 * Materialize v1.0.0 (http://materializecss.com)
 * Copyright 2014-2017 Materialize
 * MIT License (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dogfalo/materialize/master/LICENSE)
var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return getter.call(receiver); } };

var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();

function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }

function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }

/*! cash-dom 1.3.5, https://github.com/kenwheeler/cash @license MIT */
(function (factory) {
  window.cash = factory();
})(function () {
  var doc = document,
      win = window,
      ArrayProto = Array.prototype,
      slice = ArrayProto.slice,
      filter = ArrayProto.filter,
      push = ArrayProto.push;

  var noop = function () {},
      isFunction = function (item) {
    // @see https://crbug.com/568448
    return typeof item === typeof noop && item.call;
      isString = function (item) {
    return typeof item === typeof "";

  var idMatch = /^#[\w-]*$/,
      classMatch = /^\.[\w-]*$/,
      htmlMatch = /<.+>/,
      singlet = /^\w+$/;

  function find(selector, context) {
    context = context || doc;
    var elems = classMatch.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1)) : singlet.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByTagName(selector) : context.querySelectorAll(selector);
    return elems;

  var frag;
  function parseHTML(str) {
    if (!frag) {
      frag = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument(null);
      var base = frag.createElement("base");
      base.href = doc.location.href;

    frag.body.innerHTML = str;

    return frag.body.childNodes;

  function onReady(fn) {
    if (doc.readyState !== "loading") {
    } else {
      doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn);

  function Init(selector, context) {
    if (!selector) {
      return this;

    // If already a cash collection, don't do any further processing
    if (selector.cash && selector !== win) {
      return selector;

    var elems = selector,
        i = 0,

    if (isString(selector)) {
      elems = idMatch.test(selector) ?
      // If an ID use the faster getElementById check
      doc.getElementById(selector.slice(1)) : htmlMatch.test(selector) ?
      // If HTML, parse it into real elements
      parseHTML(selector) :
      // else use `find`
      find(selector, context);

      // If function, use as shortcut for DOM ready
    } else if (isFunction(selector)) {
      onReady(selector);return this;

    if (!elems) {
      return this;

    // If a single DOM element is passed in or received via ID, return the single element
    if (elems.nodeType || elems === win) {
      this[0] = elems;
      this.length = 1;
    } else {
      // Treat like an array and loop through each item.
      length = this.length = elems.length;
      for (; i < length; i++) {
        this[i] = elems[i];

    return this;

  function cash(selector, context) {
    return new Init(selector, context);

  var fn = cash.fn = cash.prototype = Init.prototype = { // jshint ignore:line
    cash: true,
    length: 0,
    push: push,
    splice: ArrayProto.splice,
    map: ArrayProto.map,
    init: Init

  Object.defineProperty(fn, "constructor", { value: cash });

  cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
  cash.noop = noop;
  cash.isFunction = isFunction;
  cash.isString = isString;

  cash.extend = fn.extend = function (target) {
    target = target || {};

    var args = slice.call(arguments),
        length = args.length,
        i = 1;

    if (args.length === 1) {
      target = this;
      i = 0;

    for (; i < length; i++) {
      if (!args[i]) {
      for (var key in args[i]) {
        if (args[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          target[key] = args[i][key];

    return target;

  function each(collection, callback) {
    var l = collection.length,
        i = 0;

    for (; i < l; i++) {
      if (callback.call(collection[i], collection[i], i, collection) === false) {

  function matches(el, selector) {
    var m = el && (el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector);
    return !!m && m.call(el, selector);

  function getCompareFunction(selector) {
    return (
      /* Use browser's `matches` function if string */
      isString(selector) ? matches :
      /* Match a cash element */
      selector.cash ? function (el) {
        return selector.is(el);
      } :
      /* Direct comparison */
      function (el, selector) {
        return el === selector;

  function unique(collection) {
    return cash(slice.call(collection).filter(function (item, index, self) {
      return self.indexOf(item) === index;

    merge: function (first, second) {
      var len = +second.length,
          i = first.length,
          j = 0;

      for (; j < len; i++, j++) {
        first[i] = second[j];

      first.length = i;
      return first;

    each: each,
    matches: matches,
    unique: unique,
    isArray: Array.isArray,
    isNumeric: function (n) {
      return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);


  var uid = cash.uid = "_cash" + Date.now();

  function getDataCache(node) {
    return node[uid] = node[uid] || {};

  function setData(node, key, value) {
    return getDataCache(node)[key] = value;

  function getData(node, key) {
    var c = getDataCache(node);
    if (c[key] === undefined) {
      c[key] = node.dataset ? node.dataset[key] : cash(node).attr("data-" + key);
    return c[key];

  function removeData(node, key) {
    var c = getDataCache(node);
    if (c) {
      delete c[key];
    } else if (node.dataset) {
      delete node.dataset[key];
    } else {
      cash(node).removeAttr("data-" + name);

    data: function (name, value) {
      if (isString(name)) {
        return value === undefined ? getData(this[0], name) : this.each(function (v) {
          return setData(v, name, value);

      for (var key in name) {
        this.data(key, name[key]);

      return this;

    removeData: function (key) {
      return this.each(function (v) {
        return removeData(v, key);


  var notWhiteMatch = /\S+/g;

  function getClasses(c) {
    return isString(c) && c.match(notWhiteMatch);

  function hasClass(v, c) {
    return v.classList ? v.classList.contains(c) : new RegExp("(^| )" + c + "( |$)", "gi").test(v.className);

  function addClass(v, c, spacedName) {
    if (v.classList) {
    } else if (spacedName.indexOf(" " + c + " ")) {
      v.className += " " + c;

  function removeClass(v, c) {
    if (v.classList) {
    } else {
      v.className = v.className.replace(c, "");

    addClass: function (c) {
      var classes = getClasses(c);

      return classes ? this.each(function (v) {
        var spacedName = " " + v.className + " ";
        each(classes, function (c) {
          addClass(v, c, spacedName);
      }) : this;

    attr: function (name, value) {
      if (!name) {
        return undefined;

      if (isString(name)) {
        if (value === undefined) {
          return this[0] ? this[0].getAttribute ? this[0].getAttribute(name) : this[0][name] : undefined;

        return this.each(function (v) {
          if (v.setAttribute) {
            v.setAttribute(name, value);
          } else {
            v[name] = value;

      for (var key in name) {
        this.attr(key, name[key]);

      return this;

    hasClass: function (c) {
      var check = false,
          classes = getClasses(c);
      if (classes && classes.length) {
        this.each(function (v) {
          check = hasClass(v, classes[0]);
          return !check;
      return check;

    prop: function (name, value) {
      if (isString(name)) {
        return value === undefined ? this[0][name] : this.each(function (v) {
          v[name] = value;

      for (var key in name) {
        this.prop(key, name[key]);

      return this;

    removeAttr: function (name) {
      return this.each(function (v) {
        if (v.removeAttribute) {
        } else {
          delete v[name];

    removeClass: function (c) {
      if (!arguments.length) {
        return this.attr("class", "");
      var classes = getClasses(c);
      return classes ? this.each(function (v) {
        each(classes, function (c) {
          removeClass(v, c);
      }) : this;

    removeProp: function (name) {
      return this.each(function (v) {
        delete v[name];

    toggleClass: function (c, state) {
      if (state !== undefined) {
        return this[state ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](c);
      var classes = getClasses(c);
      return classes ? this.each(function (v) {
        var spacedName = " " + v.className + " ";
        each(classes, function (c) {
          if (hasClass(v, c)) {
            removeClass(v, c);
          } else {
            addClass(v, c, spacedName);
      }) : this;
    } });

    add: function (selector, context) {
      return unique(cash.merge(this, cash(selector, context)));

    each: function (callback) {
      each(this, callback);
      return this;

    eq: function (index) {
      return cash(this.get(index));

    filter: function (selector) {
      if (!selector) {
        return this;

      var comparator = isFunction(selector) ? selector : getCompareFunction(selector);

      return cash(filter.call(this, function (e) {
        return comparator(e, selector);

    first: function () {
      return this.eq(0);

    get: function (index) {
      if (index === undefined) {
        return slice.call(this);
      return index < 0 ? this[index + this.length] : this[index];

    index: function (elem) {
      var child = elem ? cash(elem)[0] : this[0],
          collection = elem ? this : cash(child).parent().children();
      return slice.call(collection).indexOf(child);

    last: function () {
      return this.eq(-1);


  var camelCase = function () {
    var camelRegex = /(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g,
        whiteSpace = /[\s-_]+/g;
    return function (str) {
      return str.replace(camelRegex, function (letter, index) {
        return letter[index === 0 ? "toLowerCase" : "toUpperCase"]();
      }).replace(whiteSpace, "");

  var getPrefixedProp = function () {
    var cache = {},
        doc = document,
        div = doc.createElement("div"),
        style = div.style;

    return function (prop) {
      prop = camelCase(prop);
      if (cache[prop]) {
        return cache[prop];

      var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1),
          prefixes = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o"],
          props = (prop + " " + prefixes.join(ucProp + " ") + ucProp).split(" ");

      each(props, function (p) {
        if (p in style) {
          cache[p] = prop = cache[prop] = p;
          return false;

      return cache[prop];

  cash.prefixedProp = getPrefixedProp;
  cash.camelCase = camelCase;

    css: function (prop, value) {
      if (isString(prop)) {
        prop = getPrefixedProp(prop);
        return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each(function (v) {
          return v.style[prop] = value;
        }) : win.getComputedStyle(this[0])[prop];

      for (var key in prop) {
        this.css(key, prop[key]);

      return this;


  function compute(el, prop) {
    return parseInt(win.getComputedStyle(el[0], null)[prop], 10) || 0;

  each(["Width", "Height"], function (v) {
    var lower = v.toLowerCase();

    fn[lower] = function () {
      return this[0].getBoundingClientRect()[lower];

    fn["inner" + v] = function () {
      return this[0]["client" + v];

    fn["outer" + v] = function (margins) {
      return this[0]["offset" + v] + (margins ? compute(this, "margin" + (v === "Width" ? "Left" : "Top")) + compute(this, "margin" + (v === "Width" ? "Right" : "Bottom")) : 0);

  function registerEvent(node, eventName, callback) {
    var eventCache = getData(node, "_cashEvents") || setData(node, "_cashEvents", {});
    eventCache[eventName] = eventCache[eventName] || [];
    node.addEventListener(eventName, callback);

  function removeEvent(node, eventName, callback) {
    var events = getData(node, "_cashEvents"),
        eventCache = events && events[eventName],

    if (!eventCache) {

    if (callback) {
      node.removeEventListener(eventName, callback);
      index = eventCache.indexOf(callback);
      if (index >= 0) {
        eventCache.splice(index, 1);
    } else {
      each(eventCache, function (event) {
        node.removeEventListener(eventName, event);
      eventCache = [];

    off: function (eventName, callback) {
      return this.each(function (v) {
        return removeEvent(v, eventName, callback);

    on: function (eventName, delegate, callback, runOnce) {
      // jshint ignore:line
      var originalCallback;
      if (!isString(eventName)) {
        for (var key in eventName) {
          this.on(key, delegate, eventName[key]);
        return this;

      if (isFunction(delegate)) {
        callback = delegate;
        delegate = null;

      if (eventName === "ready") {
        return this;

      if (delegate) {
        originalCallback = callback;
        callback = function (e) {
          var t = e.target;
          while (!matches(t, delegate)) {
            if (t === this || t === null) {
              return t = false;

            t = t.parentNode;

          if (t) {
            originalCallback.call(t, e);

      return this.each(function (v) {
        var finalCallback = callback;
        if (runOnce) {
          finalCallback = function () {
            callback.apply(this, arguments);
            removeEvent(v, eventName, finalCallback);
        registerEvent(v, eventName, finalCallback);

    one: function (eventName, delegate, callback) {
      return this.on(eventName, delegate, callback, true);

    ready: onReady,

     * Modified
     * Triggers browser event
     * @param String eventName
     * @param Object data - Add properties to event object
    trigger: function (eventName, data) {
      if (document.createEvent) {
        var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
        evt.initEvent(eventName, true, false);
        evt = this.extend(evt, data);
        return this.each(function (v) {
          return v.dispatchEvent(evt);


  function encode(name, value) {
    return "&" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value).replace(/%20/g, "+");

  function getSelectMultiple_(el) {
    var values = [];
    each(el.options, function (o) {
      if (o.selected) {
    return values.length ? values : null;

  function getSelectSingle_(el) {
    var selectedIndex = el.selectedIndex;
    return selectedIndex >= 0 ? el.options[selectedIndex].value : null;

  function getValue(el) {
    var type = el.type;
    if (!type) {
      return null;
    switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
      case "select-one":
        return getSelectSingle_(el);
      case "select-multiple":
        return getSelectMultiple_(el);
      case "radio":
        return el.checked ? el.value : null;
      case "checkbox":
        return el.checked ? el.value : null;
        return el.value ? el.value : null;

    serialize: function () {
      var query = "";

      each(this[0].elements || this, function (el) {
        if (el.disabled || el.tagName === "FIELDSET") {
        var name = el.name;
        switch (el.type.toLowerCase()) {
          case "file":
          case "reset":
          case "submit":
          case "button":
          case "select-multiple":
            var values = getValue(el);
            if (values !== null) {
              each(values, function (value) {
                query += encode(name, value);
            var value = getValue(el);
            if (value !== null) {
              query += encode(name, value);

      return query.substr(1);

    val: function (value) {
      if (value === undefined) {
        return getValue(this[0]);

      return this.each(function (v) {
        return v.value = value;


  function insertElement(el, child, prepend) {
    if (prepend) {
      var first = el.childNodes[0];
      el.insertBefore(child, first);
    } else {

  function insertContent(parent, child, prepend) {
    var str = isString(child);

    if (!str && child.length) {
      each(child, function (v) {
        return insertContent(parent, v, prepend);

    each(parent, str ? function (v) {
      return v.insertAdjacentHTML(prepend ? "afterbegin" : "beforeend", child);
    } : function (v, i) {
      return insertElement(v, i === 0 ? child : child.cloneNode(true), prepend);

    after: function (selector) {
      return this;

    append: function (content) {
      insertContent(this, content);
      return this;

    appendTo: function (parent) {
      insertContent(cash(parent), this);
      return this;

    before: function (selector) {
      return this;

    clone: function () {
      return cash(this.map(function (v) {
        return v.cloneNode(true);

    empty: function () {
      return this;

    html: function (content) {
      if (content === undefined) {
        return this[0].innerHTML;
      var source = content.nodeType ? content[0].outerHTML : content;
      return this.each(function (v) {
        return v.innerHTML = source;

    insertAfter: function (selector) {
      var _this = this;

      cash(selector).each(function (el, i) {
        var parent = el.parentNode,
            sibling = el.nextSibling;
        _this.each(function (v) {
          parent.insertBefore(i === 0 ? v : v.cloneNode(true), sibling);

      return this;

    insertBefore: function (selector) {
      var _this2 = this;
      cash(selector).each(function (el, i) {
        var parent = el.parentNode;
        _this2.each(function (v) {
          parent.insertBefore(i === 0 ? v : v.cloneNode(true), el);
      return this;

    prepend: function (content) {
      insertContent(this, content, true);
      return this;

    prependTo: function (parent) {
      insertContent(cash(parent), this, true);
      return this;

    remove: function () {
      return this.each(function (v) {
        if (!!v.parentNode) {
          return v.parentNode.removeChild(v);

    text: function (content) {
      if (content === undefined) {
        return this[0].textContent;
      return this.each(function (v) {
        return v.textContent = content;


  var docEl = doc.documentElement;

    position: function () {
      var el = this[0];
      return {
        left: el.offsetLeft,
        top: el.offsetTop

    offset: function () {
      var rect = this[0].getBoundingClientRect();
      return {
        top: rect.top + win.pageYOffset - docEl.clientTop,
        left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset - docEl.clientLeft

    offsetParent: function () {
      return cash(this[0].offsetParent);


    children: function (selector) {
      var elems = [];
      this.each(function (el) {
        push.apply(elems, el.children);
      elems = unique(elems);

      return !selector ? elems : elems.filter(function (v) {
        return matches(v, selector);

    closest: function (selector) {
      if (!selector || this.length < 1) {
        return cash();
      if (this.is(selector)) {
        return this.filter(selector);
      return this.parent().closest(selector);

    is: function (selector) {
      if (!selector) {
        return false;

      var match = false,
          comparator = getCompareFunction(selector);

      this.each(function (el) {
        match = comparator(el, selector);
        return !match;

      return match;

    find: function (selector) {
      if (!selector || selector.nodeType) {
        return cash(selector && this.has(selector).length ? selector : null);

      var elems = [];
      this.each(function (el) {
        push.apply(elems, find(selector, el));

      return unique(elems);

    has: function (selector) {
      var comparator = isString(selector) ? function (el) {
        return find(selector, el).length !== 0;
      } : function (el) {
        return el.contains(selector);

      return this.filter(comparator);

    next: function () {
      return cash(this[0].nextElementSibling);

    not: function (selector) {
      if (!selector) {
        return this;

      var comparator = getCompareFunction(selector);

      return this.filter(function (el) {
        return !comparator(el, selector);

    parent: function () {
      var result = [];

      this.each(function (item) {
        if (item && item.parentNode) {

      return unique(result);

    parents: function (selector) {
      var last,
          result = [];

      this.each(function (item) {
        last = item;

        while (last && last.parentNode && last !== doc.body.parentNode) {
          last = last.parentNode;

          if (!selector || selector && matches(last, selector)) {

      return unique(result);

    prev: function () {
      return cash(this[0].previousElementSibling);

    siblings: function (selector) {
      var collection = this.parent().children(selector),
          el = this[0];

      return collection.filter(function (i) {
        return i !== el;


  return cash;
var Component = function () {
   * Generic constructor for all components
   * @constructor
   * @param {Element} el
   * @param {Object} options
  function Component(classDef, el, options) {
    _classCallCheck(this, Component);

    // Display error if el is valid HTML Element
    if (!(el instanceof Element)) {
      console.error(Error(el + ' is not an HTML Element'));

    // If exists, destroy and reinitialize in child
    var ins = classDef.getInstance(el);
    if (!!ins) {

    this.el = el;
    this.$el = cash(el);

   * Initializes components
   * @param {class} classDef
   * @param {Element | NodeList | jQuery} els
   * @param {Object} options

  _createClass(Component, null, [{
    key: "init",
    value: function init(classDef, els, options) {
      var instances = null;
      if (els instanceof Element) {
        instances = new classDef(els, options);
      } else if (!!els && (els.jquery || els.cash || els instanceof NodeList)) {
        var instancesArr = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
          instancesArr.push(new classDef(els[i], options));
        instances = instancesArr;

      return instances;

  return Component;

; // Required for Meteor package, the use of window prevents export by Meteor
(function (window) {
  if (window.Package) {
    M = {};
  } else {
    window.M = {};

  // Check for jQuery
  M.jQueryLoaded = !!window.jQuery;

// AMD
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  define('M', [], function () {
    return M;

  // Common JS
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined' && !exports.nodeType) {
  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && !module.nodeType && module.exports) {
    exports = module.exports = M;
  exports.default = M;

M.version = '1.0.0';

M.keys = {
  TAB: 9,
  ENTER: 13,
  ESC: 27,
  ARROW_UP: 38,

 * TabPress Keydown handler
M.tabPressed = false;
M.keyDown = false;
var docHandleKeydown = function (e) {
  M.keyDown = true;
  if (e.which === M.keys.TAB || e.which === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN || e.which === M.keys.ARROW_UP) {
    M.tabPressed = true;
var docHandleKeyup = function (e) {
  M.keyDown = false;
  if (e.which === M.keys.TAB || e.which === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN || e.which === M.keys.ARROW_UP) {
    M.tabPressed = false;
var docHandleFocus = function (e) {
  if (M.keyDown) {
var docHandleBlur = function (e) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', docHandleKeydown, true);
document.addEventListener('keyup', docHandleKeyup, true);
document.addEventListener('focus', docHandleFocus, true);
document.addEventListener('blur', docHandleBlur, true);

 * Initialize jQuery wrapper for plugin
 * @param {Class} plugin  javascript class
 * @param {string} pluginName  jQuery plugin name
 * @param {string} classRef  Class reference name
M.initializeJqueryWrapper = function (plugin, pluginName, classRef) {
  jQuery.fn[pluginName] = function (methodOrOptions) {
    // Call plugin method if valid method name is passed in
    if (plugin.prototype[methodOrOptions]) {
      var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

      // Getter methods
      if (methodOrOptions.slice(0, 3) === 'get') {
        var instance = this.first()[0][classRef];
        return instance[methodOrOptions].apply(instance, params);

      // Void methods
      return this.each(function () {
        var instance = this[classRef];
        instance[methodOrOptions].apply(instance, params);

      // Initialize plugin if options or no argument is passed in
    } else if (typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || !methodOrOptions) {
      plugin.init(this, arguments[0]);
      return this;

    // Return error if an unrecognized  method name is passed in
    jQuery.error("Method " + methodOrOptions + " does not exist on jQuery." + pluginName);

 * Automatically initialize components
 * @param {Element} context  DOM Element to search within for components
M.AutoInit = function (context) {
  // Use document.body if no context is given
  var root = !!context ? context : document.body;

  var registry = {
    Autocomplete: root.querySelectorAll('.autocomplete:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Carousel: root.querySelectorAll('.carousel:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Chips: root.querySelectorAll('.chips:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Collapsible: root.querySelectorAll('.collapsible:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Datepicker: root.querySelectorAll('.datepicker:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Dropdown: root.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-trigger:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Materialbox: root.querySelectorAll('.materialboxed:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Modal: root.querySelectorAll('.modal:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Parallax: root.querySelectorAll('.parallax:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Pushpin: root.querySelectorAll('.pushpin:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    ScrollSpy: root.querySelectorAll('.scrollspy:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    FormSelect: root.querySelectorAll('select:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Sidenav: root.querySelectorAll('.sidenav:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Tabs: root.querySelectorAll('.tabs:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    TapTarget: root.querySelectorAll('.tap-target:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Timepicker: root.querySelectorAll('.timepicker:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    Tooltip: root.querySelectorAll('.tooltipped:not(.no-autoinit)'),
    FloatingActionButton: root.querySelectorAll('.fixed-action-btn:not(.no-autoinit)')

  for (var pluginName in registry) {
    var plugin = M[pluginName];

 * Generate approximated selector string for a jQuery object
 * @param {jQuery} obj  jQuery object to be parsed
 * @returns {string}
M.objectSelectorString = function (obj) {
  var tagStr = obj.prop('tagName') || '';
  var idStr = obj.attr('id') || '';
  var classStr = obj.attr('class') || '';
  return (tagStr + idStr + classStr).replace(/\s/g, '');

// Unique Random ID
M.guid = function () {
  function s4() {
    return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
  return function () {
    return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();

 * Escapes hash from special characters
 * @param {string} hash  String returned from this.hash
 * @returns {string}
M.escapeHash = function (hash) {
  return hash.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|\/)/g, '\\$1');

M.elementOrParentIsFixed = function (element) {
  var $element = $(element);
  var $checkElements = $element.add($element.parents());
  var isFixed = false;
  $checkElements.each(function () {
    if ($(this).css('position') === 'fixed') {
      isFixed = true;
      return false;
  return isFixed;

 * @typedef {Object} Edges
 * @property {Boolean} top  If the top edge was exceeded
 * @property {Boolean} right  If the right edge was exceeded
 * @property {Boolean} bottom  If the bottom edge was exceeded
 * @property {Boolean} left  If the left edge was exceeded

 * @typedef {Object} Bounding
 * @property {Number} left  left offset coordinate
 * @property {Number} top  top offset coordinate
 * @property {Number} width
 * @property {Number} height

 * Escapes hash from special characters
 * @param {Element} container  Container element that acts as the boundary
 * @param {Bounding} bounding  element bounding that is being checked
 * @param {Number} offset  offset from edge that counts as exceeding
 * @returns {Edges}
M.checkWithinContainer = function (container, bounding, offset) {
  var edges = {
    top: false,
    right: false,
    bottom: false,
    left: false

  var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
  // If body element is smaller than viewport, use viewport height instead.
  var containerBottom = container === document.body ? Math.max(containerRect.bottom, window.innerHeight) : containerRect.bottom;

  var scrollLeft = container.scrollLeft;
  var scrollTop = container.scrollTop;

  var scrolledX = bounding.left - scrollLeft;
  var scrolledY = bounding.top - scrollTop;

  // Check for container and viewport for each edge
  if (scrolledX < containerRect.left + offset || scrolledX < offset) {
    edges.left = true;

  if (scrolledX + bounding.width > containerRect.right - offset || scrolledX + bounding.width > window.innerWidth - offset) {
    edges.right = true;

  if (scrolledY < containerRect.top + offset || scrolledY < offset) {
    edges.top = true;

  if (scrolledY + bounding.height > containerBottom - offset || scrolledY + bounding.height > window.innerHeight - offset) {
    edges.bottom = true;

  return edges;

M.checkPossibleAlignments = function (el, container, bounding, offset) {
  var canAlign = {
    top: true,
    right: true,
    bottom: true,
    left: true,
    spaceOnTop: null,
    spaceOnRight: null,
    spaceOnBottom: null,
    spaceOnLeft: null

  var containerAllowsOverflow = getComputedStyle(container).overflow === 'visible';
  var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
  var containerHeight = Math.min(containerRect.height, window.innerHeight);
  var containerWidth = Math.min(containerRect.width, window.innerWidth);
  var elOffsetRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();

  var scrollLeft = container.scrollLeft;
  var scrollTop = container.scrollTop;

  var scrolledX = bounding.left - scrollLeft;
  var scrolledYTopEdge = bounding.top - scrollTop;
  var scrolledYBottomEdge = bounding.top + elOffsetRect.height - scrollTop;

  // Check for container and viewport for left
  canAlign.spaceOnRight = !containerAllowsOverflow ? containerWidth - (scrolledX + bounding.width) : window.innerWidth - (elOffsetRect.left + bounding.width);
  if (canAlign.spaceOnRight < 0) {
    canAlign.left = false;

  // Check for container and viewport for Right
  canAlign.spaceOnLeft = !containerAllowsOverflow ? scrolledX - bounding.width + elOffsetRect.width : elOffsetRect.right - bounding.width;
  if (canAlign.spaceOnLeft < 0) {
    canAlign.right = false;

  // Check for container and viewport for Top
  canAlign.spaceOnBottom = !containerAllowsOverflow ? containerHeight - (scrolledYTopEdge + bounding.height + offset) : window.innerHeight - (elOffsetRect.top + bounding.height + offset);
  if (canAlign.spaceOnBottom < 0) {
    canAlign.top = false;

  // Check for container and viewport for Bottom
  canAlign.spaceOnTop = !containerAllowsOverflow ? scrolledYBottomEdge - (bounding.height - offset) : elOffsetRect.bottom - (bounding.height + offset);
  if (canAlign.spaceOnTop < 0) {
    canAlign.bottom = false;

  return canAlign;

M.getOverflowParent = function (element) {
  if (element == null) {
    return null;

  if (element === document.body || getComputedStyle(element).overflow !== 'visible') {
    return element;

  return M.getOverflowParent(element.parentElement);

 * Gets id of component from a trigger
 * @param {Element} trigger  trigger
 * @returns {string}
M.getIdFromTrigger = function (trigger) {
  var id = trigger.getAttribute('data-target');
  if (!id) {
    id = trigger.getAttribute('href');
    if (id) {
      id = id.slice(1);
    } else {
      id = '';
  return id;

 * Multi browser support for document scroll top
 * @returns {Number}
M.getDocumentScrollTop = function () {
  return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0;

 * Multi browser support for document scroll left
 * @returns {Number}
M.getDocumentScrollLeft = function () {
  return window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0;

 * @typedef {Object} Edges
 * @property {Boolean} top  If the top edge was exceeded
 * @property {Boolean} right  If the right edge was exceeded
 * @property {Boolean} bottom  If the bottom edge was exceeded
 * @property {Boolean} left  If the left edge was exceeded

 * @typedef {Object} Bounding
 * @property {Number} left  left offset coordinate
 * @property {Number} top  top offset coordinate
 * @property {Number} width
 * @property {Number} height

 * Get time in ms
 * @license https://raw.github.com/jashkenas/underscore/master/LICENSE
 * @type {function}
 * @return {number}
var getTime = Date.now || function () {
  return new Date().getTime();

 * Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
 * during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run
 * as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration;
 * but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass
 * `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto.
 * @license https://raw.github.com/jashkenas/underscore/master/LICENSE
 * @param {function} func
 * @param {number} wait
 * @param {Object=} options
 * @returns {Function}
M.throttle = function (func, wait, options) {
  var context = void 0,
      args = void 0,
      result = void 0;
  var timeout = null;
  var previous = 0;
  options || (options = {});
  var later = function () {
    previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : getTime();
    timeout = null;
    result = func.apply(context, args);
    context = args = null;
  return function () {
    var now = getTime();
    if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now;
    var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
    context = this;
    args = arguments;
    if (remaining <= 0) {
      timeout = null;
      previous = now;
      result = func.apply(context, args);
      context = args = null;
    } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) {
      timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
    return result;
; /*
  2017 Julian Garnier
  Released under the MIT license
var $jscomp = { scope: {} };$jscomp.defineProperty = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function (e, r, p) {
  if (p.get || p.set) throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters.");e != Array.prototype && e != Object.prototype && (e[r] = p.value);
};$jscomp.getGlobal = function (e) {
  return "undefined" != typeof window && window === e ? e : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : e;
};$jscomp.global = $jscomp.getGlobal(this);$jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX = "jscomp_symbol_";
$jscomp.initSymbol = function () {
  $jscomp.initSymbol = function () {};$jscomp.global.Symbol || ($jscomp.global.Symbol = $jscomp.Symbol);
};$jscomp.symbolCounter_ = 0;$jscomp.Symbol = function (e) {
  return $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX + (e || "") + $jscomp.symbolCounter_++;
$jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function () {
  $jscomp.initSymbol();var e = $jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator;e || (e = $jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator = $jscomp.global.Symbol("iterator"));"function" != typeof Array.prototype[e] && $jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype, e, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function () {
      return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this);
    } });$jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function () {};
};$jscomp.arrayIterator = function (e) {
  var r = 0;return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function () {
    return r < e.length ? { done: !1, value: e[r++] } : { done: !0 };
$jscomp.iteratorPrototype = function (e) {
  $jscomp.initSymbolIterator();e = { next: e };e[$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator] = function () {
    return this;
  };return e;
};$jscomp.array = $jscomp.array || {};$jscomp.iteratorFromArray = function (e, r) {
  $jscomp.initSymbolIterator();e instanceof String && (e += "");var p = 0,
      m = { next: function () {
      if (p < e.length) {
        var u = p++;return { value: r(u, e[u]), done: !1 };
      }m.next = function () {
        return { done: !0, value: void 0 };
      };return m.next();
    } };m[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
    return m;
  };return m;
$jscomp.polyfill = function (e, r, p, m) {
  if (r) {
    p = $jscomp.global;e = e.split(".");for (m = 0; m < e.length - 1; m++) {
      var u = e[m];u in p || (p[u] = {});p = p[u];
    }e = e[e.length - 1];m = p[e];r = r(m);r != m && null != r && $jscomp.defineProperty(p, e, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r });
};$jscomp.polyfill("Array.prototype.keys", function (e) {
  return e ? e : function () {
    return $jscomp.iteratorFromArray(this, function (e) {
      return e;
}, "es6-impl", "es3");var $jscomp$this = this;
(function (r) {
  M.anime = r();
})(function () {
  function e(a) {
    if (!h.col(a)) try {
      return document.querySelectorAll(a);
    } catch (c) {}
  }function r(a, c) {
    for (var d = a.length, b = 2 <= arguments.length ? arguments[1] : void 0, f = [], n = 0; n < d; n++) {
      if (n in a) {
        var k = a[n];c.call(b, k, n, a) && f.push(k);
    }return f;
  }function p(a) {
    return a.reduce(function (a, d) {
      return a.concat(h.arr(d) ? p(d) : d);
    }, []);
  }function m(a) {
    if (h.arr(a)) return a;
    h.str(a) && (a = e(a) || a);return a instanceof NodeList || a instanceof HTMLCollection ? [].slice.call(a) : [a];
  }function u(a, c) {
    return a.some(function (a) {
      return a === c;
  }function C(a) {
    var c = {},
        d;for (d in a) {
      c[d] = a[d];
    }return c;
  }function D(a, c) {
    var d = C(a),
        b;for (b in a) {
      d[b] = c.hasOwnProperty(b) ? c[b] : a[b];
    }return d;
  }function z(a, c) {
    var d = C(a),
        b;for (b in c) {
      d[b] = h.und(a[b]) ? c[b] : a[b];
    }return d;
  }function T(a) {
    a = a.replace(/^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i, function (a, c, d, k) {
      return c + c + d + d + k + k;
    });var c = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(a);
    a = parseInt(c[1], 16);var d = parseInt(c[2], 16),
        c = parseInt(c[3], 16);return "rgba(" + a + "," + d + "," + c + ",1)";
  }function U(a) {
    function c(a, c, b) {
      0 > b && (b += 1);1 < b && --b;return b < 1 / 6 ? a + 6 * (c - a) * b : .5 > b ? c : b < 2 / 3 ? a + (c - a) * (2 / 3 - b) * 6 : a;
    }var d = /hsl\((\d+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%\)/g.exec(a) || /hsla\((\d+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)\)/g.exec(a);a = parseInt(d[1]) / 360;var b = parseInt(d[2]) / 100,
        f = parseInt(d[3]) / 100,
        d = d[4] || 1;if (0 == b) f = b = a = f;else {
      var n = .5 > f ? f * (1 + b) : f + b - f * b,
          k = 2 * f - n,
          f = c(k, n, a + 1 / 3),
          b = c(k, n, a);a = c(k, n, a - 1 / 3);
    }return "rgba(" + 255 * f + "," + 255 * b + "," + 255 * a + "," + d + ")";
  }function y(a) {
    if (a = /([\+\-]?[0-9#\.]+)(%|px|pt|em|rem|in|cm|mm|ex|ch|pc|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|deg|rad|turn)?$/.exec(a)) return a[2];
  }function V(a) {
    if (-1 < a.indexOf("translate") || "perspective" === a) return "px";if (-1 < a.indexOf("rotate") || -1 < a.indexOf("skew")) return "deg";
  }function I(a, c) {
    return h.fnc(a) ? a(c.target, c.id, c.total) : a;
  }function E(a, c) {
    if (c in a.style) return getComputedStyle(a).getPropertyValue(c.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()) || "0";
  }function J(a, c) {
    if (h.dom(a) && u(W, c)) return "transform";if (h.dom(a) && (a.getAttribute(c) || h.svg(a) && a[c])) return "attribute";if (h.dom(a) && "transform" !== c && E(a, c)) return "css";if (null != a[c]) return "object";
  }function X(a, c) {
    var d = V(c),
        d = -1 < c.indexOf("scale") ? 1 : 0 + d;a = a.style.transform;if (!a) return d;for (var b = [], f = [], n = [], k = /(\w+)\((.+?)\)/g; b = k.exec(a);) {
      f.push(b[1]), n.push(b[2]);
    }a = r(n, function (a, b) {
      return f[b] === c;
    });return a.length ? a[0] : d;
  }function K(a, c) {
    switch (J(a, c)) {case "transform":
        return X(a, c);case "css":
        return E(a, c);case "attribute":
        return a.getAttribute(c);}return a[c] || 0;
  }function L(a, c) {
    var d = /^(\*=|\+=|-=)/.exec(a);if (!d) return a;var b = y(a) || 0;c = parseFloat(c);a = parseFloat(a.replace(d[0], ""));switch (d[0][0]) {case "+":
        return c + a + b;case "-":
        return c - a + b;case "*":
        return c * a + b;}
  }function F(a, c) {
    return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c.x - a.x, 2) + Math.pow(c.y - a.y, 2));
  }function M(a) {
    a = a.points;for (var c = 0, d, b = 0; b < a.numberOfItems; b++) {
      var f = a.getItem(b);0 < b && (c += F(d, f));d = f;
    }return c;
  }function N(a) {
    if (a.getTotalLength) return a.getTotalLength();switch (a.tagName.toLowerCase()) {case "circle":
        return 2 * Math.PI * a.getAttribute("r");case "rect":
        return 2 * a.getAttribute("width") + 2 * a.getAttribute("height");case "line":
        return F({ x: a.getAttribute("x1"), y: a.getAttribute("y1") }, { x: a.getAttribute("x2"), y: a.getAttribute("y2") });case "polyline":
        return M(a);case "polygon":
        var c = a.points;return M(a) + F(c.getItem(c.numberOfItems - 1), c.getItem(0));}
  }function Y(a, c) {
    function d(b) {
      b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b;return a.el.getPointAtLength(1 <= c + b ? c + b : 0);
    }var b = d(),
        f = d(-1),
        n = d(1);switch (a.property) {case "x":
        return b.x;case "y":
        return b.y;
      case "angle":
        return 180 * Math.atan2(n.y - f.y, n.x - f.x) / Math.PI;}
  }function O(a, c) {
    var d = /-?\d*\.?\d+/g,
        b;b = h.pth(a) ? a.totalLength : a;if (h.col(b)) {
      if (h.rgb(b)) {
        var f = /rgb\((\d+,\s*[\d]+,\s*[\d]+)\)/g.exec(b);b = f ? "rgba(" + f[1] + ",1)" : b;
      } else b = h.hex(b) ? T(b) : h.hsl(b) ? U(b) : void 0;
    } else f = (f = y(b)) ? b.substr(0, b.length - f.length) : b, b = c && !/\s/g.test(b) ? f + c : f;b += "";return { original: b, numbers: b.match(d) ? b.match(d).map(Number) : [0], strings: h.str(a) || c ? b.split(d) : [] };
  }function P(a) {
    a = a ? p(h.arr(a) ? a.map(m) : m(a)) : [];return r(a, function (a, d, b) {
      return b.indexOf(a) === d;
  }function Z(a) {
    var c = P(a);return c.map(function (a, b) {
      return { target: a, id: b, total: c.length };
  }function aa(a, c) {
    var d = C(c);if (h.arr(a)) {
      var b = a.length;2 !== b || h.obj(a[0]) ? h.fnc(c.duration) || (d.duration = c.duration / b) : a = { value: a };
    }return m(a).map(function (a, b) {
      b = b ? 0 : c.delay;a = h.obj(a) && !h.pth(a) ? a : { value: a };h.und(a.delay) && (a.delay = b);return a;
    }).map(function (a) {
      return z(a, d);
  }function ba(a, c) {
    var d = {},
        b;for (b in a) {
      var f = I(a[b], c);h.arr(f) && (f = f.map(function (a) {
        return I(a, c);
      }), 1 === f.length && (f = f[0]));d[b] = f;
    }d.duration = parseFloat(d.duration);d.delay = parseFloat(d.delay);return d;
  }function ca(a) {
    return h.arr(a) ? A.apply(this, a) : Q[a];
  }function da(a, c) {
    var d;return a.tweens.map(function (b) {
      b = ba(b, c);var f = b.value,
          e = K(c.target, a.name),
          k = d ? d.to.original : e,
          k = h.arr(f) ? f[0] : k,
          w = L(h.arr(f) ? f[1] : f, k),
          e = y(w) || y(k) || y(e);b.from = O(k, e);b.to = O(w, e);b.start = d ? d.end : a.offset;b.end = b.start + b.delay + b.duration;b.easing = ca(b.easing);b.elasticity = (1E3 - Math.min(Math.max(b.elasticity, 1), 999)) / 1E3;b.isPath = h.pth(f);b.isColor = h.col(b.from.original);b.isColor && (b.round = 1);return d = b;
  }function ea(a, c) {
    return r(p(a.map(function (a) {
      return c.map(function (b) {
        var c = J(a.target, b.name);if (c) {
          var d = da(b, a);b = { type: c, property: b.name, animatable: a, tweens: d, duration: d[d.length - 1].end, delay: d[0].delay };
        } else b = void 0;return b;
    })), function (a) {
      return !h.und(a);
  }function R(a, c, d, b) {
    var f = "delay" === a;return c.length ? (f ? Math.min : Math.max).apply(Math, c.map(function (b) {
      return b[a];
    })) : f ? b.delay : d.offset + b.delay + b.duration;
  }function fa(a) {
    var c = D(ga, a),
        d = D(S, a),
        b = Z(a.targets),
        f = [],
        e = z(c, d),
        k;for (k in a) {
      e.hasOwnProperty(k) || "targets" === k || f.push({ name: k, offset: e.offset, tweens: aa(a[k], d) });
    }a = ea(b, f);return z(c, { children: [], animatables: b, animations: a, duration: R("duration", a, c, d), delay: R("delay", a, c, d) });
  }function q(a) {
    function c() {
      return window.Promise && new Promise(function (a) {
        return p = a;
    }function d(a) {
      return g.reversed ? g.duration - a : a;
    }function b(a) {
      for (var b = 0, c = {}, d = g.animations, f = d.length; b < f;) {
        var e = d[b],
            k = e.animatable,
            h = e.tweens,
            n = h.length - 1,
            l = h[n];n && (l = r(h, function (b) {
          return a < b.end;
        })[0] || l);for (var h = Math.min(Math.max(a - l.start - l.delay, 0), l.duration) / l.duration, w = isNaN(h) ? 1 : l.easing(h, l.elasticity), h = l.to.strings, p = l.round, n = [], m = void 0, m = l.to.numbers.length, t = 0; t < m; t++) {
          var x = void 0,
              x = l.to.numbers[t],
              q = l.from.numbers[t],
              x = l.isPath ? Y(l.value, w * x) : q + w * (x - q);p && (l.isColor && 2 < t || (x = Math.round(x * p) / p));n.push(x);
        }if (l = h.length) for (m = h[0], w = 0; w < l; w++) {
          p = h[w + 1], t = n[w], isNaN(t) || (m = p ? m + (t + p) : m + (t + " "));
        } else m = n[0];ha[e.type](k.target, e.property, m, c, k.id);e.currentValue = m;b++;
      }if (b = Object.keys(c).length) for (d = 0; d < b; d++) {
        H || (H = E(document.body, "transform") ? "transform" : "-webkit-transform"), g.animatables[d].target.style[H] = c[d].join(" ");
      }g.currentTime = a;g.progress = a / g.duration * 100;
    }function f(a) {
      if (g[a]) g[a](g);
    }function e() {
      g.remaining && !0 !== g.remaining && g.remaining--;
    }function k(a) {
      var k = g.duration,
          n = g.offset,
          w = n + g.delay,
          r = g.currentTime,
          x = g.reversed,
          q = d(a);if (g.children.length) {
        var u = g.children,
            v = u.length;
        if (q >= g.currentTime) for (var G = 0; G < v; G++) {
        } else for (; v--;) {
      }if (q >= w || !k) g.began || (g.began = !0, f("begin")), f("run");if (q > n && q < k) b(q);else if (q <= n && 0 !== r && (b(0), x && e()), q >= k && r !== k || !k) b(k), x || e();f("update");a >= k && (g.remaining ? (t = h, "alternate" === g.direction && (g.reversed = !g.reversed)) : (g.pause(), g.completed || (g.completed = !0, f("complete"), "Promise" in window && (p(), m = c()))), l = 0);
    }a = void 0 === a ? {} : a;var h,
        l = 0,
        p = null,
        m = c(),
        g = fa(a);g.reset = function () {
      var a = g.direction,
          c = g.loop;g.currentTime = 0;g.progress = 0;g.paused = !0;g.began = !1;g.completed = !1;g.reversed = "reverse" === a;g.remaining = "alternate" === a && 1 === c ? 2 : c;b(0);for (a = g.children.length; a--;) {
    };g.tick = function (a) {
      h = a;t || (t = h);k((l + h - t) * q.speed);
    };g.seek = function (a) {
    };g.pause = function () {
      var a = v.indexOf(g);-1 < a && v.splice(a, 1);g.paused = !0;
    };g.play = function () {
      g.paused && (g.paused = !1, t = 0, l = d(g.currentTime), v.push(g), B || ia());
    };g.reverse = function () {
      g.reversed = !g.reversed;t = 0;l = d(g.currentTime);
    };g.restart = function () {
    };g.finished = m;g.reset();g.autoplay && g.play();return g;
  }var ga = { update: void 0, begin: void 0, run: void 0, complete: void 0, loop: 1, direction: "normal", autoplay: !0, offset: 0 },
      S = { duration: 1E3, delay: 0, easing: "easeOutElastic", elasticity: 500, round: 0 },
      W = "translateX translateY translateZ rotate rotateX rotateY rotateZ scale scaleX scaleY scaleZ skewX skewY perspective".split(" "),
      h = { arr: function (a) {
      return Array.isArray(a);
    }, obj: function (a) {
      return -1 < Object.prototype.toString.call(a).indexOf("Object");
    pth: function (a) {
      return h.obj(a) && a.hasOwnProperty("totalLength");
    }, svg: function (a) {
      return a instanceof SVGElement;
    }, dom: function (a) {
      return a.nodeType || h.svg(a);
    }, str: function (a) {
      return "string" === typeof a;
    }, fnc: function (a) {
      return "function" === typeof a;
    }, und: function (a) {
      return "undefined" === typeof a;
    }, hex: function (a) {
      return (/(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(a)
    }, rgb: function (a) {
      return (/^rgb/.test(a)
    }, hsl: function (a) {
      return (/^hsl/.test(a)
    }, col: function (a) {
      return h.hex(a) || h.rgb(a) || h.hsl(a);
    } },
      A = function () {
    function a(a, d, b) {
      return (((1 - 3 * b + 3 * d) * a + (3 * b - 6 * d)) * a + 3 * d) * a;
    }return function (c, d, b, f) {
      if (0 <= c && 1 >= c && 0 <= b && 1 >= b) {
        var e = new Float32Array(11);if (c !== d || b !== f) for (var k = 0; 11 > k; ++k) {
          e[k] = a(.1 * k, c, b);
        }return function (k) {
          if (c === d && b === f) return k;if (0 === k) return 0;if (1 === k) return 1;for (var h = 0, l = 1; 10 !== l && e[l] <= k; ++l) {
            h += .1;
          }--l;var l = h + (k - e[l]) / (e[l + 1] - e[l]) * .1,
              n = 3 * (1 - 3 * b + 3 * c) * l * l + 2 * (3 * b - 6 * c) * l + 3 * c;if (.001 <= n) {
            for (h = 0; 4 > h; ++h) {
              n = 3 * (1 - 3 * b + 3 * c) * l * l + 2 * (3 * b - 6 * c) * l + 3 * c;if (0 === n) break;var m = a(l, c, b) - k,
                  l = l - m / n;
            }k = l;
          } else if (0 === n) k = l;else {
            var l = h,
                h = h + .1,
                g = 0;do {
              m = l + (h - l) / 2, n = a(m, c, b) - k, 0 < n ? h = m : l = m;
            } while (1e-7 < Math.abs(n) && 10 > ++g);k = m;
          }return a(k, d, f);
      Q = function () {
    function a(a, b) {
      return 0 === a || 1 === a ? a : -Math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (a - 1 - b / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1)) * Math.PI / b);
    }var c = "Quad Cubic Quart Quint Sine Expo Circ Back Elastic".split(" "),
        d = { In: [[.55, .085, .68, .53], [.55, .055, .675, .19], [.895, .03, .685, .22], [.755, .05, .855, .06], [.47, 0, .745, .715], [.95, .05, .795, .035], [.6, .04, .98, .335], [.6, -.28, .735, .045], a], Out: [[.25, .46, .45, .94], [.215, .61, .355, 1], [.165, .84, .44, 1], [.23, 1, .32, 1], [.39, .575, .565, 1], [.19, 1, .22, 1], [.075, .82, .165, 1], [.175, .885, .32, 1.275], function (b, c) {
        return 1 - a(1 - b, c);
      }], InOut: [[.455, .03, .515, .955], [.645, .045, .355, 1], [.77, 0, .175, 1], [.86, 0, .07, 1], [.445, .05, .55, .95], [1, 0, 0, 1], [.785, .135, .15, .86], [.68, -.55, .265, 1.55], function (b, c) {
        return .5 > b ? a(2 * b, c) / 2 : 1 - a(-2 * b + 2, c) / 2;
      }] },
        b = { linear: A(.25, .25, .75, .75) },
        f = {},
        e;for (e in d) {
      f.type = e, d[f.type].forEach(function (a) {
        return function (d, f) {
          b["ease" + a.type + c[f]] = h.fnc(d) ? d : A.apply($jscomp$this, d);
      }(f)), f = { type: f.type };
    }return b;
      ha = { css: function (a, c, d) {
      return a.style[c] = d;
    }, attribute: function (a, c, d) {
      return a.setAttribute(c, d);
    }, object: function (a, c, d) {
      return a[c] = d;
    }, transform: function (a, c, d, b, f) {
      b[f] || (b[f] = []);b[f].push(c + "(" + d + ")");
    } },
      v = [],
      B = 0,
      ia = function () {
    function a() {
      B = requestAnimationFrame(c);
    }function c(c) {
      var b = v.length;if (b) {
        for (var d = 0; d < b;) {
          v[d] && v[d].tick(c), d++;
      } else cancelAnimationFrame(B), B = 0;
    }return a;
  }();q.version = "2.2.0";q.speed = 1;q.running = v;q.remove = function (a) {
    a = P(a);for (var c = v.length; c--;) {
      for (var d = v[c], b = d.animations, f = b.length; f--;) {
        u(a, b[f].animatable.target) && (b.splice(f, 1), b.length || d.pause());
  };q.getValue = K;q.path = function (a, c) {
    var d = h.str(a) ? e(a)[0] : a,
        b = c || 100;return function (a) {
      return { el: d, property: a, totalLength: N(d) * (b / 100) };
  };q.setDashoffset = function (a) {
    var c = N(a);a.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", c);return c;
  };q.bezier = A;q.easings = Q;q.timeline = function (a) {
    var c = q(a);c.pause();c.duration = 0;c.add = function (d) {
      c.children.forEach(function (a) {
        a.began = !0;a.completed = !0;
      });m(d).forEach(function (b) {
        var d = z(b, D(S, a || {}));d.targets = d.targets || a.targets;b = c.duration;var e = d.offset;d.autoplay = !1;d.direction = c.direction;d.offset = h.und(e) ? b : L(e, b);c.began = !0;c.completed = !0;c.seek(d.offset);d = q(d);d.began = !0;d.completed = !0;d.duration > b && (c.duration = d.duration);c.children.push(d);
      });c.seek(0);c.reset();c.autoplay && c.restart();return c;
    };return c;
  };q.random = function (a, c) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (c - a + 1)) + a;
  };return q;
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    accordion: true,
    onOpenStart: undefined,
    onOpenEnd: undefined,
    onCloseStart: undefined,
    onCloseEnd: undefined,
    inDuration: 300,
    outDuration: 300

   * @class

  var Collapsible = function (_Component) {
    _inherits(Collapsible, _Component);

     * Construct Collapsible instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Collapsible(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Collapsible);

      var _this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Collapsible.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Collapsible)).call(this, Collapsible, el, options));

      _this3.el.M_Collapsible = _this3;

       * Options for the collapsible
       * @member Collapsible#options
       * @prop {Boolean} [accordion=false] - Type of the collapsible
       * @prop {Function} onOpenStart - Callback function called before collapsible is opened
       * @prop {Function} onOpenEnd - Callback function called after collapsible is opened
       * @prop {Function} onCloseStart - Callback function called before collapsible is closed
       * @prop {Function} onCloseEnd - Callback function called after collapsible is closed
       * @prop {Number} inDuration - Transition in duration in milliseconds.
       * @prop {Number} outDuration - Transition duration in milliseconds.
      _this3.options = $.extend({}, Collapsible.defaults, options);

      // Setup tab indices
      _this3.$headers = _this3.$el.children('li').children('.collapsible-header');
      _this3.$headers.attr('tabindex', 0);


      // Open first active
      var $activeBodies = _this3.$el.children('li.active').children('.collapsible-body');
      if (_this3.options.accordion) {
        // Handle Accordion
        $activeBodies.first().css('display', 'block');
      } else {
        // Handle Expandables
        $activeBodies.css('display', 'block');
      return _this3;

    _createClass(Collapsible, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Collapsible = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        var _this4 = this;

        this._handleCollapsibleClickBound = this._handleCollapsibleClick.bind(this);
        this._handleCollapsibleKeydownBound = this._handleCollapsibleKeydown.bind(this);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleCollapsibleClickBound);
        this.$headers.each(function (header) {
          header.addEventListener('keydown', _this4._handleCollapsibleKeydownBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        var _this5 = this;

        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleCollapsibleClickBound);
        this.$headers.each(function (header) {
          header.removeEventListener('keydown', _this5._handleCollapsibleKeydownBound);

       * Handle Collapsible Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCollapsibleClick",
      value: function _handleCollapsibleClick(e) {
        var $header = $(e.target).closest('.collapsible-header');
        if (e.target && $header.length) {
          var $collapsible = $header.closest('.collapsible');
          if ($collapsible[0] === this.el) {
            var $collapsibleLi = $header.closest('li');
            var $collapsibleLis = $collapsible.children('li');
            var isActive = $collapsibleLi[0].classList.contains('active');
            var index = $collapsibleLis.index($collapsibleLi);

            if (isActive) {
            } else {

       * Handle Collapsible Keydown
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCollapsibleKeydown",
      value: function _handleCollapsibleKeydown(e) {
        if (e.keyCode === 13) {

       * Animate in collapsible slide
       * @param {Number} index - 0th index of slide

    }, {
      key: "_animateIn",
      value: function _animateIn(index) {
        var _this6 = this;

        var $collapsibleLi = this.$el.children('li').eq(index);
        if ($collapsibleLi.length) {
          var $body = $collapsibleLi.children('.collapsible-body');

            display: 'block',
            overflow: 'hidden',
            height: 0,
            paddingTop: '',
            paddingBottom: ''

          var pTop = $body.css('padding-top');
          var pBottom = $body.css('padding-bottom');
          var finalHeight = $body[0].scrollHeight;
            paddingTop: 0,
            paddingBottom: 0

            targets: $body[0],
            height: finalHeight,
            paddingTop: pTop,
            paddingBottom: pBottom,
            duration: this.options.inDuration,
            easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
            complete: function (anim) {
                overflow: '',
                paddingTop: '',
                paddingBottom: '',
                height: ''

              // onOpenEnd callback
              if (typeof _this6.options.onOpenEnd === 'function') {
                _this6.options.onOpenEnd.call(_this6, $collapsibleLi[0]);

       * Animate out collapsible slide
       * @param {Number} index - 0th index of slide to open

    }, {
      key: "_animateOut",
      value: function _animateOut(index) {
        var _this7 = this;

        var $collapsibleLi = this.$el.children('li').eq(index);
        if ($collapsibleLi.length) {
          var $body = $collapsibleLi.children('.collapsible-body');
          $body.css('overflow', 'hidden');
            targets: $body[0],
            height: 0,
            paddingTop: 0,
            paddingBottom: 0,
            duration: this.options.outDuration,
            easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
            complete: function () {
                height: '',
                overflow: '',
                padding: '',
                display: ''

              // onCloseEnd callback
              if (typeof _this7.options.onCloseEnd === 'function') {
                _this7.options.onCloseEnd.call(_this7, $collapsibleLi[0]);

       * Open Collapsible
       * @param {Number} index - 0th index of slide

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open(index) {
        var _this8 = this;

        var $collapsibleLi = this.$el.children('li').eq(index);
        if ($collapsibleLi.length && !$collapsibleLi[0].classList.contains('active')) {
          // onOpenStart callback
          if (typeof this.options.onOpenStart === 'function') {
            this.options.onOpenStart.call(this, $collapsibleLi[0]);

          // Handle accordion behavior
          if (this.options.accordion) {
            var $collapsibleLis = this.$el.children('li');
            var $activeLis = this.$el.children('li.active');
            $activeLis.each(function (el) {
              var index = $collapsibleLis.index($(el));

          // Animate in

       * Close Collapsible
       * @param {Number} index - 0th index of slide

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close(index) {
        var $collapsibleLi = this.$el.children('li').eq(index);
        if ($collapsibleLi.length && $collapsibleLi[0].classList.contains('active')) {
          // onCloseStart callback
          if (typeof this.options.onCloseStart === 'function') {
            this.options.onCloseStart.call(this, $collapsibleLi[0]);

          // Animate out
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Collapsible.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Collapsible), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Collapsible;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Collapsible;

  M.Collapsible = Collapsible;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Collapsible, 'collapsible', 'M_Collapsible');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    alignment: 'left',
    autoFocus: true,
    constrainWidth: true,
    container: null,
    coverTrigger: true,
    closeOnClick: true,
    hover: false,
    inDuration: 150,
    outDuration: 250,
    onOpenStart: null,
    onOpenEnd: null,
    onCloseStart: null,
    onCloseEnd: null,
    onItemClick: null

   * @class

  var Dropdown = function (_Component2) {
    _inherits(Dropdown, _Component2);

    function Dropdown(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Dropdown);

      var _this9 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Dropdown.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Dropdown)).call(this, Dropdown, el, options));

      _this9.el.M_Dropdown = _this9;

      _this9.id = M.getIdFromTrigger(el);
      _this9.dropdownEl = document.getElementById(_this9.id);
      _this9.$dropdownEl = $(_this9.dropdownEl);

       * Options for the dropdown
       * @member Dropdown#options
       * @prop {String} [alignment='left'] - Edge which the dropdown is aligned to
       * @prop {Boolean} [autoFocus=true] - Automatically focus dropdown el for keyboard
       * @prop {Boolean} [constrainWidth=true] - Constrain width to width of the button
       * @prop {Element} container - Container element to attach dropdown to (optional)
       * @prop {Boolean} [coverTrigger=true] - Place dropdown over trigger
       * @prop {Boolean} [closeOnClick=true] - Close on click of dropdown item
       * @prop {Boolean} [hover=false] - Open dropdown on hover
       * @prop {Number} [inDuration=150] - Duration of open animation in ms
       * @prop {Number} [outDuration=250] - Duration of close animation in ms
       * @prop {Function} onOpenStart - Function called when dropdown starts opening
       * @prop {Function} onOpenEnd - Function called when dropdown finishes opening
       * @prop {Function} onCloseStart - Function called when dropdown starts closing
       * @prop {Function} onCloseEnd - Function called when dropdown finishes closing
      _this9.options = $.extend({}, Dropdown.defaults, options);

       * Describes open/close state of dropdown
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this9.isOpen = false;

       * Describes if dropdown content is scrollable
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this9.isScrollable = false;

       * Describes if touch moving on dropdown content
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this9.isTouchMoving = false;

      _this9.focusedIndex = -1;
      _this9.filterQuery = [];

      // Move dropdown-content after dropdown-trigger
      if (!!_this9.options.container) {
      } else {

      _this9._resetFilterQueryBound = _this9._resetFilterQuery.bind(_this9);
      _this9._handleDocumentClickBound = _this9._handleDocumentClick.bind(_this9);
      _this9._handleDocumentTouchmoveBound = _this9._handleDocumentTouchmove.bind(_this9);
      _this9._handleDropdownClickBound = _this9._handleDropdownClick.bind(_this9);
      _this9._handleDropdownKeydownBound = _this9._handleDropdownKeydown.bind(_this9);
      _this9._handleTriggerKeydownBound = _this9._handleTriggerKeydown.bind(_this9);
      return _this9;

    _createClass(Dropdown, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        Dropdown._dropdowns.splice(Dropdown._dropdowns.indexOf(this), 1);
        this.el.M_Dropdown = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        // Trigger keydown handler
        this.el.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleTriggerKeydownBound);

        // Item click handler
        this.dropdownEl.addEventListener('click', this._handleDropdownClickBound);

        // Hover event handlers
        if (this.options.hover) {
          this._handleMouseEnterBound = this._handleMouseEnter.bind(this);
          this.el.addEventListener('mouseenter', this._handleMouseEnterBound);
          this._handleMouseLeaveBound = this._handleMouseLeave.bind(this);
          this.el.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleMouseLeaveBound);
          this.dropdownEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleMouseLeaveBound);

          // Click event handlers
        } else {
          this._handleClickBound = this._handleClick.bind(this);
          this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleTriggerKeydownBound);
        this.dropdownEl.removeEventListener('click', this._handleDropdownClickBound);

        if (this.options.hover) {
          this.el.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this._handleMouseEnterBound);
          this.el.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleMouseLeaveBound);
          this.dropdownEl.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleMouseLeaveBound);
        } else {
          this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleClickBound);
    }, {
      key: "_setupTemporaryEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupTemporaryEventHandlers() {
        // Use capture phase event handler to prevent click
        document.body.addEventListener('click', this._handleDocumentClickBound, true);
        document.body.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleDocumentClickBound);
        document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleDocumentTouchmoveBound);
        this.dropdownEl.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleDropdownKeydownBound);
    }, {
      key: "_removeTemporaryEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeTemporaryEventHandlers() {
        // Use capture phase event handler to prevent click
        document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._handleDocumentClickBound, true);
        document.body.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleDocumentClickBound);
        document.body.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleDocumentTouchmoveBound);
        this.dropdownEl.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleDropdownKeydownBound);
    }, {
      key: "_handleClick",
      value: function _handleClick(e) {
    }, {
      key: "_handleMouseEnter",
      value: function _handleMouseEnter() {
    }, {
      key: "_handleMouseLeave",
      value: function _handleMouseLeave(e) {
        var toEl = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget;
        var leaveToDropdownContent = !!$(toEl).closest('.dropdown-content').length;
        var leaveToActiveDropdownTrigger = false;

        var $closestTrigger = $(toEl).closest('.dropdown-trigger');
        if ($closestTrigger.length && !!$closestTrigger[0].M_Dropdown && $closestTrigger[0].M_Dropdown.isOpen) {
          leaveToActiveDropdownTrigger = true;

        // Close hover dropdown if mouse did not leave to either active dropdown-trigger or dropdown-content
        if (!leaveToActiveDropdownTrigger && !leaveToDropdownContent) {
    }, {
      key: "_handleDocumentClick",
      value: function _handleDocumentClick(e) {
        var _this10 = this;

        var $target = $(e.target);
        if (this.options.closeOnClick && $target.closest('.dropdown-content').length && !this.isTouchMoving) {
          // isTouchMoving to check if scrolling on mobile.
          setTimeout(function () {
          }, 0);
        } else if ($target.closest('.dropdown-trigger').length || !$target.closest('.dropdown-content').length) {
          setTimeout(function () {
          }, 0);
        this.isTouchMoving = false;
    }, {
      key: "_handleTriggerKeydown",
      value: function _handleTriggerKeydown(e) {
        if ((e.which === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN || e.which === M.keys.ENTER) && !this.isOpen) {

       * Handle Document Touchmove
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleDocumentTouchmove",
      value: function _handleDocumentTouchmove(e) {
        var $target = $(e.target);
        if ($target.closest('.dropdown-content').length) {
          this.isTouchMoving = true;

       * Handle Dropdown Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleDropdownClick",
      value: function _handleDropdownClick(e) {
        // onItemClick callback
        if (typeof this.options.onItemClick === 'function') {
          var itemEl = $(e.target).closest('li')[0];
          this.options.onItemClick.call(this, itemEl);

       * Handle Dropdown Keydown
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleDropdownKeydown",
      value: function _handleDropdownKeydown(e) {
        if (e.which === M.keys.TAB) {

          // Navigate down dropdown list
        } else if ((e.which === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN || e.which === M.keys.ARROW_UP) && this.isOpen) {
          var direction = e.which === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN ? 1 : -1;
          var newFocusedIndex = this.focusedIndex;
          var foundNewIndex = false;
          do {
            newFocusedIndex = newFocusedIndex + direction;

            if (!!this.dropdownEl.children[newFocusedIndex] && this.dropdownEl.children[newFocusedIndex].tabIndex !== -1) {
              foundNewIndex = true;
          } while (newFocusedIndex < this.dropdownEl.children.length && newFocusedIndex >= 0);

          if (foundNewIndex) {
            this.focusedIndex = newFocusedIndex;

          // ENTER selects choice on focused item
        } else if (e.which === M.keys.ENTER && this.isOpen) {
          // Search for <a> and <button>
          var focusedElement = this.dropdownEl.children[this.focusedIndex];
          var $activatableElement = $(focusedElement).find('a, button').first();

          // Click a or button tag if exists, otherwise click li tag
          if (!!$activatableElement.length) {
          } else if (!!focusedElement) {

          // Close dropdown on ESC
        } else if (e.which === M.keys.ESC && this.isOpen) {

        var letter = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase(),
            nonLetters = [9, 13, 27, 38, 40];
        if (letter && nonLetters.indexOf(e.which) === -1) {

          var string = this.filterQuery.join(''),
              newOptionEl = $(this.dropdownEl).find('li').filter(function (el) {
            return $(el).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(string) === 0;

          if (newOptionEl) {
            this.focusedIndex = $(newOptionEl).index();

        this.filterTimeout = setTimeout(this._resetFilterQueryBound, 1000);

       * Setup dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_resetFilterQuery",
      value: function _resetFilterQuery() {
        this.filterQuery = [];
    }, {
      key: "_resetDropdownStyles",
      value: function _resetDropdownStyles() {
          display: '',
          width: '',
          height: '',
          left: '',
          top: '',
          'transform-origin': '',
          transform: '',
          opacity: ''
    }, {
      key: "_makeDropdownFocusable",
      value: function _makeDropdownFocusable() {
        // Needed for arrow key navigation
        this.dropdownEl.tabIndex = 0;

        // Only set tabindex if it hasn't been set by user
        $(this.dropdownEl).children().each(function (el) {
          if (!el.getAttribute('tabindex')) {
            el.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
    }, {
      key: "_focusFocusedItem",
      value: function _focusFocusedItem() {
        if (this.focusedIndex >= 0 && this.focusedIndex < this.dropdownEl.children.length && this.options.autoFocus) {
    }, {
      key: "_getDropdownPosition",
      value: function _getDropdownPosition() {
        var offsetParentBRect = this.el.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
        var triggerBRect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
        var dropdownBRect = this.dropdownEl.getBoundingClientRect();

        var idealHeight = dropdownBRect.height;
        var idealWidth = dropdownBRect.width;
        var idealXPos = triggerBRect.left - dropdownBRect.left;
        var idealYPos = triggerBRect.top - dropdownBRect.top;

        var dropdownBounds = {
          left: idealXPos,
          top: idealYPos,
          height: idealHeight,
          width: idealWidth

        // Countainer here will be closest ancestor with overflow: hidden
        var closestOverflowParent = !!this.dropdownEl.offsetParent ? this.dropdownEl.offsetParent : this.dropdownEl.parentNode;

        var alignments = M.checkPossibleAlignments(this.el, closestOverflowParent, dropdownBounds, this.options.coverTrigger ? 0 : triggerBRect.height);

        var verticalAlignment = 'top';
        var horizontalAlignment = this.options.alignment;
        idealYPos += this.options.coverTrigger ? 0 : triggerBRect.height;

        // Reset isScrollable
        this.isScrollable = false;

        if (!alignments.top) {
          if (alignments.bottom) {
            verticalAlignment = 'bottom';
          } else {
            this.isScrollable = true;

            // Determine which side has most space and cutoff at correct height
            if (alignments.spaceOnTop > alignments.spaceOnBottom) {
              verticalAlignment = 'bottom';
              idealHeight += alignments.spaceOnTop;
              idealYPos -= alignments.spaceOnTop;
            } else {
              idealHeight += alignments.spaceOnBottom;

        // If preferred horizontal alignment is possible
        if (!alignments[horizontalAlignment]) {
          var oppositeAlignment = horizontalAlignment === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
          if (alignments[oppositeAlignment]) {
            horizontalAlignment = oppositeAlignment;
          } else {
            // Determine which side has most space and cutoff at correct height
            if (alignments.spaceOnLeft > alignments.spaceOnRight) {
              horizontalAlignment = 'right';
              idealWidth += alignments.spaceOnLeft;
              idealXPos -= alignments.spaceOnLeft;
            } else {
              horizontalAlignment = 'left';
              idealWidth += alignments.spaceOnRight;

        if (verticalAlignment === 'bottom') {
          idealYPos = idealYPos - dropdownBRect.height + (this.options.coverTrigger ? triggerBRect.height : 0);
        if (horizontalAlignment === 'right') {
          idealXPos = idealXPos - dropdownBRect.width + triggerBRect.width;
        return {
          x: idealXPos,
          y: idealYPos,
          verticalAlignment: verticalAlignment,
          horizontalAlignment: horizontalAlignment,
          height: idealHeight,
          width: idealWidth

       * Animate in dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_animateIn",
      value: function _animateIn() {
        var _this11 = this;

          targets: this.dropdownEl,
          opacity: {
            value: [0, 1],
            easing: 'easeOutQuad'
          scaleX: [0.3, 1],
          scaleY: [0.3, 1],
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuint',
          complete: function (anim) {
            if (_this11.options.autoFocus) {

            // onOpenEnd callback
            if (typeof _this11.options.onOpenEnd === 'function') {
              _this11.options.onOpenEnd.call(_this11, _this11.el);

       * Animate out dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_animateOut",
      value: function _animateOut() {
        var _this12 = this;

          targets: this.dropdownEl,
          opacity: {
            value: 0,
            easing: 'easeOutQuint'
          scaleX: 0.3,
          scaleY: 0.3,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuint',
          complete: function (anim) {

            // onCloseEnd callback
            if (typeof _this12.options.onCloseEnd === 'function') {
              _this12.options.onCloseEnd.call(_this12, _this12.el);

       * Place dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_placeDropdown",
      value: function _placeDropdown() {
        // Set width before calculating positionInfo
        var idealWidth = this.options.constrainWidth ? this.el.getBoundingClientRect().width : this.dropdownEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
        this.dropdownEl.style.width = idealWidth + 'px';

        var positionInfo = this._getDropdownPosition();
        this.dropdownEl.style.left = positionInfo.x + 'px';
        this.dropdownEl.style.top = positionInfo.y + 'px';
        this.dropdownEl.style.height = positionInfo.height + 'px';
        this.dropdownEl.style.width = positionInfo.width + 'px';
        this.dropdownEl.style.transformOrigin = (positionInfo.horizontalAlignment === 'left' ? '0' : '100%') + " " + (positionInfo.verticalAlignment === 'top' ? '0' : '100%');

       * Open Dropdown

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        if (this.isOpen) {
        this.isOpen = true;

        // onOpenStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onOpenStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onOpenStart.call(this, this.el);

        // Reset styles
        this.dropdownEl.style.display = 'block';


       * Close Dropdown

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {
        this.isOpen = false;
        this.focusedIndex = -1;

        // onCloseStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onCloseStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onCloseStart.call(this, this.el);


        if (this.options.autoFocus) {

       * Recalculate dimensions

    }, {
      key: "recalculateDimensions",
      value: function recalculateDimensions() {
        if (this.isOpen) {
            width: '',
            height: '',
            left: '',
            top: '',
            'transform-origin': ''
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Dropdown.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Dropdown), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Dropdown;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Dropdown;

   * @static
   * @memberof Dropdown

  Dropdown._dropdowns = [];

  M.Dropdown = Dropdown;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Dropdown, 'dropdown', 'M_Dropdown');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    opacity: 0.5,
    inDuration: 250,
    outDuration: 250,
    onOpenStart: null,
    onOpenEnd: null,
    onCloseStart: null,
    onCloseEnd: null,
    preventScrolling: true,
    dismissible: true,
    startingTop: '4%',
    endingTop: '10%'

   * @class

  var Modal = function (_Component3) {
    _inherits(Modal, _Component3);

     * Construct Modal instance and set up overlay
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Modal(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Modal);

      var _this13 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Modal.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Modal)).call(this, Modal, el, options));

      _this13.el.M_Modal = _this13;

       * Options for the modal
       * @member Modal#options
       * @prop {Number} [opacity=0.5] - Opacity of the modal overlay
       * @prop {Number} [inDuration=250] - Length in ms of enter transition
       * @prop {Number} [outDuration=250] - Length in ms of exit transition
       * @prop {Function} onOpenStart - Callback function called before modal is opened
       * @prop {Function} onOpenEnd - Callback function called after modal is opened
       * @prop {Function} onCloseStart - Callback function called before modal is closed
       * @prop {Function} onCloseEnd - Callback function called after modal is closed
       * @prop {Boolean} [dismissible=true] - Allow modal to be dismissed by keyboard or overlay click
       * @prop {String} [startingTop='4%'] - startingTop
       * @prop {String} [endingTop='10%'] - endingTop
      _this13.options = $.extend({}, Modal.defaults, options);

       * Describes open/close state of modal
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this13.isOpen = false;

      _this13.id = _this13.$el.attr('id');
      _this13._openingTrigger = undefined;
      _this13.$overlay = $('<div class="modal-overlay"></div>');
      _this13.el.tabIndex = 0;
      _this13._nthModalOpened = 0;

      return _this13;

    _createClass(Modal, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Modal = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleOverlayClickBound = this._handleOverlayClick.bind(this);
        this._handleModalCloseClickBound = this._handleModalCloseClick.bind(this);

        if (Modal._count === 1) {
          document.body.addEventListener('click', this._handleTriggerClick);
        this.$overlay[0].addEventListener('click', this._handleOverlayClickBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleModalCloseClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        if (Modal._count === 0) {
          document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._handleTriggerClick);
        this.$overlay[0].removeEventListener('click', this._handleOverlayClickBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleModalCloseClickBound);

       * Handle Trigger Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleTriggerClick",
      value: function _handleTriggerClick(e) {
        var $trigger = $(e.target).closest('.modal-trigger');
        if ($trigger.length) {
          var modalId = M.getIdFromTrigger($trigger[0]);
          var modalInstance = document.getElementById(modalId).M_Modal;
          if (modalInstance) {

       * Handle Overlay Click

    }, {
      key: "_handleOverlayClick",
      value: function _handleOverlayClick() {
        if (this.options.dismissible) {

       * Handle Modal Close Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleModalCloseClick",
      value: function _handleModalCloseClick(e) {
        var $closeTrigger = $(e.target).closest('.modal-close');
        if ($closeTrigger.length) {

       * Handle Keydown
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleKeydown",
      value: function _handleKeydown(e) {
        // ESC key
        if (e.keyCode === 27 && this.options.dismissible) {

       * Handle Focus
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleFocus",
      value: function _handleFocus(e) {
        // Only trap focus if this modal is the last model opened (prevents loops in nested modals).
        if (!this.el.contains(e.target) && this._nthModalOpened === Modal._modalsOpen) {

       * Animate in modal

    }, {
      key: "_animateIn",
      value: function _animateIn() {
        var _this14 = this;

        // Set initial styles
        $.extend(this.el.style, {
          display: 'block',
          opacity: 0
        $.extend(this.$overlay[0].style, {
          display: 'block',
          opacity: 0

        // Animate overlay
          targets: this.$overlay[0],
          opacity: this.options.opacity,
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'

        // Define modal animation options
        var enterAnimOptions = {
          targets: this.el,
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutCubic',
          // Handle modal onOpenEnd callback
          complete: function () {
            if (typeof _this14.options.onOpenEnd === 'function') {
              _this14.options.onOpenEnd.call(_this14, _this14.el, _this14._openingTrigger);

        // Bottom sheet animation
        if (this.el.classList.contains('bottom-sheet')) {
          $.extend(enterAnimOptions, {
            bottom: 0,
            opacity: 1

          // Normal modal animation
        } else {
          $.extend(enterAnimOptions, {
            top: [this.options.startingTop, this.options.endingTop],
            opacity: 1,
            scaleX: [0.8, 1],
            scaleY: [0.8, 1]

       * Animate out modal

    }, {
      key: "_animateOut",
      value: function _animateOut() {
        var _this15 = this;

        // Animate overlay
          targets: this.$overlay[0],
          opacity: 0,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuart'

        // Define modal animation options
        var exitAnimOptions = {
          targets: this.el,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutCubic',
          // Handle modal ready callback
          complete: function () {
            _this15.el.style.display = 'none';

            // Call onCloseEnd callback
            if (typeof _this15.options.onCloseEnd === 'function') {
              _this15.options.onCloseEnd.call(_this15, _this15.el);

        // Bottom sheet animation
        if (this.el.classList.contains('bottom-sheet')) {
          $.extend(exitAnimOptions, {
            bottom: '-100%',
            opacity: 0

          // Normal modal animation
        } else {
          $.extend(exitAnimOptions, {
            top: [this.options.endingTop, this.options.startingTop],
            opacity: 0,
            scaleX: 0.8,
            scaleY: 0.8

       * Open Modal
       * @param {cash} [$trigger]

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open($trigger) {
        if (this.isOpen) {

        this.isOpen = true;
        this._nthModalOpened = Modal._modalsOpen;

        // Set Z-Index based on number of currently open modals
        this.$overlay[0].style.zIndex = 1000 + Modal._modalsOpen * 2;
        this.el.style.zIndex = 1000 + Modal._modalsOpen * 2 + 1;

        // Set opening trigger, undefined indicates modal was opened by javascript
        this._openingTrigger = !!$trigger ? $trigger[0] : undefined;

        // onOpenStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onOpenStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onOpenStart.call(this, this.el, this._openingTrigger);

        if (this.options.preventScrolling) {
          document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';

        this.el.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', this.$overlay[0]);

        if (this.options.dismissible) {
          this._handleKeydownBound = this._handleKeydown.bind(this);
          this._handleFocusBound = this._handleFocus.bind(this);
          document.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeydownBound);
          document.addEventListener('focus', this._handleFocusBound, true);


        // Focus modal

        return this;

       * Close Modal

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        this.isOpen = false;
        this._nthModalOpened = 0;

        // Call onCloseStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onCloseStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onCloseStart.call(this, this.el);


        // Enable body scrolling only if there are no more modals open.
        if (Modal._modalsOpen === 0) {
          document.body.style.overflow = '';

        if (this.options.dismissible) {
          document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeydownBound);
          document.removeEventListener('focus', this._handleFocusBound, true);

        return this;
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Modal.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Modal), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Modal;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Modal;

   * @static
   * @memberof Modal

  Modal._modalsOpen = 0;

   * @static
   * @memberof Modal
  Modal._count = 0;

  M.Modal = Modal;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Modal, 'modal', 'M_Modal');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    inDuration: 275,
    outDuration: 200,
    onOpenStart: null,
    onOpenEnd: null,
    onCloseStart: null,
    onCloseEnd: null

   * @class

  var Materialbox = function (_Component4) {
    _inherits(Materialbox, _Component4);

     * Construct Materialbox instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Materialbox(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Materialbox);

      var _this16 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Materialbox.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Materialbox)).call(this, Materialbox, el, options));

      _this16.el.M_Materialbox = _this16;

       * Options for the modal
       * @member Materialbox#options
       * @prop {Number} [inDuration=275] - Length in ms of enter transition
       * @prop {Number} [outDuration=200] - Length in ms of exit transition
       * @prop {Function} onOpenStart - Callback function called before materialbox is opened
       * @prop {Function} onOpenEnd - Callback function called after materialbox is opened
       * @prop {Function} onCloseStart - Callback function called before materialbox is closed
       * @prop {Function} onCloseEnd - Callback function called after materialbox is closed
      _this16.options = $.extend({}, Materialbox.defaults, options);

      _this16.overlayActive = false;
      _this16.doneAnimating = true;
      _this16.placeholder = $('<div></div>').addClass('material-placeholder');
      _this16.originalWidth = 0;
      _this16.originalHeight = 0;
      _this16.originInlineStyles = _this16.$el.attr('style');
      _this16.caption = _this16.el.getAttribute('data-caption') || '';

      // Wrap

      return _this16;

    _createClass(Materialbox, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Materialbox = undefined;

        // Unwrap image


       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleMaterialboxClickBound = this._handleMaterialboxClick.bind(this);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleMaterialboxClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleMaterialboxClickBound);

       * Handle Materialbox Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleMaterialboxClick",
      value: function _handleMaterialboxClick(e) {
        // If already modal, return to original
        if (this.doneAnimating === false || this.overlayActive && this.doneAnimating) {
        } else {

       * Handle Window Scroll

    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowScroll",
      value: function _handleWindowScroll() {
        if (this.overlayActive) {

       * Handle Window Resize

    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowResize",
      value: function _handleWindowResize() {
        if (this.overlayActive) {

       * Handle Window Resize
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowEscape",
      value: function _handleWindowEscape(e) {
        // ESC key
        if (e.keyCode === 27 && this.doneAnimating && this.overlayActive) {

       * Find ancestors with overflow: hidden; and make visible

    }, {
      key: "_makeAncestorsOverflowVisible",
      value: function _makeAncestorsOverflowVisible() {
        this.ancestorsChanged = $();
        var ancestor = this.placeholder[0].parentNode;
        while (ancestor !== null && !$(ancestor).is(document)) {
          var curr = $(ancestor);
          if (curr.css('overflow') !== 'visible') {
            curr.css('overflow', 'visible');
            if (this.ancestorsChanged === undefined) {
              this.ancestorsChanged = curr;
            } else {
              this.ancestorsChanged = this.ancestorsChanged.add(curr);
          ancestor = ancestor.parentNode;

       * Animate image in

    }, {
      key: "_animateImageIn",
      value: function _animateImageIn() {
        var _this17 = this;

        var animOptions = {
          targets: this.el,
          height: [this.originalHeight, this.newHeight],
          width: [this.originalWidth, this.newWidth],
          left: M.getDocumentScrollLeft() + this.windowWidth / 2 - this.placeholder.offset().left - this.newWidth / 2,
          top: M.getDocumentScrollTop() + this.windowHeight / 2 - this.placeholder.offset().top - this.newHeight / 2,
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad',
          complete: function () {
            _this17.doneAnimating = true;

            // onOpenEnd callback
            if (typeof _this17.options.onOpenEnd === 'function') {
              _this17.options.onOpenEnd.call(_this17, _this17.el);

        // Override max-width or max-height if needed
        this.maxWidth = this.$el.css('max-width');
        this.maxHeight = this.$el.css('max-height');
        if (this.maxWidth !== 'none') {
          animOptions.maxWidth = this.newWidth;
        if (this.maxHeight !== 'none') {
          animOptions.maxHeight = this.newHeight;


       * Animate image out

    }, {
      key: "_animateImageOut",
      value: function _animateImageOut() {
        var _this18 = this;

        var animOptions = {
          targets: this.el,
          width: this.originalWidth,
          height: this.originalHeight,
          left: 0,
          top: 0,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad',
          complete: function () {
              height: '',
              width: '',
              position: '',
              top: '',
              left: ''

            // Revert to width or height attribute
            if (_this18.attrWidth) {
              _this18.$el.attr('width', _this18.attrWidth);
            if (_this18.attrHeight) {
              _this18.$el.attr('height', _this18.attrHeight);

            _this18.originInlineStyles && _this18.$el.attr('style', _this18.originInlineStyles);

            // Remove class
            _this18.doneAnimating = true;

            // Remove overflow overrides on ancestors
            if (_this18.ancestorsChanged.length) {
              _this18.ancestorsChanged.css('overflow', '');

            // onCloseEnd callback
            if (typeof _this18.options.onCloseEnd === 'function') {
              _this18.options.onCloseEnd.call(_this18, _this18.el);


       * Update open and close vars

    }, {
      key: "_updateVars",
      value: function _updateVars() {
        this.windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
        this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
        this.caption = this.el.getAttribute('data-caption') || '';

       * Open Materialbox

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        var _this19 = this;

        this.originalWidth = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().width;
        this.originalHeight = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().height;

        // Set states
        this.doneAnimating = false;
        this.overlayActive = true;

        // onOpenStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onOpenStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onOpenStart.call(this, this.el);

        // Set positioning for placeholder
          width: this.placeholder[0].getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px',
          height: this.placeholder[0].getBoundingClientRect().height + 'px',
          position: 'relative',
          top: 0,
          left: 0


        // Set css on origin
          position: 'absolute',
          'z-index': 1000,
          'will-change': 'left, top, width, height'

        // Change from width or height attribute to css
        this.attrWidth = this.$el.attr('width');
        this.attrHeight = this.$el.attr('height');
        if (this.attrWidth) {
          this.$el.css('width', this.attrWidth + 'px');
        if (this.attrHeight) {
          this.$el.css('width', this.attrHeight + 'px');

        // Add overlay
        this.$overlay = $('<div id="materialbox-overlay"></div>').css({
          opacity: 0
        }).one('click', function () {
          if (_this19.doneAnimating) {

        // Put before in origin image to preserve z-index layering.

        // Set dimensions if needed
        var overlayOffset = this.$overlay[0].getBoundingClientRect();
          width: this.windowWidth + 'px',
          height: this.windowHeight + 'px',
          left: -1 * overlayOffset.left + 'px',
          top: -1 * overlayOffset.top + 'px'


        // Animate Overlay
          targets: this.$overlay[0],
          opacity: 1,
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'

        // Add and animate caption if it exists
        if (this.caption !== '') {
          if (this.$photocaption) {
          this.$photoCaption = $('<div class="materialbox-caption"></div>');
          this.$photoCaption.css({ display: 'inline' });

            targets: this.$photoCaption[0],
            opacity: 1,
            duration: this.options.inDuration,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad'

        // Resize Image
        var ratio = 0;
        var widthPercent = this.originalWidth / this.windowWidth;
        var heightPercent = this.originalHeight / this.windowHeight;
        this.newWidth = 0;
        this.newHeight = 0;

        if (widthPercent > heightPercent) {
          ratio = this.originalHeight / this.originalWidth;
          this.newWidth = this.windowWidth * 0.9;
          this.newHeight = this.windowWidth * 0.9 * ratio;
        } else {
          ratio = this.originalWidth / this.originalHeight;
          this.newWidth = this.windowHeight * 0.9 * ratio;
          this.newHeight = this.windowHeight * 0.9;


        // Handle Exit triggers
        this._handleWindowScrollBound = this._handleWindowScroll.bind(this);
        this._handleWindowResizeBound = this._handleWindowResize.bind(this);
        this._handleWindowEscapeBound = this._handleWindowEscape.bind(this);

        window.addEventListener('scroll', this._handleWindowScrollBound);
        window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleWindowResizeBound);
        window.addEventListener('keyup', this._handleWindowEscapeBound);

       * Close Materialbox

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        var _this20 = this;

        this.doneAnimating = false;

        // onCloseStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onCloseStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onCloseStart.call(this, this.el);


        if (this.caption !== '') {

        // disable exit handlers
        window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._handleWindowScrollBound);
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this._handleWindowResizeBound);
        window.removeEventListener('keyup', this._handleWindowEscapeBound);

          targets: this.$overlay[0],
          opacity: 0,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad',
          complete: function () {
            _this20.overlayActive = false;


        // Remove Caption + reset css settings on image
        if (this.caption !== '') {
            targets: this.$photoCaption[0],
            opacity: 0,
            duration: this.options.outDuration,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad',
            complete: function () {
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Materialbox.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Materialbox), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Materialbox;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Materialbox;

  M.Materialbox = Materialbox;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Materialbox, 'materialbox', 'M_Materialbox');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    responsiveThreshold: 0 // breakpoint for swipeable

  var Parallax = function (_Component5) {
    _inherits(Parallax, _Component5);

    function Parallax(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Parallax);

      var _this21 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Parallax.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Parallax)).call(this, Parallax, el, options));

      _this21.el.M_Parallax = _this21;

       * Options for the Parallax
       * @member Parallax#options
       * @prop {Number} responsiveThreshold
      _this21.options = $.extend({}, Parallax.defaults, options);
      _this21._enabled = window.innerWidth > _this21.options.responsiveThreshold;

      _this21.$img = _this21.$el.find('img').first();
      _this21.$img.each(function () {
        var el = this;
        if (el.complete) $(el).trigger('load');


      return _this21;

    _createClass(Parallax, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        Parallax._parallaxes.splice(Parallax._parallaxes.indexOf(this), 1);
        this.$img[0].style.transform = '';

        this.$el[0].M_Parallax = undefined;
    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleImageLoadBound = this._handleImageLoad.bind(this);
        this.$img[0].addEventListener('load', this._handleImageLoadBound);

        if (Parallax._parallaxes.length === 0) {
          Parallax._handleScrollThrottled = M.throttle(Parallax._handleScroll, 5);
          window.addEventListener('scroll', Parallax._handleScrollThrottled);

          Parallax._handleWindowResizeThrottled = M.throttle(Parallax._handleWindowResize, 5);
          window.addEventListener('resize', Parallax._handleWindowResizeThrottled);
    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.$img[0].removeEventListener('load', this._handleImageLoadBound);

        if (Parallax._parallaxes.length === 0) {
          window.removeEventListener('scroll', Parallax._handleScrollThrottled);
          window.removeEventListener('resize', Parallax._handleWindowResizeThrottled);
    }, {
      key: "_setupStyles",
      value: function _setupStyles() {
        this.$img[0].style.opacity = 1;
    }, {
      key: "_handleImageLoad",
      value: function _handleImageLoad() {
    }, {
      key: "_updateParallax",
      value: function _updateParallax() {
        var containerHeight = this.$el.height() > 0 ? this.el.parentNode.offsetHeight : 500;
        var imgHeight = this.$img[0].offsetHeight;
        var parallaxDist = imgHeight - containerHeight;
        var bottom = this.$el.offset().top + containerHeight;
        var top = this.$el.offset().top;
        var scrollTop = M.getDocumentScrollTop();
        var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
        var windowBottom = scrollTop + windowHeight;
        var percentScrolled = (windowBottom - top) / (containerHeight + windowHeight);
        var parallax = parallaxDist * percentScrolled;

        if (!this._enabled) {
          this.$img[0].style.transform = '';
        } else if (bottom > scrollTop && top < scrollTop + windowHeight) {
          this.$img[0].style.transform = "translate3D(-50%, " + parallax + "px, 0)";
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Parallax.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Parallax), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Parallax;
    }, {
      key: "_handleScroll",
      value: function _handleScroll() {
        for (var i = 0; i < Parallax._parallaxes.length; i++) {
          var parallaxInstance = Parallax._parallaxes[i];
    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowResize",
      value: function _handleWindowResize() {
        for (var i = 0; i < Parallax._parallaxes.length; i++) {
          var parallaxInstance = Parallax._parallaxes[i];
          parallaxInstance._enabled = window.innerWidth > parallaxInstance.options.responsiveThreshold;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Parallax;

   * @static
   * @memberof Parallax

  Parallax._parallaxes = [];

  M.Parallax = Parallax;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Parallax, 'parallax', 'M_Parallax');
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    duration: 300,
    onShow: null,
    swipeable: false,
    responsiveThreshold: Infinity // breakpoint for swipeable

   * @class

  var Tabs = function (_Component6) {
    _inherits(Tabs, _Component6);

     * Construct Tabs instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Tabs(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Tabs);

      var _this22 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Tabs.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Tabs)).call(this, Tabs, el, options));

      _this22.el.M_Tabs = _this22;

       * Options for the Tabs
       * @member Tabs#options
       * @prop {Number} duration
       * @prop {Function} onShow
       * @prop {Boolean} swipeable
       * @prop {Number} responsiveThreshold
      _this22.options = $.extend({}, Tabs.defaults, options);

      // Setup
      _this22.$tabLinks = _this22.$el.children('li.tab').children('a');
      _this22.index = 0;

      // Setup tabs content
      if (_this22.options.swipeable) {
      } else {

      // Setup tabs indicator after content to ensure accurate widths

      return _this22;

    _createClass(Tabs, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {

        if (this.options.swipeable) {
        } else {

        this.$el[0].M_Tabs = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleWindowResizeBound = this._handleWindowResize.bind(this);
        window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleWindowResizeBound);

        this._handleTabClickBound = this._handleTabClick.bind(this);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleTabClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this._handleWindowResizeBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleTabClickBound);

       * Handle window Resize

    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowResize",
      value: function _handleWindowResize() {

        if (this.tabWidth !== 0 && this.tabsWidth !== 0) {
          this._indicator.style.left = this._calcLeftPos(this.$activeTabLink) + 'px';
          this._indicator.style.right = this._calcRightPos(this.$activeTabLink) + 'px';

       * Handle tab click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleTabClick",
      value: function _handleTabClick(e) {
        var _this23 = this;

        var tab = $(e.target).closest('li.tab');
        var tabLink = $(e.target).closest('a');

        // Handle click on tab link only
        if (!tabLink.length || !tabLink.parent().hasClass('tab')) {

        if (tab.hasClass('disabled')) {

        // Act as regular link if target attribute is specified.
        if (!!tabLink.attr('target')) {

        // Make the old tab inactive.
        var $oldContent = this.$content;

        // Update the variables with the new link and content
        this.$activeTabLink = tabLink;
        this.$content = $(M.escapeHash(tabLink[0].hash));
        this.$tabLinks = this.$el.children('li.tab').children('a');

        // Make the tab active.
        var prevIndex = this.index;
        this.index = Math.max(this.$tabLinks.index(tabLink), 0);

        // Swap content
        if (this.options.swipeable) {
          if (this._tabsCarousel) {
            this._tabsCarousel.set(this.index, function () {
              if (typeof _this23.options.onShow === 'function') {
                _this23.options.onShow.call(_this23, _this23.$content[0]);
        } else {
          if (this.$content.length) {
            this.$content[0].style.display = 'block';
            if (typeof this.options.onShow === 'function') {
              this.options.onShow.call(this, this.$content[0]);

            if ($oldContent.length && !$oldContent.is(this.$content)) {
              $oldContent[0].style.display = 'none';

        // Update widths after content is swapped (scrollbar bugfix)

        // Update indicator

        // Prevent the anchor's default click action

       * Generate elements for tab indicator.

    }, {
      key: "_createIndicator",
      value: function _createIndicator() {
        var _this24 = this;

        var indicator = document.createElement('li');

        this._indicator = indicator;

        setTimeout(function () {
          _this24._indicator.style.left = _this24._calcLeftPos(_this24.$activeTabLink) + 'px';
          _this24._indicator.style.right = _this24._calcRightPos(_this24.$activeTabLink) + 'px';
        }, 0);

       * Setup first active tab link.

    }, {
      key: "_setupActiveTabLink",
      value: function _setupActiveTabLink() {
        // If the location.hash matches one of the links, use that as the active tab.
        this.$activeTabLink = $(this.$tabLinks.filter('[href="' + location.hash + '"]'));

        // If no match is found, use the first link or any with class 'active' as the initial active tab.
        if (this.$activeTabLink.length === 0) {
          this.$activeTabLink = this.$el.children('li.tab').children('a.active').first();
        if (this.$activeTabLink.length === 0) {
          this.$activeTabLink = this.$el.children('li.tab').children('a').first();


        this.index = Math.max(this.$tabLinks.index(this.$activeTabLink), 0);

        if (this.$activeTabLink.length) {
          this.$content = $(M.escapeHash(this.$activeTabLink[0].hash));

       * Setup swipeable tabs

    }, {
      key: "_setupSwipeableTabs",
      value: function _setupSwipeableTabs() {
        var _this25 = this;

        // Change swipeable according to responsive threshold
        if (window.innerWidth > this.options.responsiveThreshold) {
          this.options.swipeable = false;

        var $tabsContent = $();
        this.$tabLinks.each(function (link) {
          var $currContent = $(M.escapeHash(link.hash));
          $tabsContent = $tabsContent.add($currContent);

        var $tabsWrapper = $('<div class="tabs-content carousel carousel-slider"></div>');
        $tabsContent[0].style.display = '';

        // Keep active tab index to set initial carousel slide
        var activeTabIndex = this.$activeTabLink.closest('.tab').index();

        this._tabsCarousel = M.Carousel.init($tabsWrapper[0], {
          fullWidth: true,
          noWrap: true,
          onCycleTo: function (item) {
            var prevIndex = _this25.index;
            _this25.index = $(item).index();
            _this25.$activeTabLink = _this25.$tabLinks.eq(_this25.index);
            if (typeof _this25.options.onShow === 'function') {
              _this25.options.onShow.call(_this25, _this25.$content[0]);

        // Set initial carousel slide to active tab

       * Teardown normal tabs.

    }, {
      key: "_teardownSwipeableTabs",
      value: function _teardownSwipeableTabs() {
        var $tabsWrapper = this._tabsCarousel.$el;

        // Unwrap

       * Setup normal tabs.

    }, {
      key: "_setupNormalTabs",
      value: function _setupNormalTabs() {
        // Hide Tabs Content
        this.$tabLinks.not(this.$activeTabLink).each(function (link) {
          if (!!link.hash) {
            var $currContent = $(M.escapeHash(link.hash));
            if ($currContent.length) {
              $currContent[0].style.display = 'none';

       * Teardown normal tabs.

    }, {
      key: "_teardownNormalTabs",
      value: function _teardownNormalTabs() {
        // show Tabs Content
        this.$tabLinks.each(function (link) {
          if (!!link.hash) {
            var $currContent = $(M.escapeHash(link.hash));
            if ($currContent.length) {
              $currContent[0].style.display = '';

       * set tabs and tab width

    }, {
      key: "_setTabsAndTabWidth",
      value: function _setTabsAndTabWidth() {
        this.tabsWidth = this.$el.width();
        this.tabWidth = Math.max(this.tabsWidth, this.el.scrollWidth) / this.$tabLinks.length;

       * Finds right attribute for indicator based on active tab.
       * @param {cash} el

    }, {
      key: "_calcRightPos",
      value: function _calcRightPos(el) {
        return Math.ceil(this.tabsWidth - el.position().left - el[0].getBoundingClientRect().width);

       * Finds left attribute for indicator based on active tab.
       * @param {cash} el

    }, {
      key: "_calcLeftPos",
      value: function _calcLeftPos(el) {
        return Math.floor(el.position().left);
    }, {
      key: "updateTabIndicator",
      value: function updateTabIndicator() {

       * Animates Indicator to active tab.
       * @param {Number} prevIndex

    }, {
      key: "_animateIndicator",
      value: function _animateIndicator(prevIndex) {
        var leftDelay = 0,
            rightDelay = 0;

        if (this.index - prevIndex >= 0) {
          leftDelay = 90;
        } else {
          rightDelay = 90;

        // Animate
        var animOptions = {
          targets: this._indicator,
          left: {
            value: this._calcLeftPos(this.$activeTabLink),
            delay: leftDelay
          right: {
            value: this._calcRightPos(this.$activeTabLink),
            delay: rightDelay
          duration: this.options.duration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'

       * Select tab.
       * @param {String} tabId

    }, {
      key: "select",
      value: function select(tabId) {
        var tab = this.$tabLinks.filter('[href="#' + tabId + '"]');
        if (tab.length) {
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Tabs.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Tabs), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Tabs;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Tabs;

  M.Tabs = Tabs;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Tabs, 'tabs', 'M_Tabs');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    exitDelay: 200,
    enterDelay: 0,
    html: null,
    margin: 5,
    inDuration: 250,
    outDuration: 200,
    position: 'bottom',
    transitionMovement: 10

   * @class

  var Tooltip = function (_Component7) {
    _inherits(Tooltip, _Component7);

     * Construct Tooltip instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Tooltip(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Tooltip);

      var _this26 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Tooltip.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Tooltip)).call(this, Tooltip, el, options));

      _this26.el.M_Tooltip = _this26;
      _this26.options = $.extend({}, Tooltip.defaults, options);

      _this26.isOpen = false;
      _this26.isHovered = false;
      _this26.isFocused = false;
      return _this26;

    _createClass(Tooltip, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Tooltip = undefined;
    }, {
      key: "_appendTooltipEl",
      value: function _appendTooltipEl() {
        var tooltipEl = document.createElement('div');
        this.tooltipEl = tooltipEl;

        var tooltipContentEl = document.createElement('div');
        tooltipContentEl.innerHTML = this.options.html;
    }, {
      key: "_updateTooltipContent",
      value: function _updateTooltipContent() {
        this.tooltipEl.querySelector('.tooltip-content').innerHTML = this.options.html;
    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleMouseEnterBound = this._handleMouseEnter.bind(this);
        this._handleMouseLeaveBound = this._handleMouseLeave.bind(this);
        this._handleFocusBound = this._handleFocus.bind(this);
        this._handleBlurBound = this._handleBlur.bind(this);
        this.el.addEventListener('mouseenter', this._handleMouseEnterBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleMouseLeaveBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('focus', this._handleFocusBound, true);
        this.el.addEventListener('blur', this._handleBlurBound, true);
    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this._handleMouseEnterBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleMouseLeaveBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('focus', this._handleFocusBound, true);
        this.el.removeEventListener('blur', this._handleBlurBound, true);
    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open(isManual) {
        if (this.isOpen) {
        isManual = isManual === undefined ? true : undefined; // Default value true
        this.isOpen = true;
        // Update tooltip content with HTML attribute options
        this.options = $.extend({}, this.options, this._getAttributeOptions());
    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        this.isHovered = false;
        this.isFocused = false;
        this.isOpen = false;

       * Create timeout which delays when the tooltip closes

    }, {
      key: "_setExitDelayTimeout",
      value: function _setExitDelayTimeout() {
        var _this27 = this;


        this._exitDelayTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
          if (_this27.isHovered || _this27.isFocused) {

        }, this.options.exitDelay);

       * Create timeout which delays when the toast closes

    }, {
      key: "_setEnterDelayTimeout",
      value: function _setEnterDelayTimeout(isManual) {
        var _this28 = this;


        this._enterDelayTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
          if (!_this28.isHovered && !_this28.isFocused && !isManual) {

        }, this.options.enterDelay);
    }, {
      key: "_positionTooltip",
      value: function _positionTooltip() {
        var origin = this.el,
            tooltip = this.tooltipEl,
            originHeight = origin.offsetHeight,
            originWidth = origin.offsetWidth,
            tooltipHeight = tooltip.offsetHeight,
            tooltipWidth = tooltip.offsetWidth,
            newCoordinates = void 0,
            margin = this.options.margin,
            targetTop = void 0,
            targetLeft = void 0;

        this.xMovement = 0, this.yMovement = 0;

        targetTop = origin.getBoundingClientRect().top + M.getDocumentScrollTop();
        targetLeft = origin.getBoundingClientRect().left + M.getDocumentScrollLeft();

        if (this.options.position === 'top') {
          targetTop += -tooltipHeight - margin;
          targetLeft += originWidth / 2 - tooltipWidth / 2;
          this.yMovement = -this.options.transitionMovement;
        } else if (this.options.position === 'right') {
          targetTop += originHeight / 2 - tooltipHeight / 2;
          targetLeft += originWidth + margin;
          this.xMovement = this.options.transitionMovement;
        } else if (this.options.position === 'left') {
          targetTop += originHeight / 2 - tooltipHeight / 2;
          targetLeft += -tooltipWidth - margin;
          this.xMovement = -this.options.transitionMovement;
        } else {
          targetTop += originHeight + margin;
          targetLeft += originWidth / 2 - tooltipWidth / 2;
          this.yMovement = this.options.transitionMovement;

        newCoordinates = this._repositionWithinScreen(targetLeft, targetTop, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight);
          top: newCoordinates.y + 'px',
          left: newCoordinates.x + 'px'
    }, {
      key: "_repositionWithinScreen",
      value: function _repositionWithinScreen(x, y, width, height) {
        var scrollLeft = M.getDocumentScrollLeft();
        var scrollTop = M.getDocumentScrollTop();
        var newX = x - scrollLeft;
        var newY = y - scrollTop;

        var bounding = {
          left: newX,
          top: newY,
          width: width,
          height: height

        var offset = this.options.margin + this.options.transitionMovement;
        var edges = M.checkWithinContainer(document.body, bounding, offset);

        if (edges.left) {
          newX = offset;
        } else if (edges.right) {
          newX -= newX + width - window.innerWidth;

        if (edges.top) {
          newY = offset;
        } else if (edges.bottom) {
          newY -= newY + height - window.innerHeight;

        return {
          x: newX + scrollLeft,
          y: newY + scrollTop
    }, {
      key: "_animateIn",
      value: function _animateIn() {
        this.tooltipEl.style.visibility = 'visible';
          targets: this.tooltipEl,
          opacity: 1,
          translateX: this.xMovement,
          translateY: this.yMovement,
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutCubic'
    }, {
      key: "_animateOut",
      value: function _animateOut() {
          targets: this.tooltipEl,
          opacity: 0,
          translateX: 0,
          translateY: 0,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutCubic'
    }, {
      key: "_handleMouseEnter",
      value: function _handleMouseEnter() {
        this.isHovered = true;
        this.isFocused = false; // Allows close of tooltip when opened by focus.
    }, {
      key: "_handleMouseLeave",
      value: function _handleMouseLeave() {
        this.isHovered = false;
        this.isFocused = false; // Allows close of tooltip when opened by focus.
    }, {
      key: "_handleFocus",
      value: function _handleFocus() {
        if (M.tabPressed) {
          this.isFocused = true;
    }, {
      key: "_handleBlur",
      value: function _handleBlur() {
        this.isFocused = false;
    }, {
      key: "_getAttributeOptions",
      value: function _getAttributeOptions() {
        var attributeOptions = {};
        var tooltipTextOption = this.el.getAttribute('data-tooltip');
        var positionOption = this.el.getAttribute('data-position');

        if (tooltipTextOption) {
          attributeOptions.html = tooltipTextOption;

        if (positionOption) {
          attributeOptions.position = positionOption;
        return attributeOptions;
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Tooltip.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Tooltip), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Tooltip;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Tooltip;

  M.Tooltip = Tooltip;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Tooltip, 'tooltip', 'M_Tooltip');
})(cash, M.anime);
; /*!
  * Waves v0.6.4
  * http://fian.my.id/Waves
  * Copyright 2014 Alfiana E. Sibuea and other contributors
  * Released under the MIT license
  * https://github.com/fians/Waves/blob/master/LICENSE

;(function (window) {
  'use strict';

  var Waves = Waves || {};
  var $$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);

  // Find exact position of element
  function isWindow(obj) {
    return obj !== null && obj === obj.window;

  function getWindow(elem) {
    return isWindow(elem) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.defaultView;

  function offset(elem) {
    var docElem,
        box = { top: 0, left: 0 },
        doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument;

    docElem = doc.documentElement;

    if (typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== typeof undefined) {
      box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
    win = getWindow(doc);
    return {
      top: box.top + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
      left: box.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft

  function convertStyle(obj) {
    var style = '';

    for (var a in obj) {
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
        style += a + ':' + obj[a] + ';';

    return style;

  var Effect = {

    // Effect delay
    duration: 750,

    show: function (e, element) {

      // Disable right click
      if (e.button === 2) {
        return false;

      var el = element || this;

      // Create ripple
      var ripple = document.createElement('div');
      ripple.className = 'waves-ripple';

      // Get click coordinate and element witdh
      var pos = offset(el);
      var relativeY = e.pageY - pos.top;
      var relativeX = e.pageX - pos.left;
      var scale = 'scale(' + el.clientWidth / 100 * 10 + ')';

      // Support for touch devices
      if ('touches' in e) {
        relativeY = e.touches[0].pageY - pos.top;
        relativeX = e.touches[0].pageX - pos.left;

      // Attach data to element
      ripple.setAttribute('data-hold', Date.now());
      ripple.setAttribute('data-scale', scale);
      ripple.setAttribute('data-x', relativeX);
      ripple.setAttribute('data-y', relativeY);

      // Set ripple position
      var rippleStyle = {
        'top': relativeY + 'px',
        'left': relativeX + 'px'

      ripple.className = ripple.className + ' waves-notransition';
      ripple.setAttribute('style', convertStyle(rippleStyle));
      ripple.className = ripple.className.replace('waves-notransition', '');

      // Scale the ripple
      rippleStyle['-webkit-transform'] = scale;
      rippleStyle['-moz-transform'] = scale;
      rippleStyle['-ms-transform'] = scale;
      rippleStyle['-o-transform'] = scale;
      rippleStyle.transform = scale;
      rippleStyle.opacity = '1';

      rippleStyle['-webkit-transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
      rippleStyle['-moz-transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
      rippleStyle['-o-transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
      rippleStyle['transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';

      rippleStyle['-webkit-transition-timing-function'] = 'cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940)';
      rippleStyle['-moz-transition-timing-function'] = 'cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940)';
      rippleStyle['-o-transition-timing-function'] = 'cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940)';
      rippleStyle['transition-timing-function'] = 'cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940)';

      ripple.setAttribute('style', convertStyle(rippleStyle));

    hide: function (e) {

      var el = this;
      var width = el.clientWidth * 1.4;

      // Get first ripple
      var ripple = null;
      var ripples = el.getElementsByClassName('waves-ripple');
      if (ripples.length > 0) {
        ripple = ripples[ripples.length - 1];
      } else {
        return false;

      var relativeX = ripple.getAttribute('data-x');
      var relativeY = ripple.getAttribute('data-y');
      var scale = ripple.getAttribute('data-scale');

      // Get delay beetween mousedown and mouse leave
      var diff = Date.now() - Number(ripple.getAttribute('data-hold'));
      var delay = 350 - diff;

      if (delay < 0) {
        delay = 0;

      // Fade out ripple after delay
      setTimeout(function () {
        var style = {
          'top': relativeY + 'px',
          'left': relativeX + 'px',
          'opacity': '0',

          // Duration
          '-webkit-transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
          '-moz-transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
          '-o-transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
          'transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
          '-webkit-transform': scale,
          '-moz-transform': scale,
          '-ms-transform': scale,
          '-o-transform': scale,
          'transform': scale

        ripple.setAttribute('style', convertStyle(style));

        setTimeout(function () {
          try {
          } catch (e) {
            return false;
        }, Effect.duration);
      }, delay);

    // Little hack to make <input> can perform waves effect
    wrapInput: function (elements) {
      for (var a = 0; a < elements.length; a++) {
        var el = elements[a];

        if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
          var parent = el.parentNode;

          // If input already have parent just pass through
          if (parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'i' && parent.className.indexOf('waves-effect') !== -1) {

          // Put element class and style to the specified parent
          var wrapper = document.createElement('i');
          wrapper.className = el.className + ' waves-input-wrapper';

          var elementStyle = el.getAttribute('style');

          if (!elementStyle) {
            elementStyle = '';

          wrapper.setAttribute('style', elementStyle);

          el.className = 'waves-button-input';

          // Put element as child
          parent.replaceChild(wrapper, el);

   * Disable mousedown event for 500ms during and after touch
  var TouchHandler = {
    /* uses an integer rather than bool so there's no issues with
     * needing to clear timeouts if another touch event occurred
     * within the 500ms. Cannot mouseup between touchstart and
     * touchend, nor in the 500ms after touchend. */
    touches: 0,
    allowEvent: function (e) {
      var allow = true;

      if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
        TouchHandler.touches += 1; //push
      } else if (e.type === 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchcancel') {
        setTimeout(function () {
          if (TouchHandler.touches > 0) {
            TouchHandler.touches -= 1; //pop after 500ms
        }, 500);
      } else if (e.type === 'mousedown' && TouchHandler.touches > 0) {
        allow = false;

      return allow;
    touchup: function (e) {

   * Delegated click handler for .waves-effect element.
   * returns null when .waves-effect element not in "click tree"
  function getWavesEffectElement(e) {
    if (TouchHandler.allowEvent(e) === false) {
      return null;

    var element = null;
    var target = e.target || e.srcElement;

    while (target.parentNode !== null) {
      if (!(target instanceof SVGElement) && target.className.indexOf('waves-effect') !== -1) {
        element = target;
      target = target.parentNode;
    return element;

   * Bubble the click and show effect if .waves-effect elem was found
  function showEffect(e) {
    var element = getWavesEffectElement(e);

    if (element !== null) {
      Effect.show(e, element);

      if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
        element.addEventListener('touchend', Effect.hide, false);
        element.addEventListener('touchcancel', Effect.hide, false);

      element.addEventListener('mouseup', Effect.hide, false);
      element.addEventListener('mouseleave', Effect.hide, false);
      element.addEventListener('dragend', Effect.hide, false);

  Waves.displayEffect = function (options) {
    options = options || {};

    if ('duration' in options) {
      Effect.duration = options.duration;

    //Wrap input inside <i> tag

    if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
      document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', showEffect, false);

    document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', showEffect, false);

   * Attach Waves to an input element (or any element which doesn't
   * bubble mouseup/mousedown events).
   *   Intended to be used with dynamically loaded forms/inputs, or
   * where the user doesn't want a delegated click handler.
  Waves.attach = function (element) {
    //FUTURE: automatically add waves classes and allow users
    // to specify them with an options param? Eg. light/classic/button
    if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
      element = element.parentNode;

    if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
      element.addEventListener('touchstart', showEffect, false);

    element.addEventListener('mousedown', showEffect, false);

  window.Waves = Waves;

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  }, false);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    html: '',
    displayLength: 4000,
    inDuration: 300,
    outDuration: 375,
    classes: '',
    completeCallback: null,
    activationPercent: 0.8

  var Toast = function () {
    function Toast(options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Toast);

       * Options for the toast
       * @member Toast#options
      this.options = $.extend({}, Toast.defaults, options);
      this.message = this.options.html;

       * Describes current pan state toast
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.panning = false;

       * Time remaining until toast is removed
      this.timeRemaining = this.options.displayLength;

      if (Toast._toasts.length === 0) {

      // Create new toast
      var toastElement = this._createToast();
      toastElement.M_Toast = this;
      this.el = toastElement;
      this.$el = $(toastElement);

    _createClass(Toast, [{
      key: "_createToast",

       * Create toast and append it to toast container
      value: function _createToast() {
        var toast = document.createElement('div');

        // Add custom classes onto toast
        if (!!this.options.classes.length) {

        // Set content
        if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object' ? this.message instanceof HTMLElement : this.message && typeof this.message === 'object' && this.message !== null && this.message.nodeType === 1 && typeof this.message.nodeName === 'string') {

          // Check if it is jQuery object
        } else if (!!this.message.jquery) {

          // Insert as html;
        } else {
          toast.innerHTML = this.message;

        // Append toasft
        return toast;

       * Animate in toast

    }, {
      key: "_animateIn",
      value: function _animateIn() {
        // Animate toast in
          targets: this.el,
          top: 0,
          opacity: 1,
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutCubic'

       * Create setInterval which automatically removes toast when timeRemaining >= 0
       * has been reached

    }, {
      key: "_setTimer",
      value: function _setTimer() {
        var _this29 = this;

        if (this.timeRemaining !== Infinity) {
          this.counterInterval = setInterval(function () {
            // If toast is not being dragged, decrease its time remaining
            if (!_this29.panning) {
              _this29.timeRemaining -= 20;

            // Animate toast out
            if (_this29.timeRemaining <= 0) {
          }, 20);

       * Dismiss toast with animation

    }, {
      key: "dismiss",
      value: function dismiss() {
        var _this30 = this;

        var activationDistance = this.el.offsetWidth * this.options.activationPercent;

        if (this.wasSwiped) {
          this.el.style.transition = 'transform .05s, opacity .05s';
          this.el.style.transform = "translateX(" + activationDistance + "px)";
          this.el.style.opacity = 0;

          targets: this.el,
          opacity: 0,
          marginTop: -40,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutExpo',
          complete: function () {
            // Call the optional callback
            if (typeof _this30.options.completeCallback === 'function') {
            // Remove toast from DOM
            Toast._toasts.splice(Toast._toasts.indexOf(_this30), 1);
            if (Toast._toasts.length === 0) {
    }], [{
      key: "getInstance",

       * Get Instance
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Toast;

       * Append toast container and add event handlers

    }, {
      key: "_createContainer",
      value: function _createContainer() {
        var container = document.createElement('div');
        container.setAttribute('id', 'toast-container');

        // Add event handler
        container.addEventListener('touchstart', Toast._onDragStart);
        container.addEventListener('touchmove', Toast._onDragMove);
        container.addEventListener('touchend', Toast._onDragEnd);

        container.addEventListener('mousedown', Toast._onDragStart);
        document.addEventListener('mousemove', Toast._onDragMove);
        document.addEventListener('mouseup', Toast._onDragEnd);

        Toast._container = container;

       * Remove toast container and event handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeContainer",
      value: function _removeContainer() {
        // Add event handler
        document.removeEventListener('mousemove', Toast._onDragMove);
        document.removeEventListener('mouseup', Toast._onDragEnd);

        Toast._container = null;

       * Begin drag handler
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_onDragStart",
      value: function _onDragStart(e) {
        if (e.target && $(e.target).closest('.toast').length) {
          var $toast = $(e.target).closest('.toast');
          var toast = $toast[0].M_Toast;
          toast.panning = true;
          Toast._draggedToast = toast;
          toast.el.style.transition = '';
          toast.startingXPos = Toast._xPos(e);
          toast.time = Date.now();
          toast.xPos = Toast._xPos(e);

       * Drag move handler
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_onDragMove",
      value: function _onDragMove(e) {
        if (!!Toast._draggedToast) {
          var toast = Toast._draggedToast;
          toast.deltaX = Math.abs(toast.xPos - Toast._xPos(e));
          toast.xPos = Toast._xPos(e);
          toast.velocityX = toast.deltaX / (Date.now() - toast.time);
          toast.time = Date.now();

          var totalDeltaX = toast.xPos - toast.startingXPos;
          var activationDistance = toast.el.offsetWidth * toast.options.activationPercent;
          toast.el.style.transform = "translateX(" + totalDeltaX + "px)";
          toast.el.style.opacity = 1 - Math.abs(totalDeltaX / activationDistance);

       * End drag handler

    }, {
      key: "_onDragEnd",
      value: function _onDragEnd() {
        if (!!Toast._draggedToast) {
          var toast = Toast._draggedToast;
          toast.panning = false;

          var totalDeltaX = toast.xPos - toast.startingXPos;
          var activationDistance = toast.el.offsetWidth * toast.options.activationPercent;
          var shouldBeDismissed = Math.abs(totalDeltaX) > activationDistance || toast.velocityX > 1;

          // Remove toast
          if (shouldBeDismissed) {
            toast.wasSwiped = true;

            // Animate toast back to original position
          } else {
            toast.el.style.transition = 'transform .2s, opacity .2s';
            toast.el.style.transform = '';
            toast.el.style.opacity = '';
          Toast._draggedToast = null;

       * Get x position of mouse or touch event
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_xPos",
      value: function _xPos(e) {
        if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length >= 1) {
          return e.targetTouches[0].clientX;
        // mouse event
        return e.clientX;

       * Remove all toasts

    }, {
      key: "dismissAll",
      value: function dismissAll() {
        for (var toastIndex in Toast._toasts) {
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Toast;

   * @static
   * @memberof Toast
   * @type {Array.<Toast>}

  Toast._toasts = [];

   * @static
   * @memberof Toast
  Toast._container = null;

   * @static
   * @memberof Toast
   * @type {Toast}
  Toast._draggedToast = null;

  M.Toast = Toast;
  M.toast = function (options) {
    return new Toast(options);
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    edge: 'left',
    draggable: true,
    inDuration: 250,
    outDuration: 200,
    onOpenStart: null,
    onOpenEnd: null,
    onCloseStart: null,
    onCloseEnd: null,
    preventScrolling: true

   * @class

  var Sidenav = function (_Component8) {
    _inherits(Sidenav, _Component8);

     * Construct Sidenav instance and set up overlay
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Sidenav(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Sidenav);

      var _this31 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Sidenav.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Sidenav)).call(this, Sidenav, el, options));

      _this31.el.M_Sidenav = _this31;
      _this31.id = _this31.$el.attr('id');

       * Options for the Sidenav
       * @member Sidenav#options
       * @prop {String} [edge='left'] - Side of screen on which Sidenav appears
       * @prop {Boolean} [draggable=true] - Allow swipe gestures to open/close Sidenav
       * @prop {Number} [inDuration=250] - Length in ms of enter transition
       * @prop {Number} [outDuration=200] - Length in ms of exit transition
       * @prop {Function} onOpenStart - Function called when sidenav starts entering
       * @prop {Function} onOpenEnd - Function called when sidenav finishes entering
       * @prop {Function} onCloseStart - Function called when sidenav starts exiting
       * @prop {Function} onCloseEnd - Function called when sidenav finishes exiting
      _this31.options = $.extend({}, Sidenav.defaults, options);

       * Describes open/close state of Sidenav
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this31.isOpen = false;

       * Describes if Sidenav is fixed
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this31.isFixed = _this31.el.classList.contains('sidenav-fixed');

       * Describes if Sidenav is being draggeed
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this31.isDragged = false;

      // Window size variables for window resize checks
      _this31.lastWindowWidth = window.innerWidth;
      _this31.lastWindowHeight = window.innerHeight;


      return _this31;

    _createClass(Sidenav, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Sidenav = undefined;
        this.el.style.transform = '';

        var index = Sidenav._sidenavs.indexOf(this);
        if (index >= 0) {
          Sidenav._sidenavs.splice(index, 1);
    }, {
      key: "_createOverlay",
      value: function _createOverlay() {
        var overlay = document.createElement('div');
        this._closeBound = this.close.bind(this);

        overlay.addEventListener('click', this._closeBound);

        this._overlay = overlay;
    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        if (Sidenav._sidenavs.length === 0) {
          document.body.addEventListener('click', this._handleTriggerClick);

        this._handleDragTargetDragBound = this._handleDragTargetDrag.bind(this);
        this._handleDragTargetReleaseBound = this._handleDragTargetRelease.bind(this);
        this._handleCloseDragBound = this._handleCloseDrag.bind(this);
        this._handleCloseReleaseBound = this._handleCloseRelease.bind(this);
        this._handleCloseTriggerClickBound = this._handleCloseTriggerClick.bind(this);

        this.dragTarget.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleDragTargetDragBound);
        this.dragTarget.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleDragTargetReleaseBound);
        this._overlay.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleCloseDragBound);
        this._overlay.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleCloseReleaseBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleCloseDragBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleCloseReleaseBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleCloseTriggerClickBound);

        // Add resize for side nav fixed
        if (this.isFixed) {
          this._handleWindowResizeBound = this._handleWindowResize.bind(this);
          window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleWindowResizeBound);
    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        if (Sidenav._sidenavs.length === 1) {
          document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._handleTriggerClick);

        this.dragTarget.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleDragTargetDragBound);
        this.dragTarget.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleDragTargetReleaseBound);
        this._overlay.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleCloseDragBound);
        this._overlay.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleCloseReleaseBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleCloseDragBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleCloseReleaseBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleCloseTriggerClickBound);

        // Remove resize for side nav fixed
        if (this.isFixed) {
          window.removeEventListener('resize', this._handleWindowResizeBound);

       * Handle Trigger Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleTriggerClick",
      value: function _handleTriggerClick(e) {
        var $trigger = $(e.target).closest('.sidenav-trigger');
        if (e.target && $trigger.length) {
          var sidenavId = M.getIdFromTrigger($trigger[0]);

          var sidenavInstance = document.getElementById(sidenavId).M_Sidenav;
          if (sidenavInstance) {

       * Set variables needed at the beggining of drag
       * and stop any current transition.
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_startDrag",
      value: function _startDrag(e) {
        var clientX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX;
        this.isDragged = true;
        this._startingXpos = clientX;
        this._xPos = this._startingXpos;
        this._time = Date.now();
        this._width = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().width;
        this._overlay.style.display = 'block';
        this._initialScrollTop = this.isOpen ? this.el.scrollTop : M.getDocumentScrollTop();
        this._verticallyScrolling = false;

       * Set variables needed at each drag move update tick
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_dragMoveUpdate",
      value: function _dragMoveUpdate(e) {
        var clientX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX;
        var currentScrollTop = this.isOpen ? this.el.scrollTop : M.getDocumentScrollTop();
        this.deltaX = Math.abs(this._xPos - clientX);
        this._xPos = clientX;
        this.velocityX = this.deltaX / (Date.now() - this._time);
        this._time = Date.now();
        if (this._initialScrollTop !== currentScrollTop) {
          this._verticallyScrolling = true;

       * Handles Dragging of Sidenav
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleDragTargetDrag",
      value: function _handleDragTargetDrag(e) {
        // Check if draggable
        if (!this.options.draggable || this._isCurrentlyFixed() || this._verticallyScrolling) {

        // If not being dragged, set initial drag start variables
        if (!this.isDragged) {

        // Run touchmove updates

        // Calculate raw deltaX
        var totalDeltaX = this._xPos - this._startingXpos;

        // dragDirection is the attempted user drag direction
        var dragDirection = totalDeltaX > 0 ? 'right' : 'left';

        // Don't allow totalDeltaX to exceed Sidenav width or be dragged in the opposite direction
        totalDeltaX = Math.min(this._width, Math.abs(totalDeltaX));
        if (this.options.edge === dragDirection) {
          totalDeltaX = 0;

         * transformX is the drag displacement
         * transformPrefix is the initial transform placement
         * Invert values if Sidenav is right edge
        var transformX = totalDeltaX;
        var transformPrefix = 'translateX(-100%)';
        if (this.options.edge === 'right') {
          transformPrefix = 'translateX(100%)';
          transformX = -transformX;

        // Calculate open/close percentage of sidenav, with open = 1 and close = 0
        this.percentOpen = Math.min(1, totalDeltaX / this._width);

        // Set transform and opacity styles
        this.el.style.transform = transformPrefix + " translateX(" + transformX + "px)";
        this._overlay.style.opacity = this.percentOpen;

       * Handle Drag Target Release

    }, {
      key: "_handleDragTargetRelease",
      value: function _handleDragTargetRelease() {
        if (this.isDragged) {
          if (this.percentOpen > 0.2) {
          } else {

          this.isDragged = false;
          this._verticallyScrolling = false;

       * Handle Close Drag
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCloseDrag",
      value: function _handleCloseDrag(e) {
        if (this.isOpen) {
          // Check if draggable
          if (!this.options.draggable || this._isCurrentlyFixed() || this._verticallyScrolling) {

          // If not being dragged, set initial drag start variables
          if (!this.isDragged) {

          // Run touchmove updates

          // Calculate raw deltaX
          var totalDeltaX = this._xPos - this._startingXpos;

          // dragDirection is the attempted user drag direction
          var dragDirection = totalDeltaX > 0 ? 'right' : 'left';

          // Don't allow totalDeltaX to exceed Sidenav width or be dragged in the opposite direction
          totalDeltaX = Math.min(this._width, Math.abs(totalDeltaX));
          if (this.options.edge !== dragDirection) {
            totalDeltaX = 0;

          var transformX = -totalDeltaX;
          if (this.options.edge === 'right') {
            transformX = -transformX;

          // Calculate open/close percentage of sidenav, with open = 1 and close = 0
          this.percentOpen = Math.min(1, 1 - totalDeltaX / this._width);

          // Set transform and opacity styles
          this.el.style.transform = "translateX(" + transformX + "px)";
          this._overlay.style.opacity = this.percentOpen;

       * Handle Close Release

    }, {
      key: "_handleCloseRelease",
      value: function _handleCloseRelease() {
        if (this.isOpen && this.isDragged) {
          if (this.percentOpen > 0.8) {
          } else {

          this.isDragged = false;
          this._verticallyScrolling = false;

       * Handles closing of Sidenav when element with class .sidenav-close

    }, {
      key: "_handleCloseTriggerClick",
      value: function _handleCloseTriggerClick(e) {
        var $closeTrigger = $(e.target).closest('.sidenav-close');
        if ($closeTrigger.length && !this._isCurrentlyFixed()) {

       * Handle Window Resize

    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowResize",
      value: function _handleWindowResize() {
        // Only handle horizontal resizes
        if (this.lastWindowWidth !== window.innerWidth) {
          if (window.innerWidth > 992) {
          } else {

        this.lastWindowWidth = window.innerWidth;
        this.lastWindowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    }, {
      key: "_setupClasses",
      value: function _setupClasses() {
        if (this.options.edge === 'right') {
    }, {
      key: "_removeClasses",
      value: function _removeClasses() {
    }, {
      key: "_setupFixed",
      value: function _setupFixed() {
        if (this._isCurrentlyFixed()) {
    }, {
      key: "_isCurrentlyFixed",
      value: function _isCurrentlyFixed() {
        return this.isFixed && window.innerWidth > 992;
    }, {
      key: "_createDragTarget",
      value: function _createDragTarget() {
        var dragTarget = document.createElement('div');
        this.dragTarget = dragTarget;
    }, {
      key: "_preventBodyScrolling",
      value: function _preventBodyScrolling() {
        var body = document.body;
        body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
    }, {
      key: "_enableBodyScrolling",
      value: function _enableBodyScrolling() {
        var body = document.body;
        body.style.overflow = '';
    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        if (this.isOpen === true) {

        this.isOpen = true;

        // Run onOpenStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onOpenStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onOpenStart.call(this, this.el);

        // Handle fixed Sidenav
        if (this._isCurrentlyFixed()) {
            targets: this.el,
            translateX: 0,
            duration: 0,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad'
          this._overlay.style.display = 'none';

          // Handle non-fixed Sidenav
        } else {
          if (this.options.preventScrolling) {

          if (!this.isDragged || this.percentOpen != 1) {
    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (this.isOpen === false) {

        this.isOpen = false;

        // Run onCloseStart callback
        if (typeof this.options.onCloseStart === 'function') {
          this.options.onCloseStart.call(this, this.el);

        // Handle fixed Sidenav
        if (this._isCurrentlyFixed()) {
          var transformX = this.options.edge === 'left' ? '-105%' : '105%';
          this.el.style.transform = "translateX(" + transformX + ")";

          // Handle non-fixed Sidenav
        } else {

          if (!this.isDragged || this.percentOpen != 0) {
          } else {
            this._overlay.style.display = 'none';
    }, {
      key: "_animateIn",
      value: function _animateIn() {
    }, {
      key: "_animateSidenavIn",
      value: function _animateSidenavIn() {
        var _this32 = this;

        var slideOutPercent = this.options.edge === 'left' ? -1 : 1;
        if (this.isDragged) {
          slideOutPercent = this.options.edge === 'left' ? slideOutPercent + this.percentOpen : slideOutPercent - this.percentOpen;

          targets: this.el,
          translateX: [slideOutPercent * 100 + "%", 0],
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad',
          complete: function () {
            // Run onOpenEnd callback
            if (typeof _this32.options.onOpenEnd === 'function') {
              _this32.options.onOpenEnd.call(_this32, _this32.el);
    }, {
      key: "_animateOverlayIn",
      value: function _animateOverlayIn() {
        var start = 0;
        if (this.isDragged) {
          start = this.percentOpen;
        } else {
            display: 'block'

          targets: this._overlay,
          opacity: [start, 1],
          duration: this.options.inDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'
    }, {
      key: "_animateOut",
      value: function _animateOut() {
    }, {
      key: "_animateSidenavOut",
      value: function _animateSidenavOut() {
        var _this33 = this;

        var endPercent = this.options.edge === 'left' ? -1 : 1;
        var slideOutPercent = 0;
        if (this.isDragged) {
          slideOutPercent = this.options.edge === 'left' ? endPercent + this.percentOpen : endPercent - this.percentOpen;

          targets: this.el,
          translateX: [slideOutPercent * 100 + "%", endPercent * 105 + "%"],
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad',
          complete: function () {
            // Run onOpenEnd callback
            if (typeof _this33.options.onCloseEnd === 'function') {
              _this33.options.onCloseEnd.call(_this33, _this33.el);
    }, {
      key: "_animateOverlayOut",
      value: function _animateOverlayOut() {
        var _this34 = this;

          targets: this._overlay,
          opacity: 0,
          duration: this.options.outDuration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad',
          complete: function () {
            $(_this34._overlay).css('display', 'none');
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Sidenav.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Sidenav), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Sidenav;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Sidenav;

   * @static
   * @memberof Sidenav
   * @type {Array.<Sidenav>}

  Sidenav._sidenavs = [];

  M.Sidenav = Sidenav;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Sidenav, 'sidenav', 'M_Sidenav');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    throttle: 100,
    scrollOffset: 200, // offset - 200 allows elements near bottom of page to scroll
    activeClass: 'active',
    getActiveElement: function (id) {
      return 'a[href="#' + id + '"]';

   * @class

  var ScrollSpy = function (_Component9) {
    _inherits(ScrollSpy, _Component9);

     * Construct ScrollSpy instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function ScrollSpy(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, ScrollSpy);

      var _this35 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ScrollSpy.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ScrollSpy)).call(this, ScrollSpy, el, options));

      _this35.el.M_ScrollSpy = _this35;

       * Options for the modal
       * @member Modal#options
       * @prop {Number} [throttle=100] - Throttle of scroll handler
       * @prop {Number} [scrollOffset=200] - Offset for centering element when scrolled to
       * @prop {String} [activeClass='active'] - Class applied to active elements
       * @prop {Function} [getActiveElement] - Used to find active element
      _this35.options = $.extend({}, ScrollSpy.defaults, options);

      // setup
      _this35.tickId = -1;
      _this35.id = ScrollSpy._increment;
      return _this35;

    _createClass(ScrollSpy, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        ScrollSpy._elements.splice(ScrollSpy._elements.indexOf(this), 1);
        ScrollSpy._elementsInView.splice(ScrollSpy._elementsInView.indexOf(this), 1);
        ScrollSpy._visibleElements.splice(ScrollSpy._visibleElements.indexOf(this.$el), 1);
        this.el.M_ScrollSpy = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        var throttledResize = M.throttle(this._handleWindowScroll, 200);
        this._handleThrottledResizeBound = throttledResize.bind(this);
        this._handleWindowScrollBound = this._handleWindowScroll.bind(this);
        if (ScrollSpy._count === 1) {
          window.addEventListener('scroll', this._handleWindowScrollBound);
          window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleThrottledResizeBound);
          document.body.addEventListener('click', this._handleTriggerClick);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        if (ScrollSpy._count === 0) {
          window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._handleWindowScrollBound);
          window.removeEventListener('resize', this._handleThrottledResizeBound);
          document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._handleTriggerClick);

       * Handle Trigger Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleTriggerClick",
      value: function _handleTriggerClick(e) {
        var $trigger = $(e.target);
        for (var i = ScrollSpy._elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          var scrollspy = ScrollSpy._elements[i];
          if ($trigger.is('a[href="#' + scrollspy.$el.attr('id') + '"]')) {
            var offset = scrollspy.$el.offset().top + 1;

              targets: [document.documentElement, document.body],
              scrollTop: offset - scrollspy.options.scrollOffset,
              duration: 400,
              easing: 'easeOutCubic'

       * Handle Window Scroll

    }, {
      key: "_handleWindowScroll",
      value: function _handleWindowScroll() {
        // unique tick id

        // viewport rectangle
        var top = M.getDocumentScrollTop(),
            left = M.getDocumentScrollLeft(),
            right = left + window.innerWidth,
            bottom = top + window.innerHeight;

        // determine which elements are in view
        var intersections = ScrollSpy._findElements(top, right, bottom, left);
        for (var i = 0; i < intersections.length; i++) {
          var scrollspy = intersections[i];
          var lastTick = scrollspy.tickId;
          if (lastTick < 0) {
            // entered into view

          // update tick id
          scrollspy.tickId = ScrollSpy._ticks;

        for (var _i = 0; _i < ScrollSpy._elementsInView.length; _i++) {
          var _scrollspy = ScrollSpy._elementsInView[_i];
          var _lastTick = _scrollspy.tickId;
          if (_lastTick >= 0 && _lastTick !== ScrollSpy._ticks) {
            // exited from view
            _scrollspy.tickId = -1;

        // remember elements in view for next tick
        ScrollSpy._elementsInView = intersections;

       * Find elements that are within the boundary
       * @param {number} top
       * @param {number} right
       * @param {number} bottom
       * @param {number} left
       * @return {Array.<ScrollSpy>}   A collection of elements

    }, {
      key: "_enter",
      value: function _enter() {
        ScrollSpy._visibleElements = ScrollSpy._visibleElements.filter(function (value) {
          return value.height() != 0;

        if (ScrollSpy._visibleElements[0]) {
          if (ScrollSpy._visibleElements[0][0].M_ScrollSpy && this.id < ScrollSpy._visibleElements[0][0].M_ScrollSpy.id) {
          } else {
        } else {

    }, {
      key: "_exit",
      value: function _exit() {
        var _this36 = this;

        ScrollSpy._visibleElements = ScrollSpy._visibleElements.filter(function (value) {
          return value.height() != 0;

        if (ScrollSpy._visibleElements[0]) {

          ScrollSpy._visibleElements = ScrollSpy._visibleElements.filter(function (el) {
            return el.attr('id') != _this36.$el.attr('id');
          if (ScrollSpy._visibleElements[0]) {
            // Check if empty
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(ScrollSpy.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ScrollSpy), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_ScrollSpy;
    }, {
      key: "_findElements",
      value: function _findElements(top, right, bottom, left) {
        var hits = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < ScrollSpy._elements.length; i++) {
          var scrollspy = ScrollSpy._elements[i];
          var currTop = top + scrollspy.options.scrollOffset || 200;

          if (scrollspy.$el.height() > 0) {
            var elTop = scrollspy.$el.offset().top,
                elLeft = scrollspy.$el.offset().left,
                elRight = elLeft + scrollspy.$el.width(),
                elBottom = elTop + scrollspy.$el.height();

            var isIntersect = !(elLeft > right || elRight < left || elTop > bottom || elBottom < currTop);

            if (isIntersect) {
        return hits;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return ScrollSpy;

   * @static
   * @memberof ScrollSpy
   * @type {Array.<ScrollSpy>}

  ScrollSpy._elements = [];

   * @static
   * @memberof ScrollSpy
   * @type {Array.<ScrollSpy>}
  ScrollSpy._elementsInView = [];

   * @static
   * @memberof ScrollSpy
   * @type {Array.<cash>}
  ScrollSpy._visibleElements = [];

   * @static
   * @memberof ScrollSpy
  ScrollSpy._count = 0;

   * @static
   * @memberof ScrollSpy
  ScrollSpy._increment = 0;

   * @static
   * @memberof ScrollSpy
  ScrollSpy._ticks = 0;

  M.ScrollSpy = ScrollSpy;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(ScrollSpy, 'scrollSpy', 'M_ScrollSpy');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    data: {}, // Autocomplete data set
    limit: Infinity, // Limit of results the autocomplete shows
    onAutocomplete: null, // Callback for when autocompleted
    minLength: 1, // Min characters before autocomplete starts
    sortFunction: function (a, b, inputString) {
      // Sort function for sorting autocomplete results
      return a.indexOf(inputString) - b.indexOf(inputString);

   * @class

  var Autocomplete = function (_Component10) {
    _inherits(Autocomplete, _Component10);

     * Construct Autocomplete instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Autocomplete(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Autocomplete);

      var _this37 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Autocomplete.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Autocomplete)).call(this, Autocomplete, el, options));

      _this37.el.M_Autocomplete = _this37;

       * Options for the autocomplete
       * @member Autocomplete#options
       * @prop {Number} duration
       * @prop {Number} dist
       * @prop {number} shift
       * @prop {number} padding
       * @prop {Boolean} fullWidth
       * @prop {Boolean} indicators
       * @prop {Boolean} noWrap
       * @prop {Function} onCycleTo
      _this37.options = $.extend({}, Autocomplete.defaults, options);

      // Setup
      _this37.isOpen = false;
      _this37.count = 0;
      _this37.activeIndex = -1;
      _this37.$inputField = _this37.$el.closest('.input-field');
      _this37.$active = $();
      _this37._mousedown = false;

      return _this37;

    _createClass(Autocomplete, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Autocomplete = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleInputBlurBound = this._handleInputBlur.bind(this);
        this._handleInputKeyupAndFocusBound = this._handleInputKeyupAndFocus.bind(this);
        this._handleInputKeydownBound = this._handleInputKeydown.bind(this);
        this._handleInputClickBound = this._handleInputClick.bind(this);
        this._handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstartBound = this._handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstart.bind(this);
        this._handleContainerMouseupAndTouchendBound = this._handleContainerMouseupAndTouchend.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('blur', this._handleInputBlurBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('keyup', this._handleInputKeyupAndFocusBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('focus', this._handleInputKeyupAndFocusBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);
        this.container.addEventListener('mousedown', this._handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstartBound);
        this.container.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleContainerMouseupAndTouchendBound);

        if (typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined') {
          this.container.addEventListener('touchstart', this._handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstartBound);
          this.container.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleContainerMouseupAndTouchendBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('blur', this._handleInputBlurBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('keyup', this._handleInputKeyupAndFocusBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('focus', this._handleInputKeyupAndFocusBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);
        this.container.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstartBound);
        this.container.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleContainerMouseupAndTouchendBound);

        if (typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined') {
          this.container.removeEventListener('touchstart', this._handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstartBound);
          this.container.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleContainerMouseupAndTouchendBound);

       * Setup dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_setupDropdown",
      value: function _setupDropdown() {
        var _this38 = this;

        this.container = document.createElement('ul');
        this.container.id = "autocomplete-options-" + M.guid();
        $(this.container).addClass('autocomplete-content dropdown-content');
        this.el.setAttribute('data-target', this.container.id);

        this.dropdown = M.Dropdown.init(this.el, {
          autoFocus: false,
          closeOnClick: false,
          coverTrigger: false,
          onItemClick: function (itemEl) {

        // Sketchy removal of dropdown click handler
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this.dropdown._handleClickBound);

       * Remove dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_removeDropdown",
      value: function _removeDropdown() {

       * Handle Input Blur

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputBlur",
      value: function _handleInputBlur() {
        if (!this._mousedown) {

       * Handle Input Keyup and Focus
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputKeyupAndFocus",
      value: function _handleInputKeyupAndFocus(e) {
        if (e.type === 'keyup') {
          Autocomplete._keydown = false;

        this.count = 0;
        var val = this.el.value.toLowerCase();

        // Don't capture enter or arrow key usage.
        if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {

        // Check if the input isn't empty
        // Check if focus triggered by tab
        if (this.oldVal !== val && (M.tabPressed || e.type !== 'focus')) {

        // Update oldVal
        this.oldVal = val;

       * Handle Input Keydown
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputKeydown",
      value: function _handleInputKeydown(e) {
        Autocomplete._keydown = true;

        // Arrow keys and enter key usage
        var keyCode = e.keyCode,
            liElement = void 0,
            numItems = $(this.container).children('li').length;

        // select element on Enter
        if (keyCode === M.keys.ENTER && this.activeIndex >= 0) {
          liElement = $(this.container).children('li').eq(this.activeIndex);
          if (liElement.length) {

        // Capture up and down key
        if (keyCode === M.keys.ARROW_UP || keyCode === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN) {

          if (keyCode === M.keys.ARROW_UP && this.activeIndex > 0) {

          if (keyCode === M.keys.ARROW_DOWN && this.activeIndex < numItems - 1) {

          if (this.activeIndex >= 0) {
            this.$active = $(this.container).children('li').eq(this.activeIndex);

       * Handle Input Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputClick",
      value: function _handleInputClick(e) {

       * Handle Container Mousedown and Touchstart
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstart",
      value: function _handleContainerMousedownAndTouchstart(e) {
        this._mousedown = true;

       * Handle Container Mouseup and Touchend
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleContainerMouseupAndTouchend",
      value: function _handleContainerMouseupAndTouchend(e) {
        this._mousedown = false;

       * Highlight partial match

    }, {
      key: "_highlight",
      value: function _highlight(string, $el) {
        var img = $el.find('img');
        var matchStart = $el.text().toLowerCase().indexOf('' + string.toLowerCase() + ''),
            matchEnd = matchStart + string.length - 1,
            beforeMatch = $el.text().slice(0, matchStart),
            matchText = $el.text().slice(matchStart, matchEnd + 1),
            afterMatch = $el.text().slice(matchEnd + 1);
        $el.html("<span>" + beforeMatch + "<span class='highlight'>" + matchText + "</span>" + afterMatch + "</span>");
        if (img.length) {

       * Reset current element position

    }, {
      key: "_resetCurrentElement",
      value: function _resetCurrentElement() {
        this.activeIndex = -1;

       * Reset autocomplete elements

    }, {
      key: "_resetAutocomplete",
      value: function _resetAutocomplete() {
        this.oldVal = null;
        this.isOpen = false;
        this._mousedown = false;

       * Select autocomplete option
       * @param {Element} el  Autocomplete option list item element

    }, {
      key: "selectOption",
      value: function selectOption(el) {
        var text = el.text().trim();
        this.el.value = text;

        // Handle onAutocomplete callback.
        if (typeof this.options.onAutocomplete === 'function') {
          this.options.onAutocomplete.call(this, text);

       * Render dropdown content
       * @param {Object} data  data set
       * @param {String} val  current input value

    }, {
      key: "_renderDropdown",
      value: function _renderDropdown(data, val) {
        var _this39 = this;


        var matchingData = [];

        // Gather all matching data
        for (var key in data) {
          if (data.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1) {
            // Break if past limit
            if (this.count >= this.options.limit) {

            var entry = {
              data: data[key],
              key: key


        // Sort
        if (this.options.sortFunction) {
          var sortFunctionBound = function (a, b) {
            return _this39.options.sortFunction(a.key.toLowerCase(), b.key.toLowerCase(), val.toLowerCase());

        // Render
        for (var i = 0; i < matchingData.length; i++) {
          var _entry = matchingData[i];
          var $autocompleteOption = $('<li></li>');
          if (!!_entry.data) {
            $autocompleteOption.append("<img src=\"" + _entry.data + "\" class=\"right circle\"><span>" + _entry.key + "</span>");
          } else {
            $autocompleteOption.append('<span>' + _entry.key + '</span>');

          this._highlight(val, $autocompleteOption);

       * Open Autocomplete Dropdown

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        var val = this.el.value.toLowerCase();


        if (val.length >= this.options.minLength) {
          this.isOpen = true;
          this._renderDropdown(this.options.data, val);

        // Open dropdown
        if (!this.dropdown.isOpen) {
        } else {
          // Recalculate dropdown when its already open

       * Close Autocomplete Dropdown

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {

       * Update Data
       * @param {Object} data

    }, {
      key: "updateData",
      value: function updateData(data) {
        var val = this.el.value.toLowerCase();
        this.options.data = data;

        if (this.isOpen) {
          this._renderDropdown(data, val);
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Autocomplete.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Autocomplete), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Autocomplete;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Autocomplete;

   * @static
   * @memberof Autocomplete

  Autocomplete._keydown = false;

  M.Autocomplete = Autocomplete;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Autocomplete, 'autocomplete', 'M_Autocomplete');
;(function ($) {
  // Function to update labels of text fields
  M.updateTextFields = function () {
    var input_selector = 'input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], input[type=url], input[type=tel], input[type=number], input[type=search], input[type=date], input[type=time], textarea';
    $(input_selector).each(function (element, index) {
      var $this = $(this);
      if (element.value.length > 0 || $(element).is(':focus') || element.autofocus || $this.attr('placeholder') !== null) {
      } else if (element.validity) {
        $this.siblings('label').toggleClass('active', element.validity.badInput === true);
      } else {

  M.validate_field = function (object) {
    var hasLength = object.attr('data-length') !== null;
    var lenAttr = parseInt(object.attr('data-length'));
    var len = object[0].value.length;

    if (len === 0 && object[0].validity.badInput === false && !object.is(':required')) {
      if (object.hasClass('validate')) {
    } else {
      if (object.hasClass('validate')) {
        // Check for character counter attributes
        if (object.is(':valid') && hasLength && len <= lenAttr || object.is(':valid') && !hasLength) {
        } else {

  M.textareaAutoResize = function ($textarea) {
    // Wrap if native element
    if ($textarea instanceof Element) {
      $textarea = $($textarea);

    if (!$textarea.length) {
      console.error('No textarea element found');

    // Textarea Auto Resize
    var hiddenDiv = $('.hiddendiv').first();
    if (!hiddenDiv.length) {
      hiddenDiv = $('<div class="hiddendiv common"></div>');

    // Set font properties of hiddenDiv
    var fontFamily = $textarea.css('font-family');
    var fontSize = $textarea.css('font-size');
    var lineHeight = $textarea.css('line-height');

    // Firefox can't handle padding shorthand.
    var paddingTop = $textarea.css('padding-top');
    var paddingRight = $textarea.css('padding-right');
    var paddingBottom = $textarea.css('padding-bottom');
    var paddingLeft = $textarea.css('padding-left');

    if (fontSize) {
      hiddenDiv.css('font-size', fontSize);
    if (fontFamily) {
      hiddenDiv.css('font-family', fontFamily);
    if (lineHeight) {
      hiddenDiv.css('line-height', lineHeight);
    if (paddingTop) {
      hiddenDiv.css('padding-top', paddingTop);
    if (paddingRight) {
      hiddenDiv.css('padding-right', paddingRight);
    if (paddingBottom) {
      hiddenDiv.css('padding-bottom', paddingBottom);
    if (paddingLeft) {
      hiddenDiv.css('padding-left', paddingLeft);

    // Set original-height, if none
    if (!$textarea.data('original-height')) {
      $textarea.data('original-height', $textarea.height());

    if ($textarea.attr('wrap') === 'off') {
      hiddenDiv.css('overflow-wrap', 'normal').css('white-space', 'pre');

    hiddenDiv.text($textarea[0].value + '\n');
    var content = hiddenDiv.html().replace(/\n/g, '<br>');

    // When textarea is hidden, width goes crazy.
    // Approximate with half of window size

    if ($textarea[0].offsetWidth > 0 && $textarea[0].offsetHeight > 0) {
      hiddenDiv.css('width', $textarea.width() + 'px');
    } else {
      hiddenDiv.css('width', window.innerWidth / 2 + 'px');

     * Resize if the new height is greater than the
     * original height of the textarea
    if ($textarea.data('original-height') <= hiddenDiv.innerHeight()) {
      $textarea.css('height', hiddenDiv.innerHeight() + 'px');
    } else if ($textarea[0].value.length < $textarea.data('previous-length')) {
       * In case the new height is less than original height, it
       * means the textarea has less text than before
       * So we set the height to the original one
      $textarea.css('height', $textarea.data('original-height') + 'px');
    $textarea.data('previous-length', $textarea[0].value.length);

  $(document).ready(function () {
    // Text based inputs
    var input_selector = 'input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], input[type=url], input[type=tel], input[type=number], input[type=search], input[type=date], input[type=time], textarea';

    // Add active if form auto complete
    $(document).on('change', input_selector, function () {
      if (this.value.length !== 0 || $(this).attr('placeholder') !== null) {

    // Add active if input element has been pre-populated on document ready
    $(document).ready(function () {

    // HTML DOM FORM RESET handling
    $(document).on('reset', function (e) {
      var formReset = $(e.target);
      if (formReset.is('form')) {
        formReset.find(input_selector).each(function (e) {
          if (this.value.length) {

        // Reset select (after native reset)
        setTimeout(function () {
          formReset.find('select').each(function () {
            // check if initialized
            if (this.M_FormSelect) {
        }, 0);

     * Add active when element has focus
     * @param {Event} e
    document.addEventListener('focus', function (e) {
      if ($(e.target).is(input_selector)) {
        $(e.target).siblings('label, .prefix').addClass('active');
    }, true);

     * Remove active when element is blurred
     * @param {Event} e
    document.addEventListener('blur', function (e) {
      var $inputElement = $(e.target);
      if ($inputElement.is(input_selector)) {
        var selector = '.prefix';

        if ($inputElement[0].value.length === 0 && $inputElement[0].validity.badInput !== true && $inputElement.attr('placeholder') === null) {
          selector += ', label';
    }, true);

    // Radio and Checkbox focus class
    var radio_checkbox = 'input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]';
    $(document).on('keyup', radio_checkbox, function (e) {
      // TAB, check if tabbing to radio or checkbox.
      if (e.which === M.keys.TAB) {
        var $this = $(this);
        $this.one('blur', function (e) {

    var text_area_selector = '.materialize-textarea';
    $(text_area_selector).each(function () {
      var $textarea = $(this);
       * Resize textarea on document load after storing
       * the original height and the original length
      $textarea.data('original-height', $textarea.height());
      $textarea.data('previous-length', this.value.length);

    $(document).on('keyup', text_area_selector, function () {
    $(document).on('keydown', text_area_selector, function () {

    // File Input Path
    $(document).on('change', '.file-field input[type="file"]', function () {
      var file_field = $(this).closest('.file-field');
      var path_input = file_field.find('input.file-path');
      var files = $(this)[0].files;
      var file_names = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
      path_input[0].value = file_names.join(', ');
  }); // End of $(document).ready
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    indicators: true,
    height: 400,
    duration: 500,
    interval: 6000

   * @class

  var Slider = function (_Component11) {
    _inherits(Slider, _Component11);

     * Construct Slider instance and set up overlay
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Slider(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Slider);

      var _this40 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Slider.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Slider)).call(this, Slider, el, options));

      _this40.el.M_Slider = _this40;

       * Options for the modal
       * @member Slider#options
       * @prop {Boolean} [indicators=true] - Show indicators
       * @prop {Number} [height=400] - height of slider
       * @prop {Number} [duration=500] - Length in ms of slide transition
       * @prop {Number} [interval=6000] - Length in ms of slide interval
      _this40.options = $.extend({}, Slider.defaults, options);

      // setup
      _this40.$slider = _this40.$el.find('.slides');
      _this40.$slides = _this40.$slider.children('li');
      _this40.activeIndex = _this40.$slides.filter(function (item) {
        return $(item).hasClass('active');
      if (_this40.activeIndex != -1) {
        _this40.$active = _this40.$slides.eq(_this40.activeIndex);


      // Set initial positions of captions
      _this40.$slides.find('.caption').each(function (el) {
        _this40._animateCaptionIn(el, 0);

      // Move img src into background-image
      _this40.$slides.find('img').each(function (el) {
        var placeholderBase64 = '';
        if ($(el).attr('src') !== placeholderBase64) {
          $(el).css('background-image', 'url("' + $(el).attr('src') + '")');
          $(el).attr('src', placeholderBase64);


      // Show active slide
      if (_this40.$active) {
        _this40.$active.css('display', 'block');
      } else {
          targets: _this40.$slides.first()[0],
          opacity: 1,
          duration: _this40.options.duration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'

        _this40.activeIndex = 0;
        _this40.$active = _this40.$slides.eq(_this40.activeIndex);

        // Update indicators
        if (_this40.options.indicators) {

      // Adjust height to current slide
      _this40.$active.find('img').each(function (el) {
          targets: _this40.$active.find('.caption')[0],
          opacity: 1,
          translateX: 0,
          translateY: 0,
          duration: _this40.options.duration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'


      // auto scroll
      return _this40;

    _createClass(Slider, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Slider = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        var _this41 = this;

        this._handleIntervalBound = this._handleInterval.bind(this);
        this._handleIndicatorClickBound = this._handleIndicatorClick.bind(this);

        if (this.options.indicators) {
          this.$indicators.each(function (el) {
            el.addEventListener('click', _this41._handleIndicatorClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        var _this42 = this;

        if (this.options.indicators) {
          this.$indicators.each(function (el) {
            el.removeEventListener('click', _this42._handleIndicatorClickBound);

       * Handle indicator click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleIndicatorClick",
      value: function _handleIndicatorClick(e) {
        var currIndex = $(e.target).index();

       * Handle Interval

    }, {
      key: "_handleInterval",
      value: function _handleInterval() {
        var newActiveIndex = this.$slider.find('.active').index();
        if (this.$slides.length === newActiveIndex + 1) newActiveIndex = 0;
        // loop to start
        else newActiveIndex += 1;


       * Animate in caption
       * @param {Element} caption
       * @param {Number} duration

    }, {
      key: "_animateCaptionIn",
      value: function _animateCaptionIn(caption, duration) {
        var animOptions = {
          targets: caption,
          opacity: 0,
          duration: duration,
          easing: 'easeOutQuad'

        if ($(caption).hasClass('center-align')) {
          animOptions.translateY = -100;
        } else if ($(caption).hasClass('right-align')) {
          animOptions.translateX = 100;
        } else if ($(caption).hasClass('left-align')) {
          animOptions.translateX = -100;


       * Set height of slider

    }, {
      key: "_setSliderHeight",
      value: function _setSliderHeight() {
        // If fullscreen, do nothing
        if (!this.$el.hasClass('fullscreen')) {
          if (this.options.indicators) {
            // Add height if indicators are present
            this.$el.css('height', this.options.height + 40 + 'px');
          } else {
            this.$el.css('height', this.options.height + 'px');
          this.$slider.css('height', this.options.height + 'px');

       * Setup indicators

    }, {
      key: "_setupIndicators",
      value: function _setupIndicators() {
        var _this43 = this;

        if (this.options.indicators) {
          this.$indicators = $('<ul class="indicators"></ul>');
          this.$slides.each(function (el, index) {
            var $indicator = $('<li class="indicator-item"></li>');
          this.$indicators = this.$indicators.children('li.indicator-item');

       * Remove indicators

    }, {
      key: "_removeIndicators",
      value: function _removeIndicators() {

       * Cycle to nth item
       * @param {Number} index

    }, {
      key: "set",
      value: function set(index) {
        var _this44 = this;

        // Wrap around indices.
        if (index >= this.$slides.length) index = 0;else if (index < 0) index = this.$slides.length - 1;

        // Only do if index changes
        if (this.activeIndex != index) {
          this.$active = this.$slides.eq(this.activeIndex);
          var $caption = this.$active.find('.caption');

            targets: this.$active[0],
            opacity: 0,
            duration: this.options.duration,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad',
            complete: function () {
              _this44.$slides.not('.active').each(function (el) {
                  targets: el,
                  opacity: 0,
                  translateX: 0,
                  translateY: 0,
                  duration: 0,
                  easing: 'easeOutQuad'

          this._animateCaptionIn($caption[0], this.options.duration);

          // Update indicators
          if (this.options.indicators) {

            targets: this.$slides.eq(index)[0],
            opacity: 1,
            duration: this.options.duration,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad'

            targets: this.$slides.eq(index).find('.caption')[0],
            opacity: 1,
            translateX: 0,
            translateY: 0,
            duration: this.options.duration,
            delay: this.options.duration,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad'

          this.activeIndex = index;

          // Reset interval

       * Pause slider interval

    }, {
      key: "pause",
      value: function pause() {

       * Start slider interval

    }, {
      key: "start",
      value: function start() {
        this.interval = setInterval(this._handleIntervalBound, this.options.duration + this.options.interval);

       * Move to next slide

    }, {
      key: "next",
      value: function next() {
        var newIndex = this.activeIndex + 1;

        // Wrap around indices.
        if (newIndex >= this.$slides.length) newIndex = 0;else if (newIndex < 0) newIndex = this.$slides.length - 1;


       * Move to previous slide

    }, {
      key: "prev",
      value: function prev() {
        var newIndex = this.activeIndex - 1;

        // Wrap around indices.
        if (newIndex >= this.$slides.length) newIndex = 0;else if (newIndex < 0) newIndex = this.$slides.length - 1;

    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Slider.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Slider), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Slider;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Slider;

  M.Slider = Slider;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Slider, 'slider', 'M_Slider');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($, anim) {
  $(document).on('click', '.card', function (e) {
    if ($(this).children('.card-reveal').length) {
      var $card = $(e.target).closest('.card');
      if ($card.data('initialOverflow') === undefined) {
        $card.data('initialOverflow', $card.css('overflow') === undefined ? '' : $card.css('overflow'));
      var $cardReveal = $(this).find('.card-reveal');
      if ($(e.target).is($('.card-reveal .card-title')) || $(e.target).is($('.card-reveal .card-title i'))) {
        // Make Reveal animate down and display none
          targets: $cardReveal[0],
          translateY: 0,
          duration: 225,
          easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
          complete: function (anim) {
            var el = anim.animatables[0].target;
            $(el).css({ display: 'none' });
            $card.css('overflow', $card.data('initialOverflow'));
      } else if ($(e.target).is($('.card .activator')) || $(e.target).is($('.card .activator i'))) {
        $card.css('overflow', 'hidden');
        $cardReveal.css({ display: 'block' });
          targets: $cardReveal[0],
          translateY: '-100%',
          duration: 300,
          easing: 'easeInOutQuad'
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    data: [],
    placeholder: '',
    secondaryPlaceholder: '',
    autocompleteOptions: {},
    limit: Infinity,
    onChipAdd: null,
    onChipSelect: null,
    onChipDelete: null

   * @typedef {Object} chip
   * @property {String} tag  chip tag string
   * @property {String} [image]  chip avatar image string

   * @class

  var Chips = function (_Component12) {
    _inherits(Chips, _Component12);

     * Construct Chips instance and set up overlay
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Chips(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Chips);

      var _this45 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Chips.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Chips)).call(this, Chips, el, options));

      _this45.el.M_Chips = _this45;

       * Options for the modal
       * @member Chips#options
       * @prop {Array} data
       * @prop {String} placeholder
       * @prop {String} secondaryPlaceholder
       * @prop {Object} autocompleteOptions
      _this45.options = $.extend({}, Chips.defaults, options);

      _this45.$el.addClass('chips input-field');
      _this45.chipsData = [];
      _this45.$chips = $();
      _this45.hasAutocomplete = Object.keys(_this45.options.autocompleteOptions).length > 0;

      // Set input id
      if (!_this45.$input.attr('id')) {
        _this45.$input.attr('id', M.guid());

      // Render initial chips
      if (_this45.options.data.length) {
        _this45.chipsData = _this45.options.data;

      // Setup autocomplete if needed
      if (_this45.hasAutocomplete) {

      return _this45;

    _createClass(Chips, [{
      key: "getData",

       * Get Chips Data
      value: function getData() {
        return this.chipsData;

       * Teardown component

    }, {
      key: "destroy",
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Chips = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleChipClickBound = this._handleChipClick.bind(this);
        this._handleInputKeydownBound = this._handleInputKeydown.bind(this);
        this._handleInputFocusBound = this._handleInputFocus.bind(this);
        this._handleInputBlurBound = this._handleInputBlur.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleChipClickBound);
        document.addEventListener('keydown', Chips._handleChipsKeydown);
        document.addEventListener('keyup', Chips._handleChipsKeyup);
        this.el.addEventListener('blur', Chips._handleChipsBlur, true);
        this.$input[0].addEventListener('focus', this._handleInputFocusBound);
        this.$input[0].addEventListener('blur', this._handleInputBlurBound);
        this.$input[0].addEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleChipClickBound);
        document.removeEventListener('keydown', Chips._handleChipsKeydown);
        document.removeEventListener('keyup', Chips._handleChipsKeyup);
        this.el.removeEventListener('blur', Chips._handleChipsBlur, true);
        this.$input[0].removeEventListener('focus', this._handleInputFocusBound);
        this.$input[0].removeEventListener('blur', this._handleInputBlurBound);
        this.$input[0].removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);

       * Handle Chip Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleChipClick",
      value: function _handleChipClick(e) {
        var $chip = $(e.target).closest('.chip');
        var clickedClose = $(e.target).is('.close');
        if ($chip.length) {
          var index = $chip.index();
          if (clickedClose) {
            // delete chip
          } else {
            // select chip

          // Default handle click to focus on input
        } else {

       * Handle Chips Keydown
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputFocus",

       * Handle Input Focus
      value: function _handleInputFocus() {

       * Handle Input Blur

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputBlur",
      value: function _handleInputBlur() {

       * Handle Input Keydown
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputKeydown",
      value: function _handleInputKeydown(e) {
        Chips._keydown = true;

        // enter
        if (e.keyCode === 13) {
          // Override enter if autocompleting.
          if (this.hasAutocomplete && this.autocomplete && this.autocomplete.isOpen) {

            tag: this.$input[0].value
          this.$input[0].value = '';

          // delete or left
        } else if ((e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 37) && this.$input[0].value === '' && this.chipsData.length) {
          this.selectChip(this.chipsData.length - 1);

       * Render Chip
       * @param {chip} chip
       * @return {Element}

    }, {
      key: "_renderChip",
      value: function _renderChip(chip) {
        if (!chip.tag) {

        var renderedChip = document.createElement('div');
        var closeIcon = document.createElement('i');
        renderedChip.textContent = chip.tag;
        renderedChip.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
        $(closeIcon).addClass('material-icons close');
        closeIcon.textContent = 'close';

        // attach image if needed
        if (chip.image) {
          var img = document.createElement('img');
          img.setAttribute('src', chip.image);
          renderedChip.insertBefore(img, renderedChip.firstChild);

        return renderedChip;

       * Render Chips

    }, {
      key: "_renderChips",
      value: function _renderChips() {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.chipsData.length; i++) {
          var chipEl = this._renderChip(this.chipsData[i]);

        // move input to end

       * Setup Autocomplete

    }, {
      key: "_setupAutocomplete",
      value: function _setupAutocomplete() {
        var _this46 = this;

        this.options.autocompleteOptions.onAutocomplete = function (val) {
            tag: val
          _this46.$input[0].value = '';

        this.autocomplete = M.Autocomplete.init(this.$input[0], this.options.autocompleteOptions);

       * Setup Input

    }, {
      key: "_setupInput",
      value: function _setupInput() {
        this.$input = this.$el.find('input');
        if (!this.$input.length) {
          this.$input = $('<input></input>');


       * Setup Label

    }, {
      key: "_setupLabel",
      value: function _setupLabel() {
        this.$label = this.$el.find('label');
        if (this.$label.length) {
          this.$label.setAttribute('for', this.$input.attr('id'));

       * Set placeholder

    }, {
      key: "_setPlaceholder",
      value: function _setPlaceholder() {
        if (this.chipsData !== undefined && !this.chipsData.length && this.options.placeholder) {
          $(this.$input).prop('placeholder', this.options.placeholder);
        } else if ((this.chipsData === undefined || !!this.chipsData.length) && this.options.secondaryPlaceholder) {
          $(this.$input).prop('placeholder', this.options.secondaryPlaceholder);

       * Check if chip is valid
       * @param {chip} chip

    }, {
      key: "_isValid",
      value: function _isValid(chip) {
        if (chip.hasOwnProperty('tag') && chip.tag !== '') {
          var exists = false;
          for (var i = 0; i < this.chipsData.length; i++) {
            if (this.chipsData[i].tag === chip.tag) {
              exists = true;
          return !exists;

        return false;

       * Add chip
       * @param {chip} chip

    }, {
      key: "addChip",
      value: function addChip(chip) {
        if (!this._isValid(chip) || this.chipsData.length >= this.options.limit) {

        var renderedChip = this._renderChip(chip);

        // fire chipAdd callback
        if (typeof this.options.onChipAdd === 'function') {
          this.options.onChipAdd.call(this, this.$el, renderedChip);

       * Delete chip
       * @param {Number} chip

    }, {
      key: "deleteChip",
      value: function deleteChip(chipIndex) {
        var $chip = this.$chips.eq(chipIndex);
        this.$chips = this.$chips.filter(function (el) {
          return $(el).index() >= 0;
        this.chipsData.splice(chipIndex, 1);

        // fire chipDelete callback
        if (typeof this.options.onChipDelete === 'function') {
          this.options.onChipDelete.call(this, this.$el, $chip[0]);

       * Select chip
       * @param {Number} chip

    }, {
      key: "selectChip",
      value: function selectChip(chipIndex) {
        var $chip = this.$chips.eq(chipIndex);
        this._selectedChip = $chip;

        // fire chipSelect callback
        if (typeof this.options.onChipSelect === 'function') {
          this.options.onChipSelect.call(this, this.$el, $chip[0]);
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Chips.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Chips), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Chips;
    }, {
      key: "_handleChipsKeydown",
      value: function _handleChipsKeydown(e) {
        Chips._keydown = true;

        var $chips = $(e.target).closest('.chips');
        var chipsKeydown = e.target && $chips.length;

        // Don't handle keydown inputs on input and textarea
        if ($(e.target).is('input, textarea') || !chipsKeydown) {

        var currChips = $chips[0].M_Chips;

        // backspace and delete
        if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) {

          var selectIndex = currChips.chipsData.length;
          if (currChips._selectedChip) {
            var index = currChips._selectedChip.index();
            currChips._selectedChip = null;

            // Make sure selectIndex doesn't go negative
            selectIndex = Math.max(index - 1, 0);

          if (currChips.chipsData.length) {

          // left arrow key
        } else if (e.keyCode === 37) {
          if (currChips._selectedChip) {
            var _selectIndex = currChips._selectedChip.index() - 1;
            if (_selectIndex < 0) {

          // right arrow key
        } else if (e.keyCode === 39) {
          if (currChips._selectedChip) {
            var _selectIndex2 = currChips._selectedChip.index() + 1;

            if (_selectIndex2 >= currChips.chipsData.length) {
            } else {

       * Handle Chips Keyup
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleChipsKeyup",
      value: function _handleChipsKeyup(e) {
        Chips._keydown = false;

       * Handle Chips Blur
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleChipsBlur",
      value: function _handleChipsBlur(e) {
        if (!Chips._keydown) {
          var $chips = $(e.target).closest('.chips');
          var currChips = $chips[0].M_Chips;

          currChips._selectedChip = null;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Chips;

   * @static
   * @memberof Chips

  Chips._keydown = false;

  M.Chips = Chips;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Chips, 'chips', 'M_Chips');

  $(document).ready(function () {
    // Handle removal of static chips.
    $(document.body).on('click', '.chip .close', function () {
      var $chips = $(this).closest('.chips');
      if ($chips.length && $chips[0].M_Chips) {
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    top: 0,
    bottom: Infinity,
    offset: 0,
    onPositionChange: null

   * @class

  var Pushpin = function (_Component13) {
    _inherits(Pushpin, _Component13);

     * Construct Pushpin instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Pushpin(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Pushpin);

      var _this47 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Pushpin.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Pushpin)).call(this, Pushpin, el, options));

      _this47.el.M_Pushpin = _this47;

       * Options for the modal
       * @member Pushpin#options
      _this47.options = $.extend({}, Pushpin.defaults, options);

      _this47.originalOffset = _this47.el.offsetTop;
      return _this47;

    _createClass(Pushpin, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.style.top = null;

        // Remove pushpin Inst
        var index = Pushpin._pushpins.indexOf(this);
        Pushpin._pushpins.splice(index, 1);
    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        document.addEventListener('scroll', Pushpin._updateElements);
    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        document.removeEventListener('scroll', Pushpin._updateElements);
    }, {
      key: "_updatePosition",
      value: function _updatePosition() {
        var scrolled = M.getDocumentScrollTop() + this.options.offset;

        if (this.options.top <= scrolled && this.options.bottom >= scrolled && !this.el.classList.contains('pinned')) {
          this.el.style.top = this.options.offset + "px";

          // onPositionChange callback
          if (typeof this.options.onPositionChange === 'function') {
            this.options.onPositionChange.call(this, 'pinned');

        // Add pin-top (when scrolled position is above top)
        if (scrolled < this.options.top && !this.el.classList.contains('pin-top')) {
          this.el.style.top = 0;

          // onPositionChange callback
          if (typeof this.options.onPositionChange === 'function') {
            this.options.onPositionChange.call(this, 'pin-top');

        // Add pin-bottom (when scrolled position is below bottom)
        if (scrolled > this.options.bottom && !this.el.classList.contains('pin-bottom')) {
          this.el.style.top = this.options.bottom - this.originalOffset + "px";

          // onPositionChange callback
          if (typeof this.options.onPositionChange === 'function') {
            this.options.onPositionChange.call(this, 'pin-bottom');
    }, {
      key: "_removePinClasses",
      value: function _removePinClasses() {
        // IE 11 bug (can't remove multiple classes in one line)
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Pushpin.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Pushpin), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Pushpin;
    }, {
      key: "_updateElements",
      value: function _updateElements() {
        for (var elIndex in Pushpin._pushpins) {
          var pInstance = Pushpin._pushpins[elIndex];
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Pushpin;

   * @static
   * @memberof Pushpin

  Pushpin._pushpins = [];

  M.Pushpin = Pushpin;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Pushpin, 'pushpin', 'M_Pushpin');
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    direction: 'top',
    hoverEnabled: true,
    toolbarEnabled: false

  $.fn.reverse = [].reverse;

   * @class

  var FloatingActionButton = function (_Component14) {
    _inherits(FloatingActionButton, _Component14);

     * Construct FloatingActionButton instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function FloatingActionButton(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, FloatingActionButton);

      var _this48 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FloatingActionButton.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FloatingActionButton)).call(this, FloatingActionButton, el, options));

      _this48.el.M_FloatingActionButton = _this48;

       * Options for the fab
       * @member FloatingActionButton#options
       * @prop {Boolean} [direction] - Direction fab menu opens
       * @prop {Boolean} [hoverEnabled=true] - Enable hover vs click
       * @prop {Boolean} [toolbarEnabled=false] - Enable toolbar transition
      _this48.options = $.extend({}, FloatingActionButton.defaults, options);

      _this48.isOpen = false;
      _this48.$anchor = _this48.$el.children('a').first();
      _this48.$menu = _this48.$el.children('ul').first();
      _this48.$floatingBtns = _this48.$el.find('ul .btn-floating');
      _this48.$floatingBtnsReverse = _this48.$el.find('ul .btn-floating').reverse();
      _this48.offsetY = 0;
      _this48.offsetX = 0;

      _this48.$el.addClass("direction-" + _this48.options.direction);
      if (_this48.options.direction === 'top') {
        _this48.offsetY = 40;
      } else if (_this48.options.direction === 'right') {
        _this48.offsetX = -40;
      } else if (_this48.options.direction === 'bottom') {
        _this48.offsetY = -40;
      } else {
        _this48.offsetX = 40;
      return _this48;

    _createClass(FloatingActionButton, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_FloatingActionButton = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleFABClickBound = this._handleFABClick.bind(this);
        this._handleOpenBound = this.open.bind(this);
        this._handleCloseBound = this.close.bind(this);

        if (this.options.hoverEnabled && !this.options.toolbarEnabled) {
          this.el.addEventListener('mouseenter', this._handleOpenBound);
          this.el.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleCloseBound);
        } else {
          this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleFABClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        if (this.options.hoverEnabled && !this.options.toolbarEnabled) {
          this.el.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this._handleOpenBound);
          this.el.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleCloseBound);
        } else {
          this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleFABClickBound);

       * Handle FAB Click

    }, {
      key: "_handleFABClick",
      value: function _handleFABClick() {
        if (this.isOpen) {
        } else {

       * Handle Document Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleDocumentClick",
      value: function _handleDocumentClick(e) {
        if (!$(e.target).closest(this.$menu).length) {

       * Open FAB

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        if (this.isOpen) {

        if (this.options.toolbarEnabled) {
        } else {
        this.isOpen = true;

       * Close FAB

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        if (this.options.toolbarEnabled) {
          window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._handleCloseBound, true);
          document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._handleDocumentClickBound, true);
        } else {
        this.isOpen = false;

       * Classic FAB Menu open

    }, {
      key: "_animateInFAB",
      value: function _animateInFAB() {
        var _this49 = this;


        var time = 0;
        this.$floatingBtnsReverse.each(function (el) {
            targets: el,
            opacity: 1,
            scale: [0.4, 1],
            translateY: [_this49.offsetY, 0],
            translateX: [_this49.offsetX, 0],
            duration: 275,
            delay: time,
            easing: 'easeInOutQuad'
          time += 40;

       * Classic FAB Menu close

    }, {
      key: "_animateOutFAB",
      value: function _animateOutFAB() {
        var _this50 = this;

        this.$floatingBtnsReverse.each(function (el) {
            targets: el,
            opacity: 0,
            scale: 0.4,
            translateY: _this50.offsetY,
            translateX: _this50.offsetX,
            duration: 175,
            easing: 'easeOutQuad',
            complete: function () {

       * Toolbar transition Menu open

    }, {
      key: "_animateInToolbar",
      value: function _animateInToolbar() {
        var _this51 = this;

        var scaleFactor = void 0;
        var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
        var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
        var btnRect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
        var backdrop = $('<div class="fab-backdrop"></div>');
        var fabColor = this.$anchor.css('background-color');

        this.offsetX = btnRect.left - windowWidth / 2 + btnRect.width / 2;
        this.offsetY = windowHeight - btnRect.bottom;
        scaleFactor = windowWidth / backdrop[0].clientWidth;
        this.btnBottom = btnRect.bottom;
        this.btnLeft = btnRect.left;
        this.btnWidth = btnRect.width;

        // Set initial state
          'text-align': 'center',
          width: '100%',
          bottom: 0,
          left: 0,
          transform: 'translateX(' + this.offsetX + 'px)',
          transition: 'none'
          transform: 'translateY(' + -this.offsetY + 'px)',
          transition: 'none'
          'background-color': fabColor

        setTimeout(function () {
            transform: '',
            transition: 'transform .2s cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.085, 0.680, 0.530), background-color 0s linear .2s'
            overflow: 'visible',
            transform: '',
            transition: 'transform .2s'

          setTimeout(function () {
              overflow: 'hidden',
              'background-color': fabColor
              transform: 'scale(' + scaleFactor + ')',
              transition: 'transform .2s cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)'
              opacity: 1

            // Scroll to close.
            _this51._handleDocumentClickBound = _this51._handleDocumentClick.bind(_this51);
            window.addEventListener('scroll', _this51._handleCloseBound, true);
            document.body.addEventListener('click', _this51._handleDocumentClickBound, true);
          }, 100);
        }, 0);

       * Toolbar transition Menu close

    }, {
      key: "_animateOutToolbar",
      value: function _animateOutToolbar() {
        var _this52 = this;

        var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
        var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
        var backdrop = this.$el.find('.fab-backdrop');
        var fabColor = this.$anchor.css('background-color');

        this.offsetX = this.btnLeft - windowWidth / 2 + this.btnWidth / 2;
        this.offsetY = windowHeight - this.btnBottom;

        // Hide backdrop
          'background-color': 'transparent',
          transition: 'none'
          transition: 'none'
          transform: 'scale(0)',
          'background-color': fabColor
          opacity: ''

        setTimeout(function () {

          // Set initial state.
            'text-align': '',
            width: '',
            bottom: '',
            left: '',
            overflow: '',
            'background-color': '',
            transform: 'translate3d(' + -_this52.offsetX + 'px,0,0)'
            overflow: '',
            transform: 'translate3d(0,' + _this52.offsetY + 'px,0)'

          setTimeout(function () {
              transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0)',
              transition: 'transform .2s'
              transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0)',
              transition: 'transform .2s cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)'
          }, 20);
        }, 200);
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(FloatingActionButton.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FloatingActionButton), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_FloatingActionButton;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return FloatingActionButton;

  M.FloatingActionButton = FloatingActionButton;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(FloatingActionButton, 'floatingActionButton', 'M_FloatingActionButton');
})(cash, M.anime);
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    // Close when date is selected
    autoClose: false,

    // the default output format for the input field value
    format: 'mmm dd, yyyy',

    // Used to create date object from current input string
    parse: null,

    // The initial date to view when first opened
    defaultDate: null,

    // Make the `defaultDate` the initial selected value
    setDefaultDate: false,

    disableWeekends: false,

    disableDayFn: null,

    // First day of week (0: Sunday, 1: Monday etc)
    firstDay: 0,

    // The earliest date that can be selected
    minDate: null,
    // Thelatest date that can be selected
    maxDate: null,

    // Number of years either side, or array of upper/lower range
    yearRange: 10,

    // used internally (don't config outside)
    minYear: 0,
    maxYear: 9999,
    minMonth: undefined,
    maxMonth: undefined,

    startRange: null,
    endRange: null,

    isRTL: false,

    // Render the month after year in the calendar title
    showMonthAfterYear: false,

    // Render days of the calendar grid that fall in the next or previous month
    showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths: false,

    // Specify a DOM element to render the calendar in
    container: null,

    // Show clear button
    showClearBtn: false,

    // internationalization
    i18n: {
      cancel: 'Cancel',
      clear: 'Clear',
      done: 'Ok',
      previousMonth: '‹',
      nextMonth: '›',
      months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
      monthsShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
      weekdays: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
      weekdaysShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
      weekdaysAbbrev: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S']

    // events array
    events: [],

    // callback function
    onSelect: null,
    onOpen: null,
    onClose: null,
    onDraw: null

   * @class

  var Datepicker = function (_Component15) {
    _inherits(Datepicker, _Component15);

     * Construct Datepicker instance and set up overlay
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Datepicker(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Datepicker);

      var _this53 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Datepicker.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Datepicker)).call(this, Datepicker, el, options));

      _this53.el.M_Datepicker = _this53;

      _this53.options = $.extend({}, Datepicker.defaults, options);

      // make sure i18n defaults are not lost when only few i18n option properties are passed
      if (!!options && options.hasOwnProperty('i18n') && typeof options.i18n === 'object') {
        _this53.options.i18n = $.extend({}, Datepicker.defaults.i18n, options.i18n);

      // Remove time component from minDate and maxDate options
      if (_this53.options.minDate) _this53.options.minDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
      if (_this53.options.maxDate) _this53.options.maxDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

      _this53.id = M.guid();



      if (!_this53.options.defaultDate) {
        _this53.options.defaultDate = new Date(Date.parse(_this53.el.value));

      var defDate = _this53.options.defaultDate;
      if (Datepicker._isDate(defDate)) {
        if (_this53.options.setDefaultDate) {
          _this53.setDate(defDate, true);
        } else {
      } else {
        _this53.gotoDate(new Date());

       * Describes open/close state of datepicker
       * @type {Boolean}
      _this53.isOpen = false;
      return _this53;

    _createClass(Datepicker, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Datepicker = undefined;
    }, {
      key: "destroySelects",
      value: function destroySelects() {
        var oldYearSelect = this.calendarEl.querySelector('.orig-select-year');
        if (oldYearSelect) {
        var oldMonthSelect = this.calendarEl.querySelector('.orig-select-month');
        if (oldMonthSelect) {
    }, {
      key: "_insertHTMLIntoDOM",
      value: function _insertHTMLIntoDOM() {
        if (this.options.showClearBtn) {
          $(this.clearBtn).css({ visibility: '' });
          this.clearBtn.innerHTML = this.options.i18n.clear;

        this.doneBtn.innerHTML = this.options.i18n.done;
        this.cancelBtn.innerHTML = this.options.i18n.cancel;

        if (this.options.container) {
        } else {
    }, {
      key: "_setupModal",
      value: function _setupModal() {
        var _this54 = this;

        this.modalEl.id = 'modal-' + this.id;
        this.modal = M.Modal.init(this.modalEl, {
          onCloseEnd: function () {
            _this54.isOpen = false;
    }, {
      key: "toString",
      value: function toString(format) {
        var _this55 = this;

        format = format || this.options.format;
        if (!Datepicker._isDate(this.date)) {
          return '';

        var formatArray = format.split(/(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|y{4}|yy|!.)/g);
        var formattedDate = formatArray.map(function (label) {
          if (_this55.formats[label]) {
            return _this55.formats[label]();

          return label;
        return formattedDate;
    }, {
      key: "setDate",
      value: function setDate(date, preventOnSelect) {
        if (!date) {
          this.date = null;
          return this.draw();
        if (typeof date === 'string') {
          date = new Date(Date.parse(date));
        if (!Datepicker._isDate(date)) {

        var min = this.options.minDate,
            max = this.options.maxDate;

        if (Datepicker._isDate(min) && date < min) {
          date = min;
        } else if (Datepicker._isDate(max) && date > max) {
          date = max;

        this.date = new Date(date.getTime());



        if (!preventOnSelect && typeof this.options.onSelect === 'function') {
          this.options.onSelect.call(this, this.date);
    }, {
      key: "setInputValue",
      value: function setInputValue() {
        this.el.value = this.toString();
        this.$el.trigger('change', { firedBy: this });
    }, {
      key: "_renderDateDisplay",
      value: function _renderDateDisplay() {
        var displayDate = Datepicker._isDate(this.date) ? this.date : new Date();
        var i18n = this.options.i18n;
        var day = i18n.weekdaysShort[displayDate.getDay()];
        var month = i18n.monthsShort[displayDate.getMonth()];
        var date = displayDate.getDate();
        this.yearTextEl.innerHTML = displayDate.getFullYear();
        this.dateTextEl.innerHTML = day + ", " + month + " " + date;

       * change view to a specific date

    }, {
      key: "gotoDate",
      value: function gotoDate(date) {
        var newCalendar = true;

        if (!Datepicker._isDate(date)) {

        if (this.calendars) {
          var firstVisibleDate = new Date(this.calendars[0].year, this.calendars[0].month, 1),
              lastVisibleDate = new Date(this.calendars[this.calendars.length - 1].year, this.calendars[this.calendars.length - 1].month, 1),
              visibleDate = date.getTime();
          // get the end of the month
          lastVisibleDate.setMonth(lastVisibleDate.getMonth() + 1);
          lastVisibleDate.setDate(lastVisibleDate.getDate() - 1);
          newCalendar = visibleDate < firstVisibleDate.getTime() || lastVisibleDate.getTime() < visibleDate;

        if (newCalendar) {
          this.calendars = [{
            month: date.getMonth(),
            year: date.getFullYear()

    }, {
      key: "adjustCalendars",
      value: function adjustCalendars() {
        this.calendars[0] = this.adjustCalendar(this.calendars[0]);
    }, {
      key: "adjustCalendar",
      value: function adjustCalendar(calendar) {
        if (calendar.month < 0) {
          calendar.year -= Math.ceil(Math.abs(calendar.month) / 12);
          calendar.month += 12;
        if (calendar.month > 11) {
          calendar.year += Math.floor(Math.abs(calendar.month) / 12);
          calendar.month -= 12;
        return calendar;
    }, {
      key: "nextMonth",
      value: function nextMonth() {
    }, {
      key: "prevMonth",
      value: function prevMonth() {
    }, {
      key: "render",
      value: function render(year, month, randId) {
        var opts = this.options,
            now = new Date(),
            days = Datepicker._getDaysInMonth(year, month),
            before = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay(),
            data = [],
            row = [];
        if (opts.firstDay > 0) {
          before -= opts.firstDay;
          if (before < 0) {
            before += 7;
        var previousMonth = month === 0 ? 11 : month - 1,
            nextMonth = month === 11 ? 0 : month + 1,
            yearOfPreviousMonth = month === 0 ? year - 1 : year,
            yearOfNextMonth = month === 11 ? year + 1 : year,
            daysInPreviousMonth = Datepicker._getDaysInMonth(yearOfPreviousMonth, previousMonth);
        var cells = days + before,
            after = cells;
        while (after > 7) {
          after -= 7;
        cells += 7 - after;
        var isWeekSelected = false;
        for (var i = 0, r = 0; i < cells; i++) {
          var day = new Date(year, month, 1 + (i - before)),
              isSelected = Datepicker._isDate(this.date) ? Datepicker._compareDates(day, this.date) : false,
              isToday = Datepicker._compareDates(day, now),
              hasEvent = opts.events.indexOf(day.toDateString()) !== -1 ? true : false,
              isEmpty = i < before || i >= days + before,
              dayNumber = 1 + (i - before),
              monthNumber = month,
              yearNumber = year,
              isStartRange = opts.startRange && Datepicker._compareDates(opts.startRange, day),
              isEndRange = opts.endRange && Datepicker._compareDates(opts.endRange, day),
              isInRange = opts.startRange && opts.endRange && opts.startRange < day && day < opts.endRange,
              isDisabled = opts.minDate && day < opts.minDate || opts.maxDate && day > opts.maxDate || opts.disableWeekends && Datepicker._isWeekend(day) || opts.disableDayFn && opts.disableDayFn(day);

          if (isEmpty) {
            if (i < before) {
              dayNumber = daysInPreviousMonth + dayNumber;
              monthNumber = previousMonth;
              yearNumber = yearOfPreviousMonth;
            } else {
              dayNumber = dayNumber - days;
              monthNumber = nextMonth;
              yearNumber = yearOfNextMonth;

          var dayConfig = {
            day: dayNumber,
            month: monthNumber,
            year: yearNumber,
            hasEvent: hasEvent,
            isSelected: isSelected,
            isToday: isToday,
            isDisabled: isDisabled,
            isEmpty: isEmpty,
            isStartRange: isStartRange,
            isEndRange: isEndRange,
            isInRange: isInRange,
            showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths: opts.showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths


          if (++r === 7) {
            data.push(this.renderRow(row, opts.isRTL, isWeekSelected));
            row = [];
            r = 0;
            isWeekSelected = false;
        return this.renderTable(opts, data, randId);
    }, {
      key: "renderDay",
      value: function renderDay(opts) {
        var arr = [];
        var ariaSelected = 'false';
        if (opts.isEmpty) {
          if (opts.showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths) {
          } else {
            return '<td class="is-empty"></td>';
        if (opts.isDisabled) {

        if (opts.isToday) {
        if (opts.isSelected) {
          ariaSelected = 'true';
        if (opts.hasEvent) {
        if (opts.isInRange) {
        if (opts.isStartRange) {
        if (opts.isEndRange) {
        return "<td data-day=\"" + opts.day + "\" class=\"" + arr.join(' ') + "\" aria-selected=\"" + ariaSelected + "\">" + ("<button class=\"datepicker-day-button\" type=\"button\" data-year=\"" + opts.year + "\" data-month=\"" + opts.month + "\" data-day=\"" + opts.day + "\">" + opts.day + "</button>") + '</td>';
    }, {
      key: "renderRow",
      value: function renderRow(days, isRTL, isRowSelected) {
        return '<tr class="datepicker-row' + (isRowSelected ? ' is-selected' : '') + '">' + (isRTL ? days.reverse() : days).join('') + '</tr>';
    }, {
      key: "renderTable",
      value: function renderTable(opts, data, randId) {
        return '<div class="datepicker-table-wrapper"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="datepicker-table" role="grid" aria-labelledby="' + randId + '">' + this.renderHead(opts) + this.renderBody(data) + '</table></div>';
    }, {
      key: "renderHead",
      value: function renderHead(opts) {
        var i = void 0,
            arr = [];
        for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
          arr.push("<th scope=\"col\"><abbr title=\"" + this.renderDayName(opts, i) + "\">" + this.renderDayName(opts, i, true) + "</abbr></th>");
        return '<thead><tr>' + (opts.isRTL ? arr.reverse() : arr).join('') + '</tr></thead>';
    }, {
      key: "renderBody",
      value: function renderBody(rows) {
        return '<tbody>' + rows.join('') + '</tbody>';
    }, {
      key: "renderTitle",
      value: function renderTitle(instance, c, year, month, refYear, randId) {
        var i = void 0,
            j = void 0,
            arr = void 0,
            opts = this.options,
            isMinYear = year === opts.minYear,
            isMaxYear = year === opts.maxYear,
            html = '<div id="' + randId + '" class="datepicker-controls" role="heading" aria-live="assertive">',
            monthHtml = void 0,
            yearHtml = void 0,
            prev = true,
            next = true;

        for (arr = [], i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
          arr.push('<option value="' + (year === refYear ? i - c : 12 + i - c) + '"' + (i === month ? ' selected="selected"' : '') + (isMinYear && i < opts.minMonth || isMaxYear && i > opts.maxMonth ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '') + '>' + opts.i18n.months[i] + '</option>');

        monthHtml = '<select class="datepicker-select orig-select-month" tabindex="-1">' + arr.join('') + '</select>';

        if ($.isArray(opts.yearRange)) {
          i = opts.yearRange[0];
          j = opts.yearRange[1] + 1;
        } else {
          i = year - opts.yearRange;
          j = 1 + year + opts.yearRange;

        for (arr = []; i < j && i <= opts.maxYear; i++) {
          if (i >= opts.minYear) {
            arr.push("<option value=\"" + i + "\" " + (i === year ? 'selected="selected"' : '') + ">" + i + "</option>");

        yearHtml = "<select class=\"datepicker-select orig-select-year\" tabindex=\"-1\">" + arr.join('') + "</select>";

        var leftArrow = '<svg fill="#000000" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M15.41 16.09l-4.58-4.59 4.58-4.59L14 5.5l-6 6 6 6z"/><path d="M0-.5h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>';
        html += "<button class=\"month-prev" + (prev ? '' : ' is-disabled') + "\" type=\"button\">" + leftArrow + "</button>";

        html += '<div class="selects-container">';
        if (opts.showMonthAfterYear) {
          html += yearHtml + monthHtml;
        } else {
          html += monthHtml + yearHtml;
        html += '</div>';

        if (isMinYear && (month === 0 || opts.minMonth >= month)) {
          prev = false;

        if (isMaxYear && (month === 11 || opts.maxMonth <= month)) {
          next = false;

        var rightArrow = '<svg fill="#000000" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M8.59 16.34l4.58-4.59-4.58-4.59L10 5.75l6 6-6 6z"/><path d="M0-.25h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>';
        html += "<button class=\"month-next" + (next ? '' : ' is-disabled') + "\" type=\"button\">" + rightArrow + "</button>";

        return html += '</div>';

       * refresh the HTML

    }, {
      key: "draw",
      value: function draw(force) {
        if (!this.isOpen && !force) {
        var opts = this.options,
            minYear = opts.minYear,
            maxYear = opts.maxYear,
            minMonth = opts.minMonth,
            maxMonth = opts.maxMonth,
            html = '',
            randId = void 0;

        if (this._y <= minYear) {
          this._y = minYear;
          if (!isNaN(minMonth) && this._m < minMonth) {
            this._m = minMonth;
        if (this._y >= maxYear) {
          this._y = maxYear;
          if (!isNaN(maxMonth) && this._m > maxMonth) {
            this._m = maxMonth;

        randId = 'datepicker-title-' + Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 2);

        for (var c = 0; c < 1; c++) {
          html += this.renderTitle(this, c, this.calendars[c].year, this.calendars[c].month, this.calendars[0].year, randId) + this.render(this.calendars[c].year, this.calendars[c].month, randId);


        this.calendarEl.innerHTML = html;

        // Init Materialize Select
        var yearSelect = this.calendarEl.querySelector('.orig-select-year');
        var monthSelect = this.calendarEl.querySelector('.orig-select-month');
        M.FormSelect.init(yearSelect, {
          classes: 'select-year',
          dropdownOptions: { container: document.body, constrainWidth: false }
        M.FormSelect.init(monthSelect, {
          classes: 'select-month',
          dropdownOptions: { container: document.body, constrainWidth: false }

        // Add change handlers for select
        yearSelect.addEventListener('change', this._handleYearChange.bind(this));
        monthSelect.addEventListener('change', this._handleMonthChange.bind(this));

        if (typeof this.options.onDraw === 'function') {

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleInputKeydownBound = this._handleInputKeydown.bind(this);
        this._handleInputClickBound = this._handleInputClick.bind(this);
        this._handleInputChangeBound = this._handleInputChange.bind(this);
        this._handleCalendarClickBound = this._handleCalendarClick.bind(this);
        this._finishSelectionBound = this._finishSelection.bind(this);
        this._handleMonthChange = this._handleMonthChange.bind(this);
        this._closeBound = this.close.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('change', this._handleInputChangeBound);
        this.calendarEl.addEventListener('click', this._handleCalendarClickBound);
        this.doneBtn.addEventListener('click', this._finishSelectionBound);
        this.cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', this._closeBound);

        if (this.options.showClearBtn) {
          this._handleClearClickBound = this._handleClearClick.bind(this);
          this.clearBtn.addEventListener('click', this._handleClearClickBound);
    }, {
      key: "_setupVariables",
      value: function _setupVariables() {
        var _this56 = this;

        this.$modalEl = $(Datepicker._template);
        this.modalEl = this.$modalEl[0];

        this.calendarEl = this.modalEl.querySelector('.datepicker-calendar');

        this.yearTextEl = this.modalEl.querySelector('.year-text');
        this.dateTextEl = this.modalEl.querySelector('.date-text');
        if (this.options.showClearBtn) {
          this.clearBtn = this.modalEl.querySelector('.datepicker-clear');
        this.doneBtn = this.modalEl.querySelector('.datepicker-done');
        this.cancelBtn = this.modalEl.querySelector('.datepicker-cancel');

        this.formats = {
          d: function () {
            return _this56.date.getDate();
          dd: function () {
            var d = _this56.date.getDate();
            return (d < 10 ? '0' : '') + d;
          ddd: function () {
            return _this56.options.i18n.weekdaysShort[_this56.date.getDay()];
          dddd: function () {
            return _this56.options.i18n.weekdays[_this56.date.getDay()];
          m: function () {
            return _this56.date.getMonth() + 1;
          mm: function () {
            var m = _this56.date.getMonth() + 1;
            return (m < 10 ? '0' : '') + m;
          mmm: function () {
            return _this56.options.i18n.monthsShort[_this56.date.getMonth()];
          mmmm: function () {
            return _this56.options.i18n.months[_this56.date.getMonth()];
          yy: function () {
            return ('' + _this56.date.getFullYear()).slice(2);
          yyyy: function () {
            return _this56.date.getFullYear();

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('change', this._handleInputChangeBound);
        this.calendarEl.removeEventListener('click', this._handleCalendarClickBound);
    }, {
      key: "_handleInputClick",
      value: function _handleInputClick() {
    }, {
      key: "_handleInputKeydown",
      value: function _handleInputKeydown(e) {
        if (e.which === M.keys.ENTER) {
    }, {
      key: "_handleCalendarClick",
      value: function _handleCalendarClick(e) {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        var $target = $(e.target);
        if (!$target.hasClass('is-disabled')) {
          if ($target.hasClass('datepicker-day-button') && !$target.hasClass('is-empty') && !$target.parent().hasClass('is-disabled')) {
            this.setDate(new Date(e.target.getAttribute('data-year'), e.target.getAttribute('data-month'), e.target.getAttribute('data-day')));
            if (this.options.autoClose) {
          } else if ($target.closest('.month-prev').length) {
          } else if ($target.closest('.month-next').length) {
    }, {
      key: "_handleClearClick",
      value: function _handleClearClick() {
        this.date = null;
    }, {
      key: "_handleMonthChange",
      value: function _handleMonthChange(e) {
    }, {
      key: "_handleYearChange",
      value: function _handleYearChange(e) {

       * change view to a specific month (zero-index, e.g. 0: January)

    }, {
      key: "gotoMonth",
      value: function gotoMonth(month) {
        if (!isNaN(month)) {
          this.calendars[0].month = parseInt(month, 10);

       * change view to a specific full year (e.g. "2012")

    }, {
      key: "gotoYear",
      value: function gotoYear(year) {
        if (!isNaN(year)) {
          this.calendars[0].year = parseInt(year, 10);
    }, {
      key: "_handleInputChange",
      value: function _handleInputChange(e) {
        var date = void 0;

        // Prevent change event from being fired when triggered by the plugin
        if (e.firedBy === this) {
        if (this.options.parse) {
          date = this.options.parse(this.el.value, this.options.format);
        } else {
          date = new Date(Date.parse(this.el.value));

        if (Datepicker._isDate(date)) {
    }, {
      key: "renderDayName",
      value: function renderDayName(opts, day, abbr) {
        day += opts.firstDay;
        while (day >= 7) {
          day -= 7;
        return abbr ? opts.i18n.weekdaysAbbrev[day] : opts.i18n.weekdays[day];

       * Set input value to the selected date and close Datepicker

    }, {
      key: "_finishSelection",
      value: function _finishSelection() {

       * Open Datepicker

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        if (this.isOpen) {

        this.isOpen = true;
        if (typeof this.options.onOpen === 'function') {
        return this;

       * Close Datepicker

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        this.isOpen = false;
        if (typeof this.options.onClose === 'function') {
        return this;
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Datepicker.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Datepicker), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);
    }, {
      key: "_isDate",
      value: function _isDate(obj) {
        return (/Date/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)) && !isNaN(obj.getTime())
    }, {
      key: "_isWeekend",
      value: function _isWeekend(date) {
        var day = date.getDay();
        return day === 0 || day === 6;
    }, {
      key: "_setToStartOfDay",
      value: function _setToStartOfDay(date) {
        if (Datepicker._isDate(date)) date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
    }, {
      key: "_getDaysInMonth",
      value: function _getDaysInMonth(year, month) {
        return [31, Datepicker._isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month];
    }, {
      key: "_isLeapYear",
      value: function _isLeapYear(year) {
        // solution by Matti Virkkunen: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4881951
        return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0;
    }, {
      key: "_compareDates",
      value: function _compareDates(a, b) {
        // weak date comparison (use setToStartOfDay(date) to ensure correct result)
        return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
    }, {
      key: "_setToStartOfDay",
      value: function _setToStartOfDay(date) {
        if (Datepicker._isDate(date)) date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Datepicker;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Datepicker;

  Datepicker._template = ['<div class= "modal datepicker-modal">', '<div class="modal-content datepicker-container">', '<div class="datepicker-date-display">', '<span class="year-text"></span>', '<span class="date-text"></span>', '</div>', '<div class="datepicker-calendar-container">', '<div class="datepicker-calendar"></div>', '<div class="datepicker-footer">', '<button class="btn-flat datepicker-clear waves-effect" style="visibility: hidden;" type="button"></button>', '<div class="confirmation-btns">', '<button class="btn-flat datepicker-cancel waves-effect" type="button"></button>', '<button class="btn-flat datepicker-done waves-effect" type="button"></button>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>'].join('');

  M.Datepicker = Datepicker;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Datepicker, 'datepicker', 'M_Datepicker');
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    dialRadius: 135,
    outerRadius: 105,
    innerRadius: 70,
    tickRadius: 20,
    duration: 350,
    container: null,
    defaultTime: 'now', // default time, 'now' or '13:14' e.g.
    fromNow: 0, // Millisecond offset from the defaultTime
    showClearBtn: false,

    // internationalization
    i18n: {
      cancel: 'Cancel',
      clear: 'Clear',
      done: 'Ok'

    autoClose: false, // auto close when minute is selected
    twelveHour: true, // change to 12 hour AM/PM clock from 24 hour
    vibrate: true, // vibrate the device when dragging clock hand

    // Callbacks
    onOpenStart: null,
    onOpenEnd: null,
    onCloseStart: null,
    onCloseEnd: null,
    onSelect: null

   * @class

  var Timepicker = function (_Component16) {
    _inherits(Timepicker, _Component16);

    function Timepicker(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Timepicker);

      var _this57 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Timepicker.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Timepicker)).call(this, Timepicker, el, options));

      _this57.el.M_Timepicker = _this57;

      _this57.options = $.extend({}, Timepicker.defaults, options);

      _this57.id = M.guid();

      return _this57;

    _createClass(Timepicker, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Timepicker = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleInputKeydownBound = this._handleInputKeydown.bind(this);
        this._handleInputClickBound = this._handleInputClick.bind(this);
        this._handleClockClickStartBound = this._handleClockClickStart.bind(this);
        this._handleDocumentClickMoveBound = this._handleDocumentClickMove.bind(this);
        this._handleDocumentClickEndBound = this._handleDocumentClickEnd.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);
        this.plate.addEventListener('mousedown', this._handleClockClickStartBound);
        this.plate.addEventListener('touchstart', this._handleClockClickStartBound);

        $(this.spanHours).on('click', this.showView.bind(this, 'hours'));
        $(this.spanMinutes).on('click', this.showView.bind(this, 'minutes'));
    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeydownBound);
    }, {
      key: "_handleInputClick",
      value: function _handleInputClick() {
    }, {
      key: "_handleInputKeydown",
      value: function _handleInputKeydown(e) {
        if (e.which === M.keys.ENTER) {
    }, {
      key: "_handleClockClickStart",
      value: function _handleClockClickStart(e) {
        var clockPlateBR = this.plate.getBoundingClientRect();
        var offset = { x: clockPlateBR.left, y: clockPlateBR.top };

        this.x0 = offset.x + this.options.dialRadius;
        this.y0 = offset.y + this.options.dialRadius;
        this.moved = false;
        var clickPos = Timepicker._Pos(e);
        this.dx = clickPos.x - this.x0;
        this.dy = clickPos.y - this.y0;

        // Set clock hands
        this.setHand(this.dx, this.dy, false);

        // Mousemove on document
        document.addEventListener('mousemove', this._handleDocumentClickMoveBound);
        document.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleDocumentClickMoveBound);

        // Mouseup on document
        document.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleDocumentClickEndBound);
        document.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleDocumentClickEndBound);
    }, {
      key: "_handleDocumentClickMove",
      value: function _handleDocumentClickMove(e) {
        var clickPos = Timepicker._Pos(e);
        var x = clickPos.x - this.x0;
        var y = clickPos.y - this.y0;
        this.moved = true;
        this.setHand(x, y, false, true);
    }, {
      key: "_handleDocumentClickEnd",
      value: function _handleDocumentClickEnd(e) {
        var _this58 = this;

        document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleDocumentClickEndBound);
        document.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleDocumentClickEndBound);
        var clickPos = Timepicker._Pos(e);
        var x = clickPos.x - this.x0;
        var y = clickPos.y - this.y0;
        if (this.moved && x === this.dx && y === this.dy) {
          this.setHand(x, y);

        if (this.currentView === 'hours') {
          this.showView('minutes', this.options.duration / 2);
        } else if (this.options.autoClose) {
          setTimeout(function () {
          }, this.options.duration / 2);

        if (typeof this.options.onSelect === 'function') {
          this.options.onSelect.call(this, this.hours, this.minutes);

        // Unbind mousemove event
        document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._handleDocumentClickMoveBound);
        document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleDocumentClickMoveBound);
    }, {
      key: "_insertHTMLIntoDOM",
      value: function _insertHTMLIntoDOM() {
        this.$modalEl = $(Timepicker._template);
        this.modalEl = this.$modalEl[0];
        this.modalEl.id = 'modal-' + this.id;

        // Append popover to input by default
        var containerEl = document.querySelector(this.options.container);
        if (this.options.container && !!containerEl) {
        } else {
    }, {
      key: "_setupModal",
      value: function _setupModal() {
        var _this59 = this;

        this.modal = M.Modal.init(this.modalEl, {
          onOpenStart: this.options.onOpenStart,
          onOpenEnd: this.options.onOpenEnd,
          onCloseStart: this.options.onCloseStart,
          onCloseEnd: function () {
            if (typeof _this59.options.onCloseEnd === 'function') {
            _this59.isOpen = false;
    }, {
      key: "_setupVariables",
      value: function _setupVariables() {
        this.currentView = 'hours';
        this.vibrate = navigator.vibrate ? 'vibrate' : navigator.webkitVibrate ? 'webkitVibrate' : null;

        this._canvas = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-canvas');
        this.plate = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-plate');

        this.hoursView = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-hours');
        this.minutesView = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-minutes');
        this.spanHours = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-span-hours');
        this.spanMinutes = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-span-minutes');
        this.spanAmPm = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-span-am-pm');
        this.footer = this.modalEl.querySelector('.timepicker-footer');
        this.amOrPm = 'PM';
    }, {
      key: "_pickerSetup",
      value: function _pickerSetup() {
        var $clearBtn = $("<button class=\"btn-flat timepicker-clear waves-effect\" style=\"visibility: hidden;\" type=\"button\" tabindex=\"" + (this.options.twelveHour ? '3' : '1') + "\">" + this.options.i18n.clear + "</button>").appendTo(this.footer).on('click', this.clear.bind(this));
        if (this.options.showClearBtn) {
          $clearBtn.css({ visibility: '' });

        var confirmationBtnsContainer = $('<div class="confirmation-btns"></div>');
        $('<button class="btn-flat timepicker-close waves-effect" type="button" tabindex="' + (this.options.twelveHour ? '3' : '1') + '">' + this.options.i18n.cancel + '</button>').appendTo(confirmationBtnsContainer).on('click', this.close.bind(this));
        $('<button class="btn-flat timepicker-close waves-effect" type="button" tabindex="' + (this.options.twelveHour ? '3' : '1') + '">' + this.options.i18n.done + '</button>').appendTo(confirmationBtnsContainer).on('click', this.done.bind(this));
    }, {
      key: "_clockSetup",
      value: function _clockSetup() {
        if (this.options.twelveHour) {
          this.$amBtn = $('<div class="am-btn">AM</div>');
          this.$pmBtn = $('<div class="pm-btn">PM</div>');
          this.$amBtn.on('click', this._handleAmPmClick.bind(this)).appendTo(this.spanAmPm);
          this.$pmBtn.on('click', this._handleAmPmClick.bind(this)).appendTo(this.spanAmPm);

    }, {
      key: "_buildSVGClock",
      value: function _buildSVGClock() {
        // Draw clock hands and others
        var dialRadius = this.options.dialRadius;
        var tickRadius = this.options.tickRadius;
        var diameter = dialRadius * 2;

        var svg = Timepicker._createSVGEl('svg');
        svg.setAttribute('class', 'timepicker-svg');
        svg.setAttribute('width', diameter);
        svg.setAttribute('height', diameter);
        var g = Timepicker._createSVGEl('g');
        g.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + dialRadius + ',' + dialRadius + ')');
        var bearing = Timepicker._createSVGEl('circle');
        bearing.setAttribute('class', 'timepicker-canvas-bearing');
        bearing.setAttribute('cx', 0);
        bearing.setAttribute('cy', 0);
        bearing.setAttribute('r', 4);
        var hand = Timepicker._createSVGEl('line');
        hand.setAttribute('x1', 0);
        hand.setAttribute('y1', 0);
        var bg = Timepicker._createSVGEl('circle');
        bg.setAttribute('class', 'timepicker-canvas-bg');
        bg.setAttribute('r', tickRadius);

        this.hand = hand;
        this.bg = bg;
        this.bearing = bearing;
        this.g = g;
    }, {
      key: "_buildHoursView",
      value: function _buildHoursView() {
        var $tick = $('<div class="timepicker-tick"></div>');
        // Hours view
        if (this.options.twelveHour) {
          for (var i = 1; i < 13; i += 1) {
            var tick = $tick.clone();
            var radian = i / 6 * Math.PI;
            var radius = this.options.outerRadius;
              left: this.options.dialRadius + Math.sin(radian) * radius - this.options.tickRadius + 'px',
              top: this.options.dialRadius - Math.cos(radian) * radius - this.options.tickRadius + 'px'
            tick.html(i === 0 ? '00' : i);
            // tick.on(mousedownEvent, mousedown);
        } else {
          for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < 24; _i2 += 1) {
            var _tick = $tick.clone();
            var _radian = _i2 / 6 * Math.PI;
            var inner = _i2 > 0 && _i2 < 13;
            var _radius = inner ? this.options.innerRadius : this.options.outerRadius;
              left: this.options.dialRadius + Math.sin(_radian) * _radius - this.options.tickRadius + 'px',
              top: this.options.dialRadius - Math.cos(_radian) * _radius - this.options.tickRadius + 'px'
            _tick.html(_i2 === 0 ? '00' : _i2);
            // tick.on(mousedownEvent, mousedown);
    }, {
      key: "_buildMinutesView",
      value: function _buildMinutesView() {
        var $tick = $('<div class="timepicker-tick"></div>');
        // Minutes view
        for (var i = 0; i < 60; i += 5) {
          var tick = $tick.clone();
          var radian = i / 30 * Math.PI;
            left: this.options.dialRadius + Math.sin(radian) * this.options.outerRadius - this.options.tickRadius + 'px',
            top: this.options.dialRadius - Math.cos(radian) * this.options.outerRadius - this.options.tickRadius + 'px'
    }, {
      key: "_handleAmPmClick",
      value: function _handleAmPmClick(e) {
        var $btnClicked = $(e.target);
        this.amOrPm = $btnClicked.hasClass('am-btn') ? 'AM' : 'PM';
    }, {
      key: "_updateAmPmView",
      value: function _updateAmPmView() {
        if (this.options.twelveHour) {
          this.$amBtn.toggleClass('text-primary', this.amOrPm === 'AM');
          this.$pmBtn.toggleClass('text-primary', this.amOrPm === 'PM');
    }, {
      key: "_updateTimeFromInput",
      value: function _updateTimeFromInput() {
        // Get the time
        var value = ((this.el.value || this.options.defaultTime || '') + '').split(':');
        if (this.options.twelveHour && !(typeof value[1] === 'undefined')) {
          if (value[1].toUpperCase().indexOf('AM') > 0) {
            this.amOrPm = 'AM';
          } else {
            this.amOrPm = 'PM';
          value[1] = value[1].replace('AM', '').replace('PM', '');
        if (value[0] === 'now') {
          var now = new Date(+new Date() + this.options.fromNow);
          value = [now.getHours(), now.getMinutes()];
          if (this.options.twelveHour) {
            this.amOrPm = value[0] >= 12 && value[0] < 24 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
        this.hours = +value[0] || 0;
        this.minutes = +value[1] || 0;
        this.spanHours.innerHTML = this.hours;
        this.spanMinutes.innerHTML = Timepicker._addLeadingZero(this.minutes);

    }, {
      key: "showView",
      value: function showView(view, delay) {
        if (view === 'minutes' && $(this.hoursView).css('visibility') === 'visible') {
          // raiseCallback(this.options.beforeHourSelect);
        var isHours = view === 'hours',
            nextView = isHours ? this.hoursView : this.minutesView,
            hideView = isHours ? this.minutesView : this.hoursView;
        this.currentView = view;

        $(this.spanHours).toggleClass('text-primary', isHours);
        $(this.spanMinutes).toggleClass('text-primary', !isHours);

        // Transition view
        $(nextView).css('visibility', 'visible').removeClass('timepicker-dial-out');

        // Reset clock hand

        // After transitions ended
        this.toggleViewTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          $(hideView).css('visibility', 'hidden');
        }, this.options.duration);
    }, {
      key: "resetClock",
      value: function resetClock(delay) {
        var view = this.currentView,
            value = this[view],
            isHours = view === 'hours',
            unit = Math.PI / (isHours ? 6 : 30),
            radian = value * unit,
            radius = isHours && value > 0 && value < 13 ? this.options.innerRadius : this.options.outerRadius,
            x = Math.sin(radian) * radius,
            y = -Math.cos(radian) * radius,
            self = this;

        if (delay) {
          setTimeout(function () {
            self.setHand(x, y);
          }, delay);
        } else {
          this.setHand(x, y);
    }, {
      key: "setHand",
      value: function setHand(x, y, roundBy5) {
        var _this60 = this;

        var radian = Math.atan2(x, -y),
            isHours = this.currentView === 'hours',
            unit = Math.PI / (isHours || roundBy5 ? 6 : 30),
            z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
            inner = isHours && z < (this.options.outerRadius + this.options.innerRadius) / 2,
            radius = inner ? this.options.innerRadius : this.options.outerRadius;

        if (this.options.twelveHour) {
          radius = this.options.outerRadius;

        // Radian should in range [0, 2PI]
        if (radian < 0) {
          radian = Math.PI * 2 + radian;

        // Get the round value
        var value = Math.round(radian / unit);

        // Get the round radian
        radian = value * unit;

        // Correct the hours or minutes
        if (this.options.twelveHour) {
          if (isHours) {
            if (value === 0) value = 12;
          } else {
            if (roundBy5) value *= 5;
            if (value === 60) value = 0;
        } else {
          if (isHours) {
            if (value === 12) {
              value = 0;
            value = inner ? value === 0 ? 12 : value : value === 0 ? 0 : value + 12;
          } else {
            if (roundBy5) {
              value *= 5;
            if (value === 60) {
              value = 0;

        // Once hours or minutes changed, vibrate the device
        if (this[this.currentView] !== value) {
          if (this.vibrate && this.options.vibrate) {
            // Do not vibrate too frequently
            if (!this.vibrateTimer) {
              this.vibrateTimer = setTimeout(function () {
                _this60.vibrateTimer = null;
              }, 100);

        this[this.currentView] = value;
        if (isHours) {
          this['spanHours'].innerHTML = value;
        } else {
          this['spanMinutes'].innerHTML = Timepicker._addLeadingZero(value);

        // Set clock hand and others' position
        var cx1 = Math.sin(radian) * (radius - this.options.tickRadius),
            cy1 = -Math.cos(radian) * (radius - this.options.tickRadius),
            cx2 = Math.sin(radian) * radius,
            cy2 = -Math.cos(radian) * radius;
        this.hand.setAttribute('x2', cx1);
        this.hand.setAttribute('y2', cy1);
        this.bg.setAttribute('cx', cx2);
        this.bg.setAttribute('cy', cy2);
    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        if (this.isOpen) {

        this.isOpen = true;

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        this.isOpen = false;

       * Finish timepicker selection.

    }, {
      key: "done",
      value: function done(e, clearValue) {
        // Set input value
        var last = this.el.value;
        var value = clearValue ? '' : Timepicker._addLeadingZero(this.hours) + ':' + Timepicker._addLeadingZero(this.minutes);
        this.time = value;
        if (!clearValue && this.options.twelveHour) {
          value = value + " " + this.amOrPm;
        this.el.value = value;

        // Trigger change event
        if (value !== last) {

    }, {
      key: "clear",
      value: function clear() {
        this.done(null, true);
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Timepicker.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Timepicker), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);
    }, {
      key: "_addLeadingZero",
      value: function _addLeadingZero(num) {
        return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
    }, {
      key: "_createSVGEl",
      value: function _createSVGEl(name) {
        var svgNS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
        return document.createElementNS(svgNS, name);

       * @typedef {Object} Point
       * @property {number} x The X Coordinate
       * @property {number} y The Y Coordinate

       * Get x position of mouse or touch event
       * @param {Event} e
       * @return {Point} x and y location

    }, {
      key: "_Pos",
      value: function _Pos(e) {
        if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length >= 1) {
          return { x: e.targetTouches[0].clientX, y: e.targetTouches[0].clientY };
        // mouse event
        return { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY };

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Timepicker;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Timepicker;

  Timepicker._template = ['<div class= "modal timepicker-modal">', '<div class="modal-content timepicker-container">', '<div class="timepicker-digital-display">', '<div class="timepicker-text-container">', '<div class="timepicker-display-column">', '<span class="timepicker-span-hours text-primary"></span>', ':', '<span class="timepicker-span-minutes"></span>', '</div>', '<div class="timepicker-display-column timepicker-display-am-pm">', '<div class="timepicker-span-am-pm"></div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="timepicker-analog-display">', '<div class="timepicker-plate">', '<div class="timepicker-canvas"></div>', '<div class="timepicker-dial timepicker-hours"></div>', '<div class="timepicker-dial timepicker-minutes timepicker-dial-out"></div>', '</div>', '<div class="timepicker-footer"></div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>'].join('');

  M.Timepicker = Timepicker;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Timepicker, 'timepicker', 'M_Timepicker');
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {};

   * @class

  var CharacterCounter = function (_Component17) {
    _inherits(CharacterCounter, _Component17);

     * Construct CharacterCounter instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function CharacterCounter(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, CharacterCounter);

      var _this61 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (CharacterCounter.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(CharacterCounter)).call(this, CharacterCounter, el, options));

      _this61.el.M_CharacterCounter = _this61;

       * Options for the character counter
      _this61.options = $.extend({}, CharacterCounter.defaults, options);

      _this61.isInvalid = false;
      _this61.isValidLength = false;
      return _this61;

    _createClass(CharacterCounter, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.CharacterCounter = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleUpdateCounterBound = this.updateCounter.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('focus', this._handleUpdateCounterBound, true);
        this.el.addEventListener('input', this._handleUpdateCounterBound, true);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('focus', this._handleUpdateCounterBound, true);
        this.el.removeEventListener('input', this._handleUpdateCounterBound, true);

       * Setup counter element

    }, {
      key: "_setupCounter",
      value: function _setupCounter() {
        this.counterEl = document.createElement('span');
          float: 'right',
          'font-size': '12px',
          height: 1


       * Remove counter element

    }, {
      key: "_removeCounter",
      value: function _removeCounter() {

       * Update counter

    }, {
      key: "updateCounter",
      value: function updateCounter() {
        var maxLength = +this.$el.attr('data-length'),
            actualLength = this.el.value.length;
        this.isValidLength = actualLength <= maxLength;
        var counterString = actualLength;

        if (maxLength) {
          counterString += '/' + maxLength;


       * Add validation classes

    }, {
      key: "_validateInput",
      value: function _validateInput() {
        if (this.isValidLength && this.isInvalid) {
          this.isInvalid = false;
        } else if (!this.isValidLength && !this.isInvalid) {
          this.isInvalid = true;
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(CharacterCounter.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(CharacterCounter), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_CharacterCounter;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return CharacterCounter;

  M.CharacterCounter = CharacterCounter;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(CharacterCounter, 'characterCounter', 'M_CharacterCounter');
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    duration: 200, // ms
    dist: -100, // zoom scale TODO: make this more intuitive as an option
    shift: 0, // spacing for center image
    padding: 0, // Padding between non center items
    numVisible: 5, // Number of visible items in carousel
    fullWidth: false, // Change to full width styles
    indicators: false, // Toggle indicators
    noWrap: false, // Don't wrap around and cycle through items.
    onCycleTo: null // Callback for when a new slide is cycled to.

   * @class

  var Carousel = function (_Component18) {
    _inherits(Carousel, _Component18);

     * Construct Carousel instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Carousel(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Carousel);

      var _this62 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Carousel.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Carousel)).call(this, Carousel, el, options));

      _this62.el.M_Carousel = _this62;

       * Options for the carousel
       * @member Carousel#options
       * @prop {Number} duration
       * @prop {Number} dist
       * @prop {Number} shift
       * @prop {Number} padding
       * @prop {Number} numVisible
       * @prop {Boolean} fullWidth
       * @prop {Boolean} indicators
       * @prop {Boolean} noWrap
       * @prop {Function} onCycleTo
      _this62.options = $.extend({}, Carousel.defaults, options);

      // Setup
      _this62.hasMultipleSlides = _this62.$el.find('.carousel-item').length > 1;
      _this62.showIndicators = _this62.options.indicators && _this62.hasMultipleSlides;
      _this62.noWrap = _this62.options.noWrap || !_this62.hasMultipleSlides;
      _this62.pressed = false;
      _this62.dragged = false;
      _this62.offset = _this62.target = 0;
      _this62.images = [];
      _this62.itemWidth = _this62.$el.find('.carousel-item').first().innerWidth();
      _this62.itemHeight = _this62.$el.find('.carousel-item').first().innerHeight();
      _this62.dim = _this62.itemWidth * 2 + _this62.options.padding || 1; // Make sure dim is non zero for divisions.
      _this62._autoScrollBound = _this62._autoScroll.bind(_this62);
      _this62._trackBound = _this62._track.bind(_this62);

      // Full Width carousel setup
      if (_this62.options.fullWidth) {
        _this62.options.dist = 0;

        // Offset fixed items when indicators.
        if (_this62.showIndicators) {

      // Iterate through slides
      _this62.$indicators = $('<ul class="indicators"></ul>');
      _this62.$el.find('.carousel-item').each(function (el, i) {
        if (_this62.showIndicators) {
          var $indicator = $('<li class="indicator-item"></li>');

          // Add active to first by default.
          if (i === 0) {

      if (_this62.showIndicators) {
      _this62.count = _this62.images.length;

      // Cap numVisible at count
      _this62.options.numVisible = Math.min(_this62.count, _this62.options.numVisible);

      // Setup cross browser string
      _this62.xform = 'transform';
      ['webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'ms'].every(function (prefix) {
        var e = prefix + 'Transform';
        if (typeof document.body.style[e] !== 'undefined') {
          _this62.xform = e;
          return false;
        return true;

      return _this62;

    _createClass(Carousel, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Carousel = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        var _this63 = this;

        this._handleCarouselTapBound = this._handleCarouselTap.bind(this);
        this._handleCarouselDragBound = this._handleCarouselDrag.bind(this);
        this._handleCarouselReleaseBound = this._handleCarouselRelease.bind(this);
        this._handleCarouselClickBound = this._handleCarouselClick.bind(this);

        if (typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined') {
          this.el.addEventListener('touchstart', this._handleCarouselTapBound);
          this.el.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleCarouselDragBound);
          this.el.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleCarouselReleaseBound);

        this.el.addEventListener('mousedown', this._handleCarouselTapBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('mousemove', this._handleCarouselDragBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleCarouselReleaseBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleCarouselReleaseBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleCarouselClickBound);

        if (this.showIndicators && this.$indicators) {
          this._handleIndicatorClickBound = this._handleIndicatorClick.bind(this);
          this.$indicators.find('.indicator-item').each(function (el, i) {
            el.addEventListener('click', _this63._handleIndicatorClickBound);

        // Resize
        var throttledResize = M.throttle(this._handleResize, 200);
        this._handleThrottledResizeBound = throttledResize.bind(this);

        window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleThrottledResizeBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        var _this64 = this;

        if (typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined') {
          this.el.removeEventListener('touchstart', this._handleCarouselTapBound);
          this.el.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleCarouselDragBound);
          this.el.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleCarouselReleaseBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._handleCarouselTapBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._handleCarouselDragBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleCarouselReleaseBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._handleCarouselReleaseBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleCarouselClickBound);

        if (this.showIndicators && this.$indicators) {
          this.$indicators.find('.indicator-item').each(function (el, i) {
            el.removeEventListener('click', _this64._handleIndicatorClickBound);

        window.removeEventListener('resize', this._handleThrottledResizeBound);

       * Handle Carousel Tap
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCarouselTap",
      value: function _handleCarouselTap(e) {
        // Fixes firefox draggable image bug
        if (e.type === 'mousedown' && $(e.target).is('img')) {
        this.pressed = true;
        this.dragged = false;
        this.verticalDragged = false;
        this.reference = this._xpos(e);
        this.referenceY = this._ypos(e);

        this.velocity = this.amplitude = 0;
        this.frame = this.offset;
        this.timestamp = Date.now();
        this.ticker = setInterval(this._trackBound, 100);

       * Handle Carousel Drag
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCarouselDrag",
      value: function _handleCarouselDrag(e) {
        var x = void 0,
            y = void 0,
            delta = void 0,
            deltaY = void 0;
        if (this.pressed) {
          x = this._xpos(e);
          y = this._ypos(e);
          delta = this.reference - x;
          deltaY = Math.abs(this.referenceY - y);
          if (deltaY < 30 && !this.verticalDragged) {
            // If vertical scrolling don't allow dragging.
            if (delta > 2 || delta < -2) {
              this.dragged = true;
              this.reference = x;
              this._scroll(this.offset + delta);
          } else if (this.dragged) {
            // If dragging don't allow vertical scroll.
            return false;
          } else {
            // Vertical scrolling.
            this.verticalDragged = true;

        if (this.dragged) {
          // If dragging don't allow vertical scroll.
          return false;

       * Handle Carousel Release
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCarouselRelease",
      value: function _handleCarouselRelease(e) {
        if (this.pressed) {
          this.pressed = false;
        } else {

        this.target = this.offset;
        if (this.velocity > 10 || this.velocity < -10) {
          this.amplitude = 0.9 * this.velocity;
          this.target = this.offset + this.amplitude;
        this.target = Math.round(this.target / this.dim) * this.dim;

        // No wrap of items.
        if (this.noWrap) {
          if (this.target >= this.dim * (this.count - 1)) {
            this.target = this.dim * (this.count - 1);
          } else if (this.target < 0) {
            this.target = 0;
        this.amplitude = this.target - this.offset;
        this.timestamp = Date.now();

        if (this.dragged) {
        return false;

       * Handle Carousel CLick
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleCarouselClick",
      value: function _handleCarouselClick(e) {
        // Disable clicks if carousel was dragged.
        if (this.dragged) {
          return false;
        } else if (!this.options.fullWidth) {
          var clickedIndex = $(e.target).closest('.carousel-item').index();
          var diff = this._wrap(this.center) - clickedIndex;

          // Disable clicks if carousel was shifted by click
          if (diff !== 0) {

       * Handle Indicator CLick
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleIndicatorClick",
      value: function _handleIndicatorClick(e) {

        var indicator = $(e.target).closest('.indicator-item');
        if (indicator.length) {

       * Handle Throttle Resize
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleResize",
      value: function _handleResize(e) {
        if (this.options.fullWidth) {
          this.itemWidth = this.$el.find('.carousel-item').first().innerWidth();
          this.imageHeight = this.$el.find('.carousel-item.active').height();
          this.dim = this.itemWidth * 2 + this.options.padding;
          this.offset = this.center * 2 * this.itemWidth;
          this.target = this.offset;
        } else {

       * Set carousel height based on first slide
       * @param {Booleam} imageOnly - true for image slides

    }, {
      key: "_setCarouselHeight",
      value: function _setCarouselHeight(imageOnly) {
        var _this65 = this;

        var firstSlide = this.$el.find('.carousel-item.active').length ? this.$el.find('.carousel-item.active').first() : this.$el.find('.carousel-item').first();
        var firstImage = firstSlide.find('img').first();
        if (firstImage.length) {
          if (firstImage[0].complete) {
            // If image won't trigger the load event
            var imageHeight = firstImage.height();
            if (imageHeight > 0) {
              this.$el.css('height', imageHeight + 'px');
            } else {
              // If image still has no height, use the natural dimensions to calculate
              var naturalWidth = firstImage[0].naturalWidth;
              var naturalHeight = firstImage[0].naturalHeight;
              var adjustedHeight = this.$el.width() / naturalWidth * naturalHeight;
              this.$el.css('height', adjustedHeight + 'px');
          } else {
            // Get height when image is loaded normally
            firstImage.one('load', function (el, i) {
              _this65.$el.css('height', el.offsetHeight + 'px');
        } else if (!imageOnly) {
          var slideHeight = firstSlide.height();
          this.$el.css('height', slideHeight + 'px');

       * Get x position from event
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_xpos",
      value: function _xpos(e) {
        // touch event
        if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length >= 1) {
          return e.targetTouches[0].clientX;

        // mouse event
        return e.clientX;

       * Get y position from event
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_ypos",
      value: function _ypos(e) {
        // touch event
        if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length >= 1) {
          return e.targetTouches[0].clientY;

        // mouse event
        return e.clientY;

       * Wrap index
       * @param {Number} x

    }, {
      key: "_wrap",
      value: function _wrap(x) {
        return x >= this.count ? x % this.count : x < 0 ? this._wrap(this.count + x % this.count) : x;

       * Tracks scrolling information

    }, {
      key: "_track",
      value: function _track() {
        var now = void 0,
            elapsed = void 0,
            delta = void 0,
            v = void 0;

        now = Date.now();
        elapsed = now - this.timestamp;
        this.timestamp = now;
        delta = this.offset - this.frame;
        this.frame = this.offset;

        v = 1000 * delta / (1 + elapsed);
        this.velocity = 0.8 * v + 0.2 * this.velocity;

       * Auto scrolls to nearest carousel item.

    }, {
      key: "_autoScroll",
      value: function _autoScroll() {
        var elapsed = void 0,
            delta = void 0;

        if (this.amplitude) {
          elapsed = Date.now() - this.timestamp;
          delta = this.amplitude * Math.exp(-elapsed / this.options.duration);
          if (delta > 2 || delta < -2) {
            this._scroll(this.target - delta);
          } else {

       * Scroll to target
       * @param {Number} x

    }, {
      key: "_scroll",
      value: function _scroll(x) {
        var _this66 = this;

        // Track scrolling state
        if (!this.$el.hasClass('scrolling')) {
        if (this.scrollingTimeout != null) {
        this.scrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
        }, this.options.duration);

        // Start actual scroll
        var i = void 0,
            half = void 0,
            delta = void 0,
            dir = void 0,
            tween = void 0,
            el = void 0,
            alignment = void 0,
            zTranslation = void 0,
            tweenedOpacity = void 0,
            centerTweenedOpacity = void 0;
        var lastCenter = this.center;
        var numVisibleOffset = 1 / this.options.numVisible;

        this.offset = typeof x === 'number' ? x : this.offset;
        this.center = Math.floor((this.offset + this.dim / 2) / this.dim);
        delta = this.offset - this.center * this.dim;
        dir = delta < 0 ? 1 : -1;
        tween = -dir * delta * 2 / this.dim;
        half = this.count >> 1;

        if (this.options.fullWidth) {
          alignment = 'translateX(0)';
          centerTweenedOpacity = 1;
        } else {
          alignment = 'translateX(' + (this.el.clientWidth - this.itemWidth) / 2 + 'px) ';
          alignment += 'translateY(' + (this.el.clientHeight - this.itemHeight) / 2 + 'px)';
          centerTweenedOpacity = 1 - numVisibleOffset * tween;

        // Set indicator active
        if (this.showIndicators) {
          var diff = this.center % this.count;
          var activeIndicator = this.$indicators.find('.indicator-item.active');
          if (activeIndicator.index() !== diff) {

        // center
        // Don't show wrapped items.
        if (!this.noWrap || this.center >= 0 && this.center < this.count) {
          el = this.images[this._wrap(this.center)];

          // Add active class to center item.
          if (!$(el).hasClass('active')) {
          var transformString = alignment + " translateX(" + -delta / 2 + "px) translateX(" + dir * this.options.shift * tween * i + "px) translateZ(" + this.options.dist * tween + "px)";
          this._updateItemStyle(el, centerTweenedOpacity, 0, transformString);

        for (i = 1; i <= half; ++i) {
          // right side
          if (this.options.fullWidth) {
            zTranslation = this.options.dist;
            tweenedOpacity = i === half && delta < 0 ? 1 - tween : 1;
          } else {
            zTranslation = this.options.dist * (i * 2 + tween * dir);
            tweenedOpacity = 1 - numVisibleOffset * (i * 2 + tween * dir);
          // Don't show wrapped items.
          if (!this.noWrap || this.center + i < this.count) {
            el = this.images[this._wrap(this.center + i)];
            var _transformString = alignment + " translateX(" + (this.options.shift + (this.dim * i - delta) / 2) + "px) translateZ(" + zTranslation + "px)";
            this._updateItemStyle(el, tweenedOpacity, -i, _transformString);

          // left side
          if (this.options.fullWidth) {
            zTranslation = this.options.dist;
            tweenedOpacity = i === half && delta > 0 ? 1 - tween : 1;
          } else {
            zTranslation = this.options.dist * (i * 2 - tween * dir);
            tweenedOpacity = 1 - numVisibleOffset * (i * 2 - tween * dir);
          // Don't show wrapped items.
          if (!this.noWrap || this.center - i >= 0) {
            el = this.images[this._wrap(this.center - i)];
            var _transformString2 = alignment + " translateX(" + (-this.options.shift + (-this.dim * i - delta) / 2) + "px) translateZ(" + zTranslation + "px)";
            this._updateItemStyle(el, tweenedOpacity, -i, _transformString2);

        // center
        // Don't show wrapped items.
        if (!this.noWrap || this.center >= 0 && this.center < this.count) {
          el = this.images[this._wrap(this.center)];
          var _transformString3 = alignment + " translateX(" + -delta / 2 + "px) translateX(" + dir * this.options.shift * tween + "px) translateZ(" + this.options.dist * tween + "px)";
          this._updateItemStyle(el, centerTweenedOpacity, 0, _transformString3);

        // onCycleTo callback
        var $currItem = this.$el.find('.carousel-item').eq(this._wrap(this.center));
        if (lastCenter !== this.center && typeof this.options.onCycleTo === 'function') {
          this.options.onCycleTo.call(this, $currItem[0], this.dragged);

        // One time callback
        if (typeof this.oneTimeCallback === 'function') {
          this.oneTimeCallback.call(this, $currItem[0], this.dragged);
          this.oneTimeCallback = null;

       * Cycle to target
       * @param {Element} el
       * @param {Number} opacity
       * @param {Number} zIndex
       * @param {String} transform

    }, {
      key: "_updateItemStyle",
      value: function _updateItemStyle(el, opacity, zIndex, transform) {
        el.style[this.xform] = transform;
        el.style.zIndex = zIndex;
        el.style.opacity = opacity;
        el.style.visibility = 'visible';

       * Cycle to target
       * @param {Number} n
       * @param {Function} callback

    }, {
      key: "_cycleTo",
      value: function _cycleTo(n, callback) {
        var diff = this.center % this.count - n;

        // Account for wraparound.
        if (!this.noWrap) {
          if (diff < 0) {
            if (Math.abs(diff + this.count) < Math.abs(diff)) {
              diff += this.count;
          } else if (diff > 0) {
            if (Math.abs(diff - this.count) < diff) {
              diff -= this.count;

        this.target = this.dim * Math.round(this.offset / this.dim);
        // Next
        if (diff < 0) {
          this.target += this.dim * Math.abs(diff);

          // Prev
        } else if (diff > 0) {
          this.target -= this.dim * diff;

        // Set one time callback
        if (typeof callback === 'function') {
          this.oneTimeCallback = callback;

        // Scroll
        if (this.offset !== this.target) {
          this.amplitude = this.target - this.offset;
          this.timestamp = Date.now();

       * Cycle to next item
       * @param {Number} [n]

    }, {
      key: "next",
      value: function next(n) {
        if (n === undefined || isNaN(n)) {
          n = 1;

        var index = this.center + n;
        if (index >= this.count || index < 0) {
          if (this.noWrap) {

          index = this._wrap(index);

       * Cycle to previous item
       * @param {Number} [n]

    }, {
      key: "prev",
      value: function prev(n) {
        if (n === undefined || isNaN(n)) {
          n = 1;

        var index = this.center - n;
        if (index >= this.count || index < 0) {
          if (this.noWrap) {

          index = this._wrap(index);


       * Cycle to nth item
       * @param {Number} [n]
       * @param {Function} callback

    }, {
      key: "set",
      value: function set(n, callback) {
        if (n === undefined || isNaN(n)) {
          n = 0;

        if (n > this.count || n < 0) {
          if (this.noWrap) {

          n = this._wrap(n);

        this._cycleTo(n, callback);
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Carousel.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Carousel), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Carousel;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Carousel;

  M.Carousel = Carousel;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Carousel, 'carousel', 'M_Carousel');
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    onOpen: undefined,
    onClose: undefined

   * @class

  var TapTarget = function (_Component19) {
    _inherits(TapTarget, _Component19);

     * Construct TapTarget instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function TapTarget(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, TapTarget);

      var _this67 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (TapTarget.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(TapTarget)).call(this, TapTarget, el, options));

      _this67.el.M_TapTarget = _this67;

       * Options for the select
       * @member TapTarget#options
       * @prop {Function} onOpen - Callback function called when feature discovery is opened
       * @prop {Function} onClose - Callback function called when feature discovery is closed
      _this67.options = $.extend({}, TapTarget.defaults, options);

      _this67.isOpen = false;

      // setup
      _this67.$origin = $('#' + _this67.$el.attr('data-target'));

      return _this67;

    _createClass(TapTarget, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.TapTarget = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleDocumentClickBound = this._handleDocumentClick.bind(this);
        this._handleTargetClickBound = this._handleTargetClick.bind(this);
        this._handleOriginClickBound = this._handleOriginClick.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('click', this._handleTargetClickBound);
        this.originEl.addEventListener('click', this._handleOriginClickBound);

        // Resize
        var throttledResize = M.throttle(this._handleResize, 200);
        this._handleThrottledResizeBound = throttledResize.bind(this);

        window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleThrottledResizeBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('click', this._handleTargetClickBound);
        this.originEl.removeEventListener('click', this._handleOriginClickBound);
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this._handleThrottledResizeBound);

       * Handle Target Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleTargetClick",
      value: function _handleTargetClick(e) {

       * Handle Origin Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleOriginClick",
      value: function _handleOriginClick(e) {

       * Handle Resize
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleResize",
      value: function _handleResize(e) {

       * Handle Resize
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleDocumentClick",
      value: function _handleDocumentClick(e) {
        if (!$(e.target).closest('.tap-target-wrapper').length) {

       * Setup Tap Target

    }, {
      key: "_setup",
      value: function _setup() {
        // Creating tap target
        this.wrapper = this.$el.parent()[0];
        this.waveEl = $(this.wrapper).find('.tap-target-wave')[0];
        this.originEl = $(this.wrapper).find('.tap-target-origin')[0];
        this.contentEl = this.$el.find('.tap-target-content')[0];

        // Creating wrapper
        if (!$(this.wrapper).hasClass('.tap-target-wrapper')) {
          this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');

        // Creating content
        if (!this.contentEl) {
          this.contentEl = document.createElement('div');

        // Creating foreground wave
        if (!this.waveEl) {
          this.waveEl = document.createElement('div');

          // Creating origin
          if (!this.originEl) {
            this.originEl = this.$origin.clone(true, true);
            this.originEl = this.originEl[0];


       * Calculate positioning

    }, {
      key: "_calculatePositioning",
      value: function _calculatePositioning() {
        // Element or parent is fixed position?
        var isFixed = this.$origin.css('position') === 'fixed';
        if (!isFixed) {
          var parents = this.$origin.parents();
          for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
            isFixed = $(parents[i]).css('position') == 'fixed';
            if (isFixed) {

        // Calculating origin
        var originWidth = this.$origin.outerWidth();
        var originHeight = this.$origin.outerHeight();
        var originTop = isFixed ? this.$origin.offset().top - M.getDocumentScrollTop() : this.$origin.offset().top;
        var originLeft = isFixed ? this.$origin.offset().left - M.getDocumentScrollLeft() : this.$origin.offset().left;

        // Calculating screen
        var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
        var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
        var centerX = windowWidth / 2;
        var centerY = windowHeight / 2;
        var isLeft = originLeft <= centerX;
        var isRight = originLeft > centerX;
        var isTop = originTop <= centerY;
        var isBottom = originTop > centerY;
        var isCenterX = originLeft >= windowWidth * 0.25 && originLeft <= windowWidth * 0.75;

        // Calculating tap target
        var tapTargetWidth = this.$el.outerWidth();
        var tapTargetHeight = this.$el.outerHeight();
        var tapTargetTop = originTop + originHeight / 2 - tapTargetHeight / 2;
        var tapTargetLeft = originLeft + originWidth / 2 - tapTargetWidth / 2;
        var tapTargetPosition = isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';

        // Calculating content
        var tapTargetTextWidth = isCenterX ? tapTargetWidth : tapTargetWidth / 2 + originWidth;
        var tapTargetTextHeight = tapTargetHeight / 2;
        var tapTargetTextTop = isTop ? tapTargetHeight / 2 : 0;
        var tapTargetTextBottom = 0;
        var tapTargetTextLeft = isLeft && !isCenterX ? tapTargetWidth / 2 - originWidth : 0;
        var tapTargetTextRight = 0;
        var tapTargetTextPadding = originWidth;
        var tapTargetTextAlign = isBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top';

        // Calculating wave
        var tapTargetWaveWidth = originWidth > originHeight ? originWidth * 2 : originWidth * 2;
        var tapTargetWaveHeight = tapTargetWaveWidth;
        var tapTargetWaveTop = tapTargetHeight / 2 - tapTargetWaveHeight / 2;
        var tapTargetWaveLeft = tapTargetWidth / 2 - tapTargetWaveWidth / 2;

        // Setting tap target
        var tapTargetWrapperCssObj = {};
        tapTargetWrapperCssObj.top = isTop ? tapTargetTop + 'px' : '';
        tapTargetWrapperCssObj.right = isRight ? windowWidth - tapTargetLeft - tapTargetWidth + 'px' : '';
        tapTargetWrapperCssObj.bottom = isBottom ? windowHeight - tapTargetTop - tapTargetHeight + 'px' : '';
        tapTargetWrapperCssObj.left = isLeft ? tapTargetLeft + 'px' : '';
        tapTargetWrapperCssObj.position = tapTargetPosition;

        // Setting content
          width: tapTargetTextWidth + 'px',
          height: tapTargetTextHeight + 'px',
          top: tapTargetTextTop + 'px',
          right: tapTargetTextRight + 'px',
          bottom: tapTargetTextBottom + 'px',
          left: tapTargetTextLeft + 'px',
          padding: tapTargetTextPadding + 'px',
          verticalAlign: tapTargetTextAlign

        // Setting wave
          top: tapTargetWaveTop + 'px',
          left: tapTargetWaveLeft + 'px',
          width: tapTargetWaveWidth + 'px',
          height: tapTargetWaveHeight + 'px'

       * Open TapTarget

    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        if (this.isOpen) {

        // onOpen callback
        if (typeof this.options.onOpen === 'function') {
          this.options.onOpen.call(this, this.$origin[0]);

        this.isOpen = true;

        document.body.addEventListener('click', this._handleDocumentClickBound, true);
        document.body.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleDocumentClickBound);

       * Close Tap Target

    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {

        // onClose callback
        if (typeof this.options.onClose === 'function') {
          this.options.onClose.call(this, this.$origin[0]);

        this.isOpen = false;

        document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._handleDocumentClickBound, true);
        document.body.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleDocumentClickBound);
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(TapTarget.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(TapTarget), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_TapTarget;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return TapTarget;

  M.TapTarget = TapTarget;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(TapTarget, 'tapTarget', 'M_TapTarget');
;(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {
    classes: '',
    dropdownOptions: {}

   * @class

  var FormSelect = function (_Component20) {
    _inherits(FormSelect, _Component20);

     * Construct FormSelect instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function FormSelect(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, FormSelect);

      // Don't init if browser default version
      var _this68 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FormSelect.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormSelect)).call(this, FormSelect, el, options));

      if (_this68.$el.hasClass('browser-default')) {
        return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this68);

      _this68.el.M_FormSelect = _this68;

       * Options for the select
       * @member FormSelect#options
      _this68.options = $.extend({}, FormSelect.defaults, options);

      _this68.isMultiple = _this68.$el.prop('multiple');

      // Setup
      _this68.el.tabIndex = -1;
      _this68._keysSelected = {};
      _this68._valueDict = {}; // Maps key to original and generated option element.

      return _this68;

    _createClass(FormSelect, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_FormSelect = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        var _this69 = this;

        this._handleSelectChangeBound = this._handleSelectChange.bind(this);
        this._handleOptionClickBound = this._handleOptionClick.bind(this);
        this._handleInputClickBound = this._handleInputClick.bind(this);

        $(this.dropdownOptions).find('li:not(.optgroup)').each(function (el) {
          el.addEventListener('click', _this69._handleOptionClickBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('change', this._handleSelectChangeBound);
        this.input.addEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        var _this70 = this;

        $(this.dropdownOptions).find('li:not(.optgroup)').each(function (el) {
          el.removeEventListener('click', _this70._handleOptionClickBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('change', this._handleSelectChangeBound);
        this.input.removeEventListener('click', this._handleInputClickBound);

       * Handle Select Change
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleSelectChange",
      value: function _handleSelectChange(e) {

       * Handle Option Click
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleOptionClick",
      value: function _handleOptionClick(e) {
        var option = $(e.target).closest('li')[0];
        var key = option.id;
        if (!$(option).hasClass('disabled') && !$(option).hasClass('optgroup') && key.length) {
          var selected = true;

          if (this.isMultiple) {
            // Deselect placeholder option if still selected.
            var placeholderOption = $(this.dropdownOptions).find('li.disabled.selected');
            if (placeholderOption.length) {
              placeholderOption.find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false);
            selected = this._toggleEntryFromArray(key);
          } else {
            $(option).toggleClass('selected', selected);

          // Set selected on original select option
          // Only trigger if selected state changed
          var prevSelected = $(this._valueDict[key].el).prop('selected');
          if (prevSelected !== selected) {
            $(this._valueDict[key].el).prop('selected', selected);


       * Handle Input Click

    }, {
      key: "_handleInputClick",
      value: function _handleInputClick() {
        if (this.dropdown && this.dropdown.isOpen) {

       * Setup dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_setupDropdown",
      value: function _setupDropdown() {
        var _this71 = this;

        this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');
        $(this.wrapper).addClass('select-wrapper ' + this.options.classes);

        if (this.el.disabled) {

        // Create dropdown
        this.$selectOptions = this.$el.children('option, optgroup');
        this.dropdownOptions = document.createElement('ul');
        this.dropdownOptions.id = "select-options-" + M.guid();
        $(this.dropdownOptions).addClass('dropdown-content select-dropdown ' + (this.isMultiple ? 'multiple-select-dropdown' : ''));

        // Create dropdown structure.
        if (this.$selectOptions.length) {
          this.$selectOptions.each(function (el) {
            if ($(el).is('option')) {
              // Direct descendant option.
              var optionEl = void 0;
              if (_this71.isMultiple) {
                optionEl = _this71._appendOptionWithIcon(_this71.$el, el, 'multiple');
              } else {
                optionEl = _this71._appendOptionWithIcon(_this71.$el, el);

              _this71._addOptionToValueDict(el, optionEl);
            } else if ($(el).is('optgroup')) {
              // Optgroup.
              var selectOptions = $(el).children('option');
              $(_this71.dropdownOptions).append($('<li class="optgroup"><span>' + el.getAttribute('label') + '</span></li>')[0]);

              selectOptions.each(function (el) {
                var optionEl = _this71._appendOptionWithIcon(_this71.$el, el, 'optgroup-option');
                _this71._addOptionToValueDict(el, optionEl);


        // Add input dropdown
        this.input = document.createElement('input');
        $(this.input).addClass('select-dropdown dropdown-trigger');
        this.input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
        this.input.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');
        this.input.setAttribute('data-target', this.dropdownOptions.id);
        if (this.el.disabled) {
          $(this.input).prop('disabled', 'true');


        // Add caret
        var dropdownIcon = $('<svg class="caret" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M7 10l5 5 5-5z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>');

        // Initialize dropdown
        if (!this.el.disabled) {
          var dropdownOptions = $.extend({}, this.options.dropdownOptions);

          // Add callback for centering selected option when dropdown content is scrollable
          dropdownOptions.onOpenEnd = function (el) {
            var selectedOption = $(_this71.dropdownOptions).find('.selected').first();

            if (selectedOption.length) {
              // Focus selected option in dropdown
              M.keyDown = true;
              _this71.dropdown.focusedIndex = selectedOption.index();
              M.keyDown = false;

              // Handle scrolling to selected option
              if (_this71.dropdown.isScrollable) {
                var scrollOffset = selectedOption[0].getBoundingClientRect().top - _this71.dropdownOptions.getBoundingClientRect().top; // scroll to selected option
                scrollOffset -= _this71.dropdownOptions.clientHeight / 2; // center in dropdown
                _this71.dropdownOptions.scrollTop = scrollOffset;

          if (this.isMultiple) {
            dropdownOptions.closeOnClick = false;
          this.dropdown = M.Dropdown.init(this.input, dropdownOptions);

        // Add initial selections

       * Add option to value dict
       * @param {Element} el  original option element
       * @param {Element} optionEl  generated option element

    }, {
      key: "_addOptionToValueDict",
      value: function _addOptionToValueDict(el, optionEl) {
        var index = Object.keys(this._valueDict).length;
        var key = this.dropdownOptions.id + index;
        var obj = {};
        optionEl.id = key;

        obj.el = el;
        obj.optionEl = optionEl;
        this._valueDict[key] = obj;

       * Remove dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_removeDropdown",
      value: function _removeDropdown() {

       * Setup dropdown
       * @param {Element} select  select element
       * @param {Element} option  option element from select
       * @param {String} type
       * @return {Element}  option element added

    }, {
      key: "_appendOptionWithIcon",
      value: function _appendOptionWithIcon(select, option, type) {
        // Add disabled attr if disabled
        var disabledClass = option.disabled ? 'disabled ' : '';
        var optgroupClass = type === 'optgroup-option' ? 'optgroup-option ' : '';
        var multipleCheckbox = this.isMultiple ? "<label><input type=\"checkbox\"" + disabledClass + "\"/><span>" + option.innerHTML + "</span></label>" : option.innerHTML;
        var liEl = $('<li></li>');
        var spanEl = $('<span></span>');
        liEl.addClass(disabledClass + " " + optgroupClass);

        // add icons
        var iconUrl = option.getAttribute('data-icon');
        if (!!iconUrl) {
          var imgEl = $("<img alt=\"\" src=\"" + iconUrl + "\">");

        // Check for multiple type.
        return liEl[0];

       * Toggle entry from option
       * @param {String} key  Option key
       * @return {Boolean}  if entry was added or removed

    }, {
      key: "_toggleEntryFromArray",
      value: function _toggleEntryFromArray(key) {
        var notAdded = !this._keysSelected.hasOwnProperty(key);
        var $optionLi = $(this._valueDict[key].optionEl);

        if (notAdded) {
          this._keysSelected[key] = true;
        } else {
          delete this._keysSelected[key];

        $optionLi.toggleClass('selected', notAdded);

        // Set checkbox checked value
        $optionLi.find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', notAdded);

        // use notAdded instead of true (to detect if the option is selected or not)
        $optionLi.prop('selected', notAdded);

        return notAdded;

       * Set text value to input

    }, {
      key: "_setValueToInput",
      value: function _setValueToInput() {
        var values = [];
        var options = this.$el.find('option');

        options.each(function (el) {
          if ($(el).prop('selected')) {
            var text = $(el).text();

        if (!values.length) {
          var firstDisabled = this.$el.find('option:disabled').eq(0);
          if (firstDisabled.length && firstDisabled[0].value === '') {

        this.input.value = values.join(', ');

       * Set selected state of dropdown to match actual select element

    }, {
      key: "_setSelectedStates",
      value: function _setSelectedStates() {
        this._keysSelected = {};

        for (var key in this._valueDict) {
          var option = this._valueDict[key];
          var optionIsSelected = $(option.el).prop('selected');
          $(option.optionEl).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', optionIsSelected);
          if (optionIsSelected) {
            this._activateOption($(this.dropdownOptions), $(option.optionEl));
            this._keysSelected[key] = true;
          } else {

       * Make option as selected and scroll to selected position
       * @param {jQuery} collection  Select options jQuery element
       * @param {Element} newOption  element of the new option

    }, {
      key: "_activateOption",
      value: function _activateOption(collection, newOption) {
        if (newOption) {
          if (!this.isMultiple) {
          var option = $(newOption);

       * Get Selected Values
       * @return {Array}  Array of selected values

    }, {
      key: "getSelectedValues",
      value: function getSelectedValues() {
        var selectedValues = [];
        for (var key in this._keysSelected) {
        return selectedValues;
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(FormSelect.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FormSelect), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_FormSelect;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return FormSelect;

  M.FormSelect = FormSelect;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(FormSelect, 'formSelect', 'M_FormSelect');
;(function ($, anim) {
  'use strict';

  var _defaults = {};

   * @class

  var Range = function (_Component21) {
    _inherits(Range, _Component21);

     * Construct Range instance
     * @constructor
     * @param {Element} el
     * @param {Object} options
    function Range(el, options) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Range);

      var _this72 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Range.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Range)).call(this, Range, el, options));

      _this72.el.M_Range = _this72;

       * Options for the range
       * @member Range#options
      _this72.options = $.extend({}, Range.defaults, options);

      _this72._mousedown = false;

      // Setup

      return _this72;

    _createClass(Range, [{
      key: "destroy",

       * Teardown component
      value: function destroy() {
        this.el.M_Range = undefined;

       * Setup Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_setupEventHandlers",
      value: function _setupEventHandlers() {
        this._handleRangeChangeBound = this._handleRangeChange.bind(this);
        this._handleRangeMousedownTouchstartBound = this._handleRangeMousedownTouchstart.bind(this);
        this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound = this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmove.bind(this);
        this._handleRangeMouseupTouchendBound = this._handleRangeMouseupTouchend.bind(this);
        this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound = this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleave.bind(this);

        this.el.addEventListener('change', this._handleRangeChangeBound);

        this.el.addEventListener('mousedown', this._handleRangeMousedownTouchstartBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('touchstart', this._handleRangeMousedownTouchstartBound);

        this.el.addEventListener('input', this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('mousemove', this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('touchmove', this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound);

        this.el.addEventListener('mouseup', this._handleRangeMouseupTouchendBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('touchend', this._handleRangeMouseupTouchendBound);

        this.el.addEventListener('blur', this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('mouseout', this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound);
        this.el.addEventListener('touchleave', this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound);

       * Remove Event Handlers

    }, {
      key: "_removeEventHandlers",
      value: function _removeEventHandlers() {
        this.el.removeEventListener('change', this._handleRangeChangeBound);

        this.el.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._handleRangeMousedownTouchstartBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('touchstart', this._handleRangeMousedownTouchstartBound);

        this.el.removeEventListener('input', this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmoveBound);

        this.el.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._handleRangeMouseupTouchendBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('touchend', this._handleRangeMouseupTouchendBound);

        this.el.removeEventListener('blur', this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('mouseout', this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound);
        this.el.removeEventListener('touchleave', this._handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleaveBound);

       * Handle Range Change
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleRangeChange",
      value: function _handleRangeChange() {

        if (!$(this.thumb).hasClass('active')) {

        var offsetLeft = this._calcRangeOffset();
        $(this.thumb).addClass('active').css('left', offsetLeft + 'px');

       * Handle Range Mousedown and Touchstart
       * @param {Event} e

    }, {
      key: "_handleRangeMousedownTouchstart",
      value: function _handleRangeMousedownTouchstart(e) {
        // Set indicator value

        this._mousedown = true;

        if (!$(this.thumb).hasClass('active')) {

        if (e.type !== 'input') {
          var offsetLeft = this._calcRangeOffset();
          $(this.thumb).addClass('active').css('left', offsetLeft + 'px');

       * Handle Range Input, Mousemove and Touchmove

    }, {
      key: "_handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmove",
      value: function _handleRangeInputMousemoveTouchmove() {
        if (this._mousedown) {
          if (!$(this.thumb).hasClass('active')) {

          var offsetLeft = this._calcRangeOffset();
          $(this.thumb).addClass('active').css('left', offsetLeft + 'px');

       * Handle Range Mouseup and Touchend

    }, {
      key: "_handleRangeMouseupTouchend",
      value: function _handleRangeMouseupTouchend() {
        this._mousedown = false;

       * Handle Range Blur, Mouseout and Touchleave

    }, {
      key: "_handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleave",
      value: function _handleRangeBlurMouseoutTouchleave() {
        if (!this._mousedown) {
          var paddingLeft = parseInt(this.$el.css('padding-left'));
          var marginLeft = 7 + paddingLeft + 'px';

          if ($(this.thumb).hasClass('active')) {
              targets: this.thumb,
              height: 0,
              width: 0,
              top: 10,
              easing: 'easeOutQuad',
              marginLeft: marginLeft,
              duration: 100

       * Setup dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_setupThumb",
      value: function _setupThumb() {
        this.thumb = document.createElement('span');
        this.value = document.createElement('span');

       * Remove dropdown

    }, {
      key: "_removeThumb",
      value: function _removeThumb() {

       * morph thumb into bubble

    }, {
      key: "_showRangeBubble",
      value: function _showRangeBubble() {
        var paddingLeft = parseInt($(this.thumb).parent().css('padding-left'));
        var marginLeft = -7 + paddingLeft + 'px'; // TODO: fix magic number?
          targets: this.thumb,
          height: 30,
          width: 30,
          top: -30,
          marginLeft: marginLeft,
          duration: 300,
          easing: 'easeOutQuint'

       * Calculate the offset of the thumb
       * @return {Number}  offset in pixels

    }, {
      key: "_calcRangeOffset",
      value: function _calcRangeOffset() {
        var width = this.$el.width() - 15;
        var max = parseFloat(this.$el.attr('max')) || 100; // Range default max
        var min = parseFloat(this.$el.attr('min')) || 0; // Range default min
        var percent = (parseFloat(this.$el.val()) - min) / (max - min);
        return percent * width;
    }], [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(els, options) {
        return _get(Range.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Range), "init", this).call(this, this, els, options);

       * Get Instance

    }, {
      key: "getInstance",
      value: function getInstance(el) {
        var domElem = !!el.jquery ? el[0] : el;
        return domElem.M_Range;
    }, {
      key: "defaults",
      get: function () {
        return _defaults;

    return Range;

  M.Range = Range;

  if (M.jQueryLoaded) {
    M.initializeJqueryWrapper(Range, 'range', 'M_Range');

})(cash, M.anime);