#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from markup.MetadataMarkup import MetadataMarkup
from lxml import etree
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import logging
import os
import re
class EntityMarkup(MetadataMarkup):
"""Class for getting an XML node in which entities will be marked.
In practice this class and its mehtods can be used to get the text of a
given Node and marks every speaker in this text string.
Also passes methods and fields to the more specific
def __init__(self, file_path, element_name=".//sitzungsverlauf"):
self.file_path = file_path
self.element_name = element_name
self.xml_tree = None
self.current_string = str()
self.filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_element_text(self):
Gets the strings of all elements matched by an element x-path. Element
name will be passed when the class is istanced. Distunguishes between
one string or several strings.
self.all_elements = self.xml_tree.iterfind(self.element_name)
len_all_elements = len(list(self.all_elements))
self.current_strings = []
if(len_all_elements == 1):
self.all_elements = self.xml_tree.iterfind(self.element_name)
self.current_string = escape(list(self.all_elements)[0].text)
elif(len_all_elements > 1):
self.current_strings = []
self.all_elements = self.xml_tree.iterfind(self.element_name)
for element in self.all_elements:
string = escape(element.text)
self.all_elements = self.xml_tree.iterfind(self.element_name)
def replace_string(self, replacement_string, element_name):
This function takes the newly manipulated xml string and overwrites
the old string with it.
replacement_string = (
"<" + element_name + ">"
+ replacement_string
+ "" + element_name + ">"
for element in self.xml_tree.xpath("//%s" % element_name):
replacement_element = etree.fromstring(replacement_string)
self.xml_tree.insert(1, replacement_element)
def simple_check_xml(self, xml_string, file_name, save_valid, node=True):
Checks if a given xml element is well-formed xml. If it is checking a
partial string it adds a root element. If node is False it is checking a
document as a string.
if(node is True):
folder_path = "logs/well-formed_strings/"
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, os.path.basename(file_name))
xml_string = "
with attribute klasse="J". J is set for every line even if it is O. In the early protocols (period 1. to 10.) One line is most of the time a sentence. In the later periods one line is capped at around 80 characters. """ lines = current_element.xpath("text()") if(len(lines) > 0): lines = lines[0].splitlines() current_element.xpath(".//redner")[0].tail = "" for line in lines: part_element = etree.Element("p") part_element.set("klasse", "J") part_element.text = line current_element.append(part_element) def get_multiline_entities(self, elements, start_of_str, end_of_str, tagname): """ This function identifies multiline entities (i.e. Kommentare/Comments) wich are split over multiple elements which have been marked with the markup_speech_lines() function. Gets the text of those and joins them together into one string. The first elements text will be set to the newly created string surrounded by new xml tags with tagname set to input tagname. All other elements with the rest of the string will be deleted. start_of_str should be a regex that describes the pattern how the start of the supposed multiline entity looks like. end_of_str describes the pattern how the end of the supposed multiline entity looks like. """ self.multiline_text = [] self.multiline_elements = [] start_found = False end_found = False for element in elements: if(start_found is False and end_found is False and element.text is not None): start_match = re.search(start_of_str, element.text) if(start_match is not None): self.multiline_text.append(start_match.group()) self.multiline_elements.append(element) start_found = True continue elif(start_found is True and end_found is False and element.text is not None): end_match = re.search(end_of_str, element.text) if(end_match): self.multiline_text.append(end_match.group()) self.multiline_elements.append(element) end_found = True continue else: self.multiline_text.append(element.text) self.multiline_elements.append(element) continue elif(start_found is True and end_found is True): new_element_text = re.sub(r"- ", "", " ".join(self.multiline_text)) # joins the sting parts and also removes hyphenation part_element = etree.Element("p") part_element.set("klasse", "J") comment_element = etree.Element(tagname) comment_element.text = new_element_text part_element.append(comment_element) self.multiline_elements[0].getparent().replace(self.multiline_elements[0], part_element) for element in self.multiline_elements[1:]: element.getparent().remove(element) start_found = False end_found = False self.multiline_text = [] self.multiline_elements = [] continue