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<h2>Query Builder Tutorial</h2>
<p>The query builder helps you to make a query in the form of the Corpus Query
Language (CQL) to your text. You can use the CQL to filter out various types of
text parameters, for example, a specific word, a lemma, or you can set part-of-speech
tags (pos) that indicate the type of word you are looking for (a noun, an
adjective, etc.). In addition, you can also search for structural attributes,
or specify your query for a token (word, lemma, pos) via entity typing. And of
course everything can be combined. You can find examples for different queries
under the tab "Examples".</p>
<div style="border: 1px solid; padding-left: 20px; margin-right: 400px; margin-bottom: 40px;">
<ol style="list-style-type:disc">
<li><a href="#add-new-token-tutorial">Add new token to your query</a></li>
<li><a href="#edit-options-tutorial">Options to edit your query</a></li>
<li><a href="#add-structural-attribute-tutorial">Add structural Attributes to your query</a></li>
<li><a href="#general-options-query-builder">General options</a></li>
{# Add Token Tutorial #}
<h3 id="add-new-token-tutorial">Add new token to your Query</h3>
<p>If you are only looking for a specific token, you can click on the left
button and select the type of token you are looking for from the drop-down menu.
By default "Word" is selected. </p>
<h4>Word and Lemma</h4>
<p>If you want to search for a specific word or lemma and the respective
category is selected in the drop-down menu, you can type in the word or lemma
of your choice in the input field. You can confirm your entry by clicking the
Submit button on the right. You can also use the options below to modify your
token request before pressing the submit button. These options are explained
further here.</p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/word_lemma.gif') }}" alt="word and lemma explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<h4>English pos, german pos or simple_pos</h4>
<p>You can choose between the options "english pos", "german pos" and
"simple_pos" to search for different parts-of-speech. You can find an overview
of all tags under the "Tagsets" tab.</p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/pos.gif') }}" alt="part-of-speech-tag explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<h4>Empty Token</h4>
<p>Here you can search for an empty token. This selection should never stand
alone and should always be extended with an incidence modifier or stand in a
larger query, because otherwise all possible tokens would be searched for and
the program would crash.</p>
{# Edit Options Tutorial #}
<h3 id="edit-options-tutorial">Options to edit your token</h3>
<p>You have the possibility to extend or specify your searched token with
certain factors. For this the query builder offers some fixed options. You can
find more information about the options in the Corpus Query Language Tutorial.</p>
<h4>Wildcard Character</h4>
<p>A wildcard character replaces any character and is represented in the form of a dot. </p>
<h4>Option Group</h4>
<p>With an option group you can search for different variants of a token. The
variants are not limited, so you can manually enter more options in the same
format. "Option1" and "option2" must be replaced accordingly. </p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/option_group.gif') }}" alt="option group explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<h4>Incidence Modifiers</h4>
<p>With the Incidence Modifiers you can determine the occurrence of single
tokens. For example you can use "?" to indicate that the token occurs either
not at all or once: <br>
[word = "is"] [word="it"] [word="your"] [word="litte"]? [word = "dog"] <br>
Here the word "little" should occur either once or not at all. With
[word="dogs?"] the search is for "dog "or "dogs". </p>
<h4>Ignore Case</h4>
<p>With the check mark at Ignore Case the upper and lower case is ignored.
This is marked with a "%c". By default (if not checked) it is case sensitive.</p>
<h4>"or" & "and"</h4>
<p>"Or" ( | ) and "and" ( & ) are conditions you can put on a token. With "or"
one of the two conditions must be fulfilled, with "and" both conditions must be
fulfilled. For example, the word must be called "will" AND be a verb, only then
it will be displayed. Note that "and" is not responsible for lining up tokens in
this case. For this you can simply string them together: <br>
[word="I"] [word="will" & simple_pos="VERB"] [word="go"].</p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/or_and.gif') }}" alt="OR/AND explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
{# Add Structural Attributes Tutorial #}
<h3 id="add-structural-attribute-tutorial">Add structural attributes to your query</h3>
<p>You can use structural attributes to search specifically for structures in
the text or to further narrow down your previous search query. </p>
With "Sentence" (<s></s>) you can search for sentences within your text.
This search can of course be specified if you search for particular tokens or
entities between the sentence tags (<s></s>). For example, you can search for
sentences that contain only a noun, verb, and adjective. <br>
After clicking on Sentence you will see a <div class="chip" style="background-color:#FD9720;">Sentence Start</div>.
When you are done with your query or the content
between the Sentence tags, you have to click the Sentence button one more time
to close it. The corresponding button is called
<div class="chip" style="background-color:#FD9720;">Sentence End</div>.<br>
<p>With entities, i.e. units of meaning, you search for text sections that
follow a certain code. For example, persons, dates, certain events. You can
select the codes using the drop-down menus. You can find an explanation of
the respective abbreviations under the tab "Tagsets". <br>
You can also search for unspecified entities by selecting "Add entity of any type".</p>
To close the entity query you started, you have to click the entity button one more time. This will make the <div class="chip" style="background-color:#A6E22D;">Entity End</div> element appear in your query.
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/entity.gif') }}" alt="entity explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<h4>Meta Data</h4>
<p>With the meta data you can annotate your text and add specific conditions.
You can select a category on the left and enter your desired value on the right.
The selected metadata will apply to your entire request and will be added at the end.</p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/meta_data.gif') }}" alt="meta data explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
{# General Options Tutorial #}
<h3 id="general-options-query-builder">General Options of the query builder</h3>
<p>You have several options to edit your query after adding it to the preview.</p>
<h4>Deleting the elements</h4>
<p>You can delete the added elements from the query by clicking the X behind the respective content.</p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/delete.gif') }}" alt="delete explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<h4>Move the elements of your query</h4>
<p>You can drag and drop elements to customize your query.</p>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/manual/query_builder/drag_and_drop.gif') }}" alt="Drag&Drop explanation" width="100%;" style="margin-bottom:20px;">