{% extends "base.html.j2" %} {% import "materialize/wtf.html.j2" as wtf %} {% block main_attribs %} class="service-scheme" data-service="transkribus-htr-pipeline"{% endblock main_attribs %} {% block page_content %}

{{ service_manifest.name }}




In this process, nopaque converts your image data – like photos or scans – into text data. This step enables you to proceed with the computational analysis of your documents.


Submit a job

{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.title, material_icon='title') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.description, material_icon='description') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.pdf, accept='application/pdf', placeholder='Choose a PDF file') }}
language {{ form.model() }} {{ form.model.label }} help_outline {% for error in form.model.errors %} {{ error }} {% endfor %}
apps {{ form.version() }} {{ form.version.label }} help_outline
{% if 'disabled' not in form.binarization.render_kw or not form.binarization.render_kw['disabled'] %}

{{ form.binarization.label.text }}

Based on a brightness threshold pixels are converted into either black or white. It is useful to reduce noise in images. (longer duration)

{% endif %}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
{% endblock page_content %} {% block modals %} {{ super() }} {% endblock modals %}