2019-02-21 19:29:44 +01:00

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[Regular expressions time extraction]

These regular expressions are used to extract the start and ending time of one

session. The regular expressions are kind of complex because they have to catch

a lot of human errors. To catch those errors the expression is repeatedly

"chained" by using the or statement with only minor differences between each

expression. This is the easiest way though to catch as many times as possible.

The expressions match the partial strings where the start or end time is mentioned.

With different match groups the hours and minutes will then be extracted.

START TIME: Matches the start time.

session_start_time = (?:Die Sitzung wird [umrn]+ (?:(?:(\d{1,2}) Uhr (?:(\d{1,2})?)|(?:(\d{1,2}).(?:(\d{1,2})) Uhr)) ?(?:Minuten?)?.?)? ?(?:durch\n*[\w .;'()])?[\s . A-z](?:(?:eröffnet.)|(?:eingeleitet[\w „",.]+)))|(?:Begi[\w]+:? (\d{1,2})(?:[, .])?(?:(\d{1,2}))? ?Uhr.?)|(?:Die Sitzung wird [umrn]+ (\d{1,2}) Uhr eröffnet.)|(?:eingeleitet[\w „",.]+)))|(?:Begi[\w]+:? (\d{1,2})(?:[, .])?(?:(\d{1,2}))? ?Uhr.?)|(?:Die Sitzung wird [umrn]+ (\d{1,2}) Uhr eröffnet.)

END TIME: Matches the end time.

session_end_time = (?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;:])[\w\n,. ]\s(?:(?:(\d{1,2})\sUhr\s(\d{1,2}).?\sMinuten?)|(?:(\d{1,2})[., ]+(\d{1,2})\sUhr)|(?:(\d{1,2})[., ]+(\d{1,2})\sUhr))|(?:(\d{1,2})\sUhr))[., ]))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;: ])\s?(?:(?:(\d{1,2})\sUhr (\d{1,2})\sMinuten?)|(?:(\d{1,2})[., ]+(\d{1,2})\sUhr)|(?:(\d{1,2})[., ]+(\d{1,2})\sUhr))|(?:(\d{1,2})\sUhr))[., ]))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;:])[\w\n,. ]*\s(?:(?:(\d{1,2})\sUhr und\s.?(\d{1,2}).?\sMinuten?.))))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß):? (\d{1,2}) Uhr (\d{1,2}).))

[Regular expressions splits]

These expressions are used for splitting the protocols at the location if


All match groups are non catching except the group catching the entire regex

to insert it later on again. This is the main difference to the time extractions.

These splits are needed to automatically separate the actual session content

from the table of contents and the attachments.

Split at first president occurrence.

session_start_president_split = (\n\w*(?:P|p)räsident\w* [ÜÖÄA-züöäß -.,]+ ?:)

Split at the end time of session.

attachment_split = ((?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;:])[\w\n,. ]\s(?:(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr\s(?:\d{1,2}).?\sMinuten?)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))|(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))[., ]))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;: ])\s?(?:(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr (?:\d{1,2})\sMinuten?)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))|(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))[., ]))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;:])[\w\n,. ]*\s(?:(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr und\s.?(?:\d{1,2}).?\sMinuten?.))))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß):? (?:\d{1,2}) Uhr (?:\d{1,2}).)))

[Regular expressions speakers]

These are the regular expressions for matching the speakers in the protocols.

They consist of tuples with three values.

First element of the tuple is the regex.

Second element is a case that tells if this regex should be used as a

First, middle, or last element/match during the markup process.

Third element describes the type of speech the speaker is holding in German, to use it as an attribute later on.

The value tuple is divided with " ; " to convert it into a list later on.

It is similar to csv syntax. If needed the user can add more key, value pairs following the same

pattern to automatically identify even more speaker roles.

speaker_president_first = ^\w*(?:P|p)räsident\w* [ÜÖÄA-züöäß -.,]+ ?: ; first ; Präsident speaker_state_secretary = ^[ -.,\w]+ Staatssekretär[-\w\n, \n]+: ; middle ; Staatssekretär speaker_minister_of_state = ^[ -.,\w]+ Staatsminister[-\w\n, \n]+: ; middle ; Staatsminister speaker_applicant = [ -.,\w]+ ([\w ]+)?, (?:A|a)ntragsteller(?:in)?[-\w\n, \n]: ; middle ; Antragsteller speaker_president = ^\w(?:P|p)räsident\w* [ÜÖÄA-züöäß -.,]+ ?: ; middle ; Präsident speaker_undefined = ^[ -.,\w]+ ?([\w ]+)? ?([\w/ \d-.]+) ?: ; middle ; MdB speaker_defined = ^[\w -.,]+ ?Bundesminister(in)? [\w-., ]* ?: ; middle ; Bundesminister speaker_chancellor = ^[\w -.,]+Bundeskanzler(in)? ?: ; middle ; Bundeskanzler speaker_secretary = ^[\w -.,]+ ?Schriftführer(in)? ?: ; middle ; Schriftführer speaker_rapporteur = ^[ -.,\w]+ ?([\w ]+)? ?([\w/ \d-]+) ?, (?:B|b)erichterstatter: ; middle ; Berichterstatter end_of_session = (?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;:])[\w\n,. ]\s(?:(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr\s(?:\d{1,2}).?\sMinuten?)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))|(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))[., ]))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;: ])\s?(?:(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr (?:\d{1,2})\sMinuten?)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr)|(?:(?:\d{1,2})[., ]+(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))|(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr))[., ]))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß)(?: .?der .?Sitzung)?(?:[;:])[\w\n,. ]*\s(?:(?:(?:\d{1,2})\sUhr und\s.?(?:\d{1,2}).?\sMinuten?.))))|(?:(Schlu(?:(?:ss)|ß):? (?:\d{1,2}) Uhr (?:\d{1,2}).)) ; last ; Zeitpunkt

[Additional name features]

In this section the user can add additional strings which are not part of the

Stammdatenbank but are used inside the protocolls.

academic_titles = Dr. Dr. h. c. ; Dr. h. c. parties = DIE LINKE ; CDU/CSU ; PDS/Linke Liste ; Fraktionslos ; F.D.P.

[Regular expressions speeches]

These regular expressions are used to markup some entities inside of the actual speeches.

The value of any given key is a tuple with two values splitted by " ; " like in the section

[Regular expressions speakers]. First value is the regex and the second value is the tagname

wirrten as a string. This list of key, value pairs can also be extended by the user to identify

even more entities inside of the speeches. Just add key, value pairs following the same pattern.

These expressions are only used to identify entities which are present in one



comments = \B([^()]*)\B ; kommentar date_string_with_periode = [\d\t ]Deutscher Bundestag (?:|—|-|--) \d{1,2} ?. Wahlperiode (?:|—|-|--) \d{1,3} ?. Sitzung ?. (?:Bonn|Berlin), (?:Montag|Dienstag|Mittwoch|Donnerstag|Freitag|Samstag|Sonntag), den \d{1,2} ?. (?:Januar|Februar|März|April|Mai|Juni|Juli|September|Oktober|November|Dezmber) \d{4}[\d\t ] ; metadata date_string_without_periode = [\d\t ]Deutscher Bundestag (?:|—|-|--) \d{1,3}. Sitzung ?. (?:Bonn|Berlin), (?:Montag|Dienstag|Mittwoch|Donnerstag|Freitag|Samstag|Sonntag), den \d{1,2} ?. (?:Januar|Februar|März|April|Mai|Juni|Juli|September|Oktober|November|Dezmber) \d{4}[\d\t ] ; metadata

[Multiline entities]

These regulare expressions are used to identifie entities in speeches which span over multiple

elements. The value of any given key is a tuple with three values splitted by " ; " like in the

section [Regular expressions speakers]. First value is a regex describing how the start of the

entity string looks like. The second value is a regex describing how the end of the entity string

looks like. Third value is the tagname written as a normal string.

multiline_comment = \B([^()]* ; [^()]*)\B ; kommentar

[File paths]

This is where the paths for input and output folders are set. The input folder

path should contain the XML-protocols that will be processed.

The output folder path specifies the place where all the intermediate files

and the final new XML protocols with the new automatic created markup will be


input_folder_xmls = /home/stephan/Repos/master_thesis/data/working_data/development_data_xml output_folder = /home/stephan/Repos/master_thesis/data/working_data/

These paths will be set while running the programm.

nlp_output = /home/stephan/Desktop/nlp_output nlp_input = /home/stephan/Desktop/protocols/ nlp_lemmatized_tokenized = /home/stephan/Desktop/nlp_output/lemmatized tmp_path = /home/stephan/Desktop/nlp_output/lemmatized/tmp nlp_beuatiful_xml = /home/stephan/Desktop/nlp_output/nlp_beuatiful_xml input_folder_xmls = /home/stephan/Repos/master_thesis_data/inputs/excluded_periods/ output_folder = /home/stephan/Desktop/output new_metadata = /home/stephan/Desktop/output/new_metadata new_simple_markup = /home/stephan/Desktop/output/simple_xml complex_markup = /home/stephan/Desktop/output/complex_markup clear_speech_markup = /home/stephan/Desktop/output/clear_speech_markup beautiful_xml = /home/stephan/Desktop/output/beautiful_xml fixed_markup = /home/stephan/Repos/master_thesis/data/working_data/id_fixed/fixed_markup