diff --git a/web/app/corpora/events.py b/web/app/corpora/events.py
index 58b2d9a0..e941ba5b 100644
--- a/web/app/corpora/events.py
+++ b/web/app/corpora/events.py
@@ -30,46 +30,63 @@ def init_corpus_analysis(corpus_id):
corpus_id, current_user.id, request.sid)
def corpus_analysis_get_meta_data(corpus_id):
# get meta data from db
db_corpus = Corpus.query.get(corpus_id)
- # TODO: Check if current user is actually the creator of the corpus?
metadata = {}
metadata['corpus_name'] = db_corpus.title
metadata['corpus_description'] = db_corpus.description
metadata['corpus_creation_date'] = db_corpus.creation_date.isoformat()
metadata['corpus_last_edited_date'] = db_corpus.last_edited_date.isoformat()
- # get meta data from corpus in cqp server
client = corpus_analysis_clients.get(request.sid)
- client_corpus = client.corpora.get('CORPUS')
- metadata['corpus_properties'] = client_corpus.attrs['properties']
- metadata['corpus_size_tokens'] = client_corpus.attrs['size']
+ if client is None:
+ response = {'code': 424, 'desc': 'No client found for this session',
+ 'msg': 'Failed Dependency'}
+ socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_query', response, room=request.sid)
+ return
+ # check if client is busy or not
+ if client.status == 'running':
+ client.status = 'abort'
+ while client.status != 'ready':
+ socketio.sleep(0.1)
+ # get meta data from corpus in cqp server
+ client.status = 'running'
+ try:
+ client_corpus = client.corpora.get('CORPUS')
+ metadata['corpus_properties'] = client_corpus.attrs['properties']
+ metadata['corpus_size_tokens'] = client_corpus.attrs['size']
- text_attr = client_corpus.structural_attributes.get('text')
- struct_attrs = client_corpus.structural_attributes.list(filters={'part_of': text_attr})
- text_ids = range(0, (text_attr.attrs['size']))
- texts_metadata = {}
- for text_id in text_ids:
- texts_metadata[text_id] = {}
- for struct_attr in struct_attrs:
- texts_metadata[text_id][struct_attr.attrs['name'][(len(text_attr.attrs['name']) + 1):]] = struct_attr.values_by_ids(list(range(struct_attr.attrs['size'])))[text_id]
- metadata['corpus_all_texts'] = texts_metadata
- metadata['corpus_analysis_date'] = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
- metadata['corpus_cqi_py_protocol_version'] = client.api.version
- metadata['corpus_cqi_py_package_version'] = cqi.__version__
- metadata['corpus_cqpserver_version'] = 'CQPserver v3.4.22' # TODO: make this dynamically
+ text_attr = client_corpus.structural_attributes.get('text')
+ struct_attrs = client_corpus.structural_attributes.list(filters={'part_of': text_attr})
+ text_ids = range(0, (text_attr.attrs['size']))
+ texts_metadata = {}
+ for text_id in text_ids:
+ texts_metadata[text_id] = {}
+ for struct_attr in struct_attrs:
+ texts_metadata[text_id][struct_attr.attrs['name'][(len(text_attr.attrs['name']) + 1):]] = struct_attr.values_by_ids(list(range(struct_attr.attrs['size'])))[text_id]
+ metadata['corpus_all_texts'] = texts_metadata
+ metadata['corpus_analysis_date'] = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
+ metadata['corpus_cqi_py_protocol_version'] = client.api.version
+ metadata['corpus_cqi_py_package_version'] = cqi.__version__
+ metadata['corpus_cqpserver_version'] = 'CQPserver v3.4.22' # TODO: make this dynamically
- # write some metadata to the db
- db_corpus.current_nr_of_tokens = metadata['corpus_size_tokens']
- db.session.commit()
+ # write some metadata to the db
+ db_corpus.current_nr_of_tokens = metadata['corpus_size_tokens']
+ db.session.commit()
- # emit data
- payload = metadata
- response = {'code': 200, 'desc': 'Corpus meta data', 'msg': 'OK',
- 'payload': payload}
- socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_send_meta_data', response, room=request.sid)
+ # emit data
+ payload = metadata
+ response = {'code': 200, 'desc': 'Corpus meta data', 'msg': 'OK',
+ 'payload': payload}
+ socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_meta_data', response, room=request.sid)
+ except cqi.errors.CQiException as e:
+ payload = {'code': e.code, 'desc': e.description, 'msg': e.name}
+ response = {'code': 500, 'desc': None, 'msg': 'Internal Server Error',
+ 'payload': payload}
+ socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_meta_data', response, room=request.sid)
+ client.status = 'ready'
@@ -100,7 +117,6 @@ def corpus_analysis_query(query):
'match_count': results.attrs['size']}
response = {'code': 200, 'desc': None, 'msg': 'OK', 'payload': payload}
socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_query', response, room=request.sid)
- # TODO: Stop here and add a new method for transmission
chunk_size = 100
chunk_start = 0
context = 50
@@ -142,6 +158,11 @@ def corpus_analysis_inspect_match(payload):
socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_inspect_match', response,
+ if client.status == 'running':
+ client.status = 'abort'
+ while client.status != 'ready':
+ socketio.sleep(0.1)
+ client.status = 'running'
corpus = client.corpora.get('CORPUS')
s = corpus.structural_attributes.get('s')
@@ -171,6 +192,7 @@ def corpus_analysis_inspect_match(payload):
'type': type,
'data_indexes': data_indexes}
socketio.emit('corpus_analysis_inspect_match', response, room=request.sid)
+ client.status = 'ready'
def corpus_analysis_session_handler(app, corpus_id, user_id, session_id):
diff --git a/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/Client.js b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/Client.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c7acc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/Client.js
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ * This class is used to create a Client object.
+ * The client handels the client server communication.
+ * It communicates with the server (e.g. connection or query)
+ * and recieves data from it, if dynamicMode is true.
+ * If dynamicMode is false, the client can also handle data that is already
+ * loaded and is not coming in in chunks.
+ */
+class Client {
+ constructor({corpusId = null,
+ socket = null,
+ logging = true,
+ dynamicMode = true} = {}) {
+ this.corpusId = corpusId;
+ this.dynamicMode = dynamicMode;
+ this.logging = logging;
+ this.requestQueryProgress = 0;
+ this.socket = socket;
+ this.eventListeners = {};
+ this.connected = false;
+ /**
+ * Disable all console logging.
+ * This is global. So every other log message in every other Class or
+ * function used in conjunction with the client either logs or does not
+ * log depending on the logging flag.
+ * Credits to https://gist.github.com/kmonsoor/0244fdb4ad79a4826371e58a1a5fa984
+ */
+ if (!logging) {
+ (() => {
+ let console = (window.console = window.console || {});
+ [
+ 'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml',
+ 'error', 'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd',
+ 'info', 'log', 'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table',
+ 'time', 'timeEnd', 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
+ ].forEach((method) => {
+ console[method] = () => {};
+ });
+ })();
+ }
+ console.info("Client initialized:", this);
+ }
+ // Registers one or more SocketEventListeners to the Client.
+ setSocketEventListeners(eventListeners) {
+ for (let eventListener of eventListeners) {
+ this.eventListeners[eventListener.type] = eventListener;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the SocketEventListeners so they will be triggered on their assigned
+ * type strings because they double as the socket event event names.
+ */
+ loadSocketEventListeners() {
+ for (let [type, listener] of Object.entries(this.eventListeners)) {
+ listener.listenerFunction(type, this);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This functions sends events to the View to trigger specific functions that
+ * are handleing the representation of data stored in the model.
+ */
+ notifyView(caseIdentifier, detailObject={}) {
+ detailObject.caseIdentifier = caseIdentifier;
+ const event = new CustomEvent('notify-view', { detail: detailObject });
+ console.info('Client dispatching Notification:', caseIdentifier);
+ document.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ // Registers a CorpusAnalysisDisplay object to the Client.
+ setDisplay(type, corpusAnalysisDisplay) {
+ this.displays[type] = corpusAnalysisDisplay;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connects to the corpus analysis session for the specified corpus via
+ * socket.io.
+ */
+ connect() {
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Client connecting to session via',
+ 'socket.emit');
+ this.socket.emit('corpus_analysis_init', this.corpusId);
+ }
+ getMetaData() {
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_meta_data: Client getting meta data via',
+ 'socket.emit.');
+ this.socket.emit('corpus_analysis_meta_data', this.corpusId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emits query to the server via socket.io. Server will send the results
+ * back.
+ */
+ query(queryStr) {
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_query: Client sending query via',
+ 'socket.emit for the query', queryStr);
+ this.socket.emit('corpus_analysis_query', queryStr);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create results data either from all results or from all marked sub results
+ * Triggers emit to get full match context from server for a number of
+ * matches identified by their data_index.
+ **/
+ getResultsData(resultsType, dataIndexes, results) {
+ let tmp_first_cpos = [];
+ let tmp_last_cpos = [];
+ for (let dataIndex of dataIndexes) {
+ tmp_first_cpos.push(results.data.matches[dataIndex].c[0]);
+ tmp_last_cpos.push(results.data.matches[dataIndex].c[1]);
+ }
+ nopaque.socket.emit("corpus_analysis_inspect_match",
+ {type: resultsType,
+ data_indexes: dataIndexes,
+ first_cpos: tmp_first_cpos,
+ last_cpos: tmp_last_cpos,});
+ }
+ * This class is used to create an SocketEventListener.
+ * Input are an identifying type string, the listener function and callbacks
+ * which will be executed as part of the listener function. The identifying
+ * type string is also used as the socket event event identifier.
+ */
+class ClientEventListener {
+ constructor(type, listenerFunction) {
+ this.listenerCallbacks = {};
+ this.listenerFunction = listenerFunction;
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+ // Registers callbacks to this SocketEventListener
+ setCallbacks(listenerCallbacks) {
+ for (let listenerCallback of listenerCallbacks) {
+ this.listenerCallbacks[listenerCallback.type] = listenerCallback;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Shorthand to execute all registered callbacks with same defaultArgs
+ * in insertion order.
+ * NOTE:
+ * Since ECMAScript 2015, objects do preserve creation order for
+ * string and Symbol keys. In JavaScript engines that comply with the
+ * ECMAScript 2015 spec, iterating over an object with only string keys will
+ * yield the keys in order of insertion.
+ * So all modern Browsers.
+ */
+ executeCallbacks(defaultArgs) {
+ for (let [type, listenerCallback] of Object.entries(this.listenerCallbacks)) {
+ listenerCallback.callbackFunction(...defaultArgs,
+ ...listenerCallback.args);
+ }
+ }
+ // use this if you only want to execute a specific registered callback
+ executeCallback(defaultArgs, type) {
+ let listenerCallback = this.listenerCallbacks[type];
+ listenerCallback.callbackFunction(...defaultArgs,
+ ...listenerCallback.args);
+ }
+ * This class is used to create an ListenerCallback which will be registered
+ * to an SocketEventListener so the Listener can invoke the ListenerCallback
+ * callback functions.
+ */
+class ListenerCallback {
+ constructor(type, callbackFunction, argsList) {
+ this.args = argsList;
+ this.callbackFunction = callbackFunction;
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+// export Classes from this module
+export {
+ Client,
+ ClientEventListener,
+ ListenerCallback,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/callbacks.js b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/callbacks.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64bb24d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/callbacks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * This callback is called on a socket.on "corpus_analysis_send_meta_data".
+ * Handels incoming corpus metadata
+ */
+function saveMetaData() {
+ let [payload, client, results, rest] = arguments;
+ results.metaData.init(payload)
+ console.info('Metada saved:', results);
+ * This callback should be registered to the SocketEventListener 'recieveQueryStatus'.
+ * It just gets the incoming status data of the issued query
+ * and does some preperation work like hiding or showing elements and deleting
+ * the data from the last query.
+ */
+function prepareQueryData() {
+ // deletes old data from query issued before this new query
+ let [payload, client, results, rest] = arguments;
+ // always initialize the results to delete data from the query issued before
+ results.init();
+ results.data.match_count = payload.match_count;
+ client.requestQueryProgress = 0;
+ client.notifyView('query-data-prepareing', { results: results });
+function saveQueryData(args) {
+ let [payload, client, results, rest] = arguments;
+ // get data matches length before new chun kdata is being inserted
+ let dataLength = results.data.matches.length;
+ // incorporating new chunk data into full results
+ results.data.matches.push(...payload.chunk.matches);
+ results.data.addData(payload.chunk.cpos_lookup, 'cpos_lookup');
+ results.data.addData(payload.chunk.text_lookup, 'text_lookup');
+ results.data.cpos_ranges = payload.chunk.cpos_ranges;
+ let queryFormElement = document.querySelector('#query-form');
+ results.data.getQueryStr(queryFormElement);
+ client.requestQueryProgress = payload.progress;
+ client.notifyView('query-data-recieving',
+ { results: results,
+ client: client,
+ dataLength: dataLength });
+ console.info('Query data chunk saved', results.data);
+ if (client.requestQueryProgress === 100) {
+ client.notifyView('query-data-recieved');
+ }
+function getResultsData(args) {
+ let [resultsType, dataIndexes, client, results, rest] = arguments;
+ client.notifyView('results-data-recieving');
+ client.getResultsData(resultsType, dataIndexes, results);
+function saveResultsData(args) {
+ let [payload, type, client, results, rest] = arguments;
+ let objectKey = '';
+ if (type === 'full-results') {
+ console.info('Saving full-results data.');
+ objectKey = 'fullResultsData';
+ } else if (type === 'sub-results') {
+ console.info('Saving sub-results data.');
+ objectKey = 'subResultsData';
+ } else if (type = 'inspect-results') {
+ objectKey = 'inspectResultsData'
+ console.info('Saving inspect-results data');
+ }
+ // Save incoming data
+ results[objectKey].init();
+ results[objectKey].matches.push(...payload.matches);
+ results[objectKey].addData(payload.cpos_lookup, "cpos_lookup");
+ results[objectKey].addData(payload.text_lookup, "text_lookup");
+ results[objectKey].addData(results.metaData);
+ results[objectKey].query = results.data.query;
+ results[objectKey].corpus_type = type;
+ results[objectKey].match_count = [...payload.matches].length;
+ results[objectKey].cpos_ranges = payload.cpos_ranges;
+ console.info('Results data has been saved.', results);
+ client.notifyView('results-data-recieved', {type: type,
+ results: results});
+// export callbacks
+export {
+ prepareQueryData,
+ saveMetaData,
+ saveQueryData,
+ getResultsData,
+ saveResultsData,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/listeners.js b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/listeners.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0edbdde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/client/listeners.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * This file contains the listener functions which can be assigned to the
+ * coprus_analysis client. So that the incoming data/status informations will
+ * be handled. There are several listeners listening for socket .io events.
+ * Further below one javascript custom event listener is specified. This
+ * listener listens for javascript custom events which are being dispatched by
+ * the View (resultsList).
+ */
+// Listeners for socket io events
+ * Recieves a corpus analysis connected signal via socket.io.
+ */
+function recieveConnected(type, client) {
+ client.socket.on(type, (response) => {
+ /**
+ * Check if request for session was OK.
+ * If OK execute registered callbacks and notify View.
+ */
+ if (response.code === 200) {
+ console.group('Connected!')
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Client recieving connected codes',
+ 'codes via socket.on');
+ console.info(`corpus_analysis_init: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`);
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_init: Initialization succeeded');
+ console.info(response);
+ client.notifyView('connected');
+ console.groupEnd();
+ // get meta data immediately
+ client.getMetaData();
+ } else {
+ let errorText = `Error ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`;
+ console.group('Connection failed!')
+ console.error(`corpus_analysis_init: ${errorText}`);
+ client.notifyView('connecting-failed', { msg: errorText });
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ });
+ * Recieves meta data from the server via socket.io.
+ */
+function recieveMetaData(type, client) {
+ client.socket.on(type, (response) => {
+ /**
+ * Check if request for session was OK.
+ * If OK execute registered callbacks and notify View.
+ */
+ if (response.code === 200) {
+ console.group('Client recieving meta data')
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_meta_data: Client recieving meta data',
+ 'via socket.on');
+ console.info(`corpus_analysis_meta_data: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`);
+ console.info(response);
+ // executing the registered callbacks
+ client.eventListeners[type].executeCallbacks([response.payload]);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ } else {
+ console.group('Failed to recieve meta data.');
+ console.error('corpus_analysis_meta_data: Client failed to recieve',
+ 'meta data via socket.on');
+ let errorText = `Error ${response.payload.code} - ${response.payload.msg}`;
+ console.error(`corpus_analysis_meta_data: ${errorText}`);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ });
+ * Recieves the query process status before any actual results are being
+ * transmitted. So it recieves error codes if a query failed or
+ * was invalid etc.
+ * Also prepares the result.jsList for the incoming data.
+ */
+function recieveQueryStatus(type, client) {
+ client.socket.on(type, (response) => {
+ /**
+ * Check if request for session was OK.
+ * If OK execute registered callbacks and notify View.
+ */
+ if (response.code === 200) {
+ console.group('corpus_analysis_query: Client recieving query process',
+ 'status via socket.on');
+ console.info(`corpus_analysis_query: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`);
+ console.info(response);
+ // executing the registered callbacks
+ client.eventListeners[type].executeCallbacks([response.payload]);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ } else {
+ console.group('corpus_analysis_query: Client failed recieving',
+ 'query process status via socket.on');
+ let errorText = `Error ${response.payload.code} - ${response.payload.msg}`;
+ if (response.payload.code == 1281) {
+ errorText += ' - Invalid Query';
+ }
+ console.error(`corpus_analysis_query: ${errorText}`);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ });
+ * Recieves the query data from the request and handles it.
+ */
+function recieveQueryData(type, client) {
+ /**
+ * Check if request for session was OK.
+ * If OK execute registered callbacks and notify View.
+ */
+ if (client.dynamicMode) {
+ client.socket.on(type, (response) => {
+ if (response.code === 200) {
+ console.group('corpus_analysis_query_results: Recieveing query data')
+ console.info('Client recieving query data via socket.on');
+ console.info('Recieved chunk', response);
+ /**
+ * Execute registered callbacks and notify View.
+ */
+ client.eventListeners[type].executeCallbacks([response.payload]);
+ console.info('Added chunk data to results.data.');
+ console.groupEnd();
+ } else {
+ console.group('corpus_analysis_query_results: Client failed recieving',
+ 'the results via socket.on');
+ let errorText = `Error ${response.payload.code} - ${response.payload.msg}`;
+ console.error(`corpus_analysis_query: ${errorText}`);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.group('corpus_analysis_query_results: Loading query data.');
+ console.info('Client loading imported query data from database.');
+ // executing the registered callbacks
+ client.eventListeners[type].executeCallbacks();
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ * Recieves the data requested by the create Results or sub results button
+ */
+function recieveResultsData(type, client) {
+ client.socket.on(type, (response) => {
+ /**
+ * Check if request for session was OK.
+ * If OK execute registered callbacks and notify View.
+ */
+ if (response.code === 200) {
+ console.group('Client recieving results data')
+ console.info('corpus_analysis_inspect_match: Client recieving results data',
+ 'via socket.on');
+ console.info(`corpus_analysis_inspect_match: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`);
+ console.info(response);
+ // executing the registered callbacks
+ client.eventListeners[type].executeCallbacks([response.payload,
+ response.type]);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ } else {
+ console.group('Failed to recieve results data.');
+ console.error('corpus_analysis_inspect_match: Client failed to recieve',
+ 'results data via socket.on');
+ let errorText = `Error ${response.payload.code} - ${response.payload.msg}`;
+ console.error(`corpus_analysis_inspect_match: ${errorText}`);
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ });
+ * This is the javascript custom event listener, listening for events
+ * dispatched by the View.
+ */
+function recieveViewNotification(type, client) {
+ document.addEventListener(type, (event) => {
+ let caseIdentifier = event.detail.caseIdentifier;
+ switch(caseIdentifier) {
+ case 'get-results':
+ console.info('Client getting full results for export.');
+ // execute callback or functions
+ client.eventListeners[type].executeCallback([event.detail.resultsType,
+ event.detail.dataIndexes],
+ caseIdentifier);
+ break
+ default:
+ console.error('Recieved unkown notification case identifier from View');
+ // do something to not crash the analysis session?
+ // maybe unnecessary
+ }
+ });
+// export listeners from this module
+export {
+ recieveConnected,
+ recieveMetaData,
+ recieveQueryStatus,
+ recieveQueryData,
+ recieveViewNotification,
+ recieveResultsData,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/model/Results.js b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/model/Results.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea43c696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/model/Results.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * These classes are implementing the data store of the corpus_analysis
+ * package. If we follow the idea of the Model View Controller Pattern these
+ * classes combined in the Results class define the Model.
+ */
+class Results {
+ constructor() {
+ this.data = new Data();
+ this.metaData = new MetaData();
+ this.fullResultsData = new Data();
+ this.subResultsData = new Data();
+ this.inspectResultsData = new Data();
+ console.info('Initialized the Results object.');
+ }
+ init() {
+ this.data.init();
+ this.metaData.init();
+ this.fullResultsData.init();
+ this.subResultsData.init();
+ this.inspectResultsData.init();
+ }
+class Data {
+ // Sets empty object structure. Also usefull to delete old results.
+ // matchCount default is 0
+ init(matchCount=0, type="results") {
+ this.matches = []; // list of all c with lc and rc
+ this.cpos_lookup = {}; // object contains all this key value pair
+ this.text_lookup = {}; // same as above for all text ids
+ this.match_count = matchCount;
+ this.corpus_type = 'results';
+ this.cpos_ranges = null;
+ this.query = '';
+ }
+ addData(jsonData, key=null) {
+ if (key !== null) {
+ Object.assign(this[key], jsonData);
+ } else if (key === null) {
+ Object.assign(this, jsonData)
+ }
+ }
+ // get query as string from form Element
+ getQueryStr(queryFormElement) {
+ // gets query
+ let queryFormData;
+ let queryStr;
+ queryFormData = new FormData(queryFormElement);
+ queryStr = queryFormData.get('query-form-query');
+ this["query"] = queryStr;
+ }
+ // function creates a unique and safe filename for the download
+ createDownloadFilename(suffix) {
+ let today = new Date();
+ let currentDate = `${today.getUTCFullYear()}` +
+ `-${(today.getUTCMonth() + 1)}` +
+ `-${today.getUTCDate()}`;
+ let currentTime = `${today.getUTCHours()}h` +
+ `${today.getUTCMinutes()}m` +
+ `${today.getUTCSeconds()}s`;
+ let safeFilename = this.query.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/gi, "_");
+ let resultFilename = `UTC-${currentDate}_${currentTime}_${safeFilename}_${suffix}`;
+ return resultFilename
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to download data as Blob created from string.
+ * Should be private but that is not yet a feature of javascript 08.04.2020
+ */
+ download(downloadElement, dataStr, filename, type, filenameSlug) {
+ filename += filenameSlug;
+ let file = new Blob([dataStr], {type: type});
+ var url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
+ downloadElement.href = url;
+ downloadElement.download = filename;
+ }
+ // function to download the results as JSON
+ downloadJSONRessource(resultFilename, downloadData, downloadElement) {
+ /**
+ * Stringify JSON object for json download.
+ * Use tabs to save some space.
+ */
+ let dataStr = JSON.stringify(downloadData, undefined, "\t");
+ // Start actual download
+ this.download(downloadElement, dataStr, resultFilename, "text/json", ".json")
+ }
+class MetaData {
+ // Sets empty object structure when no input is given.
+ // if json object like input is given class fields are created from this
+ init(json={}) {
+ Object.assign(this, json);
+ }
+export {Results, Data, MetaData};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/view/ResultsView.js b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/view/ResultsView.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fe6ba1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/app/static/js/modules/corpus_analysis/view/ResultsView.js
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+ * This class implements a NotificationListener that is listening for the
+ * specified
+ */
+class ViewEventListener {
+ constructor(type, listenerFunction) {
+ this.listenerFunction = listenerFunction;
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+ * This class is implements a View which handles the reprensentation of the
+ * data that has been fetched by the Client of the corpus_analysis. This view
+ * only handles how the data is shown to the user. View extends the list.js
+ * List class.
+ */
+class ResultsList extends List {
+ /**
+ * If no options are given when a new instance of this class is created
+ * the options below are used.
+ */
+ static options = {
+ page: 30,
+ pagination: [{
+ name: "paginationTop",
+ paginationClass: "paginationTop",
+ innerWindow: 8,
+ outerWindow: 1
+ }, {
+ paginationClass: "paginationBottom",
+ innerWindow: 8,
+ outerWindow: 1
+ }],
+ valueNames: ["titles", "lc", "c", "rc", {data: ["index"]}],
+ item: ``
+ };
+ constructor(idOrElement, options) {
+ super(idOrElement, options);
+ /**
+ * All span tokens which are holding events if expert
+ * mode is on. Collected here to delete later on.
+ */
+ this.eventTokens = {};
+ /**
+ * all token elements which have added
+ * classes like chip and hoverable for expert view. Collected
+ * here to delete later on
+ */
+ this.currentExpertTokenElements = {};
+ // TODO: Rename both variables to something more descreptive and clear
+ // holds True/false for check buttons used to add matches tu sub-results. If checked, it is True. If unchecked, it is false. Buttons for this have the class add. Those little round check buttons.
+ this.addToSubResultsStatus = {};
+ this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow = new Set(); // If check button is pressed its corresponding data_index is saved in this set. The set is shown to the user.
+ // notification listeners listening for client notifications (or other in the future?)
+ this.notificationListeners = {};
+ this.clientIsBusy = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * // TODO:
+ * Init function that gets all needed HTML Elements. Implement this, or not?
+ * Or build a check into the get HTMLElements function if element already exists.
+ * Also think about saving alle elements in resultsList.es.nameOfElement
+ */
+ /**
+ * Function to clear/reset some class field values. Usefull if a new query
+ * hase been issued by the user.
+ */
+ resetFields() {
+ this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow = new Set();
+ this.addToSubResultsStatus = {};
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function that takes one or more query selector
+ * strings in an array as an input. The function then creates a
+ * class field in the ResultsList object with the query selector
+ * string as the key. The selector will be converted to a valid JavaScript
+ * Field name i. e. #html-id-string -> this.htmlIdString
+ * The value will be the identifed element or elements fetched with the querySelector
+ * method.
+ */
+ getHTMLElements(arrayOfSelectors) {
+ for (let selector of arrayOfSelectors) {
+ let element;
+ let elements;
+ if (selector.startsWith('#')) {
+ element = document.querySelector(selector);
+ } else {
+ elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ elements = [...elements];
+ }
+ let cleanKey = [];
+ selector = selector.replace(/_/g, '-');
+ selector.match(/\w+/g).forEach((word) => {
+ let tmp = word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
+ cleanKey.push(tmp);
+ });
+ cleanKey[0] = cleanKey[0].toLowerCase();
+ cleanKey = cleanKey.join('');
+ this[cleanKey] = element ? element: elements;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register notificationListeners to the ResultsList. Which will listen for
+ * the specified event.
+ */
+ setNotificationListeners(notificationListeners) {
+ for (let notificationListener of notificationListeners) {
+ this.notificationListeners[notificationListener.type] = notificationListener;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the notificationListeners so that hey will be listening to their
+ * assigned custom events.
+ */
+ loadNotificationListeners() {
+ for (let [type, listener] of Object.entries(this.notificationListeners)) {
+ listener.listenerFunction(type, this);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This functions sends events to the Client to trigger specific functions to
+ * trigger new data requests from the server.
+ */
+ notifyClient(caseIdentifier, detailObject={}) {
+ detailObject.caseIdentifier = caseIdentifier;
+ const event = new CustomEvent('notify-client', { detail: detailObject });
+ console.info('Client dispatching Notification:', caseIdentifier);
+ document.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates cpos either from ranges or not.
+ */
+ helperCreateCpos(cpos_ranges, cpos_values) {
+ let lc;
+ let c;
+ let rc;
+ if (cpos_ranges) {
+ // python range like function from MDN
+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from#Sequence_generator_(range)
+ const range = (start, stop, step) => Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step + 1}, (_, i) => start + (i * step));
+ lc = range(cpos_values.lc[0], cpos_values.lc[1], 1)
+ c = range(cpos_values.c[0], cpos_values.c[1], 1)
+ rc = range(cpos_values.rc[0], cpos_values.rc[1], 1)
+ } else {
+ lc = cpos_values.lc;
+ c = cpos_values.c;
+ rc = cpos_values.rc;
+ }
+ return {lc: lc, c: c, rc: rc};
+ }
+ // handels interactionElements during a pagination navigation
+ // loops over interactionElements and executes callback functions accordingly
+ pageChangeEventInteractionHandler(interactionElements) {
+ // get elements to check thier status
+ for (let interaction of interactionElements.interactions) {
+ if (interaction.checkStatus) {
+ if (interaction.element.checked) {
+ let f_on = interaction.bindThisToCallback("on");
+ let args_on = interaction.callbacks.on.args;
+ f_on(...args_on);
+ } else {
+ let f_off = interaction.bindThisToCallback("off");
+ let args_off = interaction.callbacks.off.args;
+ f_off(...args_off);
+ }
+ } else {
+ let f = interaction.bindThisToCallback("noCheck");
+ let args = interaction.callbacks.noCheck.args;
+ f(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // get display options from display options form element
+ static getDisplayOptions(htmlId) {
+ // gets display options parameters
+ let displayOptionsFormElement = document.getElementById(htmlId);
+ let displayOptionsFormData = new FormData(displayOptionsFormElement);
+ let displayOptionsData =
+ {
+ "resultsPerPage": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-results_per_page"),
+ "resultsContex": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-result_context"),
+ "expertMode": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-expert_mode")
+ };
+ return displayOptionsData
+ }
+ // Used in addToSubResults and inspect to toggle the design of the check
+ // buttons according to its checked unchecked status.
+ helperActivateAddBtn(btn) {
+ btn.classList.remove("grey");
+ btn.classList.add("green");
+ btn.textContent = "check";
+ }
+ // Used in addToSubResults and inspect to toggle the design of the check
+ // buttons according to its checked unchecked status.
+ helperDeactivateAddBtn(btn) {
+ btn.classList.remove("green");
+ btn.classList.add("grey");
+ btn.textContent = "add";
+ }
+ // Either adds or removes a match to the sub-results. For this it checks
+ // onclick if the current button has been checked or not. For this the
+ // function checks if its status in addToSubResultsStatus is either flase or
+ // true. Adds match to sub-results if status is false if status is true it
+ // removes it.
+ addToSubResults(dataIndex, tableCall=true) {
+ if (!this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex]
+ || this.addToSubResultsStatus === undefined) {
+ // add button is activated because status is either false or undefined
+ this.helperActivateAddBtn(event.target);
+ this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex] = true; // sets status to true
+ this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow.add(dataIndex + 1); // + 1 because user does not see zero indexd data indexes
+ this.subResultsMatchIds.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].sort(function(a, b){return a-b}).join(", "); // automaticalle sorts ids into the textarea in ascending order
+ M.textareaAutoResize(this.subResultsMatchIds); // after an insert textarea has to be resized manually
+ this.nrMarkedMatches.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length;
+ } else if (this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex]) {
+ // add button is deactivated because status is true
+ this.helperDeactivateAddBtn(event.target);
+ this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex] = false; // sets status to false
+ this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow.delete(dataIndex + 1); // + 1 because user does not see zero indexd data indexes
+ this.subResultsMatchIds.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].sort(function(a, b){return a-b}).join(", "); // automaticalle sorts ids into the textarea in ascending order
+ this.nrMarkedMatches.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length;
+ M.textareaAutoResize(this.subResultsMatchIds); // after an insert textarea has to be resized manually
+ }
+ // Toggles the create button according to the number of ids in addToSubResultsIdsToShow
+ if ([...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length > 0) {
+ this.subResultsCreate.classList.toggle('disabled', false);
+ } else if ([...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length === 0) {
+ this.subResultsCreate.classList.toggle('disabled', true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * After a match as been added or removed the export button will be
+ * hidden because the sub-results have been altered and have to be built
+ * again. Thus subResultsCreateElement has to be shown again.
+ */
+ this.subResultsExport.classList.add("hide");
+ this.subResultsCreate.classList.remove("hide");
+ /**
+ * Also activate/deactivate buttons in the table/jsList results accordingly
+ * if button in inspect was activated/deactivated.
+ * This part only runs if tableCall is set to false when this function is
+ * called.
+ */
+ if (!tableCall) {
+ this.getHTMLElements(['#query-results-table']);
+ let container = this.queryResultsTable.querySelector(`[data-index="${dataIndex}"]`);
+ let tableAddBtn = container.querySelector('.add-btn'); // gets the add button from the list view
+ if (this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex]) {
+ this.helperActivateAddBtn(tableAddBtn);
+ } else {
+ this.helperDeactivateAddBtn(tableAddBtn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ###### Functions to inspect one match, to show more details ######
+ // activate inspect buttons if progress is 100
+ activateInspect() {
+ if (!this.clientIsBusy) {
+ let inspectBtnElements;
+ inspectBtnElements = document.querySelectorAll('.inspect');
+ for (let inspectBtn of inspectBtnElements) {
+ inspectBtn.classList.toggle('disabled', false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // deactivate inspect buttons
+ deactivateInspect() {
+ let inspectBtnElements;
+ inspectBtnElements = document.querySelectorAll('.inspect');
+ for (let inspectBtn of inspectBtnElements) {
+ inspectBtn.classList.toggle('disabled', true);
+ }
+ }
+ // ### functions to inspect imported Matches
+ // This function creates an object that is similar to the object that is
+ // being recieved as an answere to the getMatchWithContext Method, which is
+ // triggering an socket.io event.
+ // It is used as an input for show match context in the context of imported
+ // results to be able to inspect matches.
+ createFakeResponse() {
+ contextModal.open();
+ // match nr for user to display derived from data_index
+ let contextMatchNrElement = document.getElementById("context-match-nr");
+ contextMatchNrElement.textContent = this.contextId + 1;
+ let cpos_lookup;
+ let fake_response = {};
+ let contextResultsElement;
+ // function to create one match object from entire imported results
+ // that is passed into the results.jsList.showMatchContext() function
+ fake_response["payload"] = {};
+ let dataIndex = event.target.closest("tr").dataset.index;
+ this.contextId = dataIndex;
+ fake_response.payload["matches"] = [results.data.matches[dataIndex]];
+ contextResultsElement = document.getElementById("context-results");
+ contextResultsElement.innerHTML = "";
+ let {lc, c, rc} = this.helperCreateCpos(results.data.cpos_ranges,
+ fake_response.payload.matches[0]);
+ cpos_lookup = {};
+ for (let cpos of lc) {
+ cpos_lookup[cpos] = results.data.cpos_lookup[cpos];
+ }
+ for (let cpos of c) {
+ cpos_lookup[cpos] = results.data.cpos_lookup[cpos];
+ }
+ for (let cpos of rc) {
+ cpos_lookup[cpos] = results.data.cpos_lookup[cpos];
+ }
+ fake_response.payload["cpos_lookup"] = cpos_lookup
+ fake_response.payload["cpos_ranges"] = results.data.cpos_ranges;
+ fake_response.payload["query"] = results.data.query;
+ fake_response.payload["context_id"] = dataIndex + 1;
+ fake_response.payload["match_count"] = fake_response.payload.matches.length
+ fake_response.payload["corpus_type"] = "inspect-result"
+ return fake_response
+ }
+ // gets result cpos infos for one dataIndex (list of length 1) to send back to
+ // the server
+ inspect(dataIndex, type) {
+ // initialize context modal
+ this.getHTMLElements([
+ '#context-modal',
+ '#context-results',
+ '#create-inspect-menu',
+ ]);
+ this.contextModal = M.Modal.init(this.contextModal);
+ // get result infos from server and show them in context modal
+ this.contextId = dataIndex[0];
+ this.contextResults.innerHTML = ""; // clear it from old inspects
+ this.notifyClient('get-results', {resultsType: 'inspect-results',
+ dataIndexes: [dataIndex]});
+ // match nr for user to display derived from data_index
+ let contextMatchNrElement = document.getElementById("context-match-nr");
+ contextMatchNrElement.textContent = this.contextId + 1;
+ this.contextModal.open();
+ // add a button to add this match to sub results with onclick event
+ let classes = `btn-floating btn waves-effect` +
+ ` waves-light grey right`
+ let addToSubResultsIdsBtn = document.createElement("a");
+ addToSubResultsIdsBtn.setAttribute("class", classes + ` add`);
+ addToSubResultsIdsBtn.innerHTML = 'add';
+ addToSubResultsIdsBtn.onclick= () => {this.addToSubResults(dataIndex[0], false)};
+ // checks if the match has or has not been added to sub results yet
+ // sets the color and status of the button accordingly
+ if (this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex[0]]) {
+ this.helperActivateAddBtn(addToSubResultsIdsBtn.firstElementChild);
+ } else if (!this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex[0]]) {
+ this.helperDeactivateAddBtn(addToSubResultsIdsBtn.firstElementChild);
+ }
+ this.createInspectMenu.innerHTML = '';
+ this.createInspectMenu.appendChild(addToSubResultsIdsBtn);
+ }
+ // create Element from HTML String helper function
+ HTMLTStrToElement(htmlStr) {
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/494143/creating-a-new-dom-element-from-an-html-string-using-built-in-dom-methods-or-pro/35385518#35385518
+ let template = document.createElement("template");
+ htmlStr = htmlStr.trim();
+ template.innerHTML = htmlStr;
+ return template.content.firstChild;
+ }
+ // Used as a callback to handle incoming match context results when inspect
+ // has been used.
+ showMatchContext(results) {
+ this.getHTMLElements([
+ '#context-results',
+ '#inspect-display-options-form-expert_mode_inspect',
+ '#inspect-display-options-form-highlight_sentences',
+ '#context-sentences'
+ ])
+ let uniqueS = new Set();
+ let uniqueContextS = new Set();
+ let {lc, c, rc} = this.helperCreateCpos(results.inspectResultsData.cpos_ranges,
+ results.inspectResultsData.matches[0]);
+ // create sentence strings as tokens
+ let tokenHTMLArray = [];
+ let htmlTokenStr = ``;
+ let tokenHTMlElement;
+ let token;
+ for (let cpos of lc) {
+ token = results.inspectResultsData.cpos_lookup[cpos];
+ uniqueS.add(token.s)
+ htmlTokenStr = `` +
+ `${token.word}` +
+ ``;
+ tokenHTMlElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlTokenStr)
+ tokenHTMLArray.push(tokenHTMlElement);
+ }
+ for (let cpos of c) {
+ token = results.inspectResultsData.cpos_lookup[cpos];
+ uniqueContextS.add(token.s);
+ uniqueS.add(token.s);
+ htmlTokenStr = `` +
+ `${token.word}` +
+ ``;
+ tokenHTMlElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlTokenStr)
+ tokenHTMLArray.push(tokenHTMlElement);
+ }
+ results.inspectResultsData["context_s_ids"] = Array.from(uniqueContextS);
+ for (let cpos of rc) {
+ token = results.inspectResultsData.cpos_lookup[cpos];
+ uniqueS.add(token.s)
+ htmlTokenStr = `` +
+ `${token.word}` +
+ ``;
+ tokenHTMlElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlTokenStr)
+ tokenHTMLArray.push(tokenHTMlElement);
+ }
+ for (let sId of uniqueS) {
+ let htmlSentence = ``;
+ let sentenceElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlSentence);
+ for (let tokenElement of tokenHTMLArray) {
+ if (tokenElement.dataset.sid == sId) {
+ sentenceElement.appendChild(tokenElement);
+ sentenceElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ` `);
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ this.contextResults.appendChild(sentenceElement);
+ }
+ // add inspect display options events
+ this.inspectDisplayOptionsFormExpertModeInspect.onchange = (event) => {
+ if (event.target.checked) {
+ this.expertModeOn("context-results", results);
+ } else {
+ this.expertModeOff("context-results")
+ }
+ };
+ this.inspectDisplayOptionsFormHighlightSentences.onchange = (event) => {
+ if (event.target.checked) {
+ this.higlightContextSentences();
+ } else {
+ this.unhighlightContextSentences();
+ }
+ };
+ this.contextSentences.onchange = (event) => {
+ // console.log(event.target.value);
+ this.changeSentenceContext(event.target.value);
+ }
+ // checks on new modal opening if switches are checked
+ // if switches are checked functions are executed
+ if (this.inspectDisplayOptionsFormExpertModeInspect.checked) {
+ this.expertModeOn("context-results", results);
+ }
+ if (this.inspectDisplayOptionsFormHighlightSentences.checked) {
+ this.higlightContextSentences();
+ }
+ // checks the value of the number of sentences to show on modal opening
+ // sets context sentences accordingly
+ this.changeSentenceContext(this.contextSentences.value);
+ }
+ // splits context text into sentences based on spacy sentence split
+ higlightContextSentences() {
+ let sentences;
+ sentences = document.getElementById("context-results").getElementsByClassName("sentence");
+ for (let s of sentences) {
+ s.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
+ }
+ }
+ unhighlightContextSentences() {
+ let sentences;
+ let br;
+ sentences = document.getElementById("context-results").getElementsByClassName("sentence");
+ for (let s of sentences) {
+ br = s.lastChild;
+ br.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ // changes how many context sentences in inspect view are shown
+ changeSentenceContext(sValue, maxSValue=10) {
+ let array;
+ let sentences;
+ let toHideArray;
+ let toShowArray;
+ sValue = maxSValue - sValue;
+ // console.log(sValue);
+ sentences = document.getElementById("context-results").getElementsByClassName("sentence");
+ array = Array.from(sentences);
+ if (sValue != 0) {
+ toHideArray = array.slice(0, sValue).concat(array.slice(-(sValue)));
+ toShowArray = array.slice(sValue, 9).concat(array.slice(9, -(sValue)))
+ } else {
+ toHideArray = [];
+ toShowArray = array;
+ }
+ // console.log(array);
+ // console.log("#######");
+ // console.log(toHideArray);
+ for (let s of toHideArray) {
+ s.classList.add("hide");
+ }
+ for (let s of toShowArray) {
+ s.classList.remove("hide");
+ }
+ }
+ // ###### Display options changing live how the matches are being displayed ######
+ // Event function that changes the shown hits per page.
+ // Just alters the resultsList.page property
+ changeHitsPerPage() {
+ try {
+ if (event.type === "change") {
+ nopaque.flash("Updated matches per page.", "corpus")
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ } finally {
+ this.page = this.displayOptionsFormResultsPerPage.value;
+ this.update();
+ }
+ this.activateInspect();
+ if (this.displayOptionsFormExpertMode.checked) {
+ this.expertModeOn("query-display");
+ }
+ }
+ // Event function triggered on context select change
+ // also if pagination is clicked
+ changeContext() {
+ try {
+ if (event.type === "change") {
+ nopaque.flash("Updated context per match!", "corpus");
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ } finally {
+ let newContextValue = this.displayOptionsFormResultContext.value;
+ let lc = document.querySelectorAll(".left-context");
+ let rc = document.querySelectorAll(".right-context");
+ for (let element of lc) {
+ let arrayLc = Array.from(element.childNodes);
+ for (let element of arrayLc.reverse().slice(newContextValue)) {
+ element.classList.add("hide");
+ }
+ for (let element of arrayLc.slice(0, newContextValue)) {
+ element.classList.remove("hide");
+ }
+ }
+ for (let element of rc) {
+ let arrayRc = Array.from(element.childNodes);
+ for (let element of arrayRc.slice(newContextValue)) {
+ element.classList.add("hide");
+ }
+ for (let element of arrayRc.slice(0, newContextValue)) {
+ element.classList.remove("hide");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ###### Expert view event functions ######
+ // function to create a tooltip for the current hovered token
+ tooltipEventCreate(event, results) {
+ // console.log("Create Tooltip on mouseover.");
+ let token;
+ token = results.data.cpos_lookup[event.target.dataset.cpos];
+ if (!token) {
+ token = results.inspectResultsData.cpos_lookup[event.target.dataset.cpos];
+ }
+ this.addToolTipToTokenElement(event.target, token, results);
+ }
+ // Function to destroy the current Tooltip for the current hovered tooltip
+ // on mouse leave
+ tooltipEventDestroy(event) {
+ // console.log("Tooltip destroy on leave.");
+ this.currentTooltipElement.destroy();
+ }
+ // turn the expert mode on for all tokens in the DOM element identified by its htmlID
+ expertModeOn(htmlId, results) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(this.currentExpertTokenElements[htmlId])) {
+ this.currentExpertTokenElements[htmlId] = [];
+ }
+ let container = document.getElementById(htmlId);
+ let tokens = container.querySelectorAll('span.token');
+ this.currentExpertTokenElements[htmlId].push(...tokens);
+ this.eventTokens[htmlId] = [];
+ for (let tokenElement of this.currentExpertTokenElements[htmlId]) {
+ tokenElement.classList.add("chip", "hoverable", "expert-view");
+ const eventCreate = (event, arg) => this.tooltipEventCreate(event, arg);
+ tokenElement.onmouseover = (event) => eventCreate(event, results);
+ tokenElement.onmouseout = (event) => this.tooltipEventDestroy(event);
+ this.eventTokens[htmlId].push(tokenElement);
+ }
+ }
+ // fuction that creates Tooltip for one token and extracts the corresponding
+ // infos from the result JSON
+ addToolTipToTokenElement(tokenElement, token, results) {
+ this.currentTooltipElement;
+ this.currentTooltipElement = M.Tooltip.init(tokenElement,
+ {"html": `
Token information | +Source information | +
+ Word: ${token.word} + Lemma: ${token.lemma} + POS: ${token.pos} + Simple POS: ${token.simple_pos} + NER: ${token.ner} + |
+ Title: ${results.data.text_lookup[token.text].title}
+ + Author: ${results.data.text_lookup[token.text].author} + + Publishing year: ${results.data.text_lookup[token.text].publishing_year} + |
Metadata Description | +Value | +|
${outerKey.replace(/_/g, " ")} | ` + if (outerKey === "corpus_all_texts" || outerKey === "text_lookup") { + html += `
| `
+ } else {
+ html += `${outerValue} | ` + } + html += `
` + - `error ${errorText}
`; - } - if (this.displays.init != undefined) { - this.displays.init.setVisibilityByStatus("error"); - } - console.error(`corpus_analysis_init: ${errorText}`); - } - }); - - // socket on event for recieving meta - socket.on('corpus_analysis_send_meta_data', (response) => { - let errorText; - - if (response.code === 200) { - console.log(`corpus_analysis_send_meta_data: ${response.code} - ${response.msg} - ${response.desc}`); - if (this.callbacks.recv_meta_data != undefined) { - this.callbacks.recv_meta_data(response.payload); - } - } else { - errorText = `Error ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`; - if (this.displays.init.errorContainer != undefined) { - this.displays.init.errorContainer.innerHTML = `` + - `error ${errorText}
`; - } - if (this.displays.init != undefined) { - this.displays.init.setVisibilityByStatus("error"); - } - console.error(`corpus_analysis_send_meta_data: ${errorText}`); - } - }); - - // socket on event for recieveing query results - socket.on("corpus_analysis_query", (response) => { - let errorText; - - if (response.code === 200) { - console.log(`corpus_analysis_query: ${response.code} - ${response.msg}`); - if (this.callbacks.query != undefined) { - this.callbacks.query(response.payload); - } - if (this.displays.query != undefined) { - this.displays.query.setVisibilityByStatus("success"); - } - } else { - errorText = `Error ${response.payload.code} - ${response.payload.msg}`; - nopaque.flash(errorText, "error"); - if (this.displays.query.errorContainer != undefined) { - this.displays.query.errorContainer.innerHTML = ``+ - `error ${errorText}
`; - } - if (this.displays.query != undefined) { - this.displays.query.setVisibilityByStatus("error"); - } - console.error(`corpus_analysis_query: ${errorText}`); - } - }); - - - socket.on("corpus_analysis_query_results", (response) => { - if (this.callbacks.query_results != undefined) { - this.callbacks.query_results(response.payload); - } - }); - - // inspect callback handeling based on type - socket.on("corpus_analysis_inspect_match", (response) => { - console.log(response); - if (response.type === "inspect") { - if (this.callbacks.query_match_context != undefined) { - this.callbacks.query_match_context(response); - } - } else if (response.type === "sub-results" - || response.type ==="results"){ - if (this.callbacks.save_sub_results_choices != undefined) { - this.callbacks.save_sub_results_choices(response); - } - } - }); - } - - init() { - if (this.displays.init.errorContainer != undefined) { - this.displays.init.errorContainer.innerHTML == ""; - } - if (this.displays.init != undefined) { - this.displays.init.setVisibilityByStatus("waiting"); - } - this.socket.emit("corpus_analysis_init", this.corpusId); - } - - getMetaData() { - // just emits this to tell the server to gather all meta data infos and send - // those back - this.socket.emit("corpus_analysis_get_meta_data", this.corpusId); - } - - query(queryStr) { - let displayOptionsData; - let resultListOptions; - - if (this.displays.query.errorContainer != undefined) { - this.displays.query.errorContainer.innerHTML == ""; - } - if (this.displays.query != undefined) { - this.displays.query.setVisibilityByStatus("waiting"); - } - nopaque.socket.emit("corpus_analysis_query", queryStr); - } - - setCallback(type, callback) { - // saves callback functions into an object. Key is function type, callback - // is the callback function - this.callbacks[type] = callback; - } - - setDisplay(type, display) { - this.displays[type] = display; - } -} - - -class CorpusAnalysisDisplay { - constructor(element) { - this.element = element; - this.errorContainer = element.querySelector(".error-container"); - this.showOnError = element.querySelectorAll(".show-on-error"); - this.showOnSuccess = element.querySelectorAll(".show-on-success"); - this.showWhileWaiting = element.querySelectorAll(".show-while-waiting"); - this.hideOnComplete = element.querySelectorAll(".hide-on-complete") - } - - setVisibilityByStatus(status) { - switch (status) { - case "error": - for (let element of this.showOnError) { - element.classList.remove("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showOnSuccess) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showWhileWaiting) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - break; - case "success": - for (let element of this.showOnError) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - - } - for (let element of this.showOnSuccess) { - element.classList.remove("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showWhileWaiting) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - break; - case "waiting": - for (let element of this.showOnError) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showOnSuccess) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showWhileWaiting) { - element.classList.remove("hide"); - } - break; - default: - // Hide all - for (let element of this.showOnError) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showOnSuccess) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - for (let element of this.showWhileWaiting) { - element.classList.add("hide"); - } - } - } -} diff --git a/web/app/static/js/nopaque.InteractionElement.js b/web/app/static/js/nopaque.InteractionElement.js deleted file mode 100644 index a1d9064b..00000000 --- a/web/app/static/js/nopaque.InteractionElement.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -class InteractionElement { - constructor(htmlId="", - checkStatus=true, - disabledBefore=true, - disabledAfter=false, - hideBefore=true, - hideAfter=false) { - this.htmlId = htmlId; - this.element = (htmlId) => {this.element = document.getElementById(htmlId);} - this.checkStatus = checkStatus; - this.callbacks = {}; - this.disabledBefore = disabledBefore; - this.disabledAfter = disabledAfter; - this.hideBefore = hideBefore; - this.hideAfter = hideAfter; - this.element(this.htmlId); - } - - setCallback(trigger, callback, bindThis, args=[]) { - this.callbacks[trigger] = { - "function": callback, - "bindThis": bindThis, - "args": args - }; - } - - bindThisToCallback(trigger) { - let callback = this.callbacks[trigger]; - let boundedCallback = callback["function"].bind(callback.bindThis); - return boundedCallback; - } -} - -class InteractionElements { - constructor() { - this.interactions = []; - } - - addInteractions (interactionsArray) { - this.interactions.push(...interactionsArray); - } - - onChangeExecute() { - // checks if a change for every interactionElement happens and executes - // the callbacks accordingly - for (let interaction of this.interactions) { - if (interaction.checkStatus) { - interaction.element.addEventListener("change", (event) => { - if (event.target.checked) { - let f_on = interaction.bindThisToCallback("on"); - let args_on = interaction.callbacks.on.args; - f_on(...args_on); - } else if (!event.target.checked){ - let f_off = interaction.bindThisToCallback("off"); - let args_off = interaction.callbacks.off.args; - f_off(...args_off); - } - }); - } else { - continue - } - }; - } -} diff --git a/web/app/static/js/nopaque.Results.js b/web/app/static/js/nopaque.Results.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2b3c1caa..00000000 --- a/web/app/static/js/nopaque.Results.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -class Results { - constructor(data, jsList , metaData) { - this.data = data; - this.jsList = jsList; - this.metaData = metaData - this.resultsData = new Data(); - this.subResultsData = new Data(); - } - - clearAll() { - this.jsList.clear(); - this.jsList.update(); - this.data.init(); - this.metaData.init(); - this.resultsData.init() - this.subResultsData.init(); - } - -} - - -class Data { - // Sets empty object structure. Also usefull to delete old results. - // matchCount default is 0 - init(matchCount = 0) { - this["matches"] = []; // list of all c with lc and rc - this["cpos_lookup"] = {}; // object contains all this key value pair - this["text_lookup"] = {}; // same as above for all text ids - this["match_count"] = matchCount; - this["corpus_type"] = "results"; - this["query"] = ""; - } - - addData(jsonData, key=null) { - if (key !== null) { - Object.assign(this[key], jsonData); - } else if (key === null) { - Object.assign(this, jsonData) - } - } - - // get query as string from form Element - getQueryStr(queryFormElement) { - // gets query - let queryFormData; - let queryStr; - queryFormData = new FormData(queryFormElement); - queryStr = queryFormData.get("query-form-query"); - this["query"] = queryStr; - } - - // function creates a unique and safe filename for the download - createDownloadFilename(suffix) { - let today; - let currentDate; - let currentTime; - let safeFilename; - let resultFilename; - // get and create metadata - today = new Date(); - currentDate = `${today.getUTCFullYear()}` + - `-${(today.getUTCMonth() + 1)}` + - `-${today.getUTCDate()}`; - currentTime = `${today.getUTCHours()}h` + - `${today.getUTCMinutes()}m` + - `${today.getUTCSeconds()}s`; - safeFilename = this.query.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/gi, "_"); - resultFilename = `UTC-${currentDate}_${currentTime}_${safeFilename}_${suffix}`; - return resultFilename - } - - // Function to download data as Blob created from string - // should be private but that is not yet a feature of javascript 08.04.2020 - download(downloadElement, dataStr, filename, type, filenameSlug) { - console.log("Start Download!"); - let file; - filename += filenameSlug; - file = new Blob([dataStr], {type: type}); - var url = URL.createObjectURL(file); - downloadElement.href = url; - downloadElement.download = filename; - } - - // function to download the results as JSON - downloadJSONRessource(resultFilename, downloadData, downloadElement) { - let dataStr; - // stringify JSON object for json download - // use tabs to save some space - dataStr = JSON.stringify(downloadData, undefined, "\t"); - // start actual download - this.download(downloadElement, dataStr, resultFilename, "text/json", ".json") - } - - // create results data either from all results or from al lmarked sub results - createResultsData(type) { - // deactivate inspect, because cqp server cannot handle multiple requests - results.jsList.deactivateInspect(); - activateInspectInteraction.setCallback("noCheck", - results.jsList.deactivateInspect, - results.jsList); - // set flag that results are being created to avoid reactivation of - // sub results creation if marked matches are changed - resultCreationRunning = true; - console.log(resultCreationRunning); - if (type === "sub-results") { - resultsCreateElement.classList.add("disabled"); // cqp server cannot handle more than one request at a time. Thus we deactivate the resultsCreateElement - let tmp = [...results.jsList.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].sort(function(a, b){return a-b}); - let dataIndexes = []; - tmp.forEach((index) => dataIndexes.push(index - 1)); - results.jsList.getMatchWithContext(dataIndexes, "sub-results"); - } else if (type === "results") { - subResultsCreateElement.classList.add("disabled"); // cqp server cannot handle more than one request at a time. Thus we deactivate the subResultsCreateElement - let dataIndexes = [...Array(results.data.match_count).keys()]; - results.jsList.getMatchWithContext(dataIndexes, "results"); - } - } -} - -class MetaData { - // Sets empty object structure when no input is given. - // if json object like input is given class fields are created from this - init(json = {}) { - Object.assign(this, json); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/app/static/js/nopaque.lists.js b/web/app/static/js/nopaque.lists.js index 2f577e32..306d706e 100644 --- a/web/app/static/js/nopaque.lists.js +++ b/web/app/static/js/nopaque.lists.js @@ -423,764 +423,4 @@ RessourceList.options = { }, }; - -class ResultsList extends List { - constructor(idOrElement, options={}) { - super(idOrElement, options); - this.eventTokens = {}; // all span tokens which are holdeing events if expert - // mode is on. Collected here to delete later on - this.currentExpertTokenElements = {}; // all token elements which have added - // classes like chip and hoverable for expert view. Collected - //here to delete later on - this.addToSubResultsStatus = {}; // holds True/false for check buttons used to add matches tu sub-results. If checked, it is True. If unchecked, it is false. Buttons for this have the class add. Those little round check buttons. - this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow = new Set(); // If check button is pressed its corresponding data_index is saved in this set. The set is shown to the user. - } - - helperCreateCpos(cpos_ranges, cpos_values) { - let lc; - let c; - let rc; - if (cpos_ranges) { - // python range like function from MDN - // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from#Sequence_generator_(range) - const range = (start, stop, step) => Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step + 1}, (_, i) => start + (i * step)); - lc = range(cpos_values.lc[0], cpos_values.lc[1], 1) - c = range(cpos_values.c[0], cpos_values.c[1], 1) - rc = range(cpos_values.rc[0], cpos_values.rc[1], 1) - } else { - lc = cpos_values.lc; - c = cpos_values.c; - rc = cpos_values.rc; - } - return {lc: lc, c: c, rc: rc}; - } - - // handels interactionElements during a pagination navigation - // loops over interactionElements and executes callback functions accordingly - pageChangeEventInteractionHandler(interactionElements) { - // get elements to check thier status - for (let interaction of interactionElements.interactions) { - if (interaction.checkStatus) { - if (interaction.element.checked) { - let f_on = interaction.bindThisToCallback("on"); - let args_on = interaction.callbacks.on.args; - f_on(...args_on); - } else { - let f_off = interaction.bindThisToCallback("off"); - let args_off = interaction.callbacks.off.args; - f_off(...args_off); - } - } else { - let f = interaction.bindThisToCallback("noCheck"); - let args = interaction.callbacks.noCheck.args; - f(...args); - } - } - } - - // get display options from display options form element - static getDisplayOptions(displayOptionsFormElement) { - // gets display options parameters - let displayOptionsFormData - let displayOptionsData; - displayOptionsFormData = new FormData(displayOptionsFormElement); - displayOptionsData = - { - "resultsPerPage": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-results_per_page"), - "resultsContex": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-result_context"), - "expertMode": displayOptionsFormData.get("display-options-form-expert_mode") - }; - return displayOptionsData - } - - // ###### Functions to add one match to a sub-results ###### - // activate the add buttons - activateAddToSubResults() { - subResultsIdListElement.classList.remove("hide"); - if (subResultsExportElement.classList.contains("hide")) { - subResultsCreateElement.classList.remove("hide"); - } - let addToSubResultsBtnElements = document.getElementsByClassName("add"); - for (let addToSubResultsBtn of addToSubResultsBtnElements) { - addToSubResultsBtn.classList.remove("hide"); - } - } - // deactivate the add buttons - deactivateAddToSubResults() { - subResultsIdListElement.classList.add("hide"); - subResultsCreateElement.classList.add("hide"); - let addToSubResultsBtnElements = document.getElementsByClassName("add"); - for (let addToSubResultsBtn of addToSubResultsBtnElements) { - addToSubResultsBtn.classList.add("hide"); - } - } - - // Used in addToSubResults and inspect to toggle the design of the check - // buttons according to its checked unchecked status. - helperActivateBtn(btn) { - btn.classList.remove("grey"); - btn.classList.add("green"); - btn.textContent = "check"; - } - - // Used in addToSubResults and inspect to toggle the design of the check - // buttons according to its checked unchecked status. - helperDeactivateBtn(btn) { - btn.classList.remove("green"); - btn.classList.add("grey"); - btn.textContent = "add"; - } - - // Either adds or removes a match to the sub-results. For this it checks - // onclick if the current button has been checked or not. For this the - // function checks if its status in addToSubResultsStatus is either flase or - // true. Adds match to sub-results if status is false if status is true it - // removes it. - addToSubResults(dataIndex, tableCall=true) { - let textarea = subResultsIdListElement.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0]; - if (!this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex] - || this.addToSubResultsStatus === undefined) { - // add button is activated because status is either false or undefined - this.helperActivateBtn(event.target); - this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex] = true; // sets status to true - this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow.add(dataIndex + 1); // + 1 because user does not see zero indexd data indexes - textarea.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].sort(function(a, b){return a-b}).join(", "); // automaticalle sorts ids into the textarea in ascending order - M.textareaAutoResize(textarea); // after an insert textarea has to be resized manually - nrMarkedMatches.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length; - } else if (this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex]) { - // add button is deactivated because status is true - this.helperDeactivateBtn(event.target); - this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex] = false; // sets status to false - this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow.delete(dataIndex + 1); // + 1 because user does not see zero indexd data indexes - textarea.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].sort(function(a, b){return a-b}).join(", "); // automaticalle sorts ids into the textarea in ascending order - nrMarkedMatches.textContent = [...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length; - M.textareaAutoResize(textarea); // after an insert textarea has to be resized manually - } - // Toggles the create button according to the number of ids in addToSubResultsIdsToShow - if ([...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length > 0) { - subResultsCreateElement.classList.remove("disabled"); - } else if ([...this.addToSubResultsIdsToShow].length === 0) { - subResultsCreateElement.classList.add("disabled"); - } - if (resultCreationRunning) { - subResultsCreateElement.classList.add("disabled"); - } - // After a match as been added or removed the export button will be - // hidden because the sub-results have been altered and have to be built - // again. Thus subResultsCreateElement has to be shown again. - subResultsExportElement.classList.add("hide"); - subResultsCreateElement.classList.remove("hide"); - // Also activate/deactivate buttons in the table/jsList results accordingly - //if button in inspect was activated/deactivated. - // This part only runs if tableCall is false. - if (!tableCall) { - let tableAddBtn = document.getElementById("query-results").querySelectorAll(`[data-index="${dataIndex}"]`)[0].getElementsByClassName('add')[0].firstElementChild; // gets the add button from the list view - if (this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex]) { - this.helperActivateBtn(tableAddBtn); - } else { - this.helperDeactivateBtn(tableAddBtn); - } - } - } - - // Triggers emit to get full match context from server for a number of - // matches identified by their data_index. - getMatchWithContext(dataIndexes, type) { - let tmp_first_cpos = []; - let tmp_last_cpos = []; - for (let dataIndex of dataIndexes) { - tmp_first_cpos.push(results.data.matches[dataIndex].c[0]); - tmp_last_cpos.push(results.data.matches[dataIndex].c[1]); - } - nopaque.socket.emit("corpus_analysis_inspect_match", - { - type: type, - data_indexes: dataIndexes, - first_cpos: tmp_first_cpos, - last_cpos: tmp_last_cpos, - } - ); - } - - // ###### Functions to inspect one match, to show more details ###### - // activate inspect buttons if progress is 100 - activateInspect() { - if (progress === 100) { - let inspectBtnElements; - inspectBtnElements = document.getElementsByClassName("inspect"); - for (let inspectBtn of inspectBtnElements) { - inspectBtn.classList.remove("disabled"); - } - } else { - return - } - } - - // deactivate inspect buttons - deactivateInspect() { - let inspectBtnElements; - inspectBtnElements = document.getElementsByClassName("inspect"); - for (let inspectBtn of inspectBtnElements) { - inspectBtn.classList.add("disabled"); - } - } - - // ### functions to inspect imported Matches - // This function creates an object that is similar to the object that is - // being recieved as an answere to the getMatchWithContext Method, which is - // triggering an socket.io event. - // It is used as an input for show match context in the context of imported - // results to be able to inspect matches. - createFakeResponse() { - contextModal.open(); - // match nr for user to display derived from data_index - let contextMatchNrElement = document.getElementById("context-match-nr"); - contextMatchNrElement.textContent = this.contextId + 1; - let cpos_lookup; - let fake_response = {}; - let contextResultsElement; - // function to create one match object from entire imported results - // that is passed into the results.jsList.showMatchContext() function - fake_response["payload"] = {}; - let dataIndex = event.target.closest("tr").dataset.index; - this.contextId = dataIndex; - fake_response.payload["matches"] = [results.data.matches[dataIndex]]; - contextResultsElement = document.getElementById("context-results"); - contextResultsElement.innerHTML = ""; - let {lc, c, rc} = this.helperCreateCpos(results.data.cpos_ranges, - fake_response.payload.matches[0]); - cpos_lookup = {}; - for (let cpos of lc) { - cpos_lookup[cpos] = results.data.cpos_lookup[cpos]; - } - for (let cpos of c) { - cpos_lookup[cpos] = results.data.cpos_lookup[cpos]; - } - for (let cpos of rc) { - cpos_lookup[cpos] = results.data.cpos_lookup[cpos]; - } - fake_response.payload["cpos_lookup"] = cpos_lookup - fake_response.payload["cpos_ranges"] = results.data.cpos_ranges; - fake_response.payload["query"] = results.data.query; - fake_response.payload["context_id"] = dataIndex + 1; - fake_response.payload["match_count"] = fake_response.payload.matches.length - fake_response.payload["corpus_type"] = "inspect-result" - return fake_response - } - - // gets result cpos infos for one dataIndex (list of length 1) to send back to - // the server - inspect(dataIndex, type) { - let contextResultsElement; - // get result infos from server and show them in context modal - this.contextId = dataIndex[0]; - contextResultsElement = document.getElementById("context-results"); - contextResultsElement.innerHTML = ""; // clear it from old inspects - this.getMatchWithContext(dataIndex, type); - // match nr for user to display derived from data_index - let contextMatchNrElement = document.getElementById("context-match-nr"); - contextMatchNrElement.textContent = this.contextId + 1; - contextModal.open(); - // add a button to add this match to sub results with onclick event - let classes = `btn-floating btn waves-effect` + - `waves-light grey right` - let addToSubResultsIdsBtn = document.createElement("a"); - addToSubResultsIdsBtn.setAttribute("class", classes + ` add`); - addToSubResultsIdsBtn.innerHTML = 'add'; - addToSubResultsIdsBtn.onclick= () => {this.addToSubResults(dataIndex[0], false)}; - // checks if a button has already been added to the inspect modal and removes it - if (addToSubResultsFromInspectElement.children.length > 0) { - addToSubResultsFromInspectElement.firstElementChild.remove(); - } - // Changes the design of the add button according to its checked status - // upon opening the inspect modal. - if (this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex[0]]) { - this.helperActivateBtn(addToSubResultsIdsBtn.firstElementChild); - } else if (!this.addToSubResultsStatus[dataIndex[0]]) { - this.helperDeactivateBtn(addToSubResultsIdsBtn.firstElementChild); - } - addToSubResultsFromInspectElement.appendChild(addToSubResultsIdsBtn); - } - - // create Element from HTML String helper function - HTMLTStrToElement(htmlStr) { - // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/494143/creating-a-new-dom-element-from-an-html-string-using-built-in-dom-methods-or-pro/35385518#35385518 - let template = document.createElement("template"); - htmlStr = htmlStr.trim(); - template.innerHTML = htmlStr; - return template.content.firstChild; - } - - // Used as a callback to handle incoming match context results when inspect - // has been used. - showMatchContext(response) { - this.contextData; - let contextModalLoading; - let contextModalReady; - let contextResultsElement; - let highlightSentencesSwitchElement; - let htmlTokenStr; - let modalExpertModeSwitchElement; - let modalTokenElements; - let nrOfContextSentences; - let partElement; - let token; - let tokenHTMLArray; - let tokenHTMlElement; - let uniqueContextS; - let uniqueS; - - this.contextData = response.payload; - console.log(this.contextData); - this.contextData["cpos_ranges"] = response.payload.cpos_ranges; - this.contextData["query"] = results.data.query; - this.contextData["context_id"] = this.contextId; - this.contextData["match_count"] = this.contextData.matches.length - this.contextData["corpus_type"] = "inspect-result" - Object.assign(this.contextData, results.metaData); - contextResultsElement = document.getElementById("context-results"); - modalExpertModeSwitchElement = document.getElementById("inspect-display-options-form-expert_mode_inspect"); - highlightSentencesSwitchElement = document.getElementById("inspect-display-options-form-highlight_sentences"); - nrOfContextSentences = document.getElementById("context-sentences"); - uniqueS = new Set(); - uniqueContextS = new Set(); - let {lc, c, rc} = this.helperCreateCpos(this.contextData.cpos_ranges, - this.contextData.matches[0]) - // create sentence strings as tokens - tokenHTMLArray = []; - for (let cpos of lc) { - token = this.contextData.cpos_lookup[cpos]; - uniqueS.add(token.s) - htmlTokenStr = `` + - `${token.word}` + - ``; - tokenHTMlElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlTokenStr) - tokenHTMLArray.push(tokenHTMlElement); - } - for (let cpos of c) { - token = this.contextData.cpos_lookup[cpos]; - uniqueContextS.add(token.s); - uniqueS.add(token.s); - htmlTokenStr = `` + - `${token.word}` + - ``; - tokenHTMlElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlTokenStr) - tokenHTMLArray.push(tokenHTMlElement); - } - this.contextData["context_s_ids"] = Array.from(uniqueContextS); - for (let cpos of rc) { - token = this.contextData.cpos_lookup[cpos]; - uniqueS.add(token.s) - htmlTokenStr = `` + - `${token.word}` + - ``; - tokenHTMlElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlTokenStr) - tokenHTMLArray.push(tokenHTMlElement); - } - for (let sId of uniqueS) { - let htmlSentence = ``; - let sentenceElement = this.HTMLTStrToElement(htmlSentence); - for (let tokenElement of tokenHTMLArray) { - if (tokenElement.dataset.sid == sId) { - sentenceElement.appendChild(tokenElement); - sentenceElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ` `); - } else { - continue; - } - } - contextResultsElement.appendChild(sentenceElement); - } - - - // add inspect display options events - modalExpertModeSwitchElement.onchange = (event) => { - if (event.target.checked) { - this.expertModeOn("context-results"); - } else { - this.expertModeOff("context-results") - } - }; - - highlightSentencesSwitchElement.onchange = (event) => { - if (event.target.checked) { - this.higlightContextSentences(); - } else { - this.unhighlightContextSentences(); - } - }; - - nrOfContextSentences.onchange = (event) => { - // console.log(event.target.value); - this.changeSentenceContext(event.target.value); - } - - // checks on new modal opening if switches are checked - // if switches are checked functions are executed - if (modalExpertModeSwitchElement.checked) { - this.expertModeOn("context-results"); - } - - if (highlightSentencesSwitchElement.checked) { - this.higlightContextSentences(); - } - - // checks the value of the number of sentences to show on modal opening - // sets context sentences accordingly - this.changeSentenceContext(nrOfContextSentences.value) - } - - // splits context text into sentences based on spacy sentence split - higlightContextSentences() { - let sentences; - sentences = document.getElementById("context-results").getElementsByClassName("sentence"); - for (let s of sentences) { - s.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `Token information | -Source information | -
- Word: ${token.word} - Lemma: ${token.lemma} - POS: ${token.pos} - Simple POS: ${token.simple_pos} - NER: ${token.ner} - |
- Title: ${results.data.text_lookup[token.text].title}
- - Author: ${results.data.text_lookup[token.text].author} - - Publishing year: ${results.data.text_lookup[token.text].publishing_year} - |
Metadata Description | -Value | -|
${outerKey.replace(/_/g, " ")} | ` - if (outerKey === "corpus_all_texts" || outerKey === "text_lookup") { - html += `
| `
- } else {
- html += `${outerValue} | ` - } - html += `
+ Matches occured in
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