# File setup This software implements a parallelized pipeline to setup image files. It is used for nopaque's File setup service but you can also use it standalone, for that purpose a convenient wrapper script is provided. The pipeline is designed to run on Linux operating systems, but with some tweaks it should also run on Windows with WSL installed. ## Software used in this pipeline implementation - Official Debian Docker image (buster-slim): https://hub.docker.com/_/debian - Software from Debian Buster's free repositories ## Installation 1. Install Docker and Python 3. 2. Clone this repository: `git clone https://gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/sfb1288inf/file-setup.git` 2. Build the Docker image: `docker build -t gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de:4567/sfb1288inf/file-setup:v0.1.0 file-setup` 3. Add the wrapper script (`wrapper/filesetup` relative to this README file) to your `${PATH}`. 4. Create working directories for the pipeline: `mkdir -p //{input,output}`. ## Use the Pipeline 1. Place your images files inside a subdirectory in `//input`. It should look similar to this: ``` . |-- input | |-- alice_in_wonderland | |-- page-1.png | |-- page-2.png | |-- ... | `-- page-x.png `-- output ``` 3. Start the pipeline process. Check the pipeline help (`file-setup --help`) for more details. ```bash cd / file-setup -i input -o output ``` 4. Check your results in the `//output` directory.