{% extends "base.html.j2" %} {% import "materialize/wtf.html.j2" as wtf %} {# {% from "contributions/_breadcrumbs.html.j2" import breadcrumbs with context %} #} {% block main_attribs %} class="service-scheme" data-service="tesseract-ocr-pipeline"{% endblock main_attribs %} {% block page_content %}

{{ title }}



layersTesseract OCR Models

You can add more Tesseract OCR models using the form below. They will automatically appear in the list of usable models.

Information about the already existing models.

Edit already uploaded models

Add a model

{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.tesseract_model_file, accept='.traineddata', placeholder='Choose a .traineddata file') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.title, material_icon='title') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.description, material_icon='description') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.publisher, material_icon='account_balance') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.publishing_year, material_icon='calendar_month') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.publisher_url, material_icon='link') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.publishing_url, material_icon='link') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.version, material_icon='apps') }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.compatible_service_versions) }}

{{ wtf.render_field(form.shared) }}
{{ wtf.render_field(form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
{% endblock page_content %} {% block modals %} {{ super() }} {% endblock modals %}