add gorcy config.php
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,3 @@ loolwsd.xml
# Excepted files still trocked even if they are in the folders above
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
// Settings can also be overwritten in two ways:
// First priority:
// A .txt file with the same name as the setting in /data/settingoverrides
// the content of the file is used as the setting value
// Second priority:
// An environment variable with the same name as the setting and prefix "GROCY_"
// so for example "GROCY_BASE_URL"
// Third priority:
// The settings defined here below
// Either "production", "dev", "demo" or "prerelease"
// When not "production", authentication will be disabled and
// demo data will be populated during database migrations
Setting('MODE', 'production');
// The directory name of one of the available localization folders
// in the "/localization" directory (e.g. "en" or "de")
Setting('DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'de');
// This is used to define the first day of a week for calendar views,
// leave empty to use the locale default
// Needs to be a number where Sunday = 0, Monday = 1 and so forth
// If calendars should show week numbers
// Set this if you want to have a different start day for the weekly meal plan view,
// leave empty to use CALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK (see above)
// Needs to be a number where Sunday = 0, Monday = 1 and so forth
// To keep it simple: grocy does not handle any currency conversions,
// this here is used to format all money values,
// so doesn't really matter, but needs to be the
// ISO 4217 code of the currency ("USD", "EUR", "GBP", etc.)
Setting('CURRENCY', 'EUR');
// When running grocy in a subdirectory, this should be set to the relative path, otherwise empty
// It needs to be set to the part (of the URL) AFTER the document root,
// if URL rewriting is disabled, including index.php
// Example with URL Rewriting support:
// Root URL =
// => BASE_PATH = /grocy
// Example without URL Rewriting support:
// Root URL =
// => BASE_PATH = /grocy/public/index.php
Setting('BASE_PATH', '');
// The base URL of your installation,
// should be just "/" when running directly under the root of a (sub)domain
// or for example "" when using a subdirectory
Setting('BASE_URL', '/');
// The plugin to use for external barcode lookups,
// must be the filename (folder /data/plugins) without the .php extension,
// see /data/plugins/DemoBarcodeLookupPlugin.php for an example implementation
Setting('STOCK_BARCODE_LOOKUP_PLUGIN', 'DemoBarcodeLookupPlugin');
// If, however, your webserver does not support URL rewriting, set this to true
Setting('DISABLE_URL_REWRITING', false);
// Specify an custom homepage if desired, by default the homepage will be set to the stock overview page
// This needs to be one of the following values:
// stock, shoppinglist, recipes, chores, tasks, batteries, equipment, calendar, mealplan
Setting('ENTRY_PAGE', 'stock');
// Set this to true if you want to disable authentication / the login screen,
// places where user context is needed will then use the default (first existing) user
Setting('DISABLE_AUTH', false);
// Either "Grocy\Middleware\DefaultAuthMiddleware", "Grocy\Middleware\ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware"
// or any class that implements Grocy\Middleware\AuthMiddleware
Setting('AUTH_CLASS', 'Grocy\Middleware\DefaultAuthMiddleware');
// Options when using ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware
Setting('REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_HEADER', 'REMOTE_USER'); // The name of the HTTP header which your reverse proxy uses to pass the username (on successful authentication)
Setting('REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_USE_ENV', false); // Set to true if the username is passed as environment variable
// Options when using LdapAuthMiddleware
Setting('LDAP_ADDRESS', ''); // Example value "ldap://"
Setting('LDAP_BASE_DN', ''); // Example value "DC=local,DC=berrnd,DC=net"
Setting('LDAP_BIND_DN', ''); // Example value "CN=grocy_bind_account,OU=service_accounts,DC=local,DC=berrnd,DC=net"
Setting('LDAP_BIND_PW', ''); // Password for the above account
Setting('LDAP_USER_FILTER', ''); // Example value "(OU=grocy_users)"
Setting('LDAP_UID_ATTR', ''); // Windows AD: "sAMAccountName", OpenLDAP: "uid", GLAuth: "cn"
// Default permissions for new users
// the array needs to contain the technical/constant names
// See the file controllers/Users/User.php for possible values
// "1D" (=> Code128) or "2D" (=> DataMatrix)
Setting('GROCYCODE_TYPE', '1D');
// Label printer settings
Setting('LABEL_PRINTER_WEBHOOK', ''); // The URI that grocy will POST to when asked to print a label
Setting('LABEL_PRINTER_RUN_SERVER', true); // Whether the webhook will be called server- or client-side
Setting('LABEL_PRINTER_PARAMS', ['font_family' => 'Source Sans Pro (Regular)']); // Additional parameters supplied to the webhook
Setting('LABEL_PRINTER_HOOK_JSON', false); // TRUE to use JSON or FALSE to use normal POST request variables
// Thermal printer options
// Thermal printers are receipt printers, not regular printers,
// the printer must support the ESC/POS protocol, see
Setting('TPRINTER_IS_NETWORK_PRINTER', false); // Set to true if it's a network printer
Setting('TPRINTER_PRINT_QUANTITY_NAME', true); // Set to false if you do not want to print the quantity names (related to the shopping list)
Setting('TPRINTER_PRINT_NOTES', true); // Set to false if you do not want to print notes (related to the shopping list)
Setting('TPRINTER_IP', ''); // IP of the network printer (does only matter if it's a network printer)
Setting('TPRINTER_PORT', 9100); // Port of the network printer (does only matter if it's a network printer)
Setting('TPRINTER_CONNECTOR', '/dev/usb/lp0'); // Printer device (does only matter if you use a locally attached printer)
// For USB on Linux this is often '/dev/usb/lp0', for serial printers it could be similar to '/dev/ttyS0'
// Make sure that the user that runs the webserver has permissions to write to the printer - on Linux add your webserver user to the LP group with usermod -a -G lp www-data
// Feature flags
// Here you can disable the parts which you don't need to have a less cluttered UI
// (set the setting to "false" to disable the corresponding part, which should be self explanatory)
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK', true);
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_RECIPES', true);
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_CHORES', true);
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_TASKS', true);
// Sub feature flags
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_FIELD_NUMBER_PAD', true); // Activate the number pad in due date fields on (supported) mobile browsers
// Feature settings
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_DISABLE_BROWSER_BARCODE_CAMERA_SCANNING', false); // Set this to true if you want to disable the ability to scan a barcode via the device camera (Browser API)
Setting('FEATURE_FLAG_AUTO_TORCH_ON_WITH_CAMERA', true); // Enables the torch automatically (if the device has one)
// Default user settings
// These settings can be changed per user, below here are the defaults
// which are used when the user has not changed the setting so far
// Night mode related
DefaultUserSetting('night_mode_enabled', false); // If night mode is enabled always
DefaultUserSetting('auto_night_mode_enabled', false); // If night mode is enabled automatically when inside a given time range (see the two settings below)
DefaultUserSetting('auto_night_mode_time_range_from', '20:00'); // Format HH:mm
DefaultUserSetting('auto_night_mode_time_range_to', '07:00'); // Format HH:mm
DefaultUserSetting('auto_night_mode_time_range_goes_over_midnight', true); // If the time range above goes over midnight
// Generic settings
DefaultUserSetting('auto_reload_on_db_change', false); // If the page should be automatically reloaded when there was an external change
DefaultUserSetting('show_clock_in_header', false); // Show a clock in the header next to the logo or not
DefaultUserSetting('keep_screen_on', false); // If the screen should always be kept on
DefaultUserSetting('keep_screen_on_when_fullscreen_card', false); // If the screen should be kept on when a "fullscreen-card" is displayed
// Stock settings
DefaultUserSetting('product_presets_location_id', -1); // Default location id for new products (-1 means no location is preset)
DefaultUserSetting('product_presets_product_group_id', -1); // Default product group id for new products (-1 means no product group is preset)
DefaultUserSetting('product_presets_qu_id', -1); // Default quantity unit id for new products (-1 means no quantity unit is preset)
DefaultUserSetting('product_presets_default_due_days', 0); // Default due days for new products (-1 means that the product will be never overdue)
DefaultUserSetting('product_presets_treat_opened_as_out_of_stock', true); // Default "Treat opened as out of stock" option for new products
DefaultUserSetting('stock_decimal_places_amounts', 4); // Default decimal places allowed for amounts
DefaultUserSetting('stock_decimal_places_prices', 2); // Default decimal places allowed for prices
DefaultUserSetting('stock_auto_decimal_separator_prices', false); // If the decimal separator should be set automatically for amount inputs
DefaultUserSetting('stock_due_soon_days', 5); // The "expiring soon" days
DefaultUserSetting('stock_default_purchase_amount', 0); // The default amount prefilled on the purchase page
DefaultUserSetting('stock_default_consume_amount', 1); // The default amount prefilled on the consume page
DefaultUserSetting('stock_default_consume_amount_use_quick_consume_amount', false); // If the products quick consume amount should be prefilled on the consume page
DefaultUserSetting('scan_mode_consume_enabled', false); // If scan mode on the consume page is enabled
DefaultUserSetting('scan_mode_purchase_enabled', false); // If scan mode on the purchase page is enabled
DefaultUserSetting('show_icon_on_stock_overview_page_when_product_is_on_shopping_list', true); // When enabled, an icon is shown on the stock overview page (next to the product name) when the prodcut is currently on a shopping list
DefaultUserSetting('show_purchased_date_on_purchase', false); // Whether the purchased date should be editable on purchase (defaults to today otherwise)
DefaultUserSetting('show_warning_on_purchase_when_due_date_is_earlier_than_next', true); // Show a warning on purchase when the due date of the purchased product is earlier than the next due date in stock
// Shopping list settings
DefaultUserSetting('shopping_list_to_stock_workflow_auto_submit_when_prefilled', false); // Automatically do the booking using the last price and the amount of the shopping list item, if the product has "Default due days" set
DefaultUserSetting('shopping_list_show_calendar', false); // When enabled, a small (month view) calendar will be shown on the shopping list page
// Recipe settings
DefaultUserSetting('recipe_ingredients_group_by_product_group', false); // Group recipe ingredients by their product group
DefaultUserSetting('recipes_show_list_side_by_side', true); // If the recipe should be displayed next to recipe list on the recipes page
// Chores settings
DefaultUserSetting('chores_due_soon_days', 5); // The "due soon" days
// Batteries settings
DefaultUserSetting('batteries_due_soon_days', 5); // The "due soon" days
// Tasks settings
DefaultUserSetting('tasks_due_soon_days', 5); // The "due soon" days
// Component configuration for Quagga2 - read for details
// Below is a generic good configuration,
// for an iPhone 7 Plus, halfsample = true, patchsize = small, frequency = 5 yields very good results
DefaultUserSetting('quagga2_numofworkers', 4);
DefaultUserSetting('quagga2_halfsample', false);
DefaultUserSetting('quagga2_patchsize', 'medium');
DefaultUserSetting('quagga2_frequency', 10);
DefaultUserSetting('quagga2_debug', true);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user