class CorpusList extends List { constructor(idOrElement, subscriberList, options={}) { super(idOrElement, {...CorpusList.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options}); subscriberList.push(this); } _init(corpora) { this.addCorpora(Object.values(corpora)); } _update(patch) { let item, corpusStatusElement, operation, pathArray; for (operation of patch) { /* "/corpusId/valueName" -> ["corpusId", "valueName"] */ pathArray = operation.path.split("/").slice(1); switch(operation.op) { case "add": this.addCorpora([operation.value]); break; case "remove": this.remove("id", pathArray[0]); break; case "replace": item = this.get("id", pathArray[0])[0]; switch(pathArray[1]) { case "status": item.values({status: operation.value, _status: operation.value}); break; default: break; } default: break; } } } addCorpora(corpora) { let data = []; for (let corpus of corpora) { data.push({description: corpus.description, id:, link: `/corpora/${}`, status: corpus.status, title: corpus.title}); } this.add(data); } } CorpusList.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { item: ` book
Viewsend `, page: 4, pagination: {innerWindow: 8, outerWindow: 1}, valueNames: ["description", "title", {data: ["id"]}, {name: "link", attr: "href"}, {name: "status", attr: "data-status"}]}; class JobList extends List { constructor(idOrElement, subscriberList, options={}) { super(idOrElement, {...JobList.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options}); subscriberList.push(this); } _init(jobs) { this.addJobs(Object.values(jobs)); } _update(patch) { let item, jobStatusElement, operation, pathArray; for (operation of patch) { /* "/jobId/valueName" -> ["jobId", "valueName"] */ pathArray = operation.path.split("/").slice(1); switch(operation.op) { case "add": if (pathArray.includes("results")) {break;} this.addJobs([operation.value]); break; case "remove": this.remove("id", pathArray[0]); break; case "replace": item = this.get("id", pathArray[0])[0]; switch(pathArray[1]) { case "status": item.values({status: operation.value}); break; default: break; } default: break; } } } addJobs(jobs) { let data = []; for (let job of jobs) { data.push({description: job.description, id:, link: `/jobs/${}`, service: job.service, status: job.status, title: job.title}); } this.add(data); } } JobList.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { item: `
Viewsend `, page: 4, pagination: {innerWindow: 8, outerWindow: 1}, valueNames: ["description", "title", {data: ["id"]}, {name: "link", attr: "href"}, {name: "service", attr: "data-service"}, {name: "status", attr: "data-status"}]}; class ResultList extends List { createResultRowElement(item, chunk) { let values, cpos, matchRowElement, lcCellElement, lcTokenElement, token; // gather values from item values = item.values(); console.log("CHONK"); console.log(chunk); // get infos for full match row matchRowElement = document.createElement("tr"); for (cpos of values["lc"]) { console.log(cpos); lcCellElement = document.createElement("td"); lcTokenElement = document.createElement("span"); lcTokenElement.classList.add("token"); lcTokenElement.dataset.cpos = cpos; token = chunk["cpos_lookup"][cpos]; lcTokenElement.innerText = token["word"]; lcCellElement.appendChild(lcTokenElement); // let hit_tokens = ""; } matchRowElement.appendChild(lcCellElement); // // get infos of match // let textTitles = new Set(); // for (cpos of match["hit"]) { // tokenElement = document.createElement("span"); // tokenElement.classList.add("token"); // tokenElement.dataset.cpos = cpos; // token = chunk["cpos_lookup"][cpos]; // tokenElement.innerText = token["word"]; // hit_tokens += " " + tokenElement.outerHTML; // // get text titles of every hit cpos token // textTitles.add(chunk["text_lookup"][token["text"]]["title"]); // } // // add button to trigger more context to every match td // var inspectBtn = document.createElement("a"); // inspectBtn.setAttribute("class", "btn-floating btn-flat waves-effect waves-light grey right inspect"); // inspectBtn.onclick = function() {inspect()}; // inspectBtn.innerHTML = 'search'; // hit_tokens += "

" + inspectBtn.outerHTML + "

"; // // get infos for right context of match // let rc_tokens = ""; // for (cpos of match["rc"]) { // tokenElement = document.createElement("span"); // tokenElement.classList.add("token"); // tokenElement.dataset.cpos = cpos; // token = chunk["cpos_lookup"][cpos]; // tokenElement.innerText = token["word"]; // rc_tokens += " " + tokenElement.outerHTML; // } // // put all infos into an javascribt object // textTitleElement = document.createElement("span"); // textTitleElement.classList.add("text-titles"); // textTitles = [...textTitles].join(","); // textTitleElement.innerText = textTitles; // // matchRowElement.appendChild(textTitleElement); // // matchRowElement.appendChild(lc_tokens); // // matchRowElement.appendChild(hit_tokens); // // matchRowElement.appendChild(rc_tokens); // // matchRowElement.appendChild(index); // } console.log(matchRowElement.outerHTML); return matchRowElement } }