menu" = "true" ]; do
# Configure the menu
menu_text_zenity="<b><big>Manage Your DXVK Versions</big>\n\nThe DXVK versions below may help improve game performance</b>\n\nYou may choose from the following options:"
menu_text_terminal="Manage Your DXVK Versions\n\nThe DXVK versions below may help improve game performance\nYou may choose from the following options:"
# Set the required variables to manage dxvks
declare -n download_sources=dxvk_sources
# Configure the menu options
delete="Remove an installed DXVK"
back="Return to the main menu"
unset menu_options
unset menu_actions
# Configure the text displayed in the menus
download_menu_heading="DXVK Versions"
download_menu_description="The DXVK versions below may help improve game performance"
# Loop through the dxvk_sources array and create a menu item
# for each one. Even numbered elements will contain the dxvk name
for (( i=0; i<"${#dxvk_sources[@]}"; i=i+2 )); do
# Set the options to be displayed in the menu
menu_options+=("Install a DXVK from ${dxvk_sources[i]}")
# Set the corresponding functions to be called for each of the options
menu_actions+=("dxvk_select_install $i")
# Complete the menu by adding options to remove a dxvk
# or go back to the previous menu
menu_options+=("$delete" "$back")
menu_actions+=("dxvk_select_delete" "menu_loop_done")
# Calculate the total height the menu should be
menu_height="$(($menu_option_height * ${#menu_options[@]} + $menu_text_height))"
# Set the label for the cancel button
cancel_label="Go Back"
# Call the menu function. It will use the options as configured above
# Check if lutris needs to be restarted after making changes
# Call the download_manage function with the above configuration
download_manage "dxvk"
#-------------------------- end dxvk functions -----------------------------#
Reference in New Issue
Block a user