{% extends "base.html.j2" %} {% import "wtf.html.j2" as wtf %} {% block page_content %}

{{ title }}

Simply enter a username and password to receive your registration email. After that you can start right away. It goes without saying that the General Data Protection Regulation applies, only necessary data is stored. Please also read our terms of use before signing up for nopaque!

{{ form.hidden_tag() }} {{ wtf.render_field(form.username, material_icon='person') }} {{ wtf.render_field(form.password, material_icon='vpn_key') }} {{ wtf.render_field(form.password_2, material_icon='vpn_key') }} {{ wtf.render_field(form.email, material_icon='email', type='email') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.terms_of_use_accepted)}}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
{% endblock page_content %}