# Natural language processing This repository provides all code that is needed to build a container image for natural language processing utilising [spaCy](https://spacy.io). In case you don't want to build the image by yourself, there is also a prebuild image that can be used in the [registry](https://gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/sfb1288inf/nlp/container_registry). ## Build the image ```console user@machine:~$ cd user@machine:~$ docker build -t gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de:4567/sfb1288inf/nlp . ``` ## Starting a container ```console user@machine:~$ docker run \ --name nlp-container \ -dit \ -v :/root/files_for_nlp \ -v :/root/files_from_nlp \ gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de:4567/sfb1288inf/nlp ``` ## Start a natural language processing run ```console user@machine:~$ docker exec -it nlp-container \ nlp -i files_for_nlp -o files_from_nlp -l ``` Where needs to be one of the following: * de (German) * en (English) * es (Spanish) * fr (French) * pt (Portuguese)