Nextcloud setup Follow the guide above as close as possible and deviate where traefik is being used etc.
There is also somewhere a step to set up an alias for occ
that can be used outside the container to directly execute occ cli commands inside the container. (Should be in the guide above)
#Nextcloud self check fixes Set default_phone_region like this: occ config:syste:set default_phone_region --value="DE"
Collabora loolwsd setup
Check if you have to alter this line in the collabora/loolwsd.xml file:
<host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">nextcloud\\.sporada\\.eu</host>
Server Security and tuning
Look at the documentation for server security and server tuning: Do as much as is possible with the docker setup. The PHP stuff for example is not needed.
Photo Preview Generation:
- Photo viewer tweaks:
- Use these values to svae space on prieview files and speed nextcloud up.
- I created a cron Job outside the container using the
client command to trigger photo pre generation every day. - Maybe this can be added to the cron nextcloud container?