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synced 2025-02-07 15:00:51 +00:00
278 lines
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278 lines
11 KiB
// ###### Helper functions ######
// get query as string from form Element
function getQueryStr(queryFormElement) {
// gets query
let queryFormData;
let queryStr;
queryFormData = new FormData(queryFormElement);
queryStr = queryFormData.get("query-form-query");
return queryStr
// get display options from display options form element
function getDisplayOptions(displayOptionsFormElement) {
// gets display options parameters
let displayOptionsFormData
let displayOptionsData;
displayOptionsFormData = new FormData(displayOptionsFormElement);
displayOptionsData = {"resultsPerPage": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-results_per_page"),
"resultsContex": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-result_context"),
"expertMode": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-expert_mode")};
return displayOptionsData
// ###### Download results functions ######
// TODO: Maybe write these as class functions? For this maybe create a result class
// function creates a unique and safe filename for the download
function createDownloadFilename() {
let today;
let currentDate;
let currentTime;
let safeFilename;
let resultFilename;
// get and create metadata
console.log("Create Metadata!");
today = new Date();
currentDate = today.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (today.getUTCMonth() +1) + '-' + today.getUTCDate();
currentTime = today.getUTCHours() + ":" + today.getUTCMinutes() + ":" + today.getUTCSeconds();
safeFilename = results.resultsJSON["query"].replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/gi, "_");
resultFilename = "UTC-" + currentDate + "_" + currentTime + "_" + safeFilename;
return resultFilename
// function to download the results as JSON
function downloadJSONRessource(resultFilename) {
let dataStr;
let downloadElement;
// stringify JSON object for json download
dataStr = JSON.stringify(results.resultsJSON, undefined, "\t"); // use tabs to save some space
// get downloadResultsElement
downloadElement = document.getElementById("download-results-json");
// start actual download
download(downloadElement, dataStr, resultFilename, "text/json", ".json")
// Function to download data as a Blob created from a string, should be multi purpose
function download(downloadElem, dataStr, filename, type, filenameSlug) {
let file;
console.log("Start Download!");
filename += filenameSlug;
file = new Blob([dataStr], {type: type});
if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) // IE10+
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename);
else { // Others
var url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
downloadElem.href = url;
downloadElem.download = filename;
// ###### Functions to inspect one match, to show more details ######
// activate inspect buttons if queryFinished is true
function activateInspect(progress) {
let inspectBtnElements;
inspectBtnElements = document.getElementsByClassName("inspect");
for (let inspectBtn of inspectBtnElements) {
//gets result cpos infos for one dataIndex to send back to the server
function inspect(dataIndex) {
// This function should be in the AnalysisClient class as a method.
contextResultsElement = document.getElementById("context-results");
contextResultsElement.innerHTML = ""; // clear it from old inspects
{payload: {
first_cpos: results.resultsJSON.matches[dataIndex].c[0],
last_cpos: results.resultsJSON.matches[dataIndex].c[1]
function showMatchContext(response) {
let contextData = response.payload
let contextResultsElement;
let contextModalLoading;
let contextModalReady;
let expertModeSwitchElement
let partElement
let token;
let tokenElement;
console.log("###### match_context ######");
console.log("Incoming data:", contextData);
expertModeSwitchElement = document.getElementById("display-options-form-expert_mode");
contextResultsElement = document.getElementById("context-results");
contextModalLoading = document.getElementById("context-modal-loading");
contextModalReady = document.getElementById("context-modal-ready");
if (contextData.cpos_ranges == true) {
// python range like function from MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from#Sequence_generator_(range)
const range = (start, stop, step) => Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step + 1}, (_, i) => start + (i * step));
lc = range(contextData.match.lc[0], contextData.match.lc[1], 1)
c = range(contextData.match.c[0], contextData.match.c[1], 1)
rc = range(contextData.match.rc[0], contextData.match.rc[1], 1)
} else {
lc = contextData.match.lc;
c = contextData.match.c;
rc = contextData.match.rc;
partElement = document.createElement("p");
for (let cpos of lc) {
token = contextData["cpos_lookup"][cpos];
partElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<span class="token" data-cpos="${cpos}">${token["word"]} </span>`);
for (let cpos of c) {
token = contextData["cpos_lookup"][cpos];
partElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<span class="token bold underline" data-cpos="${cpos}" style="text-decoration-line: underline;">${token["word"]} </span>`);
for (let cpos of rc) {
token = contextData["cpos_lookup"][cpos];
partElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<span class="token" data-cpos="${cpos}">${token["word"]} </span>`);
if (expertModeSwitchElement.checked) {
let tokenElements = partElement.getElementsByClassName("token");
expertModeOn(tokenElements, contextData);
// ###### Display options changing live how the matches are being displayed ######
// Event function that changes the shown hits per page.
// Just alters the resultsList.page property
function changeHitsPerPage(event) {
try {
resultsList.page = event.target.value;
nopaque.flash("Updated matches per page.")
} catch (e) {
console.log("resultsList has no results right now. Live update of items per page is useless for now.");
// Event function triggered on context select change and also if pagination is clicked
function changeContext(event) {
let newContextValue;
let lc;
let rc;
let array;
try {
if (event.type === "change") {
nopaque.flash("Updated context per match!");
} catch (e) {
// console.log(e);
// console.log("This error is expected.");
} finally {
newContextValue = document.getElementById("display-options-form-result_context").value;
console.log("Context value is:", newContextValue);
lc = document.getElementsByClassName("left-context");
rc = document.getElementsByClassName("right-context");
for (let element of lc) {
array = Array.from(element.childNodes);
for (let element of array.slice(newContextValue)) {
for (let element of array.slice(0, newContextValue)) {
for (let element of rc) {
array = Array.from(element.childNodes);
for (let element of array.slice(newContextValue)) {
for (let element of array.slice(0, newContextValue)) {
// ###### Expert view event functions ######
// Event function to check if pagination is used and then look if
// expertModeSwitchElement is checked
// if checked than expertModeOn is executed
// if unchecked expertModeOff is executed
function eventHandlerCheck(event) {
console.log("pagination used!");
if (expertModeSwitchElement.checked) {
expertModeOn(event.currentTarget.tokenElements, resultsJSON);
} else if (!expertModeSwitchElement.checked) {
console.log("prevented! Destroy");
// function to apply extra information and animation to every token
function expertModeOn(tokenElements, results) {
let token;
for (let tokenElement of tokenElements) {
token = results["cpos_lookup"][tokenElement.dataset.cpos];
tokenElement.addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) {
token = results["cpos_lookup"][event.target.dataset.cpos];
addToolTipToTokenElement(event.target, token);
// fuction that creates Tooltip for one token and extracts the corresponding
// infos from the result JSON
function addToolTipToTokenElement(tokenElement, token) {
{"html": `<table>
<th>Token information</th>
<th>Source information</th>
<td class="left-align">
Word: ${token["word"]}<br>
Lemma: ${token["lemma"]}<br>
POS: ${token["pos"]}<br>
Simple POS: ${token["simple_pos"]}<br>
NER: ${token["ner"]}
<td class="left-align">
Title: ${resultsJSON["text_lookup"][token["text"]]["title"]}<br>
Author: ${resultsJSON["text_lookup"][token["text"]]["author"]}<br>
Publishing year: ${resultsJSON["text_lookup"][token["text"]]["publishing_year"]}
// function to remove extra informations and animations from tokens
function expertModeOff(tokenElements) {
for (let tokenElement of tokenElements) {
tokenElement.outerHTML = tokenElement.outerHTML; // this is actually a workaround, but it works pretty fast